After Han Zixuan returned home, the wedding was still going on, and the chaotic situation in the Chen family did not affect the grand occasion at all.

At this moment, the wedding is over and the guests are enjoying themselves.When Han Zixuan saw Dong Changjie, he immediately sat beside him, and briefly described what happened in the Chen family just now, hoping that he would not interfere in this matter.

Song Changjie didn't ask in detail just now, but after he understood what happened, he couldn't help being grateful to Han Zixuan.If he really insisted on interfering, the Chen family might not give him a good look.

Han Zixuan saw the joke and asked, "Brother Dong, when will you be promoted?"

"It's difficult. I wanted to take advantage of my performance just now, but it wasn't a good time." Dong Changjie smiled bitterly.

Han Zixuan thought about it, how to trap this person is to help him get promoted and make a fortune. Although they have a good relationship now, Han Zixuan felt that he should help.He expressed his inner thoughts, but Dong Changjie didn't appear very restrained. Instead, he said frankly: "Brother, to be honest, if you are really capable, give me a hand, and my brother will definitely not forget your benefits."

"Who is your boss?"

Dong Changjie said that this person was called Lei Liang, and he belonged to the kind of upright person who couldn't handle bribes.I know your family is rich, and your old father-in-law is considered a respectable person, but don't play tricks on Lei Liang, he won't take this kind of trick.

Han Zixuan asked: "Since this person has no weaknesses, then there must be people he is afraid of, or people he admires."

Dong Changjie thought for a while: "I heard that he was transferred from South China Sea before, so there must be his old boss over there."

At the Nanhai Police Station, Han Zixuan immediately thought of Xie Wenxuan, and then immediately thought of talking about Tan Chunqing. It has been more than a month and he has not returned to Nanhai.And there was an accident on the way to Beijin back then, thanks to Xie Wenxuan's help.So far, he has only expressed his thanks on the phone, and he feels very guilty in his heart.

Moreover, he immediately asked someone to do something, but he still promised Dong Changjie that he would definitely help with this task and promise to complete it.

Dong Changjie smiled, and suddenly said: "Shen Zhiqiang's case has been judged, and I guess he can only stay in prison for the rest of his life. He originally wanted to execute him by shooting, but your father-in-law Shen Zhirong made an excuse and didn't do it. You Lao Taishan is indeed a real man, with enough courage."

Han Zixuan couldn't help but be moved when he heard this. In other words, he didn't have that tolerance.If anyone offends him, he will definitely hold grudges in his heart.What's more, the other party once killed his wife and children.

He also thought of Shen Zhiqiang's wife and Shen Qifeng, since they were driven out last time, there was no news of them.He once asked Dong Changjie to help him find out where they went.

Dong Changjie said that they had already left Beijin, and it was not clear where they were staying.What's the matter, could it be that you still want to kill them all.

That's not true, but I always feel that Shen Qifeng is a cancer, and I'm afraid it will cause trouble in the future.

Brother, you worry too much.I know what Shen Qifeng is like better than you, a person like him can't make waves at all.

The two chatted casually again, at this time Song Jingtian brought Dong Changhua to their table.Song Jingtian hadn't seen Han Zixuan for a long time, so he asked very politely, "Young Master Han, you've been very busy recently, and you can't be seen in Beijin at all."

"It's just fussing, Young Master Song has been doing well recently." Han Zixuan was unwilling to make friends with this person in his heart, but he still showed a very kind face on the surface.

The two complimented each other a few times, and Han Zixuan felt bored. At this time, Shen Hanyu happened to greet him, so he found an excuse to leave.The appearance of Shen Hanyu amazed all the men present.Any man can tell that Shen Hanyu looks more beautiful than in the past, and the inadvertently charming charm between her eyebrows shows the charm of a mature woman. Many people understand that this woman is by no means a girl. Han Zixuan picked up a super big girl. Cheap.

Shen Hanyu angrily said: "My eldest brother got married, you are not around, where did you go just now?"

Han Zixuan shook his head, he can't say he went to help the Chen family, save her jealousy, just said he went to watch the fun, didn't you hear the gunshots outside just now?

Yeah, I thought kids were playing around and using toy guns.Shen Hanyu hurriedly asked what was going on, and who had something happened.

Han Zixuan said casually: "It's nothing serious, don't worry about it. You must be exhausted today. After the wedding is over, I'll give you a massage."

Shen Hanyu was very sensible, so she didn't ask any more questions, she said that today our house has a lot of guests, and my father asked you to come and accompany them to meet the guests.After all, you are my husband, the son-in-law of our Shen family, I don't want to be mistrusted.

Han Zixuan understood that it was actually to show his identity in front of everyone. Although some people knew about the relationship between the two, it was only the people around Han Zixuan, including Zhang Jiahao of course.

But at this moment, Zhang Jiahao was drinking alone alone, looking at Shen Mingrui and his bride not far away, then inadvertently glanced at Shen Hanyu, and left aside Han Zixuan's intimate conversation with her.

Han Zixuan smiled and said: "Okay, I'll go later, you go back and rest, stay at home and wait for me at night."

Shen Hanyu blushed slightly, ignored him and left.

Han Zixuan didn't look for his father-in-law, but came to Zhang Jiahao's side first.In any case, Zhang Jiahao is considered an elegant son, if this matter were changed to another man, he might compete with him.Therefore, Han Zixuan still thanked him in his heart.

"Young Master Zhang, thank you for coming to my elder brother's wedding. I would like to offer you a toast."

Zhang Jiahao smiled: "We are friends, don't call me Young Master Zhang, it's too unfamiliar."

Han Zixuan was naturally happy to accept it, and the two addressed each other directly by their first names.Zhang Jiahao said enviously: "Zixuan, your elder brother Shen Mingrui has finally found his home, which is enviable. That bride is very beautiful, and they are a perfect match."

Han Zixuan nodded in agreement and clinked glasses with him.

Zhang Jiahao raised his head enviously and said: "Just now I saw you and Hanyu together, you really match each other, I sincerely wish you a long life together."

Han Zixuan accepted his blessing, and said the same blessing: "Jiahao, love really cannot be forced, I believe you will definitely meet the person you love."

Then he half-jokingly said: "To be honest, in your capacity, you don't have to worry about not having a good girl."

That's true, but how can I meet someone as superb as Shen Hanyu.Zhang Jiahao was depressed, he could only blame the opponent in front of him for being too strong.

At this time, Shen Zhirong greeted him and asked him to meet a few friends from Beijincheng, who were actually people in the business or official circles of Beijincheng.Of course, his identity is also clearly revealed, the son-in-law of the Shen family.

Some people are still very unfamiliar with Han Zixuan, and asked Shen Zhirong where he got his son-in-law, I don't think he might be worthy of your family's Hanyu.Han Zixuan was very modest, he didn't show a trace of anger, and completely gave Shen Zhirong face.

When it was time to face the Song family, Shen Zhirong introduced the two elders, Song Xueming and Song Xueyang.Han Zixuan looked at the two of them and found Song Jingtian standing behind Song Xueyang, so he understood.Presumably Song Xueming should be Song Xuyao's father.

Sure enough, Song Xueyang praised everyone in Han Zixuan, the Shen family is blessed.But Song Xueming ignored him at all, snorted coldly, then turned his head and left.

Shen Zhirong still didn't know about the festival between Han Zixuan and Song Xuyao, so he was very confused.Han Zixuan lowered his voice and said, "I'll tell you the truth in the evening."

Han Zixuan was not surprised by the appearance of the Song family.It's just that when he remembered the past festival with Song Xuyao, their family didn't have any attitude.Suddenly, he thought of Tianxing again. Could it be that the Song family was also controlled by Tianxing.

Since the Chen family can do it, why can't the Song family do it.The Song family is the most powerful family in Jincheng, and the water in their family may be even deeper.

But right now, he doesn't have much time to investigate the Song family. After all, there is a deep relationship between them. The head of the Song family can keep silent, but Song Xueming's attitude is very obvious. He clearly wanted to kill me just now.

The Shen family had a lively wedding, but after Chu Yuhang returned home, the atmosphere became more serious. Chu Xiangdong just received a call from Chen Jingzhi, and he said firmly, "Chu Xiangdong, the Duan family attacked us just now. Home, how do you explain."

Chu Xiangdong naturally pretended to be very shocked: "I didn't expect the Duan family to really attack. You are not injured, are you serious?"

"Fortunately, in the end you arranged for your son to help, and you didn't break your promise. But I am very disappointed in you. With your Tianxing's strength, how could you easily let the Duan family dare to act wildly in the Beijin territory? Obviously, you didn't let us go. The family sees it."

Chu Xiangdong was shocked, why did his son go to the Chen family.

He explained to Chen Jingzhi that he was indeed negligent about the matter of the Duan family, and he will definitely not have such a thing happen in the future.But Chen Jingzhi was firm. Chu Xiangdong, although I joined Tianxing, it doesn't mean that I will work for you for the rest of my life.If I say I want to withdraw, you have no objection.

Chu Xiangdong was startled, and then said in a more relaxed tone: "Brother Chen, calm down, we cooperated very well before, today is purely accidental."

"Chu Xiangdong, don't talk nonsense, let's see how you behave. If our family is safe and the Duan family doesn't trouble me, I will trust you. However, I will not participate in any of your actions from today on."

Even though Chu Xiangdong had said good things several times, he was still not convinced.It was the first time that the two had a breakdown in their conversation.After hanging up the phone, Chu Xiangdong felt very unhappy, complaining that there was a problem with his previous choice.But fortunately, there was a way to save the situation, thanks to his son Chu Yuhang.

Chu Xiangdong and Chu Yuhang did not hide anything, and they revealed the problems of the Chen family.

Chu Yuhang snorted coldly: "I reminded you a long time ago not to touch the Chen family, but you just didn't listen."

Hey, I was indeed too anxious at the time, in order to win over the Duan family, I wanted to open up the road to Yangcheng.Yuhang, thank you so much today, I was wondering why you went to Chen's house.

I knew the whole thing, and I couldn't watch Chen Yuluo be in danger, so I went to help.

After Chu Xiangdong finished listening, his brows were furrowed. At first he thought his son had some far-sighted strategy, but in the end it turned out to be for a woman, which made him laugh.

"In this way, if there are more people from the Duan family today, and the Chen family is definitely in danger, you still have to help Chen Yuluo."

"Well, I'm all for him, Dad, don't think I'm joking, I'm actually competing with Han Zixuan. If I can beat Han Zixuan, wouldn't you be happy?" Chu Yuhang said nonsensically.

Chu Xiangdong snorted and said, "You can really handle that girl Chen Yuluo. If you are really capable, I really admire you."

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