The campus is so cute

166 Get a lot of money

Han Zixuan briefly talked about the events of the previous few days, and observed Yang Xueyi's reaction.

Obviously Yang Xueyi knows all these things very well. After listening to it, she showed a playful smile: "Actually, you should thank me. Without me, you might not end up today."

Han Zixuan nodded and admitted: "Forget that I owe you a favor, and I will make it up in the future."

"That's not necessary, haven't you already agreed to accept me as your apprentice. I just hope that you can keep your promise, and there is no other requirement." Yang Xueyi is stubborn, still thinking about this matter.

Han Zixuan smiled helplessly: "All right, but keep this matter secret, I don't want to spread the word that I have a female apprentice."

"What do you mean, I'm ashamed of you." Yang Xueyi stared at him sideways, and then her attitude eased immediately: "By the way, you are going to join the army soon."

Han Zixuan understood that she must have gone home to ask his father, so he nodded, "You know everything, so why ask?" In fact, he felt a little bit resentful, because once he entered the army, his actions would be restricted all the time.But he has a special status and needs to perform the task of the master.

He told his master about it, and Ye Qingsong was very optimistic about it.I hope he will perform well and strive to gain the support of the Yang family.At the same time, there will be many masters in the army, so it is not a bad thing to have some experience, and you can also meet many people. In short, there are more benefits.It's just that Han Zixuan complained that he couldn't meet Hanyu and the others every day.

But at that time he told Yang He that he would go home at least once a week, and Yang He agreed.

Yang Xueyi smiled mysteriously: "Let me tell you a secret first, I will also join the army when the time comes."

"What, you come too." Han Zixuan said with a sneer, "Can you suffer as a girl?"

In fact, Han Zixuan knew that Yang Xueyi was not an ordinary young lady, because of her special family background, she had obviously received special training.And during the military training, her performance has already explained everything.What he said was nothing more than deliberately running on her.

Yang Xueyi sneered and said, "Don't look down on people, it's time to see each other's performance. By the way, when you enter the army, you have to teach me kung fu often."

Oh I got it.

The school soon got the news that Han Zixuan was going to join the Third South China Sea Army.Because the leader of the third army sent an invitation letter to the school, hoping that Han Zixuan could join the army and serve the motherland.

The leaders of Nanhai University are very happy, because for many years, no student from this school has ever been able to enter the third team, which can be regarded as the honor of the school.And this time, two students were directly selected, and one of them was Yang Xueyi.

The headmaster was a little bit reluctant to part with the two of them. They were considered outstanding students among the freshmen. Of course, he hoped that they could study in Nanhai and make greater achievements in the future.But joining the army is also a good thing.Huge posters were posted in conspicuous places on campus, and soon all teachers and students knew about the situation.

In the evening, Shen Hanyu seemed very enthusiastic. She understood that the two of them would spend very little time together in the future, so she made full use of the time to enjoy the passion between them.After a good time, Shen Hanyu hugged his body and said with a sad face: "Husband, once you enter the army, I'm afraid we will rarely meet in the future. I really miss you."

"I can't bear to part with you, but there's nothing I can do. It's all because of the incident before, and I'm forced to be helpless. But you don't have to worry too much, I will come back once a week." Han Zixuan hugged the baby, his heart fluctuated slightly.

"Well, after entering the army, you must pay attention to safety. Always remind yourself that there is us behind you. Be good and come back as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. It's you, don't be too tired, I'm really worried about you. I'm not here, I'm worried that you will get into trouble." Han Zixuan knew that his wife's beauty would definitely attract people to covet her.

"It doesn't matter. Recently, I have also practiced a few skills by myself according to the kung fu you taught me. Although it is not very good, it is no problem to deal with hooligans." Shen Hanyu smiled sweetly, but seeing that Zixuan was still sad, she had an idea: "This way Come on, you can get Wenxuan here, we are together every day, you must be at ease."

This is a good idea, but it's hard to talk to Wenxuan right now, but it should be fine to ask her for help.

The next day, Han Zixuan went to the police station to find Xie Wenxuan, first went to Tan Chunqing's side, and the two chatted briefly.Knowing that he was about to enter the army, Tan Chunqing let him go after saying some courteous words, and said, "Hurry up and take Wen Xuan down."

Knocking on the door, Xie Wenxuan yelled to come in. When she saw it was him, her face blushed inexplicably, and then her heart was beating wildly, and she said with a blushing face, "Why are you here? Why didn't you call me before you came?" .”

Then she got up immediately and closed the door like a thief.

Seeing her nervous movements, Han Zixuan smiled secretly.Xie Wenxuan, who has always been tough and capable, will also have such a little girl who is cautious and shy. Women are actually cute, and they are beautiful even when they take off their clothes, which makes men want to be obsessed.

Before Xie Wenxuan could finish speaking, her body was already embraced by a strong and powerful arm, and then the familiar smell and feeling of a man hit her.A deep kiss, a domineering kiss, a bewildering kiss.Although Xie Wenxuan's skills are still rough, she has a lot of experience and cooperates with every step of the man's request.

When Han Zixuan's hand reached into her clothes and touched the skin inside through the outer uniform, she trembled slightly, but she didn't stop her, she just groaned: "Zixuan, don't..."

Of course Han Zixuan would not want her here again. After all, this is a police station. Once the incident is revealed, it will not affect anyone well.He just wanted her, wanted to touch her, wanted something that was his.

Then, he stopped moving.Xie Wenxuan's joy suddenly disappeared, the suffocating feeling disappeared, and her body was very uncomfortable instead.She usually doesn't touch men, and she has never been genuinely emotional.This time, with Han Zixuan.She really let go.

Seeing him like this again, Xie Wenxuan left him alone after teasing him, it was so annoying.

Xie Wenxuan took the initiative to sit on his lap, stretched out a hand to touch the man's handsome face, and said coquettishly, "Pervert, come to take advantage of me again." Then, she pressed his hand to give Zixuan more space to move .

Han Zixuan smiled: "By the way, I want to win some prizes, Wenxuan, I came to see you today, and I beg you for one thing."

Xie Wenxuan said with a straight face: "Please." Then, she got off him and said displeasedly: "We are all like this, why are you still so polite to me, Zixuan, you don't regard you as your lover at all."

Han Zixuan didn't expect her to be so emotional, but he just misused a word.He immediately used his verbal skills to coax.But Xie Wenxuan chose this way, after all, she is still a rookie in this respect.

Xie Wenxuan pouted and said, "Say it again."

Han Zixuan said with a straight face, "Wenxuan, I order you to do one thing."

Xie Wenxuan immediately turned her face: "No, we are not subordinates, why do you order me?"

This girl is deliberately finding fault.Han Zixuan was not angry at all, he thought the two were having sex.He also knew in his heart that Xie Wenxuan was too eager for love, and he also liked this feeling.

However, when Han Zixuan said that he would join the army immediately.Xie Wenxuan's eye circles immediately turned red: "We have just made a breakthrough, and you are about to leave me, why am I so unlucky."

"Don't be sad, what we want is the result, it doesn't matter if the process is twists and turns. In the future, you will definitely be my son's mother, so don't worry." Han Zixuan hugged Xie Wenxuan, teasing.

"Whoever said that I want to give birth to you is shameless." Xie Wenxuan punched him a few times, and then asked seriously: "Then what do you want me to do?"

"I'm worried about Hanyu's safety. I hope you two can live together, take care of each other, and increase your relationship. I'm afraid you won't agree, so I beg you."

Xie Wenxuan listened and smiled: "That's nothing, I also want to get in touch with Shen Hanyu. After all, she is your eldest wife, and I am a mistress. It is inevitable that I will be angry everywhere in the future. I must first stabilize my wife."

Don't talk nonsense, with me, there is no such thing as three or four. You are all my lovers, and I treat you all the same.

Xie Wenxuan nodded happily: "That's fine, I can move in tonight."

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