The campus is so cute

214 Confrontation

"Shumin, don't interrupt, I'm asking you, who were you talking to just now, and who was that person." Shen Mingrui looked at her sharply.

Luo Shumin guessed that Ming Rui saw Yu Tong coming out of the room just now, that's why she had this question.It's the friends brought by Han Zixuan, I just entertained them, what's the matter.

Don't lie to me, you are sisters.Shen Mingrui broke the mystery with one sentence, and told her not to hide it. Han Zixuan had already found out, he was the one who told me, otherwise how could I come to verify it, it turns out that you really have a younger sister.

Luo Shumin secretly thought that Han Zixuan was really smart, and he had already discovered it.Now that he has discovered it, she no longer hides it.I briefly explained Luo Yutong's background to Shen Mingrui, but the reason why I didn't tell you is because we rarely meet each other.

I didn't mean to blame you, but now that Han Zixuan knows, what should I do.I think the two of them should be allowed to open up and reveal their respective identities.

Absolutely not, now is not the time, how about this, you find a time to arrange it, let me and Han Zixuan avoid talking alone.

In the evening, Han Zixuan didn't stay at home for dinner because he wanted to go out to socialize and meet his rival.Under Dong Changhua's arrangement, Han Zixuan met Song Jingtian smoothly.

Song Jingtian was very excited when he saw Han Zixuan: "Young Master Han, you are a rare visitor. What wind brought you to Beijin? I have an ominous premonition that nothing good will happen when you come."

Young Master Song, you are really right. I had a little feud with Song Xuyao ​​before. It was purely a personal grudge. There is no grudge between us, and we live in peace with each other.But today, I am afraid that the two of us will become enemies.

Song Jingtian was puzzled: "Young Master Han, I didn't understand what you meant by that. Our Song family and Shen family haven't had any festivities recently, so why do you say that?"

"It has nothing to do with business, nothing to do with politics, it's just a struggle between two men." Han Zixuan pointedly said: "I heard that Young Master Song is getting married, but there is such a thing."

Song Jingtian nodded: "The news spread really fast, our family hasn't released the news yet. Yes, I understand, you came here for Miss He Lizi."

Song Jingtian is a smart person, and he quickly figured out the reason.Yesterday he met with He Lizi, and he was immediately astonished. He never thought that he was lucky enough to meet such a beautiful woman with both talents and looks.At first, he was disgusted with this sudden marriage, but after seeing He Lizi, he changed his attitude.

And his grandfather stated that as long as the Song family and the He family unite, we will control the lifeblood of China's economy in the future.At that time, our family will become the boss of Beijin and swallow up all the other big families.

Song Jingtian naturally pursued interests.All men are like this, they are willing to give everything for beauty and profit.

And now, Song Xuyao ​​is half dead, he has completely become the pride of the new generation of the Song family.If he successfully married He Lizi, then he is very hopeful to become the head of the Song family in the next generation.How could he refuse the multiple benefits that came with him.

Although He Lizi didn't look very well, and she wasn't very enthusiastic about this marriage, but it didn't matter, he also had rich experience in women, and it was more than enough to deal with such a young girl who had just grown up.

However, Han Zixuan's sudden appearance today made him a little unexpected.He has met many opponents in his life, but Han Zixuan is the only one that he can't figure out. This person has extraordinary ability and courage, and what kind of power behind him is elusive to him.

Opponents will eventually be rivals. Song Jingtian prayed that the two of them would not become rivals when they were drinking tea and admiring the scenery in Hongzhuang.But unexpectedly, the time came too fast.

But he still wanted to ask: "Young Master Han, what is your relationship with Miss He?"

"She is my woman, a woman whose body and mind have already been taken over by me." Han Zixuan was domineering, wanting to overwhelm her.

Dong Changhua dealt with it cautiously, and it seemed that it was time for him to choose a side.

Song Jingtian frowned suddenly, and cursed damn it in his heart.But the face showed the demeanor of a general: "But, I'm sorry, after three days, I will be her man."

"Song Jingtian, let me remind you, dissolve this marriage immediately. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk, and I will make you regret being born in this world." Han Zixuan hasn't been so arrogant for a long time. Confidence, and because of a woman, a woman who belongs to him, must not be touched by others.

Song Jingtian's face was pale, and his whole body trembled with anger.The originally smiling face suddenly turned cloudy, with sinister eyes in the corners of his eyes, and he said coldly: "Han Zixuan, don't be too conceited, don't forget that this is Beijin, a territory controlled by our Song family."

"Your Song family will soon become history. If you want to see your Song family suffer, I will not stop you." Throwing these words, Han Zixuan pushed open the door of the private room and left with big strides.

Song Jingtian angrily threw the teacup on the table to the ground, and yelled, "Han Zixuan, you are too crazy, I will never let you leave Beijin safely this time, and let you die here."

Then, he looked at Dong Changhua with cold eyes: "Dong Changhua, it seems that you are going to betray me."

Dong Changhua showed no fear: "Master Song, I'm very sorry. I don't want to betray you either, but I can only make today's choice if I go to a higher place."

"Get out, don't let me see you in the future. Otherwise, I will be ruthless." Song Jingtian said sternly, and then took a step first, and the younger brothers around him followed nervously.

As soon as Han Zixuan came home, Shen Mingrui immediately told him that an important person was coming.And went to his room to talk in secret. After arriving in the room, he found that the room was full of acquaintances.Luo Wenbin brother and sister.

When Luo Wenbin saw Han Zixuan, he immediately stood up and respectfully said, "Young Master Han, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Looks like there is something urgent." Han Zixuan knew that the Luo family was in a special situation. Luo Shenke had complicated reasons for betraying Mo Long, but right now, he trusted Luo Wenbin and his sister for the time being.

Luo Wenbin said: "Do you know that several major events have happened in Beijin Tianxing recently, and I must tell you about them."

You say it, I listen to it.

"First, Chu Xiangdong disappeared for a long time. No one knows where he went, and neither does Chu Yuhang."

Han Zixuan asked in astonishment, "Then who is in charge now?"

"If I say this person's name, you will definitely be stunned. I'm afraid you may not think of it." Luo Wenbin said very mysteriously.

Han Zixuan thought to himself, maybe I know this person.

"He Hongchao, currently he is the person in charge here." Luo Wenbin said.

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