The campus is so cute

111 Reciprocity

When the old man woke up, the police had already taken Shen Zhiqiang away.The originally lively birthday banquet turned into this, the old man was very sad and in pain.The scandal of the Shen family brothers killing each other will hit the major local media tomorrow.Following that, the Shen family would fall into continued chaos, this was his idea.

Shen Songtao asked the servant how the front yard is now, the servant said that the uncle has presided over the situation, and the guests have not dispersed, but it has become more lively.

The old man's face was full of bitterness, it's over, the Shen family is going to be over.The servant saw that the old man was unhappy, and said puzzledly: "Master, it's actually good for the uncle to come back to power again, he is much better than the second master. In fact, we can all see clearly that the Shen family fell from the hands of the second master."

Shen Songtao sighed, and then came back to the courtyard in front of the villa. It was even more lively at the moment. Originally, his birthday banquet had become Shen Zhirong's birthday celebration banquet, and Shen Hanyu also joined in, following his father to toast the guests.

When it was the Zhang family's turn, Zhang Jiahao showed great generosity: "Congratulations uncle, congratulations Hanyu, I believe the Shen family will have a brand new situation."

Shen Zhirong politely expressed his thanks, and then came to Zhang Qinggang and said embarrassedly: "Brother, please understand about the children's marriage."

Zhang Qinggang didn't expect the situation to turn out like this, which made him a little confused for a while.But he put a smile on his face and said congratulations.

Slowly, the guests gradually dispersed.Zhang Jiahao came to Han Zixuan and quietly stretched out his thumb: "I know why I lost to you. I feel very happy that Hanyu followed you. I hope you will treat her well for the rest of your life."

At this moment, Shen Hanyu was snuggling up beside Han Zixuan, with a slight smile on her face all the time, making her look even more charming and affectionate.

Although Han Zixuan is the winner, it's better to keep a low profile in this regard.Shake hands with Zhang Jiahao: "Jiahao, we will continue to get along well in the future. The development of the family needs to rely on and help each other."

"It should be, as long as Young Master Han can remember me." Zhang Jiahao didn't say much, and left immediately with his father.

Later, Song Jingtian also came to congratulate Han Zixuan.Facing him, Han Zixuan had to be cautious. He wondered why there was no follow-up to Song Xuyao's incident. Could it be that the Song family had abandoned Song Xuyao.

Han Zixuan asked a question, and Song Jingtian nodded: "Young Master Han, you are very right. Song Xuyao ​​is a little scum of our Song family, so he has nothing to do with it. To be honest, I am also grateful for helping our family deal with the useless."

Han Zixuan was about to collapse, the Song family had completely different attitudes from last time, there was something wrong with it.In fact, Song Jingtian was also very puzzled, why grandpa's attitude changed so much this time, the problem was of course Han Zixuan.For this reason, he had to get closer to this person and strive to know why.

When Shen Songtao saw Han Zixuan chatting with Song Jingtian, they seemed to have a good relationship, his jaw dropped in shock.Who the hell is this guy? Could it be that the Shen family's sudden change was caused by him alone.

Finally, Chen Jingzhi and his son came to Han Zixuan.I met in the casino before because of the Bi Yunfan incident, but I didn't have much contact with each other, but I still had conflicts.However, their attitude has also changed this time, keeping pace with the Song family.Asking about his health, saying some polite words, Chen Yuqi also said that the younger sister is waiting for him at home, and you can communicate more when you have time.

Something is wrong, there is definitely something wrong here.The Song family must have contacts with the Chen family. There is no need to doubt this. They must work hard on him to change their attitude towards him. If there is anything about him that makes them afraid, after much deliberation, only Mo Longling , that's not what they already know.

Finally, the guests dispersed, and Shen Zhirong immediately held a family meeting.All the people attending the meeting were people directly related to the Shen family, but Han Zixuan was the only one in the crowd.Obviously, the Shen family treats him as a son-in-law at present.

Shen Songtao was still in a bad mood, but he managed to hold on.The meeting was chaired by Shen Zhirong.

The first item, he announced that he would manage all the business of the Shen family in the future, and no one refuted it. Xue Yuqin and his son Shen Qifeng were huddled in a corner at the moment, tears running down their faces, because the two of them knew the future What does it mean that the man in charge of the family is no longer there?

The second item is to hand over all the company's business to Shen Mingrui, and explain to the Shen family that Shen Mingrui is his son, there is no doubt about it.He is the future young master of the Shen family.

Third, considering that Shen Zhiqiang and his wife were insidious and cunning, and that their son was also harming one party and embarrassing the Shen family, they decided to disperse them immediately and leave the Shen family, never to return.After speaking, he looked at his father to see if he had any objections.

Shen Songtao didn't say anything, he was not stupid, Shen Zhiqiang, his wife and his son were not liked by anyone in the whole family, it was just that it was not humane to deal with it like this, but thinking about Shen Zhiqiang's crimes against his elder brother back then, it was nothing.

Soon, the two of them packed their bags and left. Before leaving, Shen Qifeng glared at Han Zixuan viciously. He knew in his heart that everything was caused by him.He couldn't swallow this breath, and when he breathed it back in the future, he would definitely have revenge.

After saying this, Shen Zhirong looked at his daughter with a smile on his face: "Now let's talk about a happy event. Although Hanyu is not engaged to Zhang Jiahao, he has found a man he likes. He is Han Zixuan, and he will be the son-in-law of the Shen family from now on."

Shen Hanyu's delicate face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head shyly.Shen Mingrui was in a very good mood, and jokingly said, "Sister, hurry up and express your opinion, when will you hold your wedding?"

Shen Hanyu pushed Han Zixuan, and said shyly, "Ask him."

Han Zixuan knew what he should say, he came to Shen's house for many days, most people have been seducing him to the driver who was the hostess, and they didn't look good on him.Especially Mr. Shen Songtao, who probably has always hated him.

He came in front of Shen Songtao, and politely called out: "Grandpa." Then he said: "Before, there were many misunderstandings between us men, which caused you to have some opinions on me."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Songtao shook his head hastily: "Zixuan, I didn't know you at that time. It's fine now. Congratulations on growing old with Hanyu." The old man turned around and left. He was very depressed now. I don't want to say more.

The second son did not hesitate to commit heinous crimes for his rights, which made him feel sorry.His grandson, Shen Qifeng, was far away from the Shen family, and it was estimated that he would have to endure hardships in the future, which made him feel sad.Thinking of the bad attitude towards Shen Han before, my heart was full of guilt.Anyway, the old man was not in the mood to chat with everyone and went back to his room.

Shen Zhirong looked at his younger sister Shen Yuelan in confusion: "Why didn't He Hongchao come today? I haven't seen him for several years. I know he's doing a lot in South China Sea now, and he doesn't pay attention to the Shen family."

Shen Yuelan hastily explained: "Brother, you misunderstood. He is very busy with business and can't get away. I will ask him to come to Beijin in person when there is a chance."

In fact, He Hongchao originally planned to come to Beijin to celebrate his birthday, but Han Zixuan and Shen Hanyu left Nanhai alive, so he gave up this plan.He then arranged for his wife to closely monitor the situation in the Shen family.

His intuition told him that Han Zixuan would definitely make a big move when he went back with Shen Hanyu, as expected, and it was a little surprising.

When He Hongchao married Shen Yuelan back then, his purpose was to take a fancy to the status of the Shen family. Sooner or later, the Shen family would belong to him, so he had a close relationship with Shen Zhiqiang and maintained a strategic cooperation attitude.But now, I am afraid that there will be a change.

Shen Yuelan was very happy to see Hanyu and Zixuan as a couple.These years, she has been very concerned about Shen Hanyu, otherwise she would not have let her live in their home, in fact, she was taking care of her in disguise.

She was also very sad about the tragedy of the Shen family, and she didn't know the truth behind it until today.It is the real blessing in her heart that elder brother and Hanyu can get along well in the future.And Shen Hanyu found true love, she is also very happy.In this way, Li Zi doesn't have to worry about this man.

When Shen Hanyu sent her aunt away, the two broke up.She took her aunt's hand: "Auntie, I'm afraid Lizi still doesn't know about Zixuan and me. After you go back, explain it to me. I feel very awkward, as if I stole her man."

"Hanyu, don't say that. To be honest, I'm the happiest when I see you getting along with Han. Presumably Li Zi will not like flirtatious men, so I don't have to worry about it." Shen Yuelan thought Liao thought, "Han Zixuan seems to be very capable, and I was also very surprised. It turned out that he healed the elder brother's leg. This man is really not simple. I blamed him wrongly at the beginning. Please explain to me when you go back. As long as he Don't pester my daughter, I still appreciate him very much."

Shen Hanyu observed her aunt's expression and found that she was acting very normal. Could it be that she didn't understand her husband's previous behavior and planted a bomb in the car.Forget it, I won't go back to the South China Sea anyway, let this matter slowly disappear.

Gradually, the Shen family returned to calm, even though the family experienced such a big turmoil.But a servant is still a servant, and still works for the master.It's just that now the mood has improved, the work has become more vigorous, and there are new uncles, the maids have nothing to do to sneak a few glances, or have the courage to chat with Han Zixuan.The bodyguards knew that Han Zixuan was good at kung fu, so they pestered him to learn a few more tricks. Of course, they wanted to know how he transformed.

They want to learn more about how to seduce the young lady from an ordinary driver master to the son-in-law of a wealthy family. They want to learn more, and if they have the opportunity in the future, they will also come to a toad to catch a beautiful white swan.

After Han Zixuan stayed for a few days, he helped sort out the follow-up work of the Shen family.On this day, Han Zixuan said to Shen Hanyu: "I want to go home and see my master."

Shen Hanyu knew that his home was in Beijin, but it was just located in a small mountain village in the suburbs.She yearned for the scenery there very much, and couldn't help arousing her interest in visiting.

"I'll accompany you back." Shen Hanyu blushed slightly.

Although Han Zixuan lived in, the two lived separately.Shen Zhirong has rules, and if they are not married, they must not live together, otherwise it will hurt their face if they go out.Therefore, Han Zixuan can only be greedy these days, and has no chance to make a move.

"Okay, then you can clean up quickly." Han Zixuan smiled.

Shen Hanyu gave him a charming look: "Don't think about it, you accompany me home, and I will accompany you home again, this is called reciprocity."

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