The campus is so cute

125 I hope I have a younger sister

Han Zixuan felt a bit of annoyance in his heart. The weak-looking Ms. Luo in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.It seems that this person has already stood in Tianxing's camp, so facing the enemy, he can only kill him.

But if you do that, I'm afraid it will hurt Shen Mingrui.Helpless, he forced a smile: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't care about that at all. But Miss Luo, since you have revealed your identity, I'm afraid you and I will become enemies in the future."

Luo Shumin smiled faintly: "Not necessarily, since Mingrui is your wife's eldest brother, maybe you still have to call me sister-in-law."

Han Zixuan was angry in his heart, but he kept his expression on the surface: "Miss Luo, I really don't understand what you mean."

"Han Zixuan, take a step to talk." Luo Shumin gave Mingrui an apologetic look: "Wait for me for a while, we have something to settle."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Shen Mingrui was confused, so he could only foolishly agree.

"Han Zixuan, you must be aware of my identity. I am a descendant of the Luo family. Regarding the matter of the seal on your body, I don't want to get involved. Because I hate you, because your existence has completely ruined my life. "

Han Zixuan listened quietly, it turned out that Luo Shumin was Luo Shenke's granddaughter.Roshchenk told her not to participate in the battle between the two organizations in the future, once she got involved, it would definitely cause trouble.After Han Zixuan appeared, Luo Shenke told Luo Shumin about his situation, stay away from this man, and don't make any entanglements.

So Luo Shumin chose to get rid of her body as soon as possible, not giving Han Zixuan a chance to get close.And Shen Mingrui happened to be the man she had always admired, and she didn't want to embarrass Shen Mingrui by being caught in it for some reason.

After Han Zixuan finished listening, the annoyance in his heart eased a lot.Indeed, everyone has a life of choice, and there is no need to get involved.

"Miss Luo, you are not afraid of becoming enemies with me." Han Zixuan was puzzled.

"Han Zixuan, to be honest, I don't want to continue this kind of life controlled by others. I want to stay away from these things, and I just want to live a pure and clean life of my own. No matter if Molong and Tianxing fight in the future, I really don't want to fight." don’t want to get involved.”

Han Zixuan nodded: "Well, it seems that the back of the Xu family has been infiltrated by Tianxing."

"That's right, the Xu family has already formed an alliance with Tianxing. I was just sent here to perform a mission and marry Shangguanting. You understand the purpose very well, so that I can manipulate this person in the future." Luo Shumin shrugged and said, "Really, I I don't like this kind of life."

After hearing this, Han Zixuan admired the woman in front of him a little bit, smiled and said, "Since you have an idea, how do you plan to get out."

"Didn't you come here? I have an idea. It's not difficult for me to get away, but I'm afraid it will cause trouble. Your appearance can explain everything. Tianxing will point the finger at you, and you also hope to come with Tianxing." Let's fight head-to-head." Luo Shumin rolled her eyes: "How about it, Han Zixuan, do you have the guts?"

Han Zixuan nodded: "No problem, but I want to ask some questions."

Luo Shumin knew what he was going to ask: "I only know that my immediate boss is called Chu Xiangdong, and he arranged all my tasks. I'm just an insignificant pawn. I really don't know much."

Han Zixuan knew about Chu Xiangdong from Chen Yuluo. It seemed that this person was a very important figure in the Tianxing organization. Will he attend the wedding of Shangguan's family?

Luo Shumin shook her head to express that she was not sure, after coming here, Xu Zhenzhen was in charge of my affairs, everything was up to her.

"Why are you so sure that you can control Shangguanting? Doesn't Shangguan Longfei know what you're doing?"

Luo Shumin curled her lips: "Shangguan Longfei is currently actively cooperating with the Xu family in order to get promoted. I'm afraid he has participated in the marriage arrangement this time. Moreover, Shangguan Ting is honest and weak, without much courage, so it is easier to control. When the time is right, The Xu family will kick Shangguan Ting out, and Shangguan Longfei's dream of becoming an official may also be shattered. At that time, the Shangguan family will have nothing and everything will be taken over by Tianxing."

Tianxing is really vicious enough, once they control the lifeline of oil, what will it mean.Wealth, money, and inexhaustible energy provide a strong guarantee for doing great things in the future.It has to be said that today's Tianxing is developing very rapidly, which makes Han Zixuan very jealous.

Think about the current self, except for the Shen family in Beijin and the Xie family in Nanhai, there is nothing else.How to compare with the terrifying power of the stars in the sky.But since he came to Suzhou and Hangzhou, I am afraid that Tianxing will not reach this deal.

"Miss Luo, thank you very much for providing me with such an important secret."

Luo Shumin said: "Han Zixuan, I should actually thank you, thank you for bringing Mingrui, so that we can finally meet."

"Well, we owe each other nothing. Tell me about your plan to escape."

"Our Luo family knows the best disguise technique in China. As long as I disguise myself into another person, I can escape smoothly. It's very easy." Luo Shumin smiled mischievously: "Okay, between us Now that we're done talking about it, it's time for me to meet my Mingrui."

After seeing Shen Mingrui, Luo Shumin took his hand and said, "Mingrui, I have to go back today. After a few more days, we will definitely meet. At that time, we can stay together forever."

Han Zixuan sent her away, and Shangguanting waited outside a little anxiously: "Hurry up and go home, Xu Zhenzhen called and rang several times just now."

Han Zixuan left Shangguan Ting behind and said, "Brother Shangguan, I have something very important to tell you, but I have to meet your father, see if you can arrange it. It's about the secret of this marriage."

Shangguanting understood that it seemed that Luo Shumin must have confessed to Han Zixuan.He nodded: "I will let my brother contact you then."

Shen Mingrui grabbed Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, what's going on between you and Shumin? Could it be that you have an affair."

"Brother, if there is an affair, she will dedicate herself to you, so I will take advantage of it." Han Zixuan smiled bitterly. If the seal on his body cannot be unlocked, it means that many secrets will not be known.For example, what is in the mysterious black box in the teacher's wife's hand? Tianxing tried his best to get the Molong Token, and there may be something more important.

Shen Mingrui scratched his head, showing a shy expression: "Zixuan, I know you will definitely not do that kind of thing, but I heard you chatting just now, it was a mess."

"I'll let Ms. Luo tell you if I have a chance. I'm a little tired today. Let's go to bed early."

After Han Zixuan returned to his room, he immediately called Master.Explains the situation in Suzhou and Hangzhou, as well as the purpose of Tianxing.

Ye Qingsong told him to do everything possible to prevent this marriage. I am very familiar with Shangguan Longfei, if necessary, he can play the family card.I saved his wife's life back then, and this person knows how to repay his kindness, not that kind of sinister person.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Master, when you were young, you were like a bodhisattva who came down to earth to treat people's diseases. The Xie family will help me, and the Shangguan family can do it."

"It's hard to say, it all depends on your efforts."

Han Zixuan had an idea in his mind, and then mentioned Luo Shumin's matter, and then he said a little distressed: "Master, what should we do if we encounter this situation."

Ye Qingsong said: "Don't worry, the Luo family may have other granddaughters."

Han Zixuan suddenly realized that he was anxious just now and didn't ask Luo Shumin if she had a sister. God bless her, I hope she still has a sister.

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