The campus is so cute

190 perfect match

Gong Liang came full of confidence, but he was beaten badly and left in dismay. The news spread quickly in the third brigade, and the reputation of the Saber Sixth Company became even louder.

Now everyone believes that the Sixth Company of Sabers is definitely the trump card. They have the strength to beat any team. Given time, maybe they will be the pride of the whole country.

Lu Guangzong was very excited, so he told Han Zixuan that he must train them well, and hoped that all of them could become talents. He had selfish intentions, so he naturally hoped that the Sixth Company of Sabers would become the trump card of the entire country, replace the position of special forces, and become a team admired by everyone. strength.

Zheng Hongtao really admired Han Zixuan now, from the initial dissatisfaction to the repeated failure of the challenge.But now, the ace special forces of his dreams were all defeated at his feet, so why would he still be unconvinced.And now he feels so boring in Falcon every day, as if it's the end of the world.

Regardless, I lowered my face and begged Han Zixuan, because he also wanted to enter the Sixth Company of Sabers.

At lunch that day, Han Zixuan and Huang Boqing were in the cafeteria, chatting and laughing.The content is almost all about Gong Liang's affairs a few days ago, and women are inseparable.Several people said that Zhang Juan, the company commander of the female soldier, fell in love with Huang Boqing, and the best proof was that she personally delivered the towel.

Huang Poqing was not sure, but his heart was full of joy.However, he still asked Han Zixuan, a master girl picker, if Zhang Juan was interested in him.

Han Zixuan smiled, brother, you are usually very smart, and you seem to be good at dealing with women.Why did Fan get confused at the critical moment.Everyone can see that you just pretended to be stupid.I had dinner with Zhang Juan. She is still single and has never met a good relationship. It seems that she likes you very much.

"What, you have eaten alone, Han Zixuan, you are too wolfish, you have so many beautiful wives, and you still seduce my future daughter-in-law." Huang Boqing immediately became angry, but I didn't expect this kid to be very jealous.

Han Zixuan hurriedly explained that there were many people eating that day, and many leaders were present.Only then did Huang Boqing's complexion turn better, and he pretended to be angry and said, "I warn you, don't think that you are an instructor and hang out with female soldiers all day long, but don't take Zhang Juan's idea."

After hearing this, several people laughed, and while they were talking and laughing, Zheng Hongtao came to the cafeteria and aimed directly at them.Li Tieniu had a very bad impression of him, and said angrily: "F*ck, why is this grandson here?"

Lu Chengwen snorted coldly: "You must be begging us, everyone, wait and see a good show."

Zheng Hongtao came to the dining table and smiled before speaking, showing his white teeth: "Everyone, let's eat."

But no one paid any attention to him, and several people were buried in eating or chatting.It seems that I haven't seen such a big living person standing next to it.

Immediately, Zheng Hongtao's face was flushed with embarrassment. What is his family's status? He himself has a special experience.I didn't expect to be humiliated like this today.

But he endured it, after all, what he did to Han Zixuan and the others was a little too much.

He directly called to Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, I want to tell you something."

Han Zixuan's attitude towards Zheng Hongtao is still very important. After all, their family has a special status. Yang Xuerui analyzed this matter with him, hoping that he can maintain a harmonious relationship with Zheng Hongtao.

"Hong Tao, what's the matter?" Han Zixuan was also very polite, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and handed him a chair next to him.

Zheng Hongtao felt warm in his heart, but Tieniu and the others were quite complaining in their hearts.Zixuan is just too generous. Before this kid picked on us all day long, you still treated him so nicely.

"Zixuan, I know we had a festival before, I did go too far, and I hope you understand." Zheng Hongtao then looked at Li Tieniu: "Tie Niu, I'm sorry, I really encouraged Wang Yanbao that time, I hope Your lord has a lot, forgive me."

That's enough fun, let the son, an important leader of the country, apologize to an unknown boy from the countryside, Zheng Hongtao is also a well-known man, and he dares to act.

Li Tieniu's heart softened: "It's nothing, I forgot about it a long time ago."

Han Zixuan saw it, and was secretly surprised. After all, Zheng Hongtao was born in the army, and he was not as proud as a dandy.He smiled slightly: "Hong Tao, we are all soldiers, we don't care about these details. And we were in normal competition before, no one was sorry for anyone. If you have something to say, I will definitely help."

Zheng Hongtao breathed a sigh of relief, this group of people is quite loyal.Before he came, he was very apprehensive. Once he was rejected, he would have no face in the future, and he might choose to leave here.

"Zixuan, I just said it directly, I want to join the Sixth Company of the Saber." Zheng Hongtao looked embarrassed, but his eyes were extremely longing, and he looked at them seriously.

Huang Boqing interrupted suddenly: "Oh, I want to join the Sixth Saber Company. Zheng Hongtao, to be honest, the Sixth Saber Company is already full, and we are not recruiting people now."

Zheng Hongtao understood that Huang Boqing must have said that on purpose, and hoped that he would retreat in spite of the difficulties.But he did not waver, looked at Huang Boqing and said respectfully: "Deputy Company Commander Huang, I really hope to enter the Sixth Company of Sabers. I am eager to make progress, and I know that the Sixth Company of Sabers has a bright future. The sharpest weapon."

That's really nice to say, Huang Boqing's tone was sarcasm, but it's really full.If you are really willing to wait, wait until next year, maybe you will have a chance.

Then I have to wait, as long as your door can be opened, I will keep waiting.Zheng Hongtao was very persistent. After saying this, he nodded with several people and left.

Han Zixuan stopped him and asked him to come back and sit down again: "Hong Tao, to tell you the truth. At present, there are too many people who want to enter the Sixth Company of Saber, so we have set up an assessment process. As long as you can pass the test, you will You can come in. I hope you can accept the test, we are not a government agency here, just pay some money to walk through the back door, you can understand."

Zheng Hongtao's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded eagerly: "Of course I can understand, and I fully agree with your rules. I am ready to accept challenges at any time."

"Okay, you go back first, and I will notify you when the time comes."

After he left, Huang Boqing and the others discussed whether he should be recruited or not.Han Zixuan smiled: "Everyone, be generous, we are all men."

"Well, anyway, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll go back and think about writing a love letter to my sister Zhang Juan. Zixuan, give me some pointers."

Several people laughed and left the restaurant.

Han Zixuan and Lu Guangzong agreed that in order to become the trump card of Saber Six Company, there must be a regular assessment mechanism, the survival of the fittest, the able ones come in, and the incompetent ones leave.After all, the people in the Sixth Company were uneven, some of them couldn't meet the requirements, and there were still many people outside who were eager to join.

Lu Guangzong felt that this suggestion was very correct, and handed over the power to Han Zixuan. After all, he is now the chief instructor and has the ability to handle this matter.

After talking about the serious things, Lu Guangzong chatted with him about family affairs, and allowed him to go home and have a look, but the only warning is that you can't slip away, but you don't even think about it, I have investigated your wife thoroughly, and when the time comes Ask them for someone.

This old guy is really insidious enough.

Suddenly, Lu Guangzong smiled: "By the way, let me tell you something. When Yang He came last time, you still remember that we had dinner with the female soldiers."

Han Zixuan nodded: "What's wrong."

"Did we mention the issue of single men and women in our army last time? Recently, Sun Miao, a female soldier, talked to me and decided to prepare a singles dating meeting in the near future, and conduct a blind date event like on TV." Lu Guangzong then said : "Although we are soldiers, our lives can't be too monotonous. We should organize some activities to adjust the atmosphere."

"Okay, but there are too many men in our army. We can't have hundreds of people participating. After all, there are only a limited number of female soldiers, and many girls are thin-skinned, so they may not be willing to find men in public." Han Zixuan said a lot of questions limitations.

I have considered all the things you said, and finally decided to admit the best.The men started from the sixth company of the saber, and the other companies could only watch and have no part.

Interesting, it just so happens that the Sixth Company of the Saber will conduct an assessment recently. If this gimmick is added, it will be more interesting.

The two hit it off immediately, and Lu Guangzong finally told Han Zixuan, you have worked hard.

Han Zixuan smiled: "It's not hard, the chief is even harder. By the way, you should go home more often, or sister-in-law will definitely be angry."

"You brat, you are getting more and more courageous." Lu Guangzong cursed a few words with a smile, and then burst out laughing. He had indeed not been home for a long time.

The sixth company of sabers is going to conduct an assessment, and everyone in the army knows.The people who were in the Sixth Saber Company before were worried. They all knew that the Sixth Saber Company wanted to build a real saber for the country. There would be assessments every week, and the competition would be fierce and cruel.

But that's how it is in the army, everyone is ready.The soldiers who were about to enter the saber boosted their morale and hoped to enter the saber. The leaders of the third brigade were very happy to see such a scene, which encouraged everyone in a circle.

Besides the female soldiers, Zhang Miao called people from the two companies and announced an important matter. Recently, there will be a dating meeting for single men and women. I hope that single girls will sign up enthusiastically.Because the men participating in the dating are not ordinary, they are all tough guys from the Sixth Company of the Saber.

The female soldiers were excited but shy. Zhang Miao glanced at them and said, "But the quota is limited. This time, the registration is limited to [-] people. But please don't pay too much attention to it. We will hold similar activities frequently in the future."

Zhang Juan immediately asked: "Chief, we have a lot of single girls, how do we choose them?"

Zhang Miao thought for a while, and her eyes lit up: "Since they choose from sabers, why don't we also have an assessment. Our name is Junshea, which has a homonym of handsome, which just describes our girl's beauty. A good knife matches a good sheath. That's the perfect match."

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