He Lizi didn't say anything, she just turned her head and stared at Han Zixuan angrily, her eyes clearly expressed wishful thinking.

When the two beauties walked away, the senior next to Han Zixuan came back to his senses. He thought that Han Zixuan was just an ordinary student, but he didn't expect this person to know the beauty of the school. It seemed that they lived together before. My God, who is this man next to him? what character.

The senior immediately changed his attitude. Although he was very enthusiastic about receiving the new students just now, he became more enthusiastic and even flattering now.

"This freshman, what's your name?"

Han Zixuan turned to look at him in surprise, his lips parted slightly: "Han Zixuan, I hope senior will take care of you in the future."

"I didn't say anything, my name is Li Lei, a sophomore." Li Lei showed his white teeth and said with a smile, "Han Zixuan, you know He Lizi, what is your relationship?"

Han Zixuan thought about it and said, "It doesn't matter, at most they are relatives."

Li Lei said enviously: "It's really wonderful to be a relative with the school belle."

Han Zixuan ignored him and walked straight towards the dormitory building.Li Lei behind hurriedly chased him and wanted to help him with his luggage.

Han Zixuan refused: "No, I can do it myself. Senior Li Lei, I know you want to be a school beauty, but I can tell you that this kind of thing depends on your own hard work, and there is no hope at all through the back door."

Li Lei was overwhelmed by what people said, and his face was a little embarrassed, and he said awkwardly: "Brother, I don't have that extravagant wish, I just hope to have a meal with Xiaohua, and if I fulfill this wish, I will die without regret."

Han Zixuan turned his face and said, "Senior, I can help you fulfill this wish."

"Really." Li Lei looked excited.

"Of course, if you fulfill this wish, you will be reincarnated." Han Zixuan said with contempt.

Li Lei suddenly became dumb and stood still in place.Han Zixuan ignored him and continued walking towards the dormitory.

Li Lei looked at Han Zixuan's back, and cursed secretly: "What's so awesome, isn't he a relative of the school belle? When I get a school belle, I'll piss you off."

Han Zixuan came to the dormitory, room 507, when he entered, the other three brothers in the dormitory had already arrived.

His arrival immediately attracted the attention of the three of them.One of the handsome and well-dressed boys took the initiative to come to Han Zixuan and stretched out his hand: "Han Zixuan, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me, my name is Shangguan Fei, from now on you can just call me Shangguan."

Han Zixuan shook hands with him and smiled slightly: "Please take care of me too."

Then a thin, slender boy came to them with a shy face, and said carelessly: "My name is Li Xiaoxu, please take care of me."

Han Zixuan also returned the gift.Li Xiaoxu continued: "He is Zhao Ming, and he is also a brother in our dormitory."

The guy named Zhao Ming was addicted to computer games, he raised his head and glanced at Han Zixuan as a greeting.

It was the first time to try group life, and Han Zixuan felt that everything was new.He tidied up his own bed first, gathered his things together, and this will be his nest from now on.

Shangguanfei leaned closer: "Han Zixuan, where are you from, and which high school did you graduate from?"

Speaking of this, Han Zixuan couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, he didn't even go to elementary school, let alone high school.He tried his best and couldn't make up the name of a high school, regretting that he should have prepared well before entering school.

Seeing his appearance, Shangguan was surprised and said, "Brother, could it be that you haven't been to high school."

"No, of course I have read it, but my home is relatively remote and belongs to the countryside, so you don't know if I tell you." Han Zixuan said casually.

Li Xiaoxu immediately felt that he had found a bosom friend, and held Han Zixuan's hand and said enthusiastically, "Han Zixuan, we are from the same hometown. I also come from the countryside. My family is farming, and yours is too."

Han Zixuan could only nod in agreement.

Li Xiaoxu continued to be excited: "My family is located in Hebei. We grow wheat and sorghum over there. What do you grow over there?"

Han Zixuan bit the bullet and said, "Rice."

Li Xiaoxu nodded: "Oh, it's rice. Your home must be in the south, no wonder your skin is so white."

He is from a rural area. When he first came to the dormitory, he knew that the other two roommates were from the city through chatting. Shangguan Fei saw that he was the owner of the rich family, because his mobile phone bags were all famous brands. Zhao Ming’s family must also be good, because this The guy went to school with a laptop. In Li Xiaoxu's eyes, if he can afford a computer, his family must be in a good position.

For this reason, he felt a little inferior in his heart, feeling inferior.When he saw Han Zixuan, seeing his simple clothes and rustic expression, he immediately felt that he had met a bosom friend, and felt much better at the same time.

Shangguan Fei interrupted and said, "Okay, let's talk about something else. Although I have never been to the countryside, I know that the scenery is beautiful and pleasant. Xiaoxu, take me to your house from now on."

Although he is a rich master, but this person is very open-minded and doesn't act with winks, Han Zixuan kept nodding in his heart, Shangguan is not bad.

"No problem, as long as you don't think it's poor there." Li Xiaoxu said naively.

Shangguan Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Brothers, let's talk about some topics that men are interested in. You must know that Nanhai University has a famous campus beauty."

Li Xiaoxu shook his head blankly: "School belle, I don't know. I just reported it, how can I know the school belle, besides, the school belle has nothing to do with me, I'm more pragmatic, I don't want those empty-headed things."

Shangguan turned to look at Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know."

Shangguan looked smug: "Brothers, before I came here, I found out everything. Our school recognizes that the school belle is He Lizi, a sophomore girl from the School of Economics and Management. According to legend, this girl looks like a fairy, and her talents are even more outstanding. She is the goal that all boys pursue."

Zhao Ming is still obsessed with games, this guy has no interest in beauty.

Han Zixuan couldn't help laughing inwardly, rumors are all rumors.

Li Xiaoxu said foolishly: "Shangguan, our dormitory belongs to you. You are handsome and rich, so go clubbing."

Shangguan suddenly looked sad: "Hey, you think it's so easy to become a school girl, not just relying on looks and money."

Li Xiaoxu asked blankly, "Then what else is needed?"

"What, means? Picking up girls requires skills and a strategy. As long as you have means, even if you grow up to be Zhu Bajie and his second brother, you can still handle the school girl." these things.

Han Zixuan listened silently, so he took it as a lecture. Anyway, he is not good at this, so he thought it was an exchange of experience with a fellow Taoist.

Li Xiaoxu naturally didn't believe it, and still said silly and cheerfully: "Shangguan, just fool me, I don't believe it."

Shangguan snapped his fingers with his right hand: "Now let me tell you another shocking news, a peerless beauty has entered our freshman class. This girl is as gorgeous as a peach blossom. It is estimated that the school belle will change hands."

Han Zixuan somehow regained his energy, interjected and asked, "Who is it?"

Shangguanfei said proudly: "Yang Xueyi, a freshman majoring in computer science. According to legend, the girl is a genius girl who has been gifted in mathematics since she was a child, especially in the computer field. The power of the Yang family, not to mention the power of the sky, is about the same."

Li Xiaoxu opened his mouth wide in shock: "It's really that powerful."

"Of course, there is absolutely no water content. Keep your eyes open, and wait and see. A peak duel between school beauties is about to be staged." Shangguan spit, wishing to take off his clothes and dance happily.

Han Zixuan smiled faintly, Yang Xueyi, if given the chance, he would really like to compete, the master said that he is also a genius, and a genius in all aspects.

Time passed quickly, and in the evening, Shangguan Fei Zhang Luo's dormitory classmates went out to have a small gathering. This is the traditional rule of admission. Several boys in the dormitory get together, have a good meal, drink and exchange feelings.

Zhao Ming didn't refuse. He rubbed his sore eyes, stretched his waist and said, "Shangguan, let me declare first that you pay the bill. My brothers and sisters are the richest in your family."

Shangguan: "No problem, leave it to me."

Li Xiaoxu meant to find a restaurant at random, and everyone can order two dishes, but Shangguan disagreed, insisting that they should not be so hasty, and must choose the best restaurant near the school.

This guy seemed to have been prepared a long time ago, and called to go to Zhuangyuan Building, a first-class restaurant near Nanhai University, with an elegant environment and high-quality waiters, and students had a good reputation eating here.

The four of them came to Zhuangyuan Building, as expected.The store is well decorated and the waiters are elegant and generous. Li Xiaoxu was a little dazed when he entered such a high-end restaurant for the first time, with a pair of small eyes flicking around.

Shangguan took a peek at Han Zixuan, quite proudly: "How about it, it's not bad, it's classy enough."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Okay, since you have been taken advantage of to treat guests, we won't be picky."

Shangguan Fei was rather surprised. If Han Zixuan and Li Xiaoxu were both from the countryside, why would he not have Li Xiaoxu's silly look? He was quite suspicious.

Shangguan asked the waiter if there were any private rooms. The waiter said that the private rooms were full, and told them to come here for dinner in the future. To reserve a private room, you need to call in advance.

Li Xiaoxu pushed Shangguan Fei: "Okay, why do you need a private room. The outside is quite nice, let's not be too particular."

"Okay, Xiaoxu has already spoken, let's eat outside."

The four sat down, and Shangguanfei handed the menu to Li Xiaoxu: "Xiaoxu, you come to order, and you can order whatever you like."

Li Xiaoxu took the menu, his expression changed immediately, and he looked carefully at the cheapest stir-fried vegetables cost nearly 20 yuan. For him, 20 yuan was almost the cost of eating for a week.

"Shangguan, isn't it a bit too expensive?" Li Xiaoxu was a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Zhao Ming grabbed the menu: "Why are you hesitating, I just pick the expensive ones and the delicious ones."

The dishes were ready soon, and Shangguan asked for some wine to cheer up the fun. The others didn't refuse, so he arranged for the waiter to order a bottle of local famous wine Samsung Gaoliang Red.The four of them ate and talked with great interest.

Although Zhuangyuan Building is the most expensive restaurant near the school, the crowds are endless. The current students are quite rich and like to pay attention to ostentation.

At this time, two girls came in from the Zhuangyuan Building. The two girls were gorgeously dressed, carrying exquisite small satchels in their hands, talking and laughing as they walked into the restaurant.

The waiter greeted them warmly and seated them. After ordering something, they sat down and chatted.

Shangguan Fei's eyes are the most poisonous. He immediately noticed a beautiful woman coming in. He rubbed his eyes carefully, and after seeing clearly, he regained his energy and said softly, "Brothers, did you see those two girls?"

Han Zixuan followed Shangguan Fei's gaze and was slightly taken aback, unexpectedly it was the two of them.

The other two also saw the beauty and couldn't help drooling watching.

Shangguan Fei beamed and said, "That tall girl is the school belle He Lizi, and the beautiful girl next to her is probably a freshman. Wow, she's not bad looking, especially her figure, she's well-developed."

Zhao Ming glanced at it: "Beauty is beautiful, but I don't like it because beautiful women have thorns."

Li Xiaoxu said infatuatedly: "So this is the school belle, and it really lives up to its reputation. Shangguan, go clubbing and let me see your demeanor."

Unmoved, Shangguan looked at Han Zixuan and said, "Brother Zixuan, what are your arguments?"

Han Zixuan said softly: "General."

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