Naturally, Yang Xueyi was not afraid, as the old saying goes, soldiers will block water and earth will cover up, since she dared to compete with He Lizi for wine, it shows that she has strong confidence in her drinking capacity, she sneered slightly: "He Lizi, just wait and suffer. "

After finishing speaking, Yang Xueyi took off the white coat that was covering the outside, revealing a blue knitted blouse inside, which instantly exposed her curvy and exquisite body curves.She is also tall, and she should be similar to He Lizi when she stands up. Both are long-legged beauties, but her upper body is much more graceful than He Lizi's.

He Lizi originally wanted to take off her coat, but when she saw Yang Xueyi's plump breasts, she stopped her hand movements. She didn't want to expose her fatal weakness.

The waiter came to the table with a bottle of Laobaigan, and was still amazed at how amazing the girls are nowadays, why would such a beautiful girl drink to anesthetize herself.Unexpectedly, Yang Xueyi frowned and said that there was too little wine, five bottles first.

He Lizi felt cold when she heard this. She knew her drinking capacity. Although she was considered the best among girls, she had never tried Lao Baigan's high-strength liquor before, but she knew that she was about to get drunk. Who would have thought that Yang Xueyi, who was opposite her, would order five bottles in one go. You really regard yourself as a wine saint, and you must have deliberately frightened her.

Ye Tianyu didn't dare to show his anger at the side, staring back and forth at the two peerless beauties with big round eyes. It turned out that the process of competing for the school belle was tragic, and he would never say anything about being that shit school belle.

Although the people at Han Zixuan's table didn't hear the conversation between the two beauties clearly, everyone understood the current situation. They put down their bowls and chopsticks and continued to watch with vigor.

Yang Tianjun also saw it, and he didn't come out to stop his sister's actions. Instead, he was a little cautious, hoping that his sister would find face for him.

The waiter brought four more bottles of Lao Baigan, put them on the table and stared blankly at the two girls, thinking to himself, I want to see how much you drink.

Yang Xueyi took the lead to bring a bottle of wine, opened the bottle cap, did not pour it into the glass at all, held it directly to the mouth of the bottle, and then said confidently: "He Lizi, since I started drinking, I will come first .”

After speaking, she raised her neck and drank from the bottle.He Lizi was dumbfounded, and Ye Tianyu, who rarely drank, almost collapsed seeing this scene.The students around the hotel saw the scene here, so they stopped eating and watched the two beauties fight over wine.Seeing Yang Xueyi's unrestrained drinking, everyone applauded without realizing it.

Yang Xueyi heard the applause around her, but she drank even faster, and soon a bottle of wine was dried up. She held the bottle in her hand and stood upside down, meaning I did it, and it's up to you next.

Everyone at Shangguan Fei's table was shocked.Think about how hard it was for the four of them to finish a bottle of 38-degree sorghum red, and then look at the newly enrolled younger sister, who drank 56-degree Lao Baigan in one go.The gap, Yang Xueyi, how embarrassing are you for us gentlemen.

The people at Yang Tianjun's table also applauded when they saw Yang Xueyi's shocking drinking capacity.Yang Tianjun showed a happy smile at the corner of his mouth, it seems that he made the right choice to bring his sister here for dinner today.

How could He Lizi back down, she knew she couldn't do it, and she wanted to move forward.If she shrinks back, it will not only mean that her school flower name will be robbed, but more importantly, she will lose to the new school girl. She is also proud, how can she lose to the domineering girl in front of her.

After struggling, He Lizi plucked up the courage to pick up the wine bottle, imitating the man's drinking posture, and drank wildly at the wine bottle, and even did it in one breath.

The surrounding students applauded again. After all, many of them are fans of He Lizi, and they were very happy to see the performance of their dream lover in such a free and easy way.

Han Zixuan frowned slightly, he didn't expect this woman to be so desperate, but he knew that He Lizi was going to faint.

Sure enough, just after He Lizi finished drinking, she suddenly felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.Ye Tianyu looked at it and asked concerned: "Sister Lizi, feel bad, don't drink."

"I'm fine." He Lizi waved her hands and said bravely.

Yang Xueyi couldn't stop nodding, she didn't expect that He Lizi would accept her order to fight wine, and she was a little muttering about her.

She opened a bottle of wine again and said: "He Lizi, it's the first time we meet, I hope my senior will help you a lot in the future, I will do it."

Then, Yang Xueyi drank another bottle of Laobaigan in the same posture as before.After drinking, she wiped the corners of her mouth lightly, then turned the bottle upside down as usual, with a smug expression on her face.

The waiters were dumbfounded. Even men don't have such a good drink, and it's still 56% liquor. Girls these days are too crazy.

Han Zixuan couldn't sit still, if He Lizi continued to drink, it's a trivial matter to get drunk, I'm afraid her body would be ruined by drinking, so she would have to make up for it.

He stood up and said to Shangguan and the others: "Eat slowly, I'll go and have a look."

Shangguan held him back wondering, "What do you mean, you want a hero to save the beauties, or one person single out two beauties."

Han Zixuan smiled mysteriously: "He Lizi and I are acquaintances, I can't watch her continue to drink, I want to save her."

The three of Shangguan were stunned, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Han Zixuan came to their table and greeted Ye Tianyu first: "Tianyu, what are you doing, it's so lively."

Ye Tianyu was happy to see Han Zixuan appearing.Lehe stood up from his seat and came to him, his chubby little face said enthusiastically: "Brother Zixuan, why are you here, maybe you are also eating."

"Well, I went out to dinner with my roommate. You guys are drinking at the bar, did Lizi drink too much again?" Han Zixuan looked at He Lizi with concern.

"No, Brother Zixuan, you should quickly persuade Sister Lizi not to drink any more, I'm afraid it will ruin your body." Ye Tianyu looked at He Lizi again at this moment, she was about to pick up a bottle of wine and was about to open the lid, but There was no strength in the hand, and the body was shaking.

Seeing this, Han Zixuan hurried up to grab the wine in her hand: "Lizi, stop drinking, I'll drink it for you."

"Don't call me by my name indiscriminately, didn't I tell you to call me senior sister?" He Lizi frowned vigorously, even though she had drunk too much, she was still beautiful.

Ye Tianyu smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I'm not too drunk yet, I'm still a little sane."

Yang Xueyi felt a little annoyed when she saw Cheng Yaojin who suddenly came out, she naturally saw that He Lizi couldn't continue drinking, and was going to see how she would make a fool of herself.Unexpectedly, he was disturbed by this annoying guy.

"Who are you, what does our drinking have to do with you?"

"I'm Han Zixuan, and I'm Lizi's good friend." Han Zixuan admired Yang Xueyi from a close distance. She really is a peerless beauty. She is still in her youth. It is estimated that there will be another three to five years. She is definitely a deadly weapon to attract men.

"Oh, good friends can't help either. Now it's the two of us fighting alone, it's none of your business." Yang Xueyi said impatiently, then looked at He Lizi and yelled: "He Lizi, are you okay? If you can't drink, It’s okay to admit defeat. In fact, you are not ashamed, after all, you also made a bottle of Laobaigan just now.”

He Lizi swayed her body and said to Han Zixuan, "Han Zixuan, give me back the wine, I can continue to drink."

Han Zixuan ignored her, and faced Yang Xueyi: "This classmate, she really can't drink anymore, so you won."

Yang Xueyi was annoyed, she looked at Han Zixuan carefully, at first she didn't pay much attention to this man, because he was plainly dressed and handsome, but she, Yang Xueyi, was numb to seeing a handsome guy, so naturally he wasn't very attractive.But this person is very concerned about He Lizi, could it be her suitor too.

She asserted herself and said: "Looking at how nervous you are, He Lizi must be her suitor. I understand your feelings. I feel unhappy when I see the girl I like drinking. But now is not the time for you to feel uncomfortable, because He Lizi didn't bow her head and admit that she couldn't drink anymore."

Han Zixuan didn't explain anything, he licked his face again and said: "Lizi really can't drink anymore, she is indeed not as good at drinking as you are, you have won, what else do you want."

"What are you? There's so much nonsense in there, get the hell out of here." Yang Xueyi was completely annoyed and angered her young lady's temper.

Ye Tianyu suddenly said: "Yang Xueyi, why are you so arrogant, do you know who Brother Zixuan is? He is my sister's man. Why can't he talk here, so you should go away."

She couldn't see someone insulting Han Zixuan, so she would stand up and speak for him. What she said just now was nothing more than a sudden inspiration. Anyway, sister Li Zi has drunk too much now, so she probably doesn't know what she said.

Han Zixuan is also angry, he has a problem, he is determined not to be used to women.

"Yang Xueyi, look at you, you still claim to be a new generation of school beauty, ****, school beauty is just this kind of virtue, there is no courtesy, no shame, no etiquette, I feel sad for your mother, how did you give birth to you like this?" A worthless child." Han Zixuan thought he was a gentle man, but today he was completely pissed off.

Yang Xueyi had never been humiliated like this before, she suddenly felt infinite grievances in her heart, she shouted loudly to the private room: "Yang Tianjun, get out, I didn't see your sister being bullied, and continued to watch the fun."

"Yo Yo Yo, I'm calling for helpers, okay, I'm not afraid of you." Han Zixuan waved at Shangguan: "You three come here too."

Yang Tianjun and his group saw the quarrel and heard his sister calling him, so he rushed out immediately with his friends.

Shangguan Fei likes to join in the fun, and seeing that the development of things far exceeded his expectations, this Han Zixuan was really extraordinary, which gave him a super big surprise.Even if Han Zixuan didn't invite him, he was willing to join in the fun.

Li Xiaoxu is a shy and timid person, depending on the situation to fight, he is a little apprehensive.Zhao Ming grinned, he didn't know when he had a cigarette in his mouth, like a gangster.The three of them also came to the wine table. The waiter saw that the situation was not good, and said nervously: "Students, please don't make trouble, eat and drink well."

Han Zixuan smiled slightly: "It's okay, we are all civilized and good children, and we will resolutely not fight or cause trouble."

Then he looked at Yang Xueyi: "Yang Xueyi, how to deal with this matter, we are all college students, and we will resolutely refrain from fighting. Even if we do, we will find a quiet place to solve it ourselves."

Seeing her brother coming, Yang Xueyi immediately became confident: "You must apologize to me for what you said to humiliate me just now."

"Why did I humiliate you? Everyone is here. Tell me."

"You..., you are too bullying." How could Yang Xueyi say the words that Han Zixuan insulted her just now in front of everyone, she could only hold back her breath.

Seeing that He Lizi was here, Yang Tianjun didn't want to make things worse, so he whispered to Yang Xueyi: "Little sister, it's okay, you've performed enough today, don't continue to mess around."

"Who messed around? I didn't do it all because of you. Brother, you are too useless. You don't know why you lost. You lost to this rural second artillery." Yang Xueyi gouged out Han Zixuan fiercely. Being able to kill people, she wanted to kill this mortal bastard.

Yang Tianjun was a little confused and didn't understand.

Yang Xueyi stomped her feet fiercely and said: "Brother, look at your stupid look, he is He Lizi's man, you understand everything by now."

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