The campus is so cute

155 She likes you in her heart

Han Zixuan greeted Shen Hanyu and the others loudly, saying that he had something to go out for.

Shen Hanyu didn't say anything, but reminded him to be careful and come back as soon as possible.But He Lizi didn't think so, she immediately jumped up from the bed, pinched Xiao Man's waist and asked: "What's the matter at such a late hour, maybe a tryst with a woman."

Han Zixuan hastily denied: "All the women I know are in this room, so there are no other women."

He Lizi thought for a while, and said to herself: "Bi Yunxi is not in South China Sea now, and Ye Tianyu has gone back to her own home. There are really no other women."

Han Zixuan knew that Ye Tianyu was no longer living in the villa. The last time Shen Hanyu and Han Zixuan left Nanhai for Beijin, something seemed to happen at Ye Tianyu's house. The girl left Nanhai very anxiously and went back to her parents. Lizi said that it seemed that The girl's phone number has also been changed, and I haven't contacted her for a long time.

Han Zixuan nodded: "Really, there are no women."

He Lizi turned her head and asked Shen Hanyu: "Sister Yu, are you at ease?"

Shen Hanyu showed a charming smile: "So what if you don't worry, maybe you still follow him. Lizi, you can let him go out, just to spare time for our sisters."

Han Zixuan went to Xie Wenxuan's house, he had been here several times before.When Xie Wenxuan was injured last time, he personally took care of her and helped her heal her injuries. During that period, he left an indelible mark on both of them.

When Xie Wenxuan opened the door, she felt a slight tremor in her whole body. After being away for more than a few months, a slight change occurred in her heart.

Han Zixuan was also polite, and sat down casually after entering.

Xie Wenxuan asked him what he would like to drink, Han Zixuan said it would not be too much trouble, and he would go home after sitting for a while.

Xie Wenxuan was very upset, but she still asked, "You came back with Miss Shen."

Han Zixuan nodded: "We came back together, and we just bought a house and moved in today."

Xie Wenxuan said congratulations: "Your fate is not good, Shen Hanyu is a peerless beauty, and you have captured her heart."

"Hehe, thank you. Come on, call me and listen to what you said. Are you busy recently? You look very tired."

But Xie Wenxuan didn't talk about his own affairs, and asked him what he has been busy with in the past few months.Han Zixuan could only say some irrelevant things, even if he said many things, Xie Wenxuan might not be able to understand them.

"The main purpose of you accompanying Miss Shen home this time is to help their father and daughter fight for the right to inherit the family. No wonder Miss Shen is willing to marry you. So you really worked hard."

"I can't help it. Who told him to be my father-in-law? Besides, the Shen family will be mine in the future. I'm also a little selfish. We have a good relationship. I can speak out what's on my mind." Han Zixuan casually asked how her family was doing. , Wen Hao is fine.

Xie Wenxuan forced a smile, the family is very nice, but they will mention you occasionally.Thinking of this, Xie Wenxuan suddenly felt a little blocked in her heart. Her parents still wanted Han Zixuan to become a son-in-law, but now it was too late and everything was gone.

Forget it, there is no fate between us, Xie Wenxuan warned herself like this.

"Wenxuan, tell me about your work. By the way, how is your bureau chief Lao Tan? I will definitely visit him some other day and express my thanks to him." Han Zixuan talked about his friend from Beijin again. Thanks for your assistance.

"Your friend is still very capable. In fact, I was just talking casually, and I didn't help much." Xie Wenxuan then talked about the recent work that is very busy, and she has to work more than ten hours a day.

Han Zixuan immediately asked Nan Hai has been very stable, did a big case appear recently.

Xie Wenxuan explained: "Nanhai National Defense Science and Technology Company has recently developed a new project. I don't know what it is. It seems to be advanced weapon materials. The country attaches great importance to it, but it has attracted the attention of many foreign countries, and agents from various countries have come. We It’s very busy, and we have to keep a close eye on it every day. In case foreign agents come to steal information, every day is busy anyway.”

Han Zixuan asked suspiciously: "Then when will it end?"

"We have to wait until the project is successfully researched and submitted to the national security department for protection before Nanhai can breathe a sigh of relief." Xie Wenxuan complained, "It's really troublesome, why didn't such a large project be researched in the capital, why came to Nanhai. "

Han Zixuan said: "Nanhai is also an important city in our country. There must be a reason for choosing Nanhai. Don't complain. I remember you were a workaholic before. What's wrong now?"

Xie Wenxuan felt tired and tired.In fact, the main reason is that the heart is tired. When a woman reaches a certain age, she will always have a lot of ideas.She worked hard every day, and when she came home, she faced an empty room. At this moment, she remembered that she was a woman and needed a man's warm arms.

"What's the matter, I can't complain anymore." Xie Wenxuan was indignant.

Han Zixuan saw that her temper was not very good and her mood was not very stable, so he didn't say anything, and advised him: "If you are really tired, after this mission is over, you can change to an easier job. Depending on your family's status in Nanhai, you can change jobs It's easy. Besides, your family is not short of money, so why do you have to work so hard. "

"It's up to you." Xie Wenxuan replied.

"Don't blame me for talking nonsense, you are not young anymore, find a man to marry while you are young, why work so hard. Find a rich husband, live in a villa, be a rich wife at home, play mahjong every day, eat three Zhenhaiwei, how chic it is.”

"That's not the life I want." Xie Wenxuan said righteously: "Han Zixuan, originally I thought you were a man with ambition in your heart and beauty in your belly, and you were different from other men. Listening to what you said today, it turns out that you are also A common man."

"What's wrong with ordinary people, don't you have to be a saint? Don't saints also eat and sleep every day? Saints don't have sex, so how can they resolve their depression. Every day is like you, isn't it true that the world is full of bitter women?"

Xie Wenxuan's heart was even more blocked. She originally wanted to talk to someone, especially him, because there was a little desire to see him deep in her heart.She knew that she must have been possessed and fell ill. The reason, she concluded to herself, thought that Han Zixuan had saved her life, so she had a different view of him.

"Get out, go home, I'm too lazy to tell you." Xie Wenxuan was not really angry, it was just caused by the irritability in her heart.

Han Zixuan also felt that he couldn't stay any longer, otherwise the backyard would catch fire.

"Wenxuan, don't be too tired, pay attention to rest. Then I'll go home and call when I have time. Besides, I have to take the risk to remind you to have a relationship quickly, otherwise you will get sick."

Han Zixuan went to school, and his appearance naturally attracted attention.

Shangguan Fei was overjoyed: "You are finally back, and everything has been dealt with."

Han Zixuan nodded, and greeted Zhao Ming and Li Xiaoxu warmly.Xie Wenhao was also very happy to see Han Zixuan, and the two of them didn't see each other so much and exchanged a few pleasantries.

Han Zixuan was slightly regretful because there was no figure of Bi Yunxi.He asked Shangguanfei when Bi Yunxi disappeared, and Shangguanfei was surprised: "Boss, you don't even know that your daughter-in-law is lost, how can I know. But it has been about a month, and she was still there before I went to Suzhou and Hangzhou. Wait for me I haven't seen her since I went back to school, I thought she went back to Beijin to find you."

"What's the matter, Bi Yunxi really disappeared."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry."

Shangguan Fei smiled: "That's right, there are many women around you, so you don't care about this one."

"Don't talk nonsense, Yunxi is different, I care about her very much." Han Zixuan immediately changed the subject: "Your family has been stable recently, it's nothing serious."

"It's okay, but it's a pity that my brother didn't become a couple with Ms. Guo's family. Later, the country wanted to arrange this marriage, but my brother didn't agree. Now he must be very depressed, as long as he is fine." Shangguan Fei sighed : "No way, my family's environment is like this. Fortunately, I didn't inherit the family business, otherwise I would feel even more uncomfortable."

If you don't want to inherit, I'm afraid it's up to you.Who can say in the future, your brother is a member of Tianxing, so it's hard to say what will happen in the future.

Shangguanfei asked him what he was doing outside, and if he was going to leave soon after he came back this time.

Han Zixuan said he was busy, you also know my identity, sometimes I can't help myself.

Only then did Shangguan Fei remember that he was from Molong, and he understood: "I understand, you must be busy to revitalize your career."

"You haven't talked about my identity with anyone, have you?"

"Am I that stupid? I don't even hide my identity. How can I gossip about other people's identities. Besides, you are my good brother. We need to understand each other."

At noon, the whole class naturally had a meal together, because they were all boys, so they didn't have any scruples, and many of them also drank some wine, fortunately there was no class in the afternoon.

When the dinner was over, everyone dispersed.Xie Wenhao found Han Zixuan alone to talk to no one, Han Zixuan was puzzled: "What's wrong, you still have to challenge me one-on-one."

"I'm not your opponent." Xie Wenhao smiled, and then looked serious: "After you came back, have you seen my sister?"

"See you, we met last night and had a brief chat."

"Really, it's going well." Xie Wenhao said with a smile on his face, "Zixuan, my sister is actually a nice person, but she has a bad temper. But it doesn't matter, you are an expert in this field, and you will definitely adjust and teach her well."

Han Zixuan didn't understand: "What do you mean, oh, you misunderstood, I didn't mean to pick on your sister, buddy, you really misunderstood."

"I didn't misunderstand, big brother, I beg you, just pick on my sister, although she can't talk about the school girl, she is pretty and elegant, and she has a hot body, you are used to the three delicacies , it would be nice to have some wild game as an appetizer."

Han Zixuan waved his hand: "Brother, you don't have to do things like this. That's your sister. Although you're not from the same mother, you both have the surname Xie. Besides, let's count as buddies. I'm dating my buddy's sister. No, I can't do it."

Xie Wenhao cried and said: "Zixuan, my sister has been very depressed recently, because she has someone in her heart."

"Oh, your sister has someone she likes, so you still let me date your sister, you must be sick."

"She likes you in her heart."

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