The campus is so cute

200 useless man

Yang Xueyi immediately realized that Han Zixuan went outside and brought the woman back.

Luo Yutong also noticed this, but she acted calmly.Because she immediately discovered that these two women were different, they were definitely not prostitutes.

She got up and supported Han Zixuan with concern, and asked in a soft voice, "Brother Xuan, who are they?"

The two women glanced at Luo Yutong and were taken aback by her appearance.

Han Zixuan snorted: "Don't worry about it, this is my spoils tonight. You two delete it, I'm going to be happy."

Yang Xueyi gritted her teeth in hatred, bastard, shameless.But she was immediately stopped by Luo Yutong, she said to Xueyi: "Sister, let's not disturb the young master, let's go out."

"It's too hateful to have a new love and forget the old love." Yang Xueyi muttered fiercely, but the clinker Luo Yutong pulled her into the bathroom, and slammed the door hard.

Anna and the two were obviously a little surprised. It turned out that there were two women hiding in the romantic young master's house, but the young master had a problem with his eyesight. That kind of stuff was everywhere on the street, and he even got it.

Han Zixuan was very anxious, stretched out his wolf hands to grope the two girls, and said impatiently: "You two beauties, leave them alone, time belongs to us now."

In the bathroom, Yang Xueyi listened to Han Zixuan's vomit-making Chun Qi's face turning purple.She lowered her voice and said, "Sister Tongtong, you can really bear it."

"Hush, there is something wrong with those two women, listen carefully." Luo Yutong ordered.

Yang Xueyi was going to explode with anger, it's unreasonable to listen to the three of them messing around.It was disgusting enough to think about it, but it was more of a deep unhappiness and inexplicable jealousy in my heart.She was taken aback by her own thought, what does it have to do with me if he plays with women, and she will report it to Officer Xie to see if he will still be awkward in the future.

Han Zixuan was about to undress the two women, but the two women were obviously more enthusiastic than him. One of them took off his pants without any explanation. Before he could react, his lower body was already naked.

Oh my god, Han Zixuan said in his heart that he met a female pervert.And the other woman squatted down, opened her mouth, and showed a charming look in the corner of her eyes.

Foreign women are really cheerful enough, sleeping with a strange man is like playing a game.But Han Zixuan understood that these must have been ordered by Henry and the others.

No, you must not stand up, and if you can't hold it back then, you will really be playing with fire.No matter how hard the women below tried, Han Zixuan controlled himself and never stood up.

Han Zixuan was sweating profusely and complained, "Damn, what happened at the critical moment. Beauties, don't worry, I'll get the medicine."

In the bathroom, Luo Yutong and Yang Xueyi listened seriously.Yang Xueyi didn't know, so she asked, "Sister Tongtong, what medicine does Han Zixuan need to take?"

Luo Yutong frowned: "Who knows him, maybe he is an impotent man."

Yang Xueyi understood instantly, her cheeks were flushed and she said: "No way, he is in such good health, and he already has two wives. If he is impotent, will his wife be satisfied?"

Han Zixuan searched in the drawer, but there was no medicine.

The two foreign girls glanced at each other and secretly cursed a useless man.With this little ability, he still came out to pick up girls.

Han Zixuan was sweating profusely, and pulled the two foreign girls: "Beauty, I'm not feeling well today, maybe it's because of drinking. What, let's do it, you two, let me have a good time and I'll be satisfied."

The two women had no choice but to act as a pair of lesbians to each other.Han Zixuan stared at the eyes stupidly to admire, and at the same time secretly lucked out, feeling very sad in his heart.Damn, I'm really looking for trouble for myself.

Anna saw that this Young Master Han was really useless, but she couldn't tell.Finally, he asked with concern: "Master, are you in good health?"

"It's nothing, you've seen it too, I just made out with my horse just now, wait for me to take it easy, it's really not possible, let's do it tomorrow, I will ask you out again tomorrow, you are not allowed to go."

Anna and the two of them didn't want to stay here with this useless pervert, so they nodded: "Okay, then the two of us will go back first, and wait for the young master to recover tomorrow before serving you."

The two babes got dressed and left.

Han Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief, at this time the bathroom door opened, and Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong came out one after the other.Yang Xueyi looked him up and down several times, and finally said with a chuckle: "So he's a useless man, he's still going out to play horses with this little ability."

Han Zixuan ignored her, knowing that he would be laughed at by the two of them.But Luo Yutong obviously understands that things are not that simple, how could this man lose the chain at a critical moment with all his abilities.Unless he deliberately controls himself and doesn't want to have too much entanglement with them.

"The two of them should have been arranged by Henry." Luo Yutong asked.

Han Zixuan nodded: "Isn't it? They will return to Henry immediately and tell the scandal about me. Hey, I'm so ashamed."

Luo Yutong rolled his eyes at him: "Is your singing very realistic?"

Yang Xueyi didn't understand and asked, "Sister Tongtong, what show is it?"

Luo Yutong explained: "He deliberately compared himself to a useless man, which just fits the image of his son-in-law. If you think about it, he wanders in the flowers every day, and his body has long since been hollowed out. Does this make sense?"

Oh, Yang Xueyi just suddenly realized, and she suddenly regained her spirits: "Brother Xuan, so you deliberately controlled yourself just now, so powerful."

Han Zixuan didn't have time to pay attention to her compliments, but only warned: "I can warn you both, this matter is only known to you, and it cannot be spread outside."

Yang Xueyi burst into laughter: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid I'll tell someone that your wife is still the chief."

Can't say which one, my wife will definitely misunderstand if she knows.If the chief finds out, he will definitely say that I have used my power and neglected my duty.

Henry didn't expect the two to come back so soon, and immediately asked what was going on.The two women said the matter again, Henry and John looked at each other, and immediately burst out laughing.

John said: "Boss, this Young Master Han turned out to be an embroidered pillow."

Henry nodded: "Brother son, if you hang out with women every day, your body must be broken. This is in line with his image. By the way, what else do you find?"

Anna said that when we went in, we found two women, which was nothing, but one woman was very ugly. I was very surprised, how could someone surnamed Han like such a woman.

John said: "This is easy to explain. The woman that Young Master Han has played with all over, try new tricks. And her health is failing, and beautiful women can't afford it anymore."

Several people laughed.Henry said: "Just wait, we will launch a further offensive tomorrow."

But the other foreign girl shook her head with a look of regret on her face. Henry didn't understand and asked her why she shook her head.The woman said that we saw Mr. Han's crotch just now, it was a big bird, our sisters tried many methods, but he didn't stand up.

Anna said: "Lucy, stop talking, it's so disgusting, I'm going to throw up now thinking about it."

Henry smiled: "Okay, you sisters have worked hard, go back and rest. I will explain to you when there are tasks."

In the morning, it was just dawn.Luo Yutong got up early, she tiptoed to the bathroom, and then closed the door gently.She was arranging her appearance, and she had to pay attention when washing her face every day. She gently tore off the camouflage on the outside of her face, and suddenly, a peerless face appeared in the mirror.

Luo Yutong stared blankly at herself in the mirror. After washing her face, she wiped some strange things on her face, and finally put on that ugly mask again, turning into an extremely ugly woman again.

After that, she left the bathroom, went to bed quietly, and waited quietly for dawn.

The sun shines in and shines in.Yang Xueyi opened her sleepy eyes, saw that Luo Yutong was also awake, greeted her loudly, and then the two got up.

Taking a look at Han Zixuan who was sleeping soundly on the ground, Yang Xueyi asked: "Sister Tongtong, he is honest when he sleeps in the middle of the night, he didn't climb into our bed."

"That's not true." Luo Yutong folded the quilt and said, "Go wash up, we'll go downstairs for dinner later."

"Sister Tongtong, don't you want to wash it? Let's go together." Yang Xueyi asked Luo Yutong while holding the toiletries.

"You wash it first, I'll wait for a while, don't worry."

Yang Xueyi took the lead to enter the bathroom, Luo Yutong stood by the bed and looked at the scenery outside, tall buildings everywhere, heavy traffic, full of emotion in his heart.Turning his head and glanced at the sleeping Han Zixuan on the ground, the man's handsome face showed a warm smile at the corner of his mouth.There was an inexplicable movement in her heart, and then she walked towards him and looked down.

Luo Yutong thought of Han Zixuan's words, maybe this person seems to know his secret.She wondered how he knew that the two of them had crossed paths in the past.She wanted to take a closer look to see if the two of them had contact before.

Suddenly, the man opened his eyes and flashed Luo Yutong.

"What are you doing, peeping at me, do you have thoughts about me?"

Luo Yutong scolded: "Stop dreaming. Now that you're awake, talk about today's mission."

Han Zixuan rubbed his head: "Let's get in touch with Henry today, and try to get him to contact me. You can just stroll around, but don't leave the hotel area."

Han Zixuan sat up and the quilt slipped off his body.Immediately, a man's nakedness was exposed, and this guy actually slept naked.Growing up in the mountains, I was used to being alone, so I developed a habit of sleeping naked.

When entering the army, they are all big men, and there is nothing taboo about them.And those men also have the problem of sleeping naked, especially Comrade Li Tieniu from the countryside, he stripped naked when he returned to the dormitory, showing his fat body.

Luo Yutong saw something she couldn't see, and immediately screamed: "You rascal, you actually sleep without clothes on." Then, she turned around immediately, and her body heaved violently.

Han Zixuan glanced at it, and said nonchalantly, "I'm used to it, hey, you will get used to it gradually in the future, after all, we will live together for a long time."

What, Luo Yutong didn't want to argue with him yet, and shouted: "Hurry up and put on your clothes."

Yang Xueyi heard that there was a quarrel in the room, and worried that the two of them would quarrel, she hurriedly opened the bathroom door and rushed out, shouting: "What's wrong, we had a quarrel early in the morning."

When she saw Han Zixuan who was naked, the toothbrush in her mouth fell to the ground with a clatter, then she covered her eyes with her hands, and ran back in a hurry.

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