soldier rushing forward

83. Ambush Death Squad

Wu Jianglong set off with a sniper. 【 】

Wu Jianglong really talked about the loyalty of his buddies, and he didn't say anything to break him up. He insisted that Niu Qiang was a good shooter, and he begged for nothing to entangle with the company commander. Finally, he left Niu Qiang and picked three more. Soldiers with good marksmanship form a five-member sniper team.Speaking of the sniper team, it means that there are three more people than his original team.Another difference is that the gun in Wu Jianglong's hand has been changed, from the original submachine gun (the treatment of the deputy squad leader) to the current sniper rifle.

Before the company enters the mountain, the sniper team takes the first step. Its main tasks are reconnaissance, ambush, and support to ensure that the large troops are not attacked by the enemy's cold guns.

With the morning mist, the five people began to walk through the wet grass.After walking for a while, a forest appeared not far ahead.In order not to be too far away from the main force, they stopped, found a depression, and began to sit down and have breakfast.

"Hurry up and clean the floor after eating." Wu Jianglong sat down, took out biscuits and stuffed them into his mouth.

They come out at night.In order not to be discovered by the enemy, try to go around as much as possible, detour behind the village, circle a big circle, and stop at a mountain pass before the troops enter the mountain.

Niu Qiang chewed the biscuits, held a pot of water, and walked up to Wu Jianglong, "Team leader, what is a sniper?"

"A sniper is a sniper, what's the point?"

In fact, Wu Jianglong couldn't tell, he just heard about it from Hong Lei.Before going abroad, the troops usually called those who could shoot accurately as sharpshooters, first-class shooters, and the like.After arriving in Vietnam, I heard that there is such a sniper.Although he couldn't explain clearly, he didn't want to show his timidity in front of Niu Qiang.So he pretended to be the boss, pretending to understand if he didn't understand.If it doesn't work, let's do it horizontally.Just like some leaders now, they don’t know anything, they have to sit on the high-back chair and turn around a few times, and say a few words like the wind and the moon.Although it is not the original taste, but there is also a half catty, Gu makes a fuss to fool his subordinates.Let them not figure it out, but dare to ask more questions.It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just figure it out yourself!After thinking about it, report to the leader.The leader said, yes, yes, very good at understanding the intentions of the superiors.At this time, you are so lucky that you finally found a way out.Otherwise, I have to hold you back for three or four days, and it is entirely possible for a month or two.In fact, the leader has no intention at all, but when the subordinates have ideas, the leader's intention comes out.Is it the leader, or the subordinate?Only when the work is done well can we speak clearly, and it would be nice if we can give you a [-]-[-] opening.

Just because Wu Jianglong didn't understand, he adopted this method to stop Niu Qiang's mouth and prevent him from asking again.

Snipers are not only accurate in shooting, but also have the alias of cold-blooded killers.Hidden deep, and his shots are ruthless, taking him by surprise is the killer weapon.Calmness, persistence, and wit are inevitable qualities.They can lie in ambush at one point, do not eat or drink for a day, and do not move.The spirit of enduring hardship and endurance are naturally incomparable to ordinary soldiers.Therefore, judging from these contents, none of the five of Wu Jianglong and the others are qualified.Not to mention anything else, before arriving at the ambush site, he started chirping, it doesn't look like he is going to snipe!

"Okay, okay." Wu Jianglong found that Niu Qiang was very curious and wanted to ask, so he opened his mouth to stop him, "Hurry up and eat, let's continue working."

Wu Jianglong was chewing biscuits in his mouth, and kept flicking his eyes around.He is the group leader and the highest leader of the four people, so nothing should happen at this time.Seeing that the other four people were silent, Wu Jianglong said again, "See if that mountain bag is there, let's hide it there."

After breakfast, the five climbed up the hill.Once you go up to the top of the mountain, you really have the feeling of seeing all the small mountains.Because there are no higher mountains around him, most of them are small hills.Although the grass is dense, the heights are all below it.Along the small hill, looking east, there is a village. After passing the village, you can really enter the mountain.

"Okay, let's just sit here and wait for the company commander to come over." Wu Jianglong took off the sniper rifle and said to the other four.

The five of them grabbed a few handfuls of wormwood to disguise themselves, lay down on the grass, and looked up from the bottom of the mountain, but they really couldn't see anything.

Just after hiding, I saw three Vietnamese soldiers coming from the direction of the village, all with guns in their hands.Wu Jianglong stretched out his sniper rifle to aim, and observed through the scope.Remind others, "Attention, three enemies are coming from the village."

The three Vietnamese soldiers came out of the village and walked towards the hill.

"Hey, tortoise, where am I? Where did he come from!" Wu Jianglong cursed and began to assign tasks, "These three, let's kill two and catch one alive." Then he said, "Niu Qiang, You and Li Xiaotong go to the south to copy it, don't let it go. Dong Haijun, Qi Changwang, you two go around north and block the retreat."

According to his wishes, the others started to move towards the enemy.

Wu Jianglong held his breath, waiting for the three enemies to approach.Guessing that Niu Qiang and the others had almost copied it, they pulled the trigger.As soon as the gunshot rang out, an enemy fell to the ground.One fell down, and the other two didn't know where the bullets came from. They didn't even lie on the ground, but boldly looked around to find the target. "

"You son of a turtle, you are quite courageous," Wu Jianglong then fired a second shot. It may be that when he pulled the trigger, the breath from his mouth affected his aiming, and the bullet he fired missed, rubbing a Vietnamese gun. The soldier flew over.

This time the two Vietnamese soldiers understood that the bullet was shot from the mountain.They found only one shot.So, the two enemies boldly began to shoot towards the mountain.

Two submachine guns fired at Wu Jianglong's hiding place together.The wormwood that was hit by bullets like the wind crackled and broke one after another.A few branches of grass fell on his head, and Wu Jianglong lay down on the ground and didn't dare to fiddle with it. The bullets controlled the space half a foot above his head.He didn't dare to move at all, as long as he raised his head, his head would definitely be pierced.At this time, Wu Jianglong also felt the feeling that the sniper was shot and could not move.

"Broken gun, why only shoot a single shot." Wu Jianglong squatted on the ground and glanced at the sniper rifle, "You know it's so bad, it's not as good as my submachine gun." He wanted to use the gun to shoot back at the enemy.But the gun in front of me is not good, it can only shoot single shots.Moreover, he was lying down in the grass, and he couldn't see where the enemy ran.

The two Vietnamese soldiers began to feel complacent. They saw that the Chinese snipers on the mountain had been suppressed by firepower. As long as the snipers were not allowed to look up, they might be completely captured alive.

These two enemies are worthy of being soldiers who have been killed.Wu Jianglong only fired two shots, and they accurately judged his hiding position.Therefore, the bullets fired were no more than two meters away from Wu Jianglong.Wu Jianglong Leng couldn't think of a way to get out of the circle of firepower formed within a range of two meters.

"Damn it, it's a bad start. Why is it so unlucky to run into these two turtle sons as soon as I make a move." Wu Jianglong was so beaten that he couldn't lift his head, and blamed himself angrily.Cursing, cursing, he thought of Niu Qiang again, "Why are you so slow, why didn't you shoot, where did you go, didn't tell you to hunt birds, didn't you see that the team leader was entangled by the enemy! Come help."

The two Vietnamese soldiers were getting closer and closer to Wu Jianglong, and they were about to capture them with their hands.When they were triumphant, they were suddenly shot from behind.

Niu Qiang touched the back of the enemy at some point and fired at the two enemies from behind.

"Da da, da da"

A few shots passed, and another Vietnamese soldier was shot and fell to the ground.

The remaining Vietnamese soldier found gunshots behind him, and hurriedly looked back, "My God! There is a Chinese soldier here, and there are two more behind him!" The enemy realized when he saw Niu Qiang and Li Xiaotong. He was ambushed by the Chinese Communists.Hurriedly laying down on the ground, he glanced at his companion who was killed, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.No matter, I ran away and said now.The enemy suddenly jumped up from the ground, turned around, and ran towards the village.

In terms of running skills, the Vietnamese soldiers are really good at running, and running on the mountain is like the wind.

Even though Niu Qiang and Li Xiaotong shot at him, the bullets just couldn't catch up with him and moved down the mountain with the enemy's ass.

The gunshot not only alarmed the enemies in the village, but also called the police to Shi Zhuguo who had just entered the mountain pass.

"The first row goes to the left, the third row goes to the right, and the second row follows me, running forward." Shi Zhuguo spread out the whole company and outflanked the village.

After the enemies in the village heard the gunshots, it was estimated that the Chinese Communists had come.So hurriedly assembled the team to withdraw to the mountains.It doesn't matter whether the person who went to reconnaissance comes back.

The Vietnamese soldier who escaped from the mountain found that the way back to the village was blocked by Niu Qiang and Li Xiaotong, so he turned around, bypassed them in a diagonal stab, and ran in the other direction.

At this time, Dong Haijun and Qi Changwang also ran in this direction after hearing the gunshot.While running, the two of them saw the Vietnamese soldier rushing from a long distance.So, raise your gun and shoot at the enemy.

In the case of being surrounded on three sides, this Vietnamese soldier's mountain combat skills are really super strong.Seeing that Dong Haijun and Qi Changwang were raising their guns, they quickly pounced sideways and rolled on the spot, dodging the bullets shot by them.While dodging, he shot back at the two of them, forcing Dong Haijun and Qi Changwang to evade.

Just like that, the enemy forced his way out of the hands of the two, rushed over, and ran into a forest.

Wu Jianglong saw the enemy entering the woods, but he was still unwilling to reconcile. He still wanted to catch them alive, so he shouted to the others, "Go into the woods."

So, five people rushed into the woods again.

To say that Wu Jianglong is really bold at this time.He didn't even think about whether the enemy had ambushed in the woods. If there was an ambush, the five people who came in would be able to survive.

The group of five entered the forest, only to realize that the forest is so big and the vegetation is so dense, where to find it!Looking around, there was not even a shadow of a Vietnamese soldier.

Now that you're in, it's not that easy to get out.Bite the bullet and find it!

By this time, Wu Jianglong finally understood something.What is a sniper, the most basic thing is to be silent, so that the enemy can't figure out your position.Therefore, he dare not speak anymore now, if he makes any noise and is discovered by the Vietnamese soldiers to make a surprise attack, it is not a joke.

Wu Jianglong didn't learn it, but thought of it on the spur of the moment, and raised his hand to wave to the four people.Not bad, Niu Qiang and the others immediately understood what he meant.So they spread out in groups of two, and walked deep into the woods in a pulling style.

The five people were divided into skirmishers and moved forward slowly.

The woods are getting denser, the light is getting dim, and thick leaves are covering the ground.Step on it, and there is a light "click, click".

Gradually searched for more than 50 meters, but still did not see the shadow of the Vietnamese soldier, and he arrived at the edge of a cliff.

Wu Jianglong looked down with his probe and saw that the cliff was more than ten meters high.If you jump from here, you will be level ten disabled even if you don't die.Others followed and looked down, but there was no body.

Wu Jianglong figured it out completely, the Vietnamese soldier didn't run far, he was still in the woods.So he said to others, "Guizi is hiding in the woods, go back and look for it."

The five people turned back and continued to search in the woods.

"It's really strange, where is this turtle hiding?" Dong Haijun said standing on a high ridge.

Below the high ridge is a depression.Years of wind have blown many leaves here, and the thickness of the leaves almost fills the deep pit.

Dong Haijun stood on top and muttered to himself.There was a slight sound of leaves in the depression.I saw a human head slowly protruding from the leaves, and a pair of thief eyes aimed at Dong Haijun.This person is the Vietnamese soldier.He found that Dong Haijun was the only one here, so he made a forward posture, ready to pounce.

Someone shouted in the distance, "Dong Haijun, hurry up!"

Suddenly someone called out, so the Vietnamese soldier who was about to attack Dong Haijun had to stop and continue to bury his body.The enemy thought that Dong Haijun was not the only one in front of him.If he pounces, even if he pounces on Dong Haijun, he will be exposed.It's not worthwhile to take a life, how can it be considered a victory over the opponent!Therefore, the Vietnamese soldiers did not dare to attack.

Dong Haijun was too careless, he looked everywhere, but he didn't look down at the leaf under his feet.

Seeing Qi Changwang calling him, Dong Haijun walked over.

The two just came together.The Vietnamese soldier hiding in the leaves suddenly stood up from the pile of leaves with a gun, aiming at the two with the flat end of the gun.Judging by that posture, it must be shot.

Still the same sentence, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.The Vietnamese soldier only stared at Dong Haijun, but did not see another Wu Jianglong in the distance.

After Wu Jianglong entered the woods, he asked others to form a team of two, but he acted alone.

After searching twice in the woods, this enemy was not found.But Wu Jianglong subconsciously believed that this enemy was here.Perhaps just as they were retreating, they might be attacked.So, he made up his mind to find this enemy.Moreover, he hides too much secrets from this enemy, he is a little unwilling, and always has the idea of ​​learning from a teacher.If you don't catch this enemy, you will never stop.

Wu Jianglong has been swimming quietly behind several people, keeping a certain distance, not only to ensure the safety of the people in front, but also to prevent the enemy from attacking suddenly.

When he found that there was a sound in the depression, he saw someone coming out of the leaves.Immediately realizing that this was the enemy, he dropped the gun without hesitation.

As soon as the Vietnamese soldier came out, he would immediately shoot and shoot.But he didn't, he still yelled loudly, depending on the meaning, he was yelling, wanting to avenge his companions or something like that.

His shouting affected the shooting speed even more.This gave Wu Jianglong enough time to rule people first.

Wu Jianglong pulls the moving plate.The sniper rifle fired a powerful bullet, which passed through the Vietnamese soldier's chest in an instant.With a gunshot, the Vietnamese soldier fell back, threw his gun and fell to the ground.

When Dong Haijun and Qi Changwang heard the gunshot, they turned around and found a Vietnamese soldier killed by Wu Jianglong.The two were secretly startled, breaking out in a cold sweat.If it wasn't for Wu Jianglong's quick action, he would have killed the enemy with one shot.It must be both of them, or one of them, lying on the ground now.

Dong Haijun ran over and angrily kicked the corpse on the ground a few times, cursing as he kicked, "You son of a bitch, you want to find me to cover your back when you die. I will beat you to death."

"Come on, come on." Niu Qiang stopped and said, "If the team leader didn't come in time, you would have to report for duty before him."

"Hey, you curse me, I hope I will die soon." Dong Haijun retorted, "It doesn't matter, everyone will die sooner or later. I will go early so that I can get a good seat for you."

"You are wicked." Niu Qiang swung his gun as if to hit him.

"Okay, okay, when will you still be making trouble?" Wu Jianglong put on the posture of the team leader to dissuade him, and said to Dong Haijun seriously, "Dong Haijun, you are too careless. The enemy is right under your nose. See. You are lucky this time, do it again next time, what Niu Qiang said, I will not give you up at all."

Dong Haijun bowed his head and remained silent.What did he have to say, he made a big mistake and almost died.If it wasn't for Wu Jianglong's quick moves, would he still be able to stand up and talk now! "

"And you, Qi Changwang. There are two people in a team, why are you running so far! In case something happens, how can you support." Wu Jianglong scolded Qi Changwang again, "This time, I won't criticize too much, and we will meet again next time. When facing enemies, be more careful and keep your eyes open."

After this dangerous situation, everyone began to regard search as very important.

The five of them walked around the woods and continued to walk deep into the mountain.Crossed a hill, boarded a hill, and drilled into a forest.As soon as I entered the woods, I found two barebacked Vietnamese running in the woods, followed by six Chinese soldiers.

"It's the monitor." Niu Qiang said.

"Well, that's right." Let's stop these two guys right here.

Five people stopped.

Wu Jianglong chose the location and searched around with a sniper rifle.Through the scope, he can find small targets around him, and if there is an enemy ambushing here, he will definitely be the first to find it.

The two Vietnamese were running, and they were about to approach Wu Jianglong and the others, but suddenly stopped still.I saw two people leaning their backs behind a big tree, staring at the six middle-aged people who surrounded them.

Wu Jianglong felt something was wrong.With the running ability of the Vietnamese on the mountain, the Chinese can't keep up anyway.And these two don't lack arms or legs, so why don't they run if they don't run!

So he aimed his gun at the two Vietnamese men and found that they were both bare-handed and without guns.

This is even more wrong, what are you doing running empty-handed.No, I have to see.

Wu Jianglong locked the two Vietnamese soldiers with a scope.

At this time, Xiao Yong led people around, and six people formed a circle, with six guns pointed at the two Vietnamese queens.

Xiao Yong said to a soldier, "Go, search him."

Seeing a soldier approaching him, one Vietnamese soldier turned his head and gave another Vietnamese soldier a wink.

The Vietnamese soldier slowly moved his hand behind his back.

"No, there is a bomb." Wu Jianglong saw that behind the Vietnamese soldier, there was a round thing on the waistband of his trousers.

The Vietnamese soldier stretched down suddenly, and the thing was held in his hand.Then raise the other hand to pull the upper fuse.

Wu Jianglong quickly pulled the trigger, and a bullet flew over.

As soon as the gunshot rang, the Vietnamese soldier fell to the ground, and the bomb in his hand rolled to the ground.

Before everyone understood what was going on, another Vietnamese soldier flew towards the bomb.

Xiao Yong suddenly understood, and kicked the bomb rolling aside on the ground with his kick.The Vietnamese soldier flew away in one pounce, and then pounced again.

Xiao Yong then crossed the gun, and a shuttle of bullets swept the Vietnamese soldier.

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