The campus is so cute

142 Not a Traitor

Soon, the Luo family and the Shen family reached an agreement, and the wedding will be held three days later.

When Luo Wenbin left with his father Luo Junyan, Han Zixuan came out to see off the guests and wanted to ask Luo Wenbin what the purpose of what he said just now was to confuse me on purpose.

Luo Junyan stopped in his tracks, glanced at Han Zixuan and said, "Oh, Han Zixuan, I've heard about you for a long time."

Han Zixuan returned the salute humbly: "Hello, Uncle."

Luo Junyan waved his hand and said, "No need to send it away, so as not to be seen." Afterwards, he and Luo Wenbin drove away immediately.

Han Zixuan's heart was beating wildly, could it be that the Luo family had not betrayed.He remembered that Ma Yunfeng had said that Roshchenke would never be a traitor, so it was really possible.So what is the purpose of Roshchenk's refuge in Tianxing? Could it be that he was forced to do it.

Anyway, Han Zixuan is still not sure.Remembering Luo Wenbin's warning just now, he immediately contacted Chen Yuluo and briefly explained the situation on the phone.

After Chen Yuluo hung up the phone, he went to his father's room.

Recently, Chu Xiangdong secretly sent some people to the Chen family to protect the safety of the Chen family.Chen Jingzhi was very grateful in his heart, and praised Tianxing in front of his children for being very good. When there is difficulty, they will definitely be willing to help.

Chen Yuluo dubiously believed Han Zixuan's words, but she was also excited by it.Finally, he knew who Chu Xiangdong was, and he really was Chu Yuhang's father.

The news he revealed may not be reliable, but Chen Yuluo felt that his father should be reminded.After hearing this, Chen Jingzhi frowned: "Yuluo, what kind of wind did you hear, it's still a personal idea."

Chen Yuluo truthfully told the news revealed by Han Zixuan.

Chen Jingzhi smiled coldly: "Silly girl, this is obviously a deliberate trick by Han Zixuan. The purpose is very simple, to force me to turn against Tianxing. Ignore him, and don't go out these few days. The brothers and sisters of the Duan family are always in ambush, be careful Better."

However, Chen Yuluo felt that the news was very true, so he analyzed that Chu Xiangdong would definitely abandon our family, because the current strength of the Duan family is far above ours, and it is impossible for him to offend the powerful opponent of the Duan family for us.

Chen Yuqi also joined in. Just now he saw those mysterious people with guns wandering around his yard, feeling very upset.Hearing the younger sister discuss the matter with his father, he thinks the younger sister's idea is very correct.

Chen Jingzhi is known as an old fox, of course he would think of this.Could it be that the people Chu Xiangdong arranged were not to protect us, but to kill us.

After thinking about it, he felt that what his children said made sense.But he couldn't show it, once he guessed wrong, wouldn't he offend Chu Xiangdong.

"Yuluo, you can ask Han Zixuan again, when exactly will they act."

Chen Yuluo had no choice but to contact Han Zixuan.The two met again on a date, but this time the Chen family arranged many bodyguards behind her to protect her safety.

After the two met, Han Zixuan shook his head with a wry smile: "I don't know the specific situation, Luo Wenbin mentioned it to me, and his words may not be credible."

Chen Yuluo suddenly remembered that Shen Mingrui was about to get married, and the woman's surname seemed to be Luo.Han Zixuan knew that he couldn't hide it from her, so he briefly explained the situation.

"So it turns out that your relationship is really chaotic. In this way, Luo Wenbin is also a member of Tianxing, but you have become relatives. Tianxing and Molong belong to life-and-death rivals, but you are implicated. How do you deal with this?"

Han Zixuan felt that the Luo family married their daughter not only because of the love between Luo Shumin and Shen Mingrui, but also because of other intentions.Luo Wenbin only said half of what he said yesterday, and there must be a lot to say in the future.

"That's not necessarily the case, maybe we will become allies in the future. For example, we were enemies at first, but now we are allies." Han Zixuan smiled: "Anyway, your family should prepare for the worst. After the matter is over, the result will be decided by itself."

Three days later, the wedding ceremony began. Luo Wenbin, as Luo Shumin's elder brother, naturally played the role of seeing off the bride, while Han Zixuan was Shen Mingrui's brother-in-law, and followed Shen Mingrui to greet the bride.

After Luo Wenbin and Han Zixuan met, they got into the same car with a tacit understanding. Because the wedding day was very lively, no one paid attention to their actions.

After getting in the car, Luo Wenbin lowered his voice and said, "I know you must have a lot of doubts in your heart. What I said that day was the truth. You have to remember that my grandfather is not a traitor of Molong. The reason why he betrayed was to lurk in and find the real traitor."

Han Zixuan showed a startled expression, and asked: "After lurking for so many years, there must be an investigation result."

Luo Wenbin shook his head: "Unfortunately, there has been no result. But we have already taken root in Tianxing. Now we have a general understanding of the scale of Tianxing's development. We just wait for you to come out as soon as possible and become your internal support."

Han Zixuan still didn't believe it, maybe this was just a trick used by Chu Xiangdong and Luo's family, who knows what's behind it.Back then, when I went to Suzhou and Hangzhou, I was surrounded by them playing around.

Luo Wenbin knew that Han Zixuan might not believe it, but he didn't say too much, and said softly, "Look at my performance."

Han Zixuan suddenly wondered if there were any sisters in the Luo family. If this person really wanted to help me, he would definitely help.

"Brother Luo, since you said you are not from Tianxing, what is your sister Luo Shumin's attitude?"

Luo Wenbin said that my sister is not interested in these things at all. She is a dispensable character in Tianxing, and no one pays too much attention to her.It's just that this time her marriage with Shen Mingrui caused a lot of trouble.Chu Xiangdong himself has no idea about this kind of thing, he just hopes that my sister can lurk in your house, but he knows that this kind of thing will be discovered by you soon, so they quickly gave up their previous ideas.

Han Zixuan nodded and asked, "What does Chu Xiangdong think of me? Does he want to kill me?"

Luo Wenbin smiled and shook his head: "He won't pay attention to you at all. You are just a small person in his eyes. His goals and ambitions are very big. And he firmly believes that you will not make any big disturbances, but you will have a meeting with us. Sometimes, he will focus on you, let us young people pay more attention to you, after all, we will have a greater chance of meeting in the future."

Oh, Han Zixuan was secretly happy, Chu Xiangdong's negligence just gave him time to breathe and develop.

Han Zixuan tentatively asked: "Chu Xiangdong has been looking for Mo Longling, I wonder if he has any clues."

Luo Wenbin shook his head and said that he was not very clear about this matter, and he would not tell them everything.From this point of view, Mo Long Ling is very important, and he has an inevitable connection with the mysterious black box at Emei Ma Yunfeng.And Chu Xiangdong's deliberate efforts to get the Molong Token must have something to do with that black box.

How much do you know about this matter, Han Zixuan was not sure.

To be honest, I don't know, I can ask my father, he knows more than me.But I think this matter must be a top secret matter, Chu Xiangdong should not know about it, otherwise he wouldn't be groping to find it.

Han Zixuan was suspicious, Luo Shumin knew about the seal on him, but Luo Wenbin didn't know.He continued to probe how much was known about him.

Luo Wenbin thought for a while: "It's not very clear. In fact, when I was an adult, I already knew the identity background of our family and what we are going to do now. As for you, I knew it before. You have been following Ye Qingsong Cultivate, and when the time is right, you will come out of the mountain."

Han Zixuan hurriedly interrupted him, and asked frankly, "Do you know that I have a mysterious seal on my body?"

Luo Wenbin was stunned: "I don't know, there are such wonders in the world."

It seems that this person really doesn't know, that is to say, Luo Shenke only told Luo Shumin about it.Then what Luo Shumin said before can be judged to be true. Her grandfather didn't want her to get involved in this matter. In other words, Luo Shenke didn't want Mo Longling to reappear.

Roshchenk didn't want it to appear, but Tianxing and his group tried their best to find it, which shows that this thing is very important.What it is, only he himself can dig.

Luo Wenbin asked what kind of seal it was, and Han Zixuan shrugged and smiled: "My master said that it seems to be a seal about power, as long as I untie it, my kung fu can go one step further."

He didn't tell the truth, Luo Wenbin completely believed it.Can't help but sigh: "Your kung fu is already quite powerful now, if you unlock the seal again, I'm afraid there will really be no one who can match you."

Really, Han Zixuan smiled bitterly in his heart.This world does not only rely on strength, but also needs wisdom.

"Brother Luo, do you girls from the Luo family have any other sisters besides Luo Shumin?"

Luo Wenbin knew that Han Zixuan liked to pick up girls, so he might have started to play tricks on their family, but it's a pity that their family has only one younger sister, and they are about to enter the marriage hall today.

Seeing him shaking his head, Han Zixuan sighed.Luo Wenbin said brother, your wife Shen Hanyu is the dream lover of all men in Beijin, you are enough to make people jealous, what else do you want.

He thought of Chu Yuhang, that person, whom he defined as a waste, a prodigal who knew how to have fun every day.Of course, in order to sneak into Tianxing, he hung out with Chu Yuhang every day, and because of this, his reputation also declined.

He kindly reminded: "Han Zixuan, don't forget the burdens on you, don't live in luxury every day, for example, our boss' son Chu Yuhang is a complete waste, he only knows how to eat, drink and have fun every day."

Han Zixuan was very curious about this person. Chu Xiangdong's son turned out to be like this.He doesn't believe it.The corner of Luo Wenbin's mouth showed a hint of mockery, and he said that Chu Yuhang had deliberately revealed the family's top-secret plan in order to show favor to Chen Yuluo.

"Interesting, so to speak, Chu Yuhang and his father are not walking in a straight line."

Luo Wenbin nodded: "Yes, Chu Yuhang has no ambitions, but now, Chu Xiangdong has basically given up on him, as long as he doesn't go too far."

Soon, the car arrived at the hotel.Luo Wenbin immediately changed another person, and his enthusiasm with Han Zixuan was gone, as if he had changed another person.

Today, Chu Yuhang actually came too. He was really bored at home, so he asked for leave to attend the wedding of his brother Luo Wenbin and his sister. Chu Xiangdong didn't allow it, but after thinking about it, he wanted him to come out, but he was accompanied by bodyguards to protect him closely. his safety.

Chu Yuhang saw Luo Wenbin at a glance, and hurried over to look for him.

Luo Wenbin was very surprised when he saw him appear.But he reacted quickly: "Young Master Chu, welcome to come."

Chu Yuhang punched him hard: "Fuck you, I'm not a big shot. Keep a low profile when you're out. By the way, Han Zixuan, I want to meet this person."

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