soldier rushing forward

69. Flying Tigers

The Flying Tigers broke out from Tongdeng and were trapped on the line between Tanmou and 339 Heights. 【 】

Along the way, there are rolling hills of various sizes, covered with dense thorns, and full of strangely shaped caves.

Prior to this, the Flying Tigers had already used these terrains to build a large number of field fortifications.The thorns all over the mountains hide the bright towers, the caves have become bunkers, and there are light and heavy machine gun nozzles in the gaps between the stones. Many hillsides and passages have also been buried with large tracts of landmines.

The Flying Tiger Regiment originally planned to set up a second-line command post at Guitun Fort, but the fort was blown up by our army and had to withdraw to this area.

After attacking Guitun Fort, our army's offensive troops ignored a big problem.They only blew up the enemy's surface positions, and did not go deep to see if the enemy still had any underground fortifications in this area.Therefore, there is a lot of regret left for the next battle.

Although the Guitun Fortress was built by the French, it was transformed by the Japanese and processed by the Vietnamese government. It has formed a group of bright forts and dark forts centered on the fort and radiating from the railway station, Tanmou, and 339 Heights. Underground passages extend in all directions.

After our army captured the railway station and cut off the secret passage leading to the railway station from the fort, we did not realize that there were still bunkers and secret passages passing through Tanmou and Height 339 underneath him.

The Flying Tigers rushed to Tanmou and found that the way out had been blocked by the Eighth Company, so they quickly deployed their troops on this line.Because the terrain is familiar and there is a battle plan in advance, the enemy comes quickly and unfolds quickly.In a short period of time, a new and powerful defensive position was formed.

After our army's artillery fire was ready, the infantry began to attack.

This attack was different.Due to the limitation of the attack terrain, the tanks assigned to a certain regiment did not directly participate in the offensive battle, but were placed on the periphery to prevent the enemy from retreating.

Tanks blocked the roads and railway fortresses, standing on the mouth of a dam like a frame.

The infantry soldiers all over the mountains and plains, shouting fiercely, rushing and killing, gradually narrowed the encirclement.

Seeing the infantry getting closer and closer to the enemy's position.

Enemies hiding in various bunkers suddenly shot at the attacking troops.Lines of infantry fell, and those behind rushed up.

The enemy bunker group is too dense and hidden very well. If they didn't take off their camouflage actively, it would be difficult for the soldiers rushing to find it.Therefore, in the first attack, our army suffered heavy casualties and paid a high price.

The offensive battle lasted for a day, and our army only took down a small number of hills.A certain regiment in charge of the main attack had to stop, study new countermeasures, and change the attack to night.

After the night was completely dark, the soldiers formed a containment group, blasting group, and shooting group in threes and fives to touch the enemy's bunker.When approaching the enemy, the containment team will first actively expose the target and attract enemy firepower, and then the blasting team will quietly approach the enemy bunker and destroy the enemy bunker with blasting tubes, explosives, and recoilless guns.

This is the way of fighting. As soon as the enemy bunker fires, the soldiers will immediately suppress and block it with more intense firepower.Then, the demolition team rushed forward, took out the explosive packs, blasting tubes, and weapons one by one, and showed them to the enemy.

Under a hill, the sound of soldiers advancing finally elicited a machine gun inside the bunker.After a stone on the hillside was pierced from the mountain, a flame shot out and shot at the advancing soldiers.

The three soldiers in the firing group quickly lay down on the ground, and machine guns and rifles fired back at the perforation together.

The dense bullets finally suppressed the enemy's firepower.Taking advantage of this opportunity, a soldier rushed up holding a rocket launcher.After a few rolls, they approached the bunker and inserted the blasting tube into the bunker's perforation.As soon as he turned around and left, when he was about to hide, he turned around and found that the enemy had pushed the blasting tube out again.No way, the soldier had no choice but to go back, grab the blasting tube and push it in.Now it can't be pushed in anyway, and the blasting tube is firmly resisted by the enemies inside.The blasting tube was emitting white smoke, but the two sides were at a stalemate, and no one wanted to let go.

At this time, there was a loud noise, and the blasting tube exploded.The little soldier died with the enemies in the bunker group.

Don't think that I am repeating Huang Jiguang's story.No, really not, this is indeed one of many instances of the same war that took place in Vietnam.

On the fierce battlefield, in the tragic contest of life and death, our young, seventeen or eighteen-year-old soldiers did show the spirit of sacrifice.It's not that they don't cherish life, it's not that they don't love life, and it's not that they don't love their relatives at home.The reason why they do this is to fulfill a responsibility, a mission, and a noble love for the motherland.No one pushes them or orders them to do so.These are all passions from their hearts, the great love that only real men have.

When selecting a blaster, it is usually performed by fighters who have brothers in their families.

"I'm fine if I die, I still have my brother at home." This is the most sincere oath of the blasters.

These little soldiers are still very young, and many of them have not even attended middle school and do not have much cultural knowledge.They don't understand what is the meaning of "everyone in life has died since ancient times, keep his loyal heart according to history".But they dared to choose death at critical moments.No one thought of leaving their names in history and letting future generations remember their names, but they voluntarily left their bodies and souls in foreign countries.So far, there are still many soldiers who participated in the war and are buried under the tomb of unknown heroes and martyrs.

After the Flying Tiger Regiment's dream of breaking through the Eighth Company's Chen Di was shattered, they began to shrink their forces and shift from offense to defense.The enemies all retreated to the bunker group, and defense preparations were soon completed.The enemy's change of tactics followed the Eighth Company's shift from defense to offense.

When Wu Jianglong, Zhang Erbao and others arrived, the Eighth Company just organized its first attack.The target of the attack is an enemy turret.

Of the dozen or so soldiers from the Seventh Company, Zhang Er Baoguan is the largest, and he is a serious deputy squad leader.Therefore, Wu Jianglong said to him, "Second Security Team Deputy, you are the biggest official here, go and ask for tasks!"

Zhang Erbao found the commander of the Eighth Company and said that the commander agreed, and let them participate in the main attack platoon attacking the gun tower.

The gun tower is set on an open ground, surrounded by wormwood half a person's height, without a single tree.According to the enemy guarding the turret, through the gun hole, they can shoot down at a 360-degree angle.At the bottom of the gun tower, the enemy built many secret passages and bunkers, which criss-crossed and supported each other.

After the attack on the gun tower started, the Eighth Company and the Three Platoons launched two consecutive attacks but failed to attack.

According to a heavy machine gun guarded in the turret, as soon as it saw people shaking on the hillside, it fired desperately. The raindrops of bullets blocked half of the hillside, and the third row had nothing to do.

The sky gradually brightened, and there was a morning mist on the hillside.

The squad of the Seventh Company rode through the thick fog and quietly passed through a depression, approaching the enemy's eyelids in the gun tower.When the attacking artillery fire sounded again, the dozen or so people immediately jumped up and rushed up.Use machine guns and submachine guns to block the enemy's firepower points and tunnel entrances.

This time, Wu Jiang Longchong was at the forefront again.

He was running forward without stopping, when suddenly, a shell exploded beside him.The man was pushed to the ground, and his eardrums were buzzing with the sound of the explosion, and he couldn't hear anything, and there was silence around him.Wu Jianglong experienced short-term tinnitus.

Just as he was about to get up from the ground, the enemy's machine gun bullets shot sparks around his body again.He couldn't stand up anymore and realized he was trapped by bullets.You can't get in if you want to, and you can't get out if you want to.

Wu Jianglong lay on the ground, and simply figured out the direction, then rolled on the ground, and rolled to a blind corner next to the gate of the blockhouse.

I saw him squatting down, taking the time to shoot at the enemy abruptly.When the enemy bullets came, he used the terrain to hide his body.The enemy couldn't hit him, but he couldn't help but attract great attention.

Wu Jianglong completely attracted the enemy's heavy machine gun.

Zhang Erbao immediately seized the opportunity and rushed over with his men.Soon, they crossed the trench, climbed to the top of the bunker, and inserted two grenades into the firing port.After a dull explosion, the heavy machine gun firepower point was knocked out.

The soldiers pulled out points one by one, and gradually wiped out several bright blockhouses and dark forts on the periphery.Without the cover of layers of fire offices below, the artillery building was finally isolated and unable to support, and the explosion building was under the firepower of the third row.Almost all the soldiers rushed to the door of the building.

Two soldiers put the explosive pack at the door, blasted open the wooden door, and more than a dozen soldiers rushed in.The three enemies who were not killed in the bombing still wanted to resist, but they were shot to death by the soldiers indiscriminately.Enemy corpses are everywhere in the turret.

After solving the gun tower, the squad of the Seventh Company continued to expand the results of the battle with the third platoon of the Eighth Company, and rushed forward.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and the visibility almost reached about ten meters.The warriors who rushed forward could not see each other, and were even wrapped up with the enemy.

Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang rushed into a position, and heard the screaming of enemies in front of them.

"Touch it." Wu Jianglong said, and led Niu Qiang to approach the enemy quietly.

Coming to the front of the position, with the faint light, Wu Jianglong found that several enemies were shaking a [-] anti-aircraft gun and shooting our soldiers who were attacking forward.

Wu Jianglong cursed inwardly, "You son of a turtle, it's too bad. You beat us with this big guy, and you don't even want to give us a dead body."

He handed the machine gun to Niu Qiang, took two grenades from his body and tied them together, and quietly threw them at the [-] antiaircraft gun.

After a loud noise, the four enemies on the Sanqi antiaircraft gun were all reimbursed, and the antiaircraft gun was blown to pieces.

After throwing the grenade, Wu Jianglong took the machine gun from Niu Qiang and swept towards the enemy's position.All of a sudden, the enemies on the ground were in a mess.Because he couldn't see the direction of Wu Jianglong's attack, he just shot randomly.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the Eighth Company's Third Platoon and the squad led by Zhang Erbao all surrounded them, fought fiercely, forced the enemy back, and successfully occupied this commanding height.

Under the onslaught of our army, the enemy was divided everywhere.The various offensive units also lost contact with the command post, because many fighters tangled with the enemy, and the artillery bombardment temporarily stopped.The fight was inextricably linked.

Suddenly, Zhang Erbao, who was running forward, groaned and sat down on the ground.He raised his left foot and saw that the sole of his foot had been pierced by bullets.

A soldier came up and asked, "Squad leader, can you still go?"

"It's okay." Zhang Erbao sprinkled a ball of cotton from the sanitary bag, stuffed it into the wound, stood up and ran forward.

The soldiers looked for the enemy while attacking forward.

During the rapid advance, Wu Jianglong suddenly collided with a person running towards him. He looked down and saw an enemy who was half a head shorter than himself.

Wu Jiang's long eyes were quick, and he pushed the submachine gun away from the enemy's hand, stretched out his hands and grabbed the enemy's neck fiercely.The enemy propped up his body and kept struggling in the rice field.The more he struggled, the stronger Wu Jianglong's hands became, and after a while, he stuck the enemy to death.

By the time Niu Qiang, who was following behind, understood what had happened, Wu Jianglong had already kicked the enemy's corpse away.The corpses rolled into rice fields and were submerged in water.

As the day passed, the Flying Tigers were completely powerless to fight back.The enemy was washed to pieces and began to run around aimlessly.

Chen Feng, who was guarding the key points of the road, was already impatient with waiting.When he saw more than 101 enemies running towards him along the road, he turned the tank turret and fired at the enemy.After a few shots passed, the enemy was bombed to death and fled.Immediately afterwards, he ordered the [-] tank to go up.Chase the enemy on the highway.

After eliminating the last few enemies, Chen Feng found that there were still flames flickering on a hillside, guessing that this was another enemy position.As a result, the 101 tank made a ninety-degree turn and rushed along the edge of the trench.

When the enemies on the ground saw the tanks coming up, they immediately panicked.Machine gun and rifle bullets fired at 101 together.

The 101 tank opened fire on the enemy's position while advancing.

When Chen Feng found that the shells had run out, he ordered the driver to go up and roll.

The 101 tank let out a rumbling roar, rushed up the hillside, and rushed directly to the enemy's position.Roll over the enemy when you see it, ram it when you encounter a cannon car, and gallop across the battlefield as if entering no one's land.The enemies that were not crushed spread out and fled in all directions.

It wasn't until after the enemies on this position were wiped out that Chen Feng realized that the gunshots around him had ceased to sound.

A battle to encircle and wipe out the Flying Tigers ended with the complete annihilation of the enemy.

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