The campus is so cute

123 I am the genuine son

Han Zixuan and Shangguan met at a non-agreed place, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were both very happy after meeting.Although they usually don't communicate much, and each other has their own ghosts, the brotherhood between men sometimes comes very simply, without intrigue or mutual use.

"Zixuan, tell me the truth, you are really close to my elder brother's fiancée." Shangguan Fei didn't dare to neglect, and immediately got to the point.

Han Zixuan immediately told the story of Shen Mingrui, and handed him the woman's handwritten letter to let him understand that Luo Shumin actually has no feelings for your elder brother, it is nothing more than a wrong marriage arranged by the family.

Shangguan Fei frowned and said, "Damn, my eldest brother never knew this Miss Luo before, but he was forced to do nothing. Everything is the family's decision, and as the eldest son, he has no choice but to accept it."

Han Zixuan recalled the cold reception he had received at the door when he went to their house just now, and said sympathetically, "Brother, in fact, I have always known that your life experience is not simple. I just didn't expect you to have an unknown experience."

Shangguan Fei was taken aback: "Oh, so you investigate me."

There is no way, I am used to being cautious, and I always feel that the people around me are a threat, approaching me for some purpose.Han Zixuan didn't talk nonsense, after all, he had a special status, and he suspected that there were people from Tianxing around him.Fortunately, I haven't found it yet.

Shangguanfei was puzzled: "Zixuan, I really regard you as a brother. It seems that you already know my background, so you should let me know who you are. To be honest, although we study in the same class, But you can be a stranger. But you are different, you are righteous, and you are first-class and smart. I like to get along with people like you. I have been investigating your background hard, but I have found nothing. "

Han Zixuan smiled slightly, since he needed Shangguan Fei's help this time, it seemed that he had to be honest with him.Otherwise, the two brothers may not be able to do it in the future, so he simply told his experience.

Shangguan Fei was stunned: "Oh, so you are from Molong's bloodline. No wonder, I haven't been able to find out your specific origin. It's really deep enough to hide."

Han Zixuan was even more surprised: "Why, you've heard of Mo Long."

"Of course, my father had dealt with Mo Long before, and he mentioned it to me. When I was young, my father was assassinated by some evil forces from foreign countries, and it was thanks to Mo Long's people who came to help. It's a pity, Later, Molong was destroyed, and there was no news about it since then, I never thought that the future leader would stand in front of me." Shangguan Feixian was very excited, he has a wide range of interests, and he especially likes some bizarre things.

Therefore, he pestered Han Zixuan to tell him a lot about Mo Long, and what was his ultimate goal in making his appearance this time.

Han Zixuan replied very calmly, to rebuild Molong and create another glories.

"Brother, you are indeed courageous, and I will support you silently behind your back."

"That's necessary, that's all right, hurry up and tell the story of your family. I went to find you just now, and the guard at your house said that you are a bastard raised by your father's mistress, and they don't know you at all." Han Zixuan said deliberately ugly.

"Fuck, that bastard said it, I tore his mouth." Shangguan Fei was quite annoyed, his face turned green.

Han Zixuan was puzzled, could it be that what the guard said just now was all false, he was even more curious.

The story of Shangguan's family is more political.When Shangguan Longfei was young, he had married a wife and had a son, and he was Shangguan Fei's elder brother, Shangguan Ting.At that time, Shangguan Longfei was not yet an oil tycoon, but he was already quite powerful and began to show his prominence.

Later, Shangguan Longfei developed rapidly and became a well-known energy tycoon in the south.The country began to pay attention to this person. This person is very important. Once he betrays the country and is used by other countries, it will definitely bring disaster to the country and the people.

Although Shangguan Longfei promised that he would not betray the country and would not be bought by any country or organization, the country was still worried about him.After much deliberation, he adopted a relatively simple and conservative strategy and arranged for the daughter of an important minister of the country to marry Shangguan Longfei.

Among them is the daughter of the Minister of Energy surnamed Li, and the daughter of the Minister of Finance surnamed Xu.In fact, it is to supervise secretly to prevent him from betraying.

Helpless, Shangguan Longfei could only agree.Therefore, he has three wives. In comparison, the first wife is paler, and his status in the family is obviously inferior to the other two wives.

Shangguan Fei's mother, Wang Lin, understands the truth and understands her husband very well. Whoever asks herself to marry a powerful man will have to endure it at home if she is famous outside.And during that time, Shangguanfei was about to be born.

Wang Lin worried that her future son would grow up in such a complicated family, which might be bad for his future. At the same time, Li Caiye and Xu Zhenzhen's two wives were about to give birth, and she was only the daughter of a down-and-out family in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so she couldn't compete with Li Caiye and Xu Zhenzhen for status.

Discuss the countermeasures with Shangguan Longfei and give birth to the child as usual.But he cannot be allowed to grow up in the current family environment.He thought of a way, once someone knew about Shangguan Fei, he would explain to the outside world that he was a bastard lured by Shangguan Longfei.It just ruined Shangguan Longfei, but when he was young, he was also a well-known romantic son in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Shangguan Fei grew up in this semi-hidden environment. Li Caiye and Xu Zhenzhen naturally noticed Shangguan Fei, but they are more easy-going, as long as Shangguan Fei does not appear in front of everyone.

"Brother, I am actually the real son of the Shangguan family. My identity is just a helpless choice."

Han Zixuan was going to be dumbfounded, and as expected, he replied that there are all kinds of birds in the forest.However, he admired Shangguan Fei's mother's approach very much. It is indeed difficult for a weak woman to survive in the cracks of a big family.

"Oh, the one who got married is your biological eldest brother, Shangguanting. Who are your other two brothers, and what are their names?"

"Mrs. Li's son, Shangguan Yun, and Mrs. Xu's son, Shangguan Xiang. We are about the same age. The one who gets married can only be my elder brother, who is 28 this year." Shangguanfei recalled the situation before him: "Zixuan, it's not me. Willing to help, I really can't do anything right now, in fact, my brother doesn't want to get married, and he has a favorite girl. Unfortunately, he is the eldest son, and in a family like ours, marriage cannot be the decision."

Han Zixuan understands, but the current matter still needs to be resolved. He thought for a while and said, "Shangguan, see if we can arrange for your elder brother and my elder brother to meet and chat with each other. Let's think about it together." Method."

Shangguan Fei nodded, this task can definitely be completed, after all, there are still a few days before the divorce period.I know that you are very capable, kid, and everything will depend on you when the time comes.Shangguan Fei took a look at Han Zixuan, expecting a miracle in his heart.Han Zixuan told him the address and room number of the hotel, and the two left separately.

When Han Zixuan returned to the hotel, Shen Mingrui was impatient for a long time. He stared at the door all the time.Seeing Han Zixuan's return, it was like meeting a lover whom he had missed for many years. He immediately greeted him and hurriedly asked, "Zixuan, how are you doing?"

Han Zixuan said truthfully: "The situation is naturally very difficult, much more difficult than I expected. But it is man-made. The Shangguan court will come soon, and you two can talk openly."

Han Zixuan kept his story short, and the conversation with Shangguan Fei was as concise as possible.Shen Mingrui was secretly delighted, it was indeed right to let Zixuan come along, he did not expect that he really knew someone from Shangguan's family.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Shangguanfei sent a text message to Han Zixuan, and the two of them would arrive at the hotel soon, asking Han Zixuan and Shen Mingrui to wait for a while.

After a while, two people came.Han Zixuan glanced at Shangguanting, not to mention handsome, and found that his expression was quite similar to Shen Mingrui's, with a touch of melancholy and an indescribable sense of helplessness.

Shen Mingrui is a bastard, living under the shadow of Shen Qifeng, he will definitely be affected physically and mentally.

Although Shangguan Ting is the real son, but there is Shangguan Yun following Shang Guanxiang below him. He is older than them and understands many truths in his heart.In the future, he may not be able to control everything in the Shangguan family, but his father must have taught him a lot, or he will be burdened with a lot.

After Shangguan Ting and Shen Mingrui shook hands, they were both slightly stunned, and then smiled bitterly, presumably they both understood the pain in their hearts.

Shangguan Fei was cheerful and impatient, so he immediately said, "Brother Shen, our family didn't know that you were in love with Miss Luo. In fact, this happened very suddenly, and my brother just learned about it."

Shen Mingrui nodded in understanding, and asked Shangguanting: "Have you seen Shumin, is she okay?"

Shangguanting didn't hide it: "We only met once. Miss Luo is an excellent woman. In fact, once our union is bound to be a mistake, both of us will regret it in the future, but there are some things that are very helpless. Brother Shen, I am also very embarrassed."

Shangguanfei looked at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, you should quickly think of a solution. Think about how to solve the matter, or just grab it and forget it, and then you all go back home."

Shangguanting immediately glared at him: "Resolutely not, this matter was arranged by Aunt Xu, if it is not handled properly, it will cause trouble."

Oh, Han Zixuan immediately noticed.I hope Shangguan Ting can explain in more detail, for example, this Aunt Xu, he thinks there must be a mystery in it.

Shangguanting said truthfully: "This marriage was arranged by Aunt Xu. In fact, I have a girl I like, a daughter of the local Guo family. But Aunt Xu did not know where to get Miss Luo, saying that we are the perfect match. But my father didn't say anything about this matter, he only said to me that when I reached the age of marriage, I should start a family. It is not important to choose a marriage partner, and the future depends on myself."

Han Zixuan understood from the sidelines that it seemed that this Aunt Xu was not quite at peace.He planned to use Luo Shumin to bind Shangguanting, but he didn't know her specific motive.

"Brother Shangguan, it seems that you have a very important position in your family at present. That's why your Aunt Xu attacked you. I don't know her purpose for now. I want to ask, what is Miss Luo's identity?"

Shangguanting took a look at Shen Mingrui: "Aunt Xu said they are distant relatives of their family, that's all I know. Brother Shen must know, why do you ask me?"

Shen Mingrui smiled wryly: "I'm very sorry, although we were in love before, we didn't know anything about her background."

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