soldier rushing forward

87. Forcing the Enemy into the Cave

Half an hour later, our army's general attack on the main peak of Kouma Mountain began. 【 】

In this attack on Lang Son, our army invested a total of more than 7 people in 152 divisions, and specially strengthened the heavy artillery cluster.There is a division of troops on the front line of Kouma Mountain alone.As soon as the battle at Kouma Mountain started, the tank fire was not counted. Just those heavyweight shells such as 122 concentrated guns and [-] rocket launchers, as soon as they came out of the barrel, they were densely packed and wrapped up like hornets that had smashed a honeycomb. Humming and jumping towards the main peak.

In an instant, there was no longer a single intact place on the main peak of Mount Kouma.Almost every inch, every foot, and every square meter was covered by bombs.The sound of rumbling guns and loud explosions almost turned Kooma Mountain over.Now, it is not a buckle horse mountain, it should be called a horse ride mountain.

Is there any eggs in the nest?

This bombardment lasted for more than 20 minutes, and hundreds of tons of shells formed hundreds of explosion points on the enemy's position.The surface positions on the buckle horses were almost completely destroyed at one time during the artillery feast of our army.

Under the bombardment of shells, all the bright and dark fortresses toppled their roofs, collapsed their walls, and lay crookedly on one side.The corpses inside were even more jumbled and grotesquely shaped.

At this time, the main peak of Kouma Mountain had already distorted its face.Trees were broken, mountains and rocks were knocked down, and the overturned land was devastated.Not only has it changed from the original, but also countless pieces of broken limbs and broken arms have been added on the up and down slopes.

The blown stones, broken branches, and burning grass nests are the panorama of the horse at this moment.The fortified barriers of 10 minutes ago have disappeared forever.The arrogant yelling became the howling of wolves calling for father and mother.

Our artillery fire stopped.At this time, the Chinese soldiers who had already occupied eight highlands launched an attack on the main peak from eight directions.

The remaining enemies guarding the cave have no way to fight back.Just seeing these hundreds of thousands of Chinese people swarming in, I was terrified.

After the soldiers rushed up, they found that many Vietnamese soldiers who were not killed by the shells were covering their ears, squatting at the bottom of the cave, shaking like chaff!The machine gun was thrown aside, and no one took care of it. The grenade was lifted and put aside, and no one threw it.The enemy at this time only wants to save their lives. Who still remembers that they have the task of stopping our army from advancing.

These enemies were really stunned by our army's artillery fire just now.Although the artillery fire stopped now, the sound of the explosion still lingered in their ears and kept ringing in their heads.Even if the Vietnamese army survived this artillery bombardment by our army, ten times out of ten they would suffer from schizophrenia, permanently branded with explosion phobia.Even a firecracker will make them sleepless all night in terror.

In the past, what the Vietnamese army feared most was the American petrol bombs.After this experience, they realized that China's cluster shells are even more terrifying.

When two white flares rose from the top of the mountain, it marked the end of the battle to attack Kouma Mountain.

The battle to attack the buckle horse took just over 40 minutes.

Since then, the door to downtown Lang Son has been completely opened to the squadron.Entering Lang Son City is no longer a matter of time, but whether our army wants to go or not.Just wave the horse and raise the whip, and you can accomplish it overnight.

Guarding Lang Son is the 3rd Division of the Vietnamese People's Army under the Hanoi 1965st Military Region.This force, also known as the "Gold Star Division", was formed in South Vietnam in September 9. Its name was taken from "a gold star in the south", which symbolized victory.In the Vietnam War, he was the main division of the South fighting against the U.S. Army.

In the Vietnamese army, apart from the 50th, 312th, 316th, and 304th first-class divisions with the longest history formed in the War of Resistance Against France and the National Salvation in the 308s, this third division is the only one.The 3rd Division has 3 regiments, 2 regiments, 12 regiments, and 141 artillery regiments. Among them, the 68 regiments have been awarded the title of "Hero Regiment". The 12st regiment was able to attack and defend well, and was awarded the title of "Hero of the People's Armed Forces" in Vietnam.

From top to bottom, the 3rd Division was proud of its soldiers. They once yelled "Go to Friendship Pass for breakfast, and go to Nanning for the Spring Festival!"It's a pity that the 3rd Division, which was gearing up to fight, had a bad start. A few days ago, it was severely punched by the Chinese squadron in the Battle of Dongdeng, leaving behind the "hero" 12th regiment, and fled back to Lang Son in a panic.

At this time, they gathered in Lang Son with only the remaining 1 people, and wanted to compete with our army.After a period of intense tossing, it seems to have regained its vitality.So he boasted once again in Haikou that he would swear to defend Lang Son and fight our army to the death.

With this little force, at the open gate, can it stop the attack of the 7 divisions of the Chinese squadron with more than 8 people?

After the barrier of Kouma Mountain was broken, the [-] Squadron directly approached the foot of Lang Son City.Tank troops blocked all traffic arteries, and Lang Son was completely turned into an isolated city.

It was another dawn, and the squadron's attack on Lang Son began.

Another heavy artillery attack.A round of shells poured down the sky, and the enemy barracks that had just been built were immediately reduced to the ground. The solid military targets and ammunition warehouses in the city collapsed in an instant, and exploded continuously in the skyrocketing fire.

In the flames of gunpowder, the soldiers of the Seventh Company braved the rain of bullets, pulled out points one by one, and fought continuously. After taking down several fortresses, they gradually approached the Sanxingdong area.

Samsung Cave is located in the northwest corner of Lang Son City.The mountain scenery here is beautiful, the trees are lush, there are many strange rocks, and the clear spring water flows down the cliff.The water spray from the waterfall gradually rises, and the water mist formed rises all over the sky, which is indeed wonderful to be surrounded by clouds and mist.It has been a health resort since ancient times

Since the Vietnamese authorities had ambitions to dominate, they insisted on building a series of bright and dark bunkers here, forming a strong group of bunkers.

In the natural Sanxing Cave, there are holes in the caves, hidden caves in the caves, and the caves are connected with each other, forming a natural tunnel without manual excavation.Its large area is enough to hide hundreds of people.Therefore, the Vietnamese army took advantage of this feature to build grain depots, reservoirs, and ammunition depots in the cave.And 23 dark firepower points were built around it, inside and outside.In order to guard the railways and highways leading to Lang Son.

In Sanxing Cave, hundreds of Vietnamese soldiers guarded these bunkers, waiting for the squadron to make a surprise attack when they passed by.

The Seventh Company rushed over, but was stopped at the foot of the mountain by the sudden appearance of enemy machine guns, rocket launchers, and mortars.

Because the terrain is unfamiliar and the enemy's situation is unknown, taking an offensive rashly will inevitably suffer losses.

The head of the regiment, Chi Yongjie, ordered the Seventh Company to stop the attack and stand by.Because if the three-star cave is as big, it can't be eaten by just one Qilian.

Since Qilian was the first to approach Samsung Cave, the regiment handed over the reconnaissance mission to Qilian.

Shi Zhuguo took a few platoon leaders and quietly touched the front. After carefully observing the terrain, he thought of a countermeasure.

As the night fell, Shi Zhuguo brought a few machine gunners to the enemy's position again.When ready, let the machine gunner keep changing positions and shoot at the enemy.

"Da da da" several machine guns fired together.

Our army's machine gun fired.The enemy, who had already become a frightened bird, mistakenly thought that our army had launched an attack.So the enemies hidden in the various bunkers fired down the mountain together.

Taking this opportunity, Shi Zhuguo took out a small notebook and marked the location of the enemy's firepower points on the sketch.During the shooting, the enemy kept firing flares, which illuminated the front of the position transparently, exposing almost all the firepower points, which provided great convenience for Shi Zhu's national standard map.

Shi Zhuguo hastily circled in the notebook.

The enemy fought for a while, felt something was unusual, and fired another flare.In the light, they did not see our attacking troops.At this time, the enemy knew that he had been fooled.It's a pity that it was too late. Shi Zhuguo's small book had already marked the enemy's firepower points densely.

There are three lines of fire in the Sanxingdong area where the enemy is defending.At the foot of the mountain are mines, tanks and armored vehicles.There are light and heavy machine guns on the mountainside, and anti-aircraft machine guns on the top of the mountain, which are quite closely attached.The combination of obstacles and firepower is also quite reasonable.Under such intensive firepower, a hard attack will inevitably pay a high price.

After pondering for a while in the small book, Chi Yongjie studied the map again, and suddenly said, "You can only outsmart, not attack by force."

The task of attacking Samsung Cave was naturally handed over to the third battalion where the seventh company was located.

The Ninth Company was responsible for confusing the enemy from the front, and the Seventh and Eighth companies made a detour from the back of the Sanxing Cave and went straight to the sanatorium, ready to attack.

The darkest hour before dawn has arrived.

Flares rose from time to time in the dark night sky.There was silence in the direction of the dark Samsung Cave.The enemy's forward position was also quiet, with no sound at all.Both opponents seem to be asleep, and they seem to hold back their strength and endure, waiting for the critical moment of the gushing out.

Suddenly, there was intense shelling and machine gun fire on the front of Samsung Cave.

Our artillery shells began to bombard the enemy's forward positions in turn.

With the soaring flames and rumbling guns.The wire in front of the enemy's position was blown off, and the mines were thrown out of the ground.Immediately afterwards, two tanks were shot and caught fire.Several bright bunkers and dark bunkers also revealed their tops in the firelight reflection.In an instant, the enemy's forward position was torn open by our army's artillery fire with two openings that were only three meters wide.

With the light of the flares, the enemy defenders on the mountain became anxious when they saw it. They were afraid that our army would pass through here.So he smashed shells and bullets towards the two openings, trying to seal the gap with firepower.

The enemy on the mountain was shooting violently, and the Ninth Company under the mountain was shouting fiercely, making a charge.

It didn't matter this shout, the enemy panicked even more and dispatched most of their troops.

The bullets slid and slid in the dark night, and the flames from the shells exploded here and there in piles and here and there.The enemies made are like blind men and blind horses, and they can't find the target. They just shoot and fire indiscriminately until dawn.

As soon as the morning light came out, there was no one at the foot of the mountain.The enemy was confused, where did the squadron that fought all night go.

Just when they were suspicious and couldn't find a reasonable explanation.Suddenly, behind Samsung Cave, intense gunshots rang out in the area of ​​the nursing home.

The enemy shouted that they were fooled, and it would not be so easy to call back their troops.

The Seventh Company did not retain any reserves, and all troops were devoted to the first round of attacks.

"Fight." Shi Zhuguo gave an order, and the soldiers hiding outside the sanatorium emerged from the darkness one after another, firing all kinds of weapons at the most prominent small rocky mountain.

On Xiaoshi Mountain, there are enemy bunkers on the east, west, north and three sides.

As soon as the soldiers rushed over, the bunkers opened fire.

In order to achieve the purpose of concealment, our army did not carry out artillery attacks in this area.Therefore, these three bunkers are intact and giving full play to their firepower advantage.

The Seventh Company's attack was blocked.

Although Shi Zhuguo had already made mental preparations when he was attacked by the enemy's dark fort, the sudden appearance of firepower in the dark fort still terrified him.

"Artillery, artillery, blow it up." Shi Zhuguo eagerly called to the mortar artillery assigned to the Seventh Company.

The two artillerymen set up the mortars and fired two shots "boom".The bunker has not been destroyed, and the machine guns inside are still spewing out flames.Its top is so thick that a mortar shell can't do anything about it.

"The seat gun, the seat gun, give it to me." Shi Zhuguo was in a hurry, as long as he had the arms in his hand, he wanted to use it.After making arrangements, he was worried that recoilless guns would not be able to knock down these bunkers, so he shouted to the Japanese soldiers, "What are you waiting for, go around and burn it."

Two artillery soldiers went up, one carrying the barrel and the other carrying ammunition.The two found a good position and fired a "boom".

With the flames spurting out, a dark castle flew into the sky amidst the roar.

"Okay, okay," just typed.

The enemy in another bunker saw it and knew that if he didn't kill the recoilless gun, he would end up in the same way.So, instead of fighting the charging infantry, they turned the machine gun bullets around and violently poured them towards the recoilless gun as well.

"Da da da"

The bullets fired from the bunker instantly surrounded the two artillerymen.

Shi Zhuguo became anxious when he saw it, "Machine gun, machine gun, suppress the enemy for me." As soon as he finished shouting, before the machine gun fired, he saw a flame emanating from a rock not far from the bunker.The slender fire snake drew a red line, and flew straight to the mouth of the bunker.

In an instant, a fire was lit in the bunker, and then, the screams of crying father and mother were heard from inside.

The two dark forts have been solved, and when are you waiting for the charge!

"Comrades, go!"

The suppression of the machine gun was lifted, and the soldiers of the Seventh Company rushed up bravely.

Wu Jianglong rushed to Xiaoshi Mountain and found that the bunker facing east was still shooting down the mountain in a foolish way.Due to the limitation of the angle, it has not found that the two bunkers have been solved by our army, and they are still performing their guard duties.

Wu Jianglong suddenly changed direction from the top of the mountain and headed straight for the bunker.

"Team leader, where are you going?" Niu Qiang shouted after realizing that Wu Jianglong was running in a different direction from the entrance of Sanxing Cave.

"Blow up that turtle son." Wu Jianglong said while running.

"I'm here." Niu Qiang never strayed from Wu Jianglong.As a fighting group, we had to talk about unity, so he followed suit.

Wu Jianglong ran to the bunker, but couldn't find a place to stand on top of it.

The mouth of the bunker is recessed in a cliff, and its sides are protected by protruding rocks.Above is a steep cliff.

"Damn it, it's really hard." Wu Jianglong tried to throw a grenade, but he was afraid that he would not be able to throw it.At the moment of embarrassment, Niu Qiang came to his side.

"Come on, you pull me."

Wu Jianglong was led by Niu Qiang in one hand and a grenade in the other. His body was close to the stone wall, his right foot stepped on a slightly protruding stone edge, he leaned out half of his body, and threw the grenade into the perforation of the bunker.

With a bang, the grenade exploded inside the bunker.

When the last bunker on Little Rock was wiped out, the enemies on its surface were also wiped out.By this time, the Seventh Company had completely occupied Xiaoshishan.

Immediately afterwards, they rushed to the Sanxing Cave, which was only attached to the front of Xiaoshi Mountain.The northern entrance of Sanxing Cave was completely blocked, waiting for Qilian to go to the urn to catch the turtle.

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