When Han Zixuan was having sex with He Lizi, the door suddenly opened.Shen Hanyu stood silently at the door, and the two children in the room seemed to be children who did something wrong, very reserved.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, Han Zixuan was about to leave the room, and looked at Shen Hanyu kindly: "We just chat, nothing to do."

Suddenly, Han Zixuan noticed that something was wrong with Shen Hanyu's mood. Seeing her flushed face, she could smell a strong smell of alcohol at a close distance.She didn't go home at night, but went out to drink, which was a new thing.

more fresh things.Shen Hanyu looked at the two of them with a smile: "It's okay, you continue, I will give you a holiday today."

He Lizi was stunned, there must be something wrong with Sister Yu today.Suddenly, Shen Hanyu came over again: "Come downstairs, I have something to announce."

Ye Tianyu and Bi Yunxi also came downstairs, obviously they couldn't understand the situation, and they asked each other what happened.

Shen Hanyu changed into casual clothes and went downstairs, with an apologetic expression on her face: "I'm sorry, I drank some wine, it might be a bit smelly, but I'll make a long story short, so I won't waste your time too much."

"Everyone, I'm going home. I'm afraid it will be a long time. During this time, you have to take care of each other. Mama Li will take care of you in your life, and you can take care of other things by yourself." After finishing speaking, Shen Hanyu raised her sexy buttocks went upstairs.

Everyone looked at each other, still a little puzzled.Han Zixuan asked He Lizi how often Shen Hanyu went home, Lizi said it had been a long time, maybe two years, and she hadn't been back during Chinese New Year.I always feel weird going back this time, maybe something important happened at home.

There must be something, and it made Shen Hanyu unhappy, otherwise she wouldn't go out to drink at night.

Ye Tianyu looked at the two of them: "It's all right now, no one is in charge of the two of you, no, I want to take over Sister Yu's duties, Sister Lizi, you can sleep with me in the future."

But the people in the room didn't smile, everyone looked extremely dull, especially Han Zixuan, his heart was tightly gripped.

Going upstairs and knocking on Shen Hanyu's door, she has already taken a shower, and she looks much more energetic, but the worry on the corners of her brows and eyes remains undiminished.

"Mr. Shen, something happened at your house, and it's not a good thing, otherwise you wouldn't go out to drink."

Shen Hanyu glanced at him: "It's nothing serious. By the way, you have to take good care of them during the time I'm away. I believe in your character, and you won't guard yourself."

Han Zixuan didn't have time to tease her, so he took two steps suddenly, couldn't help but grab her hand, nervously concerned: "Tell me what happened, if it's difficult, I can help you solve it."

Shen Hanyu exerted lightly, but there was no strength.He glared at him resentfully: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you saved me in the last game. Be grateful, I will never betray my feelings."

"Hanyu, you're thinking too much. I just want to help you, and I don't want to see you continue to be sad." Han Zixuan's eyes were soft, and there was a charming charm on his handsome face.

Shen Hanyu's pretty face turned red inexplicably, because he actually called her name, she lowered her head and said, "Are we that familiar? Please call me by my full name or Teacher Shen."

"Don't do it, I have to be different. I'll call you Hanyu from now on. Of course you can call me Zixuan, or Xuanxuan, I don't mind." Han Zixuan continued to be cheeky, taking advantage of her while she was drinking. A little cheap.

"You, let me go." Shen Hanyu looked at the door: "Lizi and the others will see, she likes you, she is easy to get jealous."

"Tell me quickly, or I'll call them all."

Helpless, Shen Hanyu nodded and told the truth.Her grandfather's birthday is coming up soon, and he is going to have a big event this year, so he specially invites her back.And the old man missed her very much.

Han Zixuan nodded silently: "This is a good thing, you should go back. I heard from them that you haven't been home for two years."

Shen Hanyu changed the subject: "But there is one more worrying thing. My family arranged a marriage for me. The purpose of going back this time is to get engaged to the man."

What, Han Zixuan was surprised, and at the same time he understood immediately.The Shen family is now in decline and needs marriage to improve their own strength.I don't know who is so lucky to be one step ahead of me.

Shen Hanyu said quietly: "The man's name is Zhang Jiahao, the grandson of a very prestigious family in Beijin. Zhang Jiahao and I were classmates when we were young. He is actually not bad, very elegant."

Han Zixuan remembered that during his last trip to Beijin, he basically had a basic understanding of the various families in Beijin.The top snake is the Song family, followed by the old Zhang family, then the Shen family, and the new Chen family.

After listening to Bi Yunfan's analysis, the Zhang family adopted a safe route, and it seems that they are planning to make a big move this time.Although Shen Hanyu has no status in the Shen family because her father is no longer in power, there is no doubt that the marriage between the two families can improve their strength.

Moreover, Shen Hanyu is a well-known beauty in Beijin, Zhang Jiahao has no reason to reject this marriage, and Hanyu goes out drinking at night, it can be judged that she doesn't like Zhang Jiahao.Han Zixuan felt inexplicably happy.

"Hanyu, I will accompany you to Beijin." Han Zixuan looked sincere.

Shen Hanyu was obviously even more surprised: "You accompany me, what is your identity?"

Han Zixuan thought for a while: "Your personal bodyguard, when he sees your family, he said he hired me."

Shen Hanyu bit her lips tightly: "But you are more needed here, and you are a student, so you can't delay your studies."

"Study is not as important as you. If you go back and get married, I will lose even more." Han Zixuan narrowed his eyes and looked at her playfully.

Shen Hanyu said in a muffled voice, "Whether I marry or not has nothing to do with you."

Han Zixuan smiled and said: "Hanyu, don't lie to yourself. You don't have feelings for Zhang Jiahao, otherwise you wouldn't be drunk at night. And from the bottom of your heart, you hate this kind of family marriage."

Shen Hanyu was slightly surprised: "You seem to know me very well."|

"Not yet, we can get to know each other better during this trip to Beijin, if you don't mind."

"Han Zixuan, don't touch your face, I haven't agreed yet." Shen Hanyu gave him a blank look, but she was actually happy in her heart.Han Zixuan may be his last straw, which can save his life.

Han Zixuan accompanied Shen Hanyu back to Beijin, and the women in the villa soon found out that they had different thoughts.Bi Yunxi smiled kindly, encouraging him to seize the rare opportunity.Ye Tianyu was really worried about Sister Yu, and told Brother Zixuan to protect her safety. If something happened to Sister Yu, I would definitely not let you go.

As for He Lizi, her mood was extremely complicated.Sister Yu really had an affair with Zixuan, could it be that the two really hooked up.Going home this time, Han Zixuan stopped by to pay a visit to Sister Yu's family. The relationship between the two will definitely develop rapidly. As for me, is her princess dream about to be shattered soon, but no matter what, Sister Yu will always is her best cousin.

Li Ma returned to the living room with a smile on her face: "Miss Shen, Master Han, I have cleaned the car again, when are you going to leave?"

Shen Hanyu came to Mama Li, and the two hugged each other. She was very grateful to Mama Li for serving them without complaint or regret for so many years.

"Mother Li, I'm not here anymore, you have to take good care of them, thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing hard, this is my job. Miss Shen, Master Han, I wish you all the best and go home as soon as possible." Mama Li had tears in the corners of her eyes, and then she turned her head and left immediately.

He Lizi and Ye Tianyu were still lingering on Shen Hanyu, Shen Hanyu seemed to be coaxing a child, and finally the three hugged and cried together.

Shen Hanyu is not sure whether she can return smoothly. She has been hiding for many years, but she still has no way to stay away.When she returned to Beijin, she would think of many unpleasant events in the past.

Han Zixuan pulled Shen Hanyu: "Okay, time is not short, we still have to go on the road."

Shen Hanyu turned her head and spat: "It's so ugly, as if we are going to the execution ground."

Han Zixuan was driving, and Shen Hanyu was sitting in the passenger seat. Her eyes were still red, and she was looking out at the streets of Nanhai, lingering.

The car left the city and ran onto the highway.Suddenly there was a loud bang, the car exploded, and black smoke filled the air.

At this moment, Han Zixuan and Shen Hanyu hid under the expressway, quietly watching the smoke billowing not far away, unable to calm down for a long time.

A few hours ago, Han Zixuan went to the police station. He originally wanted to find Zhao Bin, but he didn't expect Xie Wenxuan to be there.

Because of Xie Wenxuan's presence, Zhao Bin could only try his best to be gentle: "Zixuan, come to the police station to find Miss Wenxuan, that's fine, I'll make room for you."

"Brother Bin, it has nothing to do with her that I came to look for you." Han Zixuan glanced at Xie Wenxuan. She came back to work and seemed to have regained her spirits.

Xie Wenxuan originally wanted to turn her head and leave, but if she turned her head and left, it meant that she had a ghost in her heart and was afraid of meeting him.Why, why should I be suppressed by him everywhere.

"Han Zixuan, you came to the police station to talk about things, don't be foolish." Xie Wenxuan gave him a hard look.

Han Zixuan said to Zhao Bin: "Brother Bin, I'm going to leave Nanhai for a while and go to Beijin, but I'm afraid this trip to Beijin will be a bit troublesome. So you can help me locate my car. If I have any difficulties, I hope you will can help."

"Oh, no problem. Zixuan, do you have an enemy in Beijin?" Zhao Bin asked cautiously. Recently, he was still lurking and got some news about Han Zixuan. He had a quarrel with Song Xuyao ​​on his trip back to Beijin. Those who left Beijin by luck.

"Brother Bin, you still know me." Han Zixuan was sure that Zhao Bin's internet investigation ability would definitely discover some of his past.

Xie Wenxuan heard that he had enemies in Beijin, and he was going to Beijin alone, and suddenly felt uneasy, and began to worry about his safety.What's wrong with me, his life and death have nothing to do with me.

As soon as Han Zixuan's car started, Zhao Bin locked the position, and suddenly he found a very serious problem, the car was actually tied with a time bomb.

Xie Wenxuan paid close attention to him, and naturally found out.So she immediately called Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, get out of the car quickly, your car has a time bomb." Her voice trembled slightly.

Han Zixuan looked at the trembling Shen Hanyu and hugged her: "Hanyu, it's okay. He Hongchao may want to kill me, but he has no reason to kill you."

Shen Hanyu threw herself into his arms: "Zixuan, I'm scared, my mind is blank now."

Han Zixuan patted her on the shoulder lightly: "Let me help you answer. He Hongchao and your second uncle Shen Zhiqiang must be in collusion. Shen Zhiqiang has long wanted to get rid of you, but He Hongchao has never dared to do it. His main target this time is me. By the way, I brought you in too, I was the one who got you involved."

He Hongchao watched the TV news report, with a vicious smile on his lips, and then picked up the phone: "Second brother, the matter is over."

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