Han Zixuan sent the two of them away from the army. As soon as they returned to the dormitory, they were immediately surrounded.

Not only the brothers in his dormitory, but also many people from other dormitories came.Get to the bottom of it, what did you and the two girls do just two hours ago, you must have done something wicked.

Han Zixuan didn't have time to talk nonsense with them, so he dismissed them all with a few words.There are only four people left in the dormitory.Huang Boqing approached and asked: "Zixuan, we are close comrades-in-arms. We have learned about your ability today. Although my buddy can talk about it, his skill at picking up girls is really mediocre. I can't compare with you. You will teach me more in the future."

"And me." Li Tieniu smiled innocently: "Zixuan, forgive me for talking too much. How many wives do you have?"

Han Zixuan said humbly: "No more, no less. For now, there are only two. As for the future, it's hard to say."

Huang Boqing was immediately excited when he heard this: "So, Yang Xueyi really has nothing to do with you. Brother, you have to help me and help me make a bridge."

Han Zixuan smiled wryly: "Forget it. The young lady of the Yang family is superior, why should you attract her attention like a stinky soldier?"

Huang Poqing was at a loss for words for a moment, and had an idea: "Who says I'm a bad soldier, I'm also a person of status."

"Really, what special family background do you have to compete with the Yang family?" Han Zixuan took the opportunity to ask.

Huang Poqing faltered: "I don't rely on the background, I rely on myself."

Han Zixuan muttered to himself, Huang Boqing, one day I will let you confess. Speaking of which, Huang Boqing is still very mysterious. Li Tieniu and the others don't pay attention to this, but they can't hide from Han Zixuan's eyes.After all, his kung fu is definitely not something ordinary people can learn.

The next training subject is shooting, which mainly tests people's marksmanship.Most people are exposed to guns for the first time, and everyone's face is full of excitement.

Han Zixuan is by no means an expert at using guns. Although he has been exposed to it before, he hasn't practiced much.It was a good time to come to the army this time, just to practice my marksmanship.

Soon, a month passed.On this day, Xie Wenxi said with a trace of desolation on his face: "Dear comrades, today is the last day of initial training, and tomorrow there will be a comprehensive quality assessment. You will be assigned to each company according to the indicators according to the scores of the assessment. I hope you can perform normally. Level, to show the training results of these days."

In fact, everyone knew that this day would come.Those with excellent grades will be assigned to the ace company of the third unit, the Falcon Assault Company.Although it can't compete with the frightened special forces, it is still a famous combat force.

At the end of the training, Xie Wenxi found Han Zixuan and had a simple conversation with him.

"Zixuan, in fact, your overall quality is very high. You must easily be able to enter the Falcon Commando Team. You should perform well there."

Han Zixuan asked him, "What are you going to do next?"

"This period of recruit training is over, and I will return to my company and continue to be the company commander."

Han Zixuan unexpectedly asked: "Why didn't you join the Falcon commando team."

Xie Wenxi smiled miserably: "Don't you think I don't want to? My ability is limited and I can't meet the assessment standards. So I can only go to the ordinary company. You are different from me. You have comprehensive skills. It's easy to get through."

"Actually, you are not bad." Han Zixuan said, but after thinking about it, Xie Wenxi's level is indeed average. Thinking about the collision between him and Lan Guoqing last time, in his eyes, it was just a child's play.

"Brother Xie, we are relatively close. Wen Hao and I are buddies, and you know the relationship with Xie Wenxuan. Let me tell you the truth. I am very uncomfortable here. Fortunately, you have taken care of me in many ways, and brothers like Tie Niu also They are all very good. Once we separate, I really don’t want to part with them. I’m not interested in the Falcon Commando, so I’ll just go to your company and forget about it.”

"Zixuan, don't be childish. You're different from me. I'm not promising. With my family connections, I can become a company commander here. After a few years, if it really doesn't work, I'll change jobs and go home. You are different, you have a better future than me, since you are here, you must be the best."

Han Zixuan smiled bitterly: "I don't have those thoughts, I'm just fooling around. Brother Xie, don't try to persuade me, everyone has his own ambitions."

On the second day, the comprehensive assessment began. Everyone performed positively and showed their best side.After a day of assessment, the results were released soon.

Zheng Hongtao ranked first with the highest score, No.2 was Huang Boqing, and Han Zixuan barely made it into the top ten.It can be said that many people broke their glasses and couldn't believe what happened in front of them.

One of them was Lu Guangzong, the brigade commander. He sneered and said, "The bullshit elites, it was Director Yang He who deceived us, and it's just so-so."

Yang Xuerui hurriedly said: "Chief, there must be something wrong here. In fact, Han Zixuan's ability is very strong. You should have heard a lot about his deeds."

"What kind of deeds, I heard that he is quite lecherous, and he is good at dealing with women. It is rumored that he has two wives, which is really awesome, and makes those bachelors feel embarrassed. This kind of person is a bit inferior in the army, anyway, I don't care, you If Dad asked him to come here, then he will follow the rules here, distribute normally, and there are no conditions to talk about." Lu Guangzong glanced at Yang Xuerui: "Don't beg for mercy, it's useless if your dad comes."

Yang Xuerui immediately went to Han Zixuan to find out what happened.Xie Wenxi explained the reason at the side, and Yang Xuerui regretted again and again: "Zixuan, you missed the best opportunity. And because of this, the brigade commander has a very bad impression of you."

Han Zixuan smiled after listening: "Really, I didn't expect you to pay so much attention to me. Actually, I don't want to be too high-profile, people, it's better to keep a low profile."

Zheng Hongtao was assigned to the Falcon Assault Force, but he was not in a good mood.Because he was the only one in the entire recruit company to go there.Originally, Huang Boqing's grades could go there, but he immediately sensed that something was wrong, and when he saw that Han Zixuan deliberately let the water go, he understood.

When the instructor told him enviously that you were going to report to the Falcon Commando, Huang Poqing pouted and said, "No, I will go to the company of my former company commander Xie Wenxi."

Suddenly, there was another storm.Lu Guangzong's face was gloomy: "Han Zixuan and Huang Boqing, are these two soldiers interesting? Well, respect their wishes."

In the end, the four people in Han Zixuan's dormitory got together again and became soldiers of the ordinary sixth company, and the commander of the sixth company was Xie Wenxi.

Of course, Xie Wenxi was very happy and got a big deal for nothing.Many people who know something about him are very envious of him.Lan Guoqing is one of them.

However, this matter immediately reached Yang He's ears, and Yang He was very angry.He thought that Han Zixuan was upset, which was revenge in disguise.

The next day, he came directly to the third unit, he wanted to talk to Han Zixuan.It's time to give him some color, otherwise this kid would be wasting his life eating and drinking here every day.

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