Although the other party was a woman, Han Zixuan did not soften his heart.Because he knew in his heart that the Duan family was the tyrant of Yangcheng, and he had just seen the skills of the brothers and sisters of the Duan family. It was conceivable that this mysterious woman in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

As soon as they fought against each other, Han Zixuan was a little surprised to find that the opponent's kung fu routines were quite similar to his own, only slightly modified in some places.His kung fu was taught by Ye Qingsong, and the teacher said that he was the only apprentice, so the kung fu of the woman opposite was indeed surprising.

Based on this alone, Han Zixuan's interest became even stronger. He must find out, remove her veil, and let her reveal her real body.

Besides, the crowd of onlookers in the arena was engrossed at the moment, looking at the two people in the middle of the arena.Because it is the last round, which is also the most critical stage.Although the two sides spoke well, they were just exchanging skills, but neither of them wanted to lose.

Chen Yuluo believed in Han Zixuan, he would definitely win.Chu Yuhang prayed to Han Zixuan to lose quickly, otherwise he really wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip in.

On the other hand, Duan Fengchen of the Duan family, his face is still very calm, but deep down there is a wave of ups and downs. He has seen the kung fu of the enchantress before, and it can be said that it is very powerful. He admits that he is not her opponent.As for Han Zixuan, he is still like a fish in water, he is familiar with it, and his expression is natural, there is no trace of nervousness or worry at all, who taught this person, his abilities in all aspects are so monstrous.

Time passed slowly, and more than ten minutes had passed.But the two people in the arena were still fighting together, and at this time their movements were faster, and people only saw two groups of figures flickering.

Chen Yuluo understood in her heart that this mysterious woman was indeed very powerful. Without Han Zixuan, no one on their side would be able to match her.

Chu Yuhang was slightly upset and said: "Young Master Han is really good enough. He has persisted for so long, and he is still holding on."

Chen Yuluo glanced at him, but didn't say much.

And Han Zixuan, who was in it, played very well. Since he left the master, he has played against many people, and the masters who impressed him are almost all women. Chen Yuluo is one, and Xie Wenxuan is not bad. Of course, the mysterious woman in front of him is the best. .

And the most important point is that Han Zixuan has figured out the routines of this woman's kung fu. It can be said that they have completely learned from the same school. It is strange, who is her master, and her master must have known his own master.

Could it be that Ma Yunfeng taught it, it's impossible.Ma Yunfeng didn't say that she had a mysterious apprentice, and when he went to Emei last time, he had already met Ma Yunfeng's other disciples, most of them were in retreat, and they would definitely not come out, and they were involved in the Duan family's incident .

Besides, Enchantress, Wei Wei is sweating a little at this time, and her breathing is also a little messy.She was depressed, after all, she was no match for this person.But she is not convinced, she has always been proud, and has never lost, no matter what she does.

Han Zixuan joked: "Yao Ji, you are already tired, just admit defeat, I'm easy to talk, I won't be cruel to women, but you have to take off the veil and let me see your true face."

"Don't be too happy, it's not certain who wins and who loses." The mysterious woman broke out again, and her strength and speed were further improved.

Han Zixuan was shocked: "Well done, I was just warming up, now I'm getting serious."

Han Zixuan began to use his strength, pressing on step by step, but the mysterious woman was a little embarrassed at the moment, she had no ability to fight back, but only had the power to parry.

Finally got the chance, Han Zixuan took advantage of the opportunity of passing by, and tore off the woman's veil. Immediately, a charming and beautiful face was exposed. The moment her face was revealed, many people onlookers immediately exclaimed. .

Only a few people in the Duan family knew her appearance, and it was the first time for many people to see her face clearly.It turned out that this mysterious enchantress turned out to be such a peerless beauty.

Han Zixuan was stunned in surprise, it turned out to be her.She was Guo Linghua, the precious daughter of the Guo family in Suhang last time, how could she appear in Yangcheng? Han Zixuan had many questions in his heart.

When Chu Yuhang saw Guo Linghua's face, he greedily couldn't help but take a few more glances.Why didn't I draw the last round? If it were me, I would definitely not be so violent, and use the most gentle means to gently lift her veil.

Seeing that her identity was exposed, and that she was indeed not Han Zixuan's opponent, Guo Linghua felt slightly upset, turned around and left.

There was no doubt that Han Zixuan had won this round.Duan Fengchen kept his word and announced that the Chen family had won.

Chen Yuluo breathed a sigh of relief, and came to Han Zixuan to thank him.But Han Zixuan was still thinking about Guo Linghua in his mind, Chen Yuluo could see clearly, and felt slightly uncomfortable: "What are you thinking, you still think about that beauty just now."

Han Zixuan returned to his senses slightly, and smiled: "Nothing."

Duan Fengchen proposed to let them stay for a night. Anyway, since they are here, he should give them a warm reception, and the conflict between the two parties has been resolved, so they should open their hearts and take advantage of each other.

Chen Yuluo was suspicious, worried that Duan Fengchen had other ideas.But after thinking about it, if the Duan family really had murderous intentions, their family would have done it long ago, why bother to cause so many troubles.

The Duan family was very hospitable, and when they had dinner at night, the two sat together like old friends who had been together for many years.Duan Hongjun is a very generous person, he talked very easy-going with Han Zixuan, Chu Yuhang and others, and chatted with the big men very happily.

Duan Hongying was not so grand, she knew in her heart that Yao Ji was like a god, and no one in the world could defeat her.But the appearance of Han Zixuan today completely broke the calm.She had a grudge against Han Zixuan and a grudge against Chen Yuluo in her heart, so she simply ate and left hastily.

During the banquet, how could Chu Yuhang pass up the opportunity to inquire and ask Duan Fengchen what was the last mysterious woman's name.Duan Fengchen is pretending to be mysterious, she is our guest of honor, I will not disclose her identity.

Duan Fengchen looked at Han Zixuan, and asked suspiciously: "Han Zixuan, I think you two know each other."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "I don't know."

Chu Yuhang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little more balanced in his heart.Zao asked: "Young Master Han, that girl is very beautiful, and you even lifted her veil in public. I think you are quite suitable."

Then he asked Duan Fengchen, this woman is probably not married, she is so arrogant that she would definitely not value ordinary men, only Young Master Han can match her.

Duan Fengchen smiled: "They are indeed a good match, but I don't like to participate in this kind of thing." He looked at Han Zixuan: "Young man, he has a bright future. May I ask who your master is, I think he must be very famous."

Chu Yuhang interjected: "Uncle Duan, I'm afraid you don't know the true identity of Young Master Han, so let me tell you. He is the successor of Molong, and his teacher is Ye Qingsong, the current martial arts sage."

As soon as these words came out, Duan Fengchen and Duan Hongjun were shocked.Because Mo Long had disappeared for many years, he did not expect to show up today.Secondly, Han Zixuan's teacher was surprised to be Ye Qingsong, and he felt admiration in his heart.In the end, he was surprised that Chu Yuhang and Han Zixuan could live in peace. Anyone who knows the inside story knows that Tianxing and Molong are enemies of life and death.

But Duan Fengchen is definitely not a reckless person, he will not ask too much.He complimented Han Zixuan a few times, but his heart was pounding. Molong also started to walk around the rivers and lakes, and the world became more chaotic.He can also use this opportunity to find a breakthrough and let the Duan family develop and grow.

Duan Fengchen also has his own wish, hoping that their family can become idols in everyone's hearts like Tian Xing and Mo Long earlier.Many years later, when people mentioned Duan Fengchen's name, they would worship in their hearts, just like they worship Ye Qingsong today, that is the level the Duan family pursues.

After dinner, Duan Fengchen arranged for several people to stay.Finally knowing Han Zixuan's identity, Duan Fengchen treated him carefully and arranged for someone to take good care of him.Han Zixuan accepted it politely, but his mind was very confused, he didn't see Guo Linghua, could it be that this person has already left Duan's house.

When he was thinking wildly, someone from the Duan family said to Han Zixuan, "Master Han, my lady is affectionate."

"Your Miss, Miss Duan's." Han Zixuan wondered, there was no friendship between them.

The visitor whispered, "Miss Guo."

Han Zixuan thought about it, and immediately followed this person.After walking the zigzag path and turning several turns, an attic flashed in front of my eyes.There are several bodyguards guarding around, and these bodyguards are all women.

Guo Linghua must have a special place in the Duan family. Isn't she the eldest lady of the Guo family? Han Zixuan couldn't figure out what was going on here even if he tried his best.

Then came upstairs, knocked on the door, a woman's soft voice came from inside, listening carefully, it was indeed Guo Linghua,

Entering the house, the interior decoration is exquisite, simple and elegant.Sitting on a big bed was a slim and graceful figure. At this time, the woman was facing Han Zixuan sideways, showing her exquisite and graceful figure.Looking at the woman's face again, it was glamorous and beautiful, it was Guo Linghua.

Han Zixuan smiled wryly, "Miss Guo."

Guo Linghua smiled slightly: "Han Zixuan, I know you must think again, why did I appear here."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Will you tell me?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would I invite you here?" Guo Linghua stood up gracefully, and invited Han Zixuan to sit on the sofa beside him, then picked up a cup of tea, and slowly came to his side.A faint fragrance permeated the body, and the whole person was in a haze, making it impossible to guess.

Han Zixuan took a sip of tea: "You can say it yourself, or let me ask."

Guo Linghua also took a sip of tea: "I'll ask you a few questions first, and then I'll tell you all about it. Do you think it's okay?"

Han Zixuan nodded, he knew in his heart that she probably already knew his identity by now, and it was nothing more than a confirmation.And this mysterious young lady, as always, made people suspicious.The wedding at the Shangguan court was already unpredictable, but it was unbelievable to show up at the Duan family.

Guo Linghua asked: "Can you tell me the scale of your Molong's development now?"

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