The campus is so cute

198 brutally murdered

Han Zixuan made a big noise, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present at the meal, and most of them showed vulgar eyes.

The restaurant waiter came over immediately to understand the situation.

Han Zixuan patted the table and yelled that the food was too bad. Is this a five-star hotel? It's not fake, so get your manager here.

The waiter has been paying attention to this evil young man, knowing that he can't be provoked, but he tries to speak as much as possible: "Sir, I'm very sorry, the food is not to your taste, please forgive me. I will tell the kitchen to cook what you like."

Han Zixuan didn't pay the bill and clamored to see the manager.

There was no other way, so the waiter had no choice but to find the manager in charge of the restaurant. She was a graceful young woman, wearing a black uniform and skirt, looking elegant and capable.She's obviously an old hand, very experienced in this sort of thing.

She first bowed her head and admitted that she didn't take good care of her. She hoped that the gentlemen and ladies would understand a lot, and she bowed her head and showed her sincerity.

However, Han Zixuan still didn't finish. Seeing that the manager was very charming and foul-speaking, he reached out and wiped the woman's face: "It's not bad, how about it, sleep with me tonight, and this matter will be over. "

The manager swallowed his anger: "Sir, I'm very sorry. If you have any needs, you can contact our public relations staff, and we will definitely provide you with the best service."

"Damn, you're so old and you're still pretending to be young."

Yang Xueyi said on the sidelines: "Brother Xuan, don't be angry, our sisters will serve you well in a while, and I promise to satisfy you."

Luo Yutong remained silent, wondering who this bastard was, the incarnation of angels and demons.

Han Zixuan felt that the opera was almost finished, so he raised his head and gave the manager a hard look: "Tell you cooks, bring me a Manchu banquet later, I'm not short of money, sir. Let's go, get angry, and take your sisters away."

As he said that, Han Zixuan stood up, hugged one of them, and took the opportunity to rub his hands on the two girls.Yang Xueyi was extremely ashamed, she could only lower her head and thrust her head into Han Zixuan's arms, trying to cover it up.Fortunately, Luo Yutong was covered by a hat, because her face was full of anger.

Henry and his party happened to see the whole picture of the scene. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the manager asked, "Manager, who is this gentleman, do you know him?"

The manager was still angry, but when he saw foreign guests, he tried his best to suppress his anger and said, "I don't know, I just moved in this afternoon."

"Oh, what's the matter, how about it, just now he caused trouble to your hotel and messed up the tableware, I'll pay for him instead." Henry said while taking out his wallet, took a few hundred dollars and handed them to the manager.

The manager asked unexpectedly: "Sir, thank you, your quality is indeed noble, and it is indeed much better than some scum of the Chinese people."

Henry smiled: "However, I want to know which room he lives in, and I hope you can tell me."

Of course, the manager of the restaurant would not refuse. He soon found out Han Zixuan's room number and told Henry.

Henry's assistant, John, was a little puzzled: "Brother, are you crazy? We don't know him well, so why clean up the mess for him."

"This Mr. Han is interesting, maybe he is the buyer we need." Henry smiled: "Go and watch around his room, and report to me if there is anything."

John understood immediately, nodded, and left quietly.

As soon as Han Zixuan returned to the room, the two women immediately ran away from him, both showing angry eyes.Han Zixuan was very calm, even innocent: "What's the matter, it was just acting."

Yang Xueyi was ashamed and annoyed: "You can't go too far in acting, you actually started groping with your hands."

"Really, why didn't I feel it, maybe I was too involved." Han Zixuan pretended to be stupefied and said, but Luo Yutong didn't buy it: "Han Zixuan, I warn you, if there is another time, I will definitely abolish you on the spot. "

"Look at you, it's just a show, why are you so entangled. I don't care, what do you care about?"

Yang Xueyi felt that this bastard was too rascal this time, but she just wanted to continue to argue.

Han Zixuan immediately raised his index finger to his mouth: "Be careful, someone is coming."

And Luo Yutong also said: "Someone is really coming, and it seems that they are coming towards us."

Han Zixuan smiled: "Two beauties, hurry up and take off your clothes, I'm so happy." At the same time, he winked at the two of them, implying to quickly get into the acting stage.

Yang Xueyi pretended to be coquettish and said: "Brother Xuan, wait a while, let's take a bath first."

"I won't wash it anymore. I'll wash it when I'm done playing. Let's take a bath together." As he spoke, he held Yang Xueyi down like a wolf on a sheep, and said in a low voice, "If you want to moan, it's when a woman is excited. attitude."

Yang Xueyi shook her head hastily: "I don't know how."

Han Zixuan immediately shifted his position and came to Luo Yutong: "What about you?"

Luo Yutong rolled his eyes at him: "No."

Han Zixuan sneered: "Really, you must know it, this is a task."

But how could Luo Yutong do it? Han Zixuan was helpless, and suddenly reached out to pat Luo Yutong's buttocks fiercely, and Luo Yutong instinctively responded with a sound of shyness and a little bit of sensitivity.

"Yes, that's it." Han Zixuan said while reaching out and continuing to pat lightly.Yang Xueyi on the side looked dumbfounded.

John stood at the door and listened carefully, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This young master was really anxious, and he was a little perverted.

Han Zixuan then looked at Yang Xueyi, with a big smile on his lips: "Little beauty, don't run away, it's your turn."

Yang Xueyi screamed again and again, and finally turned into shame and anger, because she was not spared and was poisoned by the demon wolf.

Han Zixuan let go of the two of them after the person who confirmed the outsider left, sweating profusely: "I'm really tired, don't be tired from doing things, no, I'll take a shower first." He slipped away first, and stayed behind. The two beauties looked at each other in embarrassment.

When Han Zixuan went to the bathroom, Yang Xueyi looked at Luo Yutong, and found that Luo Yutong's eyes were filled with tears.She was surprised again and again. Although she was humiliated, she didn't feel too sad.She was also very strange in her heart, what happened to herself.

But right now, she wants to comfort Luo Yutong first: "Sister Tongtong, don't be sad. Whoever asked the superior to arrange such a task for us, we can only accept this kind of torture helplessly."

Luo Yutong immediately squeezed back the tears and forced a smile: "It's okay, just treat it as being stared at by a mosquito. Our sisters are really wronged, and we will never let him go in the future."

This time, Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong stood on the same front.

Han Zixuan's heart was pounding in the bathroom. Although he had been chasing girls for many years, this time it was thrilling and exciting.Just now I wantonly touched the buttocks of the two women. The two women have their own merits. Xueyi is quite round, and Yutong is plump and firm, each with its own charm.

It's a pity that there will be more opportunities like this in the future.

After taking a shower, Han Zixuan discovered a mistake, he didn't bring a bathrobe.His clothes were also thrown into the washing machine just now, because they were stained with soup just now.

He could only cover his crotch with a towel, then came to the door and knocked on the door, calling out their names.

But no one answered, obviously the two women planned to ignore this fellow.

Han Zixuan pleaded: "You two, I finished washing, but I don't have a bathrobe, and I'm naked now. You can help me get my bathrobe, otherwise I will have to force my way. If there is an accident, you will be responsible."

Luo Yutong and Luo Yutong sat on the bed and watched TV. After listening to Han Zixuan's words, they became even more angry.The two didn't believe it, thinking that Han Zixuan must have done it on purpose, with ulterior motives.

"Sister Tongtong, don't pay attention to him, this bastard is a bit aggressive now."

Luo Yutong thought the same way, nodded, and the two smiled tacitly.

Han Zixuan waited for a long time, but no one paid any attention.I had no choice but to go all out.He pushed open the bathroom door and walked out.

When the two girls heard the door open, they looked this way instinctively, they were dumbfounded, and immediately covered their eyes with their hands and cursed: "Han Zixuan, you really came out without clothes on."

Han Zixuan was innocent: "I told you that I have no clothes, and I asked you to give them to me, but you didn't care."

He only has a towel between his crotch to cover his body now, but it is more attractive than his breasts. It is said that a woman's breasts are attractive, but now it seems that it is not always true.Men are also attractive if they have a good figure.

Han Zixuan's body has a different color from the skin on his face. He is healthy with a wheat color, and his muscles are strong all over his body, especially the eight-pack abdominal muscles that show his true color as a man.

He swaggered and went to get his clothes from his bag. Just as he was about to change, he reminded: "Miss, the young master is about to change, do you want to continue admiring it?"

Immediately, the two girls hurried away in fright and ran into the bathroom.

When the two came out, they found that Han Zixuan was already neatly dressed, and changed into a casual outfit, looking chic and coquettish.

Han Zixuan glanced at the two of them: "Just to tell you, I'll go out for a while. You can do your own activities, but you can't leave this room."

Yang Xueyi hurriedly asked, "Why are you going?"

"Young Master is a young master, so of course I went to Lie Yan. There is a dance hall here, I will go there and grab a girl by the way." Han Zixuan glanced at the two of them: "You are my Xiaomi, you are not allowed to meddle in my affairs .”

Yang Xueyi immediately said angrily: "Han Zixuan, you are going too far."

Luo Yutong hastily pulled her back and whispered that leave him alone, he'd better die there and not come back.

Han Zixuan glanced at the two of them: "Be good, be obedient. Wait for me to come back tonight, and we will have a good night together." Blowing kisses to the two girls, he left the room.

Yang Xueyi bulged angrily: "It's too shameless, even if you play the role of son-in-law, you can't be so devoted, you really go out to hunt for beauty, and you simply don't put us two beauties in your eyes."

Luo Yutong was taken aback.

Yang Xueyi said: "Sister Tongtong, you are actually beautiful too. Just now I took a closer look at your face. If you didn't have those unsightly pockmarks, you must be a stunning beauty."

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