The campus is so cute

171 Joint training and confrontation

Zheng Hongtao was stupefied, sitting at the dining table in a daze, facing the table full of rich dishes, but he had no appetite at all, feeling blocked in his heart.

At this time, Zheng Rong and Yang He came out from another private room, talking and laughing, as if they were going to become in-laws soon.When the two saw the scene in the room, they were also stunned.

Yang He immediately understood that my daughter let Zheng Hongtao's pigeons go, and I was so mad.Even if they don't like it, they should at least have a meal together. Zheng Rong's face is dull like this, and judging by Zheng Hongtao's expression, he must be very annoyed inside.

Zheng Rong immediately asked where Miss Yang was. Zheng Hongtao looked at Yang He and asked softly, "Uncle Yang, does Xueyi have a date this year? She told me that she has someone she likes."

Yang He said confusedly: "I don't know either. We usually communicate very little. She told you so."

Zheng Hongtao nodded, and suddenly asked: "Uncle Yang, that person is Han Zixuan, right?"

Yang He immediately shook his head to deny it, and Zheng Hongtao continued: "I know that Han Zixuan's entry into the third army was completely arranged by you, and the relationship between you must be very good. I understand, you treat him as your son-in-law. "

Zheng Rong was very angry, and immediately turned his face: "Old Yang, if your girl has a partner, you should tell me in person, why should I come here in person and let you humiliate our father and son."

Yang He couldn't argue with anything, Zheng Rong pulled Zheng Hongtao and turned to leave, and took a last look at Yang He: "Ju Yang, you can enjoy this meal by yourself, we can't afford it."

Yang He was secretly annoyed that he had offended a very good friend for no reason.I don't know how Xueyi told her. I told her well at the time, let's get in touch first, and then talk about the next step if it doesn't fit. Why is this child so impatient.

After Zheng Hongtao returned to the army, he was very angry.Seeing this, his buddies immediately asked what was going on.Their class is centered on him. After all, he comes from a family background and his ability is outstanding in the class.Moreover, Zheng Hongtao wanted to be a top student, and liked the feeling of being supported.

He didn't hide anything, he explained his affairs, and at the same time pointed the finger at Han Zixuan.Since he came to the army, he has been very depressed.

After everyone heard this, some people said to fight with Han Zixuan, some said not to be too sad, Yang Xueyi didn't say that that person was Han Zixuan, maybe Miss Yang just wanted to test you.What's more, I hope that Zheng Hongtao will not be afraid of strong opponents and will definitely snatch Miss Yang back.

However, Zheng Hongtao has his own inner thoughts, pursuing what he definitely wants, and he must take the opportunity to defeat his opponent.

When practicing kung fu with Han Zixuan in the morning, Yang Xueyi told Han Zixuan that she went on a blind date yesterday.

Han Zixuan didn't express his opinion, but just demonstrated the essentials of the action.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Yang Xueyi was a little angry: "Why don't you ask who that man is and whether I'm moved."

Han Zixuan smiled: "Miss Yang, your marriage has nothing to do with me, right?"

Yang Xueyi was at a loss for words for a while, but she still said: "Okay, I won't practice today, I'm not in the mood. Sit down and let me tell you about that person."

Han Zixuan was also happy to relax, and sat down to listen.

Yang Xueyi said: "This man is very arrogant, and he speaks in an extremely arrogant manner. He told me a lot of amazing things about him in the past. He came from the Army Command Academy. He's a bird. I won't dump him at all. And he said cheekily How suitable we are, family conditions, education and education level, etc., it's too stinky, I can decide whether it is suitable or not."

Han Zixuan laughed after hearing this: "You say that person is Zheng Hongtao."

"Well, you know this person." Yang Xueyi immediately asked: "Zixuan, is this person similar to what I said, and he looks annoying."

Han Zixuan didn't want to have anything to do with Zheng Hongtao because of this matter, because they were estranged recently and had little contact with each other, so he thought it would be better.

"I don't know, but it should be pretty good, not as exaggerated as you said."

Yang Xueyi snorted and said: "It's not over yet, this man is very narrow-minded, he sued my father, my father even scolded me, and the relationship between our two families has also become cold, this is the best, I hate family marriage the most, it's boring. "

Han Zixuan smiled: "I hope this matter doesn't implicate me."

"What do you mean, what does it have to do with you?" Yang Xueyi didn't understand.

Han Zixuan said: "I don't think we need to practice kung fu in the morning from now on. I'm afraid that person will see it and feel dissatisfied with me, and come to find fault with me again."

"Oh, I see. So there is a conflict between you, please tell me what's going on." Yang Xueyi followed up and asked.

However, Han Zixuan left.Yang Xueyi stomped her feet and snorted: "You are afraid of him, okay, then I will just light the fire and fan the flames to make the fire burn hotter."

Little did they know that Han Zixuan and Yang Xueyi were practicing kung fu in the morning when a brother from Zheng Hongtao's dormitory saw him.He accidentally saw it when he came out in the morning.Immediately after returning home, he reported the situation to Zheng Hongtao. Zheng Hongtao was furious, and it really was him.

Some time ago, it was physical training. I basically ran every day and stood in a military posture.The next training is the real start, practicing Sanda, boxing, boxing and other fighting skills.Although contemporary soldiers live in peaceful times, martial arts cannot be thrown away.

There are two classes in the new barracks, Han Zixuan's class is led by Xie Wenxi, and the other class is led by another company commander, Lan Guoqing.

I don't know who thought of it. Starting today, the two classes will practice together. In fact, the soldiers of the two classes are practicing against each other. After all, they are not familiar with each other, so they can spare no effort and attack with all their strength. Imagine that the other party is you enemies, only in this way can we make progress.

First of all, it was the confrontation between Xie Wenxi and Lan Guoqing.

The two can be regarded as old rivals, and they entered the army at the same time. At that time, the two were considered outstanding, and they had always been the object of competition.Now the two have the same military rank and both lead the class.No one wants to be compared by others, and they all want to achieve excellent results in leading the troops this time.

Lan Guoqing is still a direct descendant of the Zheng family, and his head was a member of the Zheng family back then.Therefore, Zheng Hongtao came to his class, and he was very happy.It can even be described as fawning, and Zheng Hongtao is given a lot of power, he can enjoy certain privileges in their class.For example, being late, leaving early, etc., he turned a blind eye.

And this time, the joint training of the two classes was also proposed by Zheng Hongtao.His purpose was simple, he hoped to have a chance to face Han Zixuan face to face, and he was determined to defeat this difficult opponent.

The suggestion was reported to the superior leader, and the leader's approval was immediately obtained.I thought this plan was good, and praised Lan Guoqing at that time, praising him for his positive work attitude and promising future.

Lan Guoqing was very happy, and came to Xie Wenxi: "Commander Xie, I hope we don't deliberately keep things between us, show our true level, and show the brothers below."

Xie Wenxi was full of confidence: "Okay, please, Brother Lan."

As soon as the two fought against each other, sparks sparked immediately.He played very well and showed his true abilities.Because the two knew each other well, and had practiced together before, this confrontation could be said to be a match, and in the end the two did not decide the winner, and they shook hands and made a peace.

Lan Guoqing smiled and said: "We haven't decided who is superior yet, let's wait for the next opportunity. Now leave time for the recruits, they have many excellent seedlings here."

Xie Wenxi held his breath secretly, and when he has a chance next time, he must beat you.

Next, there are two classes, each with a soldier, and the two practice against each other.I don't know what's going on, the smell of gunpowder is very strong, the two sides are not humble to each other, and they are fighting to the death.When the leader passed by, seeing this scene, his blood swelled in his heart. This is the courage that future soldiers should have, which is very good.

It was Li Tieniu's turn to appear on the stage. Although he has been in the army for a while and has made breakthroughs in physical fitness and all aspects of physical fitness, he has just been exposed to fighting, and he also wants to verify his level.

Seeing Li Tieniu appearing on the stage, Zheng Hongtao suddenly regained his spirits, because he had been to Han Zixuan's dormitory, and he had met all four of them in the dormitory, and knew that this man came from the countryside.

He immediately arranged for one of his confidantes, his name was Wang Yanbao, who went to the Army Command Academy for trial training, but failed.At that time, Zheng Hongtao served as an instructor and gave him advice, hoping that he would continue to train hard after returning home and come back again in the future.At that time, the two left contact information with each other and became good friends.

This time, when Zheng Hongtao entered the army, Wang Yanbao was very excited when he knew about it, and immediately signed up.His purpose is very simple, to seek refuge with Zheng Hongtao, and enjoy the shade by the big tree.

Wang Yanbao was fond of martial arts when he was young, he had visited many famous teachers and masters, and some people taught him some kung fu, which can be said to be quite successful.But this person's cultural quality is relatively poor, so he cannot enter the Army Command Academy.At that time, Zheng Hongtao suggested that he go to school to study culture first, reshape himself, and he will definitely have a bright future in the future.

Wang Yanbao did the same, went to a local technical secondary school, studied hard, and improved a lot.Coming to the third team this time, he wanted to prove that he was by no means mediocre.

Zheng Hongtao told Wang Yanbao: "Don't be merciful, it's very easy for you to deal with this iron egg, but our goal is to force Han Zixuan to appear on the stage as soon as possible."

"I understand." Wang Yanbao was full of confidence: "Brother Tao, just wait and see."

Li Tieniu saw that his opponent was obviously a head shorter than himself, and had a stocky figure, as if he was born as a farmer, so he didn't take it to heart.He is honest and close to others.

Wang Yanbao sneered in his heart, but said humbly in his mouth: "Brother Niu, I hope you will show mercy."

"Come on, I'm just learning too, and I'm not very good at it yet. We are all newcomers. We should teach and learn from each other." Li Tieniu put on a posture, ready to meet the enemy.

Wang Yanbao's body was like lightning, and he punched Li Tieniu in the mouth.

Immediately, Li Tieniu fell down, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.But it wasn't over yet, Wang Yanbao immediately kicked up and threw his kick towards Li Tieniu's stomach.

Li Tieniu snorted and fell to the ground.

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