The campus is so cute

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No one expected this result, and the leaders present were also dumbfounded.He said in his heart that Huang Boqing is also considered very good, why is he so unpopular, no girl chooses him.

Huang Boqing suddenly felt very cold in his heart, he looked at Zhang Juan's side specially, and didn't even give her a chance.

Facing the unexpected situation, Zhang Miao didn't know what to do for a moment, but she just muttered that these damn girls were too picky.

In fact, it is not the case. These are all discussed by the girls in advance.Because they knew that sister Juan had a special liking for Huang Boqing, and she was their elder sister, so they gave him the opportunity and never took advantage of others.But Zhang Juan showed a red card, just because she was a woman, and she was a little dazed for a moment.

First of all, she is older than Huang Poqing. In the traditional concept, men must be older than women and know how to take care of others.Moreover, Zhang Juan could tell at a glance that Huang Boqing was a stubborn person who might not understand the heart of a woman.However, the sudden affection for him at the beginning was entirely the result of the worship of heroism.

There is also her status, after all, she is more experienced than Huang Boqing.You can't show your kindness to men with the cheek, women sometimes need to hold it up.That's why there was such a result. Seeing this scene, Zhang Juan had mixed feelings in her heart, mixed with various tastes.

There is no way, he was eliminated in the first round.But it doesn't matter, Zhang Miao cheers for Huang Boqing, you still have a chance to reverse the election, and speak out about the girl you like.

Huang Boqing was very distressed, it was too embarrassing, he was the first to come up, and he was all red cards in the first round.Presumably those brothers outside must have laughed at him to death.

Sure enough, the men who were waiting anxiously outside saw this scene with mixed joy and sorrow.Because Huang Boqing was full of confidence when he came here, and with his looks and talent, it would definitely not be a problem to win the hearts of a few girls, but he didn't expect the result to be like this, so he couldn't help gloating.There are also some people who are worried in their hearts. If Huang Boqing is so good, he will be eliminated, so they will have no chance.

Han Zixuan was also among them. Seeing this, he was a little puzzled.What's the matter with Zhang Juan, who took the initiative to send towels that day is obviously interesting to Bo Qing, what play is she singing today.After thinking about it, I guess women are thin-skinned, so I'm sorry, it's understandable to wait for a man to take the initiative to choose.

Besides, Huang Boqing is very upset at the moment, and he is also a proud person.I feel that I have been humiliated a little. I remember that in TV shows, even if the man is as good as Wu Erlang, the girls will give some sympathy points.

He glanced at the girls on the stage, and said lightly, "I'm sorry, I don't have any girls I like." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the door, and then left the conference room.

This result made everyone unprepared.Han Zixuan grabbed Huang Boqing: "Boqing, what's wrong with you, you have a girl you like, why didn't you choose Zhang Juan."

"F*ck, she didn't even give her a chance, so I chose a fart. There are so many girls in the world, why bother to fall in love with a single flower. Let her take it, and I won't dump her." Huang Poqing said angrily: "What? The bullshit blind date meeting is purely intentional to put eye drops on our men, brothers, just go home, wash and sleep, don't waste the opportunity here again."

Zhang Miao sighed: "It's a pity that it didn't work out, but we wish Bo Qing a good home. Applause bless him, and please welcome the next male soldier to make an appearance."

Suddenly, something happened on the stage.Zhang Juan said with moist eyes: "Sister Zhang, I'm sorry, I won't participate, I want to go out for a while."

There is a girl beside her to advise her, Sister Juan should hurry up and chase her out, if she misses it, she will regret it for the rest of her life.Zhang Juan burst into tears and said: "Who knew he was so stubborn, I just wanted to test him, and I'm a girl after all, of course I hope the man will take the initiative, I'm so mad."

Zhang Miao immediately understood, oh, so it is.No wonder when Huang Boqing came up, he said it was for a girl he liked, but he was referring to Zhang Juan.This Zhang Juan is also true, it is still a test at this time, what a good young man Bo Qing is, he was eliminated in the first round.

She immediately came to Zhang Juan, took her hand and warned: "Juanzi, it's not my sister who said you, hurry up and chase him out, what a man Bo Qing is, it would be a pity to miss it."

Then, there was thunderous applause below.Everyone didn't expect the twists and turns. It turned out that there was a secret relationship between the two, but this time because of the pride in each other's hearts, personal emotions inevitably arose.Think about it, Zhang Juan and Bo Qing are a match made in heaven. They both have a bright future in the army. If they can get together, they will set an example for all young officers and soldiers.

Lu Guangzong also stood up and said: "Zhang Juan, hurry up and chase him. I understand that boy Bo Qing, he just wants to save face and suffer. If you speak soft words to him, he won't know the east, west, and north immediately, and you will definitely take him down easily. "

This humorous joke caused everyone to laugh, and it also resolved the slightly sad emotions just now.

It's just that Zhang Juan ran out and shouted Bo Qing from behind.But Huang Boqing didn't go far. When he heard this shout, his heart suddenly seemed to froze, and his legs couldn't move.

Han Zixuan and the others booed, "Bo Qing, hurry back, look at Sister Juan, she ran out to chase you in public regardless of face, you're still running away."

At this moment, Huang Boqing finally felt more at ease in his heart, and was even a little flattered.He turned around, and then quickly ran back, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he hugged Zhang Juan in public.

Zhang Juan was shy and broke free, "Let me go."

Huang Poqing said rascally: "I won't let you go, I won't let you go forever."

People around me whistled and screamed again and again.Han Zixuan smiled and said: "Okay, you two hurry up and find a place where no one is around and talk alone, don't let us look upset."

Zhang Juan and Huang Boqing left hand in hand, which can be regarded as a perfect start for this blind date, but the process was tortuous, but it showed the attachment of men and women in the army to their feelings.

So, the next men appeared on the stage one after another, but they were obviously not as lucky as Huang Boqing, and they would not be sent off in the first round. After going through various tests, they communicated with each other.In the end, there will always be a tacit understanding between a man and a woman. Not to mention, the efficiency is astonishingly high. When a boy comes, a girl is taken away immediately.

Of course Zhang Miao was the happiest, and she, the matchmaker, had worked hard, and this was the goal of the blind date and friendship.As time went by, there were fewer and fewer girls on the stage. From the original 20 people, there were only two people left, namely Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong.

Yang Xueyi was originally a landscape used by female soldiers to show their beauty, she is purely a vase role.And the men are also sensible, knowing that Ms. Yang is from a famous family, it is impossible to like them, at most they just want to look seductive.As for Yang Xueyi, this blind date was just for fun and entertainment, completely belonging to the role of a bystander.

Besides Luo Yutong, she was more relaxed than Yang Xueyi.She just came here to make soy sauce. When she saw men ignoring her at all, she felt complicated in her heart, but she also understood men, who didn't like beautiful women, and who didn't want their wives to be stunning.

She just wanted to quickly end this boring activity. When there were only two people left in the end, the two stood on the stage, forming a stark contrast.

Zhang Miao felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and she hoped that this event would help Yutong find someone who was destined.But the man is still too realistic, hey, there is no way.Who made Yu Tong not take the initiative at all, every time a man came up, she never gave a chance and directly showed the red card.How can such indifference attract men?

But Zhang Miao is very eloquent, saying that the remaining two girls are the absolute elites in our army.It's just that the vision is too high, the man should hold his breath.The following applause welcomes the next one.

As the door opened, a handsome man walked in.Many people also know him, his name is Zheng Hongtao, and of course more people know their family status.

Zheng Hongtao came to this blind date for only one person, Yang Xueyi, although the last blind date with his father failed.But he was not discouraged, and he observed closely recently that Yang Xueyi and Han Zixuan did not act too intimately, it was purely because of his villainous heart.

This time he was lucky enough to join the Sixth Company of the Saber, and it happened to be in time for this blind date.Originally, he didn't sign up to participate, but when he learned that Yang Xueyi was coming, his heart revived again.

To be honest, he also thought about giving up before.But entering the Sixth Company of the Saber brought him great confidence.He believes in his ability to overcome all difficulties.

After he came up, of course he had to report himself.But this time, Zheng Hongtao did change a lot.In the past, he would definitely say that he came from the Army Command Academy, what credits he had made, and so on.Today, he directly said that he is from the Sixth Company of the Saber.

After all, those who have the opportunity to participate in this blind date are all from Liulian, so it's okay for him to say so.Lu Guangzong noticed Zheng Hongtao's change, this kid was no longer as proud as before.He knew in his heart that it had something to do with Han Zixuan.

When they first came here, the two fought fiercely.But now, Zheng Hongtao understands that he is indeed not as good as the other party, so he simply lowers his figure and works hard to correct himself. No matter the external kung fu or the internal cultivation, he has made a qualitative leap and breakthrough.

Zhang Miao's mouth is not soft, seeing Zheng Hongtao coming, he immediately talked about some of his past, the purpose is to increase his impression score.

Yang Xueyi didn't expect him to come, and knew in her heart that it must be aimed at her.Although she didn't like him, she could see Zheng Hongtao's change today.Anyway, not as annoying as it was at first.

However, Yang Xueyi never had any thoughts about him in her heart.Because Zheng Hongtao said at the beginning that he only came for one person, and that was Yang Xueyi.

Yang Xueyi said politely: "Zheng Hongtao, I'm very sorry. I'm young, so I don't think about children's marriage for the time being." In fact, it was a relatively gentle refusal.

Zheng Hongtao nodded, then turned and left silently.

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