Note 76: Qian Xinmin.A native of Zhejiang, he graduated from the Central Political School in his early years. After the fall of Nanjing, he served as the first head of the military command station. He was arrested when he joined forces in Shanghai and was sent to Nanjing. Secret agents, including Qiang Yihu, the captain of the action team.After being released, he was arrested again in 1941, and was handed over to the Japanese Gendarmerie on the 76th, and was executed shortly thereafter.At that time, the major newspapers under the control of the puppet Wang only briefly reported on this time. Although Qian Xinmin died without guilt, he was still executed after defecting, which became a mystery.

In the mid-80s, according to the recollection and analysis of Ms. Yang Jinghan, the widow of martyr Shang Zhensheng, the reason why the Japanese military police killed Qian Xinmin was very likely related to his experience.In the early days of the fall of Nanjing, Qian Xinmin was ordered to enter the refugee area along Ninghai Road in makeup to investigate the situation of the refugees, collect and sort out the heinous crimes of the Japanese army who crazily killed our soldiers and civilians in Nanjing, and took many photos of the scene of the violence.Then, Qian Xinmin sent these materials to Hankou in batches.Other military commanders who were arrested by the Japanese puppet confessed to the Japanese military police about Qian Xinmin's past.The Japanese invaders hated this very much, and worried that leaving Qian Xinmin behind would cause future troubles, so they finally decided to execute Qian Xinmin.

Shang Zhensheng.At that time, he was the deputy head of the Nanjing Station of the Military Command. Although he was not betrayed by Qian Xinmin, he was also arrested for being implicated.He was unyielding in prison and wrote a suicide note, preferring death to keep the relevant secrets.Because his family had an old relationship with Zhou Fohai, he was later released on bail.

After being released from prison, Shang Zhensheng pretended to surrender to the enemy, and accepted the appointment of the puppet government according to Shangfeng's order, and served as the chief of staff of the Wang Puppet Seventh Independent Brigade.He continued to work on rebuilding the Nanjing Station under the cover of his military position, and was appointed as the stationmaster of the Nanjing Station of the Military Command.Afterwards, Shang Zhensheng's action against Wang's puppet officer was discovered by No. 76 and he was arrested again. On the 76th, in order to prevent the top officials of the Wang puppet government from intervening in this matter, Shang Zhensheng was escorted to Shanghai and handed over to the Japanese Super High School for disposal. On January 1942, 1, Shang Zhensheng was secretly murdered at the Jiangwan Execution Ground in the northern suburbs of Shanghai.

Strong one tiger.A native of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, after the fall of Nanjing, he was ordered to follow Qian Xinmin and monk Zhensheng to rebuild Nanjing Station, served as the captain of the operation team, and carried out assassination missions. He successfully killed two Wang pseudo-spies and a Japanese military police leader and evacuated safely.When Qian Xinmin rebelled, he did not receive any news, but only found out that the Japanese army was conducting a large-scale raid in Nanjing City. Several colleagues were arrested. doomed.Soon after, he was betrayed by a traitor and arrested in Confucius Temple.In prison, he was tortured repeatedly, but he never gave in. Because of his high martial arts skills, the enemy feared him, fearing that he would escape from prison, so he broke one of his legs with a steel hammer. On June 1941, 6, Qiang Yihu was killed in Yuhuatai.

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