The campus is so cute

188 Confronting Special Forces

Han Zixuan immediately responded to Gong Liang: "This chief really comes from a big place, but you still understand the truth. We are old and our thinking is a bit rotten."

Lu Guangzong laughed, this little bastard is getting more and more courageous, and dares to make fun of me.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. You must be aware of Brigadier Gong's purpose here. He's coming directly at you. He wants to recruit you to the special forces. Let's talk about your thoughts."

All the female soldiers present were surprised when they heard this.But on second thought, there's nothing to be surprised about.With Han Zixuan's ability, it shouldn't be a problem to join the special forces.

When Yang Xueyi heard this, she immediately became unhappy, and she came to Gong Liang and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, this chief, how could you be so brazen and come here to snatch people from us."

Gong Liang was taken aback for a moment, looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, then looked at Lao Lu, meaning to ask who this girl was, she was so courageous.

Lu Guangzong whispered in his ear: "This girl has a strong background, Yang He's daughter. Do you dare to offend members of the Yang family?"

Gong Liang shuddered all over, my grandma, the third brigade really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, all kinds of masters gathered together.But after all, he has rich experience, and smiled: "This female soldier, I didn't steal someone, I invited you with sincere enthusiasm."

Yang Xueyi didn't take it seriously: "What is the special operations force? What's there to be proud of? Do you have to go there? I think the third brigade is also very good."

Lu Guangzong immediately stopped: "Xueyi, Hugh is being rude. This matter is entirely up to Zixuan's personal decision, and we cannot intervene to obstruct it."

Yang Xueyi stopped talking, just stared at Han Zixuan, and said in her heart that if you dare to leave here, I will give you good fruit to eat.

Seeing this, Han Zixuan hurriedly said: "Brigade Commander Gong, let me consider this matter carefully. But I don't have any impression of the special forces. I only heard that they are very powerful. I don't know if it is true."

Gong Liang was speechless for a while, he couldn't have the cheek to say that he was very powerful, he must be much better than the third brigade, wouldn't that be a slap in the face of Lu Guangzong.What to do, he had an idea, since Han Zixuan is very powerful, why don't we have a duel, as long as I defeat him, then he will be convinced obediently.

But he couldn't say this directly, it seemed too unreasonable.By the way, he also brought two people, they are elites in the special forces, why not let them fight Han Zixuan.

"Well, when I came, there were two soldiers. They were both from special forces. Why don't you judge by seeing their strength." Gong Liang still spoke with arrogance when he said this.

How could Han Zixuan not understand, and immediately responded: "Alright, Brigadier Gong, I don't know if you have seen the ace company of our third unit."

"Are you talking about the Falcon Assault Company? I stopped by to visit it just now, and it's pretty good." Gong Liang said cautiously and modestly.

"Hehe, Brigadier Gong, I'm telling you the truth. The ace company of our third brigade is not the Falcon, but the Sixth Company of Sabers."

Saber Six Company, whose name was just changed a few days ago, with the addition of the word Saber, is very powerful and domineering.Fits their company's personality and abilities.Moreover, these two characters were also added by Han Zixuan, and they were immediately recognized by many leaders, who felt that the name was very contagious.

Gong Liang was stunned again, and Lao Lu had never heard of the Sixth Company of Saber.Damn old Lu, playing hide and seek with me, hiding so many things.

"I haven't heard of it, so I want to see if the saber is sharp enough." Gong Liang understood that Han Zixuan had provoked him, and this little boy was indeed arrogant enough.

Han Zixuan asked Lu Guangzong if he could arrange a confrontation between the saber fighters and the special forces.Lu Guangzong had long expected such a thing to happen. Once he won, his third brigade would become famous all over the world, and he, the brigade commander, would also look great.

Lu Guangzong asked Gong Liang how he made such a decision. Gong Liang was secretly angry, but his face was calm and calm: "Yes, no problem, accept the challenge."

Han Zixuan went back immediately, found Huang Boqing, Li Tieniu, and Lu Chengwen, and explained the situation to them.When they heard this, their blood boiled with excitement. Damn it, it was so exciting to fight against the special forces.

Soon, several people came back.Gong Liang also found the two people he was carrying with him, and explained the situation to them.The two sneered and said, "Brigade Commander, don't worry, I will definitely teach them a lesson and let them know the consequences of being arrogant."

Gong Liang said carefully: "Don't be too proud, today's opponent is not weak."

The female soldiers were extremely excited and had a great time. They were basically in the female soldier camp and rarely went out.I have never seen today's situation, and Lu Guangzong also wanted to open their eyes and gain insight.

Who will be the first to arrange? All three of them actively signed up.But Han Zixuan didn't let Huang Boqing go up, because he believed in his ability, and there shouldn't be any problem with one vs two, so it's better to leave the opportunity to Tieniu and the other two.In recent months, the two have made rapid progress under the guidance of Han Zixuan and Huang Boqing, and it's time to test their abilities.

Li Tieniu appeared in the first scene. Although he has been in the army for several months, he still has a silly face.People can't help laughing, thinking that this kind of person will also become a master.

Li Tieniu first reported his family background, saying that he was from the Sixth Company of the Saber, and hoped that the special forces on the opposite side would show their respect.As expected, the special forces who fought against him didn't think highly of him in their hearts, and just bowed their hands perfunctorily.

As soon as the two fought, Li Tieniu took the initiative, because Han Zixuan told him that when the two armies confront each other, they should attack the enemy first, and they cannot give the enemy a chance to breathe.This is especially true when facing unfamiliar opponents.

Watching the fight between the two is very exciting, the special forces really deserve their reputation, with every move and style, they are very powerful.But Li Tieniu is like a yak that has just rushed down the mountain, extremely powerful, and seems to have inexhaustible strength.He frequently launched attacks on his opponents, and he used all the martial arts skills taught by Han Zixuan, which are the moves of martial sages, few people have seen them before.

Gong Liang glanced at it, was taken aback, and then looked at Lao Lu: "Lao Lu, this is your soldier, the sixth company of sabers."

Lu Guangzong said cheerfully: "Ah, I'm showing you a joke." He deliberately squeezed him out.

Gong Liang gasped: "I've never seen what kung fu this man uses."

"It's not just that you haven't seen it, it's the first time I've seen it. These people are taught by Han Zixuan's secret professor, and it's also the first time I've seen them today. To be honest, thanks to you, I can see today's scene."

Gong Liang smiled wryly, and looked at Han Zixuan, with a strong heart of love for talents, and must try to get this person.

Sure enough, Li Tieniu lived up to expectations, and made his opponent very embarrassed after a fierce attack.And in the face of such a fresh move, there is no ability to fight back.In the end, Comrade Tieniu punched him in the chest, but fortunately Tieniu was soft-hearted and didn't use any force.Even so, he still beat the opponent hard.

The female soldiers burst into thunderous applause. Although the special forces had a reputation, they were still defeated by their own people. No one was happy.For this reason, many female soldiers remember this simple and honest Comrade Tieniu.

Lao Lu glanced at Gong Liang: "I'm sorry, I've accepted it. Lao Gong, you don't have to be soft-hearted. Show your strongest strength. We are not afraid of any opponent, but we are afraid that the opponent will not show their power."

This sentence is really ironic, Gong Liang's face was dark, and his fists were secretly clenched.

It is a shame to see one's comrades fail, and the Special Forces fail.Another special soldier immediately stood up, desperately trying to find Li Tieniu.

Huang Boqing immediately replaced Lu Chengwen on the stage. Lu Chengwen was extremely calm, not to mention handsome.But manly, especially after recent exercise, exudes a strong sense of self-confidence.These were given by his two good comrades-in-arms.

As usual, Lu Chengwen introduced himself first.Lu Guangzong also remembered their names silently, because he had never heard of them before, and he did not expect them to be so powerful.

Lu Chengwen gestured to invite the opponent to attack.Because of his personality, he will not resort to violent attacks, but is more than capable.His teacher is Huang Boqing, and Huang Boqing's teacher is by no means kind.

Lu Chengwen's kung fu is different from Liu Tieniu's, but it is also as sharp as a knife, hitting the opponent's vital parts directly.And he is indeed very attentive, and at the same time he is also considered a talent, with a transcendent talent in this regard.

But the opponent adopts a fierce attack posture, he wants to use all his strength, and does not give the opponent room to think.It is true that he attacked very well, but Lu Chengwen showed the demeanor of a general, every move, and the blocking and counterattack were equally as good.The two fought hard at first.

However, the time dragged on, and the special soldier immediately showed that he was exhausted. After all, he adopted a desperate style of play and required strict physical endurance to guarantee it.But at this time, Lu Chengwen started to exert his strength, and the two of them immediately changed their roles in the confrontation just now.

The female soldiers cheered and cheered. Once both of them defeated the special forces, it would be a great honor and pride.With the encouragement of the home court, Lu Chengwen became more and more courageous in the battle, and finally easily subdued his opponent. He took a back throw and knocked the opponent down under him.

Gong Liang looked embarrassed, his face was dark with dark purple.Originally, the purpose of coming to the third brigade was to poach people, but unexpectedly, it was embarrassing to come here.

But he didn't blame the two, after all, strength speaks for itself.The two came to him with regret and guilt: "Chief, we have failed, and we ask for punishment."

"Forget it, the skills are not as good as others, we have to accept failure with humility. After returning home, practice hard, this time I understand, what is beyond the sky."

Lu Guangzong was extremely proud, but he definitely gave his old friend face: "Old Gong, you are still too modest. To be honest, we were very lucky to win, after all, the trump card of your special warfare brigade did not come."

"Okay, Lao Lu, don't put a high hat on me. If you lose, you lose. I'm not someone who can't afford to lose. But since I'm here, I want to challenge you." Gong Liang aimed at Han Zixuan, with obvious intentions, challenged him.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Brigade Commander Gong, I asked our Ah Huang to challenge you, you won't have any objections, right?"

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