The person who came was Song Jingtian. Han Zixuan had dealt with him during his last trip to Beijin, and he was able to leave Beijin safely last time. This person was also a little help.Han Zixuan has never understood this person, but right now they are not considered enemies.

When Zhang Jiahao saw that the person who came was Song Jingtian, the number one son of Beijin, he immediately smiled: "Sedum, why did you appear here?"

"I heard that Shen Hanyu, our beauty from Beijin, is back, so I came here to have a look." He said, his eyes fixed on Shen Hanyu, with a fascinated look in his eyes, but he quickly ignored it, and then glanced meaningfully at Han Zixuan .

Shen Hanyu is a girl from a well-informed and reasonable family, so she naturally knows the Song family, the first family in Beijin.Immediately stood up from the chair, and floated to Song Jingtian: "Master Song, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still as handsome as before."

"Miss Shen, please be polite. You are our pride in Beijin." Song Jingtian said a few words politely, and then came to Han Zixuan.

Zhang Jiahao hurried over to introduce to Song Jingtian the identity of Han Zixuan, who was responsible for taking care of Shen Hanyu's bodyguard.Afterwards, he proudly introduced Song Jingtian to Han Zixuan, the number one among the Fourth Young Masters of Jinmen.

Although the Fourth Young Master of Jinmen was not ranked, the Song family had the highest reputation, so Song Jingtian was ranked first.The other three young masters didn't care too much about this, and their relationship with Song Jingtian was handled relatively well.

Song Jingtian smiled brightly: "Young Master Han, we meet again."

"Oh, Song Jingtian, you must have something to do with me when you come here." Han Zixuan murmured in his heart, this Young Master Song would not come here for no reason.

Zhang Jiahao and Shen Hanyu were very surprised, especially Zhang Jiahao felt it even more deeply. The well-known Song Jingtian called an ordinary bodyguard Young Master, what kind of Young Master is he.

Shen Hanyu has become slightly numb, why is this man holy.Suddenly she realized a very serious problem. Although she knew that Han Zixuan was introduced into the villa by He Tianbei, she didn't know anything about him at all.But during this trip to Beijin, Shen Hanyu got to know this person a little bit, and he was a typical pretender.

Song Jingtian pulled a chair and sat down next to Han Zixuan, and said softly, "I've been paying close attention to you since you entered Beijin. Because last time you came, you caused a lot of trouble for our Song family. I thought you would disappear after that." Unexpectedly, you are so courageous, you clearly know that this is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair."

Han Zixuan smiled lightly: "Young Master Song, there is no way. This time I came to Beijin to do something, which may make your old man Song unhappy. He probably won't send someone to chase me down."

Song Jingtian smiled: "That's not true. I'm very surprised. You pierced my elder brother's eye with a needle. Later, my grandpa didn't pursue you. I'm very puzzled. With the strength of our Song family in Beijin, we can't be punished." Even if you are so useless, you can still swallow your anger. Young Master Han, you have whetted my appetite."

Han Zixuan was also very puzzled, always felt that there were many intricate relationships involved, and he also wanted to find out what he wanted to do in Beijin this time.

"It can only show that your grandfather is magnanimous and understands the truth. Besides, your brother Song Xuyao ​​is a scum, and last time he was the one to blame. By the way, how is he doing recently, does he still miss me?"

"Well, I will inform you when I come to you. Shen Qifeng has come to find Song Xuyao. I think the two of them must be plotting against you. You have to be careful. This time, I won't help." Song Jingtian smiled lightly Smile: "Young Master Han, don't bother you to enjoy the beautiful scenery, I'll take a step first."

Song Jingtian left, and Shen Hanyu immediately approached Han Zixuan to ask what was going on, but what he heard just now was in a fog.Han Zixuan explained a little bit that he had a conflict with Song Xuyao ​​when he came to Beijin last time, and he blinded one of his eyes with a single needle.

Zhang Jiahao was very aware of this matter at the time. Although the Song family tried their best to cover up the matter, the fire could not be contained in paper, and some family forces knew about it.Shocked, everyone was investigating who the murderer was.It was only later that the matter gradually faded out of sight, because the murderer had long been at large.

Unexpectedly, Han Zixuan was that person in front of him, Zhang Jiahao began to re-examine the man in front of him.He just has one very important advantage, try not to pretend to be aggressive, be more tactful in dealing with things, and make as few mistakes as possible.Although there are no outstanding achievements so far, they have not suffered the bitter fruit like Song Xuyao.

"Young Master Han, you really surprised me. Before, I was blind and said some unpleasant things, so don't take them to heart." Zhang Jiahao is not stupid. Even Song Changtu, the Patriarch of the Song family, is afraid of Han Zixuan, so why should he be brave? .

Han Zixuan changed his smile: "You are older than me, and I am your younger brother."

Zhang Jiahao chuckled: "Zixuan, from now on we will be brothers."

Shen Hanyu looked at the two big men strangely. They attacked each other like roosters just now, but now they are like iron buddies again.She looked at Han Zixuan with fascinated eyes, and there was a hint of joy in her heart. It seems that he really has a way to dissolve my marriage with the Zhang family. Could it be that God is really helping me secretly.

Zhang Jiahao is also aware of the problem in front of him, about Shen Hanyu.Although friendship between men is very important, certain issues must not be relaxed.

He spoke first: "Zixuan, we will be buddies from now on. You are a master, give me Hanyu."

Shen Hanyu stared at the two of them blankly, then his eyes dimmed, and he turned his head to look at the scenery outside.

Han Zixuan smiled confidently: "Jiahao, the relationship between a man and a woman is about fate, and at the same time, you need to love me. If Hanyu likes you, and you like her, why should I hinder the love between you? Very kind, like to help people pimp."

Zhang Jiahao breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart that as long as you don't interfere, I have the confidence to win Shen Hanyu's heart.Later, he came to Shen Hanyu's side, and said tenderly: "Hanyu, I really like you very much, believe me, I can bring you happiness, I hope you can marry me."

Shen Hanyu turned around slowly, showing a charming smile, and gently opened his lips, "Okay."

Han Zixuan was so angry that he almost vomited blood, this woman did it on purpose.

When Zhang Jiahao was happy and Han Zixuan was depressed, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside, accompanied by the men's rude yelling.

With a bang, the door of the private room of the Red Dressing Pavilion was kicked open abruptly, and two men entered in front, namely Shen Qifeng and Song Xuyao.

Shen Qifeng was still very handsome, with the dandyism of a son-in-law, his whole face was oily and powdery, and he was full of air.On the other hand, Song Xuyao ​​exuded a sinister aura all over his body, and his eyes shot evil.

Although one eye is blind, but the Song family is rich, they went to the best local hospital to re-implant a new eyeball. Although the vision is affected a little, the overall image has not changed much, and it is still in the hearts of women. Devil, now Song Xuyao ​​is intensifying, as long as the woman he likes is directly snatched away, he will be executed on the spot.

He was angry in his heart. He was tortured like this, and the family turned a blind eye. The grandfather who always spoiled him ignored him, but told him not to cause trouble in the future, learn more from your brother, and take care of family affairs.

Anyway, no one cared about him anymore, so he simply broke the pot and smashed it, Song Xuyao ​​was willing to degenerate, feasting and feasting all day long, drunk with money.His father, Song Xueming, was distressed and could only attribute all his grievances to Han Zixuan, and wait until one day to avenge him.

As soon as Han Zixuan stepped into Beijin City, Song Xuyao ​​got the exact news.Then Shen Qifeng came to him to discuss dealing with Han Zixuan.

After Shen Zhiqiang talked about Han Zixuan with Shen Qifeng, Shen Zhiqiang felt that Han Zixuan was a threat, so he might as well use Song Xuyao's power to get rid of him, so as not to leave hidden dangers.

So Han Zixuan and Shen Hanyu went to the Red Makeup Pavilion, Song Xuyao ​​and Shen Qifeng gathered a lot of people, this time they planned to kill him, and they decided not to keep alive and let him escape again.

Zhang Jiahao saw the menacing attack, especially Song Xuyao ​​took the lead.I understood right away, but he is the master who led Shen Hanyu to the Red Makeup Pavilion this time, how could he let Shen Hanyu suffer a crisis and now has the opportunity to express himself.

"Xu Yao, Qi Feng, what are you doing here?"

Shen Qifeng glanced at Zhang Jiahao, smiled and said: "My future brother-in-law, it has nothing to do with you, you leave here first, let's have a few drinks later."

Song Xuyao ​​looked down on Zhang Jiahao at all, especially since he had a close relationship with Song Jingtian, he hated it even more.Glancing at him resentfully, he said viciously: "Zhang Jiahao, get out of here, my main target, Han Zixuan, has nothing to do with you."

Shen Hanyu was very angry, and came to Shen Qifeng and asked: "Shen Qifeng, what are you going to do, kill people in public?"

Shen Qifeng took a greedy look at Shen Hanyu. To be honest, he has always been obsessed with her beauty. It was also related to him when Shen Hanyu was forced to leave. He couldn't bear Shen Qifeng's deformed greed.

Suddenly, evil thoughts welled up in his heart, why not get rid of Han Zixuan, and then take the opportunity to occupy this beauty, anyway, she is about to get married, and there will be no chance in the future.

Shen Qifeng glanced at her coldly: "Sister Yu, you are in a good mood. I came to the Red Dressing Pavilion early in the morning to enjoy the scenery, but it's a pity to disturb your elegant mood. Our goal today is Han Zixuan. If you insist on this matter, then don’t blame my brother for being cruel.”

Zhang Jiahao really can't stand it any longer. How can there be scum like you in Beijin? They are also the hope of the future ZTE in the family, but they do all kinds of bad things.He couldn't see Shen Hanyu being insulted. He felt that his status as the son of the Zhang family was worth some face, and they should give him some face.

He changed his smile and stood next to Shen Qifeng and Song Xuyao: "Brothers, we are all members of the Jinmen family, don't do such things that harm others and benefit yourself. Han Zixuan has conflicts with you, I don't care. But I am here today , you can't touch a hair on him."

Song Xuyao ​​couldn't stand his whining, so he stretched out his fist and directly slapped Zhang Jiahao. After being bullied by Han Zixuan last time, he secretly learned some fists and kicks from some martial arts masters.

Zhang Jiahao is an elegant and gentle son, he never comes into contact with such barbarians, and he has bodyguards to protect the courtyard when he goes out. Today's situation is special, he did not bring bodyguards.So he ate Song Xuyao's fist in a dull mood, and then fell to the ground, blood slowly oozing from the corners of his nose and mouth.

Han Zixuan smiled secretly in his heart, he didn't have any skills, so he pretended to be half-baked.He glanced at Shen Hanyu and said helplessly, "Hanyu, what should I do."

Shen Hanyu became angry suddenly: "Zixuan, call me."

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