Han Zixuan drove the two beauties home, and Ye Tianyu was very noisy on the road. Seeing that brother Zixuan was still driving calmly after drinking so much, he couldn't help being surprised and asked, "Brother Zixuan, I wonder if you really drank just now?" .”

Han Zixuan smiled slightly, but his expression was obvious.

Ye Tianyu exclaimed: "No way, I clearly saw the wine enter your stomach."

Han Zixuan turned his head slightly and said to Ye Tianyu, "Silly girl, what you see with your eyes may not be true."

This silly girl called Ye Tianyu's bones almost brittle. She blamed him stupidly: "Is she stupid? How can you be so smart and deceive everyone's eyes? If that Yang Xueyi knows, I don't know." How would you feel?"

Back home, Shen Hanyu had already heard that He Lizi was drunk again. Ye Tianyu called Shen Hanyu on the way just now, reported the situation, and said that Han Zixuan was coming back, and hoped that her sister could arrange it as soon as possible.

What to arrange, Shen Hanyu knew in her heart that it was nothing more than arranging a place for Han Zixuan to live, so she immediately asked Li Ma to clean the spare room upstairs and wait for the three of them to return.

Seeing He Lizi came back drunk again, and Han Zixuan was carrying her on his back, as if the scene of the previous few days was vivid in his memory.Shen Hanyu said a few words of thanks to Han Zixuan, and then asked Ye Tianyu what happened.

Ye Tianyu was very excited, and explained what happened in the restaurant. In fact, it was nothing, but this girl is a master storyteller, and she bragged about Han Zixuan like a god descending from heaven.

Shen Hanyu looked sideways at Han Zixuan, although he didn't believe it, but he believed it, and there was a little bit of admiration in his eyes.

He Lizi didn't vomit this time, because she didn't drink much, she was just drunk.

After everything was arranged, Han Zixuan went downstairs to leave.Ye Tianyu hurriedly chased him up, took his hand and said flatteringly that the room is ready, you can stay, we will go to school together tomorrow.

Han Zixuan shook his head: "Forget it, I'm leaving here after all, not to mention I have a place to live, so you don't have to worry."

Shen Hanyu also followed, and said softly: "Han Zixuan, it's late, and it's not that there are no spare rooms at home. I just asked Mama Li to clean up." In fact, the purpose is also obvious, let him stay.

But Han Zixuan still insisted: "Thank you for your kindness, I'm leaving."

Ye Tianyu stomped his feet angrily, and looked at Shen Hanyu helplessly.Shen Hanyu shrugged, then turned back to her room.

Han Zixuan waved his hand at Ye Tianyu, turned around and walked towards the door, his hand just touched the doorknob when suddenly a familiar voice came from upstairs: "Zixuan, thank you for taking me back."

He was astonished, and Ye Tianyu was equally astonished.

He Lizi was dressed in pajamas, her hair was disheveled, and her face was a little pale. She stood at the stairs, staring at Han Zixuan quietly.

Ye Tianyu came to He Lizi's side with a smile, looked at her teasingly: "Sister, you are not drunk, could it be that you just pretended to let brother Zixuan carry you home."

He Lizi's face quickly turned from white to red, and she wanted to stretch out her hand to tear the girl's broken mouth, but her body was weak and she almost fell down.She was indeed drunk at the time, but she was still a little bit sober. Although she didn't see what happened in the restaurant, she could hear clearly and saw Han Zixuan's extraordinary side.

Han Zixuan didn't expect He Lizi to come out suddenly, let alone say thank you.Alright, my hard work was not in vain.

"Oh, are you okay? Drink less alcohol in the future, it's not good for your health." Han Zixuan asked with concern, turning around.

With Ye Tianyu's support, He Lizi planned to go downstairs.Han Zixuan hastily dissuaded him: "Don't come down, I don't need you to see me off, I can leave by myself."

He Lizi reluctantly held on to the handrail of the stairs, and said sincerely: "It's too late, I'm afraid the school dormitory will be closed when you get there, so you can stay here."

Han Zixuan was shocked again, his mind went blank.

Ye Tianyu said with a playful smile, "Hey, sister Lizi, when did you start caring about Han Zixuan? This is not in your nature."

He Lizi was powerless to argue with her, and looked at Han Zixuan softly and peacefully.

Han Zixuan felt that he could no longer refuse, if he refused, it would hurt the girl's heart.He understood the change in He Lizi's heart, and he said this to himself only because he felt guilty.Her wish was fulfilled, and she was finally willing to bow her head and let herself come back. Although she said it after drinking, it was not bad.

"Well, since the three of you want to keep me here, I will forcefully fulfill your wishes, but let's agree, I will sleep in a room by myself, and you cannot live with me."

"Damn, you're so beautiful." Ye Tianyu's face was so red and cute, He Lizi instantly changed her face and stared at her viciously, then turned around and slowly went back to her room.

At this time, Han Zixuan's cell phone rang, and it was Shangguan calling, asking where he was at present, because the counselor personally inspected the dormitory on the first day he entered the school, it was the first time he met the student, and at the same time learned about some of the student's living conditions.

Han Zixuan said that he couldn't go back and lived outside, so that the teacher could rest assured that he would definitely report in on time tomorrow.Shangguan asked him again if he lived with He Lizi, but Han Zixuan hung up decisively.

On the other end of the phone, Shangguan Fei enviously said to the counselor Pan Shaoqi: "Mr. Pan, student Zixuan won't be able to come back at night because she is accompanied by a beautiful woman."

Pan Shaoqi is very young, just graduated from Nanhai University, and stayed to become a school counselor.He also came from his student days, so he didn't take this to heart, instead he asked curiously, "Really, Han Zixuan has a girlfriend."

Li Xiaoxu echoed: "No, Teacher Pan, Han Zixuan in our class is very good. Do you know who his girlfriend is?"

Naturally, Pan Shaoqi didn't know if it was a girl from Nanhai University.

Zhao Ming moved his head away from the computer screen, put his head in his hands and said with a deep expression, "He Lizi, the school beauty was conquered by him just like that."

Pan Shaoqi was immediately surprised. Seeing that the three of them did not intend to lie, he knew it was true. He couldn't help but think highly of Han Zixuan.In the enrollment file, Han Zixuan turned out to be blank. There was no record of elementary school, junior high school, or high school.At that moment, he wondered how this student came to Nanhai University, but now he seemed to understand a little bit, guessing that this student Han Zixuan was either a rich second generation or an official second generation.

There is no shortage of such students in Nanhai University, almost every college has such students, and it is not surprising to see more of them.At the same time, he murmured in his heart, because he knew that the museum department was an obscure major, how could these children choose this major.

As far as he knew, there was a rich boy among the newly admitted students, and Shangguan Fei in front of him seemed to have a lot of background, which was really evil.

In the morning, Han Zixuan had breakfast with the three beauties. He Lizi's mental state was obviously much better, but her complexion was not very good. Although she had applied light makeup on her face, it could be seen that she had not fully recovered.

Shen Hanyu was worried about her health and persuaded her not to go to class today. Anyway, the school has just started, and the teacher can't say much.Moreover, He Lizi is a smart girl, she basically does not need to be taught by a teacher, she can become a talent by herself.

He Lizi said that she is fine, don't worry.But when she was eating, she was very peaceful, a big change from before.When Shen Hanyu knew that He Lizi went downstairs to keep Han Zixuan in person, she was quite emotional in her heart, this proud girl could finally learn to bow her head.

After breakfast, the four of them went out at the same time, because they were all going to Nanhai University.

There are three luxury cars outside the door. Shen Hanyu drives a BMW. He Lizi and Yu Xiaolin were good friends before. The two often took taxis or took the bus to school together. Now her relationship with Yu Xiaolin broke down and she went to school with Ye Tianyu.

Ye Tianyu is a lazy girl, why not use a car at home.Holding the car key, he threw it to Han Zixuan: "Brother Zixuan, you drive. Sister Lizi and I get in the car first." Then, he pulled He Lizi into her Porsche.

Shen Hanyu smiled at him and said, "I don't worry about you driving. I'm a little worried about these two girls who just got their driver's licenses."

When the two luxury cars drove into the campus, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.Everyone knew that the white BMW in front belonged to Shen Hanyu, a well-known dance teacher. Everyone guessed who the Porsche behind her belonged to.

Shen Hanyu got out of the car first. She was dressed in overalls. Teachers usually wear small black suits, looking capable and professional.Although she was dressed in such an inconspicuous way, her thin waist and wide buttocks immediately attracted the greedy eyes of the boys and teachers around her. Shen Hanyu was used to it and ignored them.

Then a boy got out of that Porsche car. He was tall and handsome. Although he was dressed in ordinary clothes, he could drive a luxury car. Even if you were wearing a sack, no one would dare to underestimate you.

Han Zixuan opened the doors for the two beauties like a gentleman. He Lizi and Ye Tianyu were very helpful and slowly got out of the car.

When everyone saw clearly that it was Lizi He, the school belle, they immediately became overwhelmed.The scene that happened in Zhuangyuan Building last night was taken by someone, and it was posted on the campus network. Han Zixuan became a celebrity instantly. Today, seeing Han Zixuan and He Lizi riding in the same car at the same time, everyone was even more sure that it turned out that He Lizi had been hiding her boyfriend Not rumors.

Shen Hanyu told the three of them a few words, and then left first.

Because Han Zixuan and the two of them are not colleges, and the two colleges happened to be in different directions, so he gave the key to Ye Tianyu, and then parted ways.

Ye Tianyu shouted from behind: "Brother Zixuan, let's have lunch together at noon, I will call you."

Han Zixuan waved his hand: "Let's talk about it, maybe I don't have time."

"You are so arrogant, you can really pretend." Ye Tianyu pouted dissatisfiedly, and poked He Lizi: "Sister, say something, everyone has gone away."

"There is nothing to say, let's go in." He Lizi walked silently. Although the previous unhappiness between her and Han Zixuan had been resolved, for some reason, she suddenly felt particularly awkward in her heart. Instead, it was not as smooth as the conflict before. .

Han Zixuan came to the Museum Department, and the college building was still very magnificent. On the first floor, some bulletin boards of the college, as well as some resumes and introductions of teachers were posted. He didn't care to watch, and walked directly to the class that Shangguan told him about.

When he came to the class, the classroom was empty, and he thought he had entered the wrong class.Suddenly Shangguan waved his hand at him and shouted: "Zixuan, this way."

Han Zixuan hurried over, the dormitory brothers had already reserved a place for him.As soon as he sat down, the three of them interrogated him about where he was last night and how he felt with the beautiful women.

Han Zixuan grinned and said: "You guys are thinking wrong, He Lizi is my relative, and our relationship is very pure."

He didn't want to continue this topic, so he sneaked a peek and found that the class was full of gentlemen, not a single girl.

"No way, there are only so few students in our class, and they are all men."

Shangguan smiled wryly: "No, there is a roster on the table. I just took a look and there are only fifteen students in the class."

Han Zixuan nodded, it doesn't matter if the number of people is small, he doesn't like too much excitement.

Li Xiaoxu said treacherously: "But after our careful research, there is still a girl on the list."

Han Zixuan was surprised: "Really, who is it?"

Shangguan hurriedly said: "Bi Yunxi, the name should be a beautiful woman, God bless you, it must be a beautiful woman, otherwise how will I spend the past four years."

Everyone was discussing, suddenly the door of the class was gently pushed open, and a girl came in with her head bowed, she was dressed in plain clothes, her hair was black and draped straight over her shoulders.Oval face, pointed chin, very fair complexion.She raised her head and took a brief look, only to find that they were all boys, and she stood there in astonishment.

When all the students saw her astonishing beauty, they immediately jumped for joy and beckoned her to sit down.

Shangguan Mei's jaw was about to drop, and she patted the table excitedly: "Well, I guessed right, she really is a beauty."

Han Zixuan didn't have any strong feelings towards beautiful women, he glanced at her lightly, feeling a little familiar for some reason.

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