The campus is so cute

218 Weeds and Roots

Han Zixuan was very surprised, what was Chu Yuhang thinking? Could it be that he is really completely immersed in beauty now, and has completely thrown the family business out of the sky.

Chu Yuhang thought that Han Zixuan didn't understand, and emphasized again that he would not interfere, even if you overturned the sky in Beijin, it doesn't matter.

"Chu Yuhang, is it your intention or your father's intention? Your father left at this critical moment, and He Hongchao came. Could it be that there is a discord among you Tianxing, and you want to use my hand to get rid of your competitor." Han Zixuan immediately wanted to understand the reason.

Chu Yuhang smiled and nodded: "There are reasons for this, and more importantly, I said a long time ago that we don't have to stand on opposite sides in the future, maybe we can also be allies. Now you are in trouble, I'm doing this to help."

Han Zixuan knew that there must be problems within Tianxing, but these were not what he should ask.I have already got the answer I want, and there is no need to continue wasting time with him.

And Chu Yuhang obviously doesn't like such a gloomy atmosphere: "Young Master Han, we must get together after you have dealt with everything. Remember to teach Song Jingtian a lesson for me. This kid was used to bullying in Beijin. This time Let him suffer."

You kid deliberately used me as a weapon, Han Zixuan cursed.Chu Yuhang smiled: "Who told you that you are a good gun, and it is as sharp as a knife, a sharp weapon that is bloodless. It is not for nothing. I still have something to do. I am waiting for your good news."

Chu Yuhang went out to find Chen Yuluo, and the two left.

Han Zixuan returned home immediately and consulted with Shen Mingrui.After all, he is from here, so he understands the current situation to some extent.

Just after returning home, I happened to see Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong basking in the sun in the yard. They have been here for two days and have nothing to do.They ate well and slept well here. Although they were at ease, they had nothing to do. It was a bit boring for them.

Seeing him coming back, the two came forward one after the other.

Yang Xueyi was a little angry and said: "Hey, you brought us here. It's good for you, go out and hang out every day, let Sister Tongtong and I stay in this strange place, you should take care of us."

I have a lot of things to deal with, so I don't have the time to take care of you.It's really boring, find my sister-in-law, you are all girls, you can play together.

Yang Xueyi has met Luo Shumin, she is a bright, beautiful and smart woman, she doesn't talk much, but she speaks elegantly and decently, making people approachable.But Yang Xueyi understood that she was the master, and she was just putting on a show for Han Zixuan's face, maybe she hated the two strangers secretly.

"Anyway, it's not very comfortable to live here. How are your affairs going? When are we going to leave here?" Yang Xueyi then gossiped and asked, "Have you seen He Lizi?"

It was only then that Han Zixuan remembered that he had been busy for a long time and even forgot to meet He Lizi.But now she doesn't know where He Lizi lives.At least see her, let her know that I have not abandoned her, and I have already started preparations for her.

Luo Yutong was very sensible and said: "Xueyi, don't disturb him, you can see that his complexion is not very good, he must be very busy recently. Then she looked at Han Zixuan and said: "If you need our help, just open your mouth, you are welcome.Anyway, the two of us were brought by you, and we are at your disposal. "

"That's so embarrassing, it's fine, you guys rest, I can do it myself." Han Zixuan went to find Shen Mingrui.

Besides, Song Jingtian was furious after meeting Han Zixuan.I feel that this matter is very difficult, and I must discuss it with my grandfather and father.

He told his grandfather Song Changtu about this, and Song Changtu gritted his teeth and said, "Back when Han Zixuan hurt Song Xuyao, this hatred has been accumulated in my heart. I didn't expect him to come again, and this time he will target you. It's unreasonable."

Song Xueming was very upset. When his son was blinded in one eye, the old man swallowed his anger and didn't make any statement at all.Instead, he blamed his son for being incompetent and doing things badly.And now Song Jingtian just held a wedding, Han Zixuan just said some threatening words, the old man couldn't do it anymore, obviously partial.

As Song Jingtian's father, Song Xueyang immediately suggested: "Father, Han Zixuan must be taken seriously. If necessary, he should cut the mess quickly and make this person disappear."

Song Changtu said he wanted to too, but we have dealt with Han Zixuan before, he is by no means mediocre, and now the Shen family is his backer, we must handle it carefully.

Song Xueyang said that the Shen family is a fart, that they are just dying to survive, which drove us into a hurry and made the Shen family disappear from Beijin.

"That won't work. It shows that our Song family is bullying the small and arrogant. How to establish prestige in Beijin in the future will determine how other families will treat us."

Song Xueming said from the side: "Dad, are we worrying too much? Although Xuyao ​​suffered a disadvantage before, Sedum is the pride of the Song family. He is definitely fine. We don't have to worry about it, he can handle it by himself. "

He had selfish intentions, and hoped that Han Zixuan could mess up Song Jingtian's wedding, and the bigger the mess, the better.Otherwise, he would not feel at ease.

Of course, Song Xueyang and his son understood Song Xueming's insidious intentions, but they would not point it out. They just looked at the old man to see how he expressed his opinion.

Song Changtu said don't worry, I'll discuss it with He Hongchao.

Song Jingtian nodded, feeling a little relieved, and then he immediately suggested: "Grandpa, Miss He lives in our house, although you can rest assured. But to be on the safe side, we should send more people these few days."

Song Changtu said that everything was properly arranged and there would be no problems.

Song Changtu went to find He Hongchao. Originally, the two could be regarded as equal in status, and in terms of the scale of family power, the Song family was slightly better than the He family.But Song Changtu looked at He Hongchao but was cautious and cautious in speaking.

"Mr. He. Brother Chu is not here now, you are in charge of all affairs in Beijin, and I will discuss some things with you."

He Hongchao was still the same, showing arrogance all over his body, nodded and said politely: "Brother Song, we will soon become in-laws, why be so polite, just tell me if you have anything to say."

So, Song Changtu talked about the meeting between Song Jingtian and Han Zixuan, and he asked He Hongchao how to deal with Han Zixuan.

Of course He Hongchao knew that Han Zixuan would come, because he knew in his heart that his daughter still hadn't completely forgotten about this man.And I'm afraid that Han Zixuan already knew his identity, so the two will be in a state of confrontation, and it is impossible to reconcile.

"Brother Song, what do you think?"

Song Changtu smiled and said, "In order to avoid troubles in the future, let's cut the weeds and get rid of the roots."

"However, Han Zixuan is quite powerful in Beijin, and he has many friends in the same party, so he will cause trouble."

"Then what to do, if this person is not removed, I am worried that Sedum's wedding will change."

He Hongchao nodded: "Brother Song, everything is up to your arrangement. After all, in your territory, you can handle it yourself. But I don't want to see any changes when my daughter Feng Jing married your Song family, or something more serious. Dangerous. Those are not what I want, let alone what you want."

Song Changtu understood and nodded: "Okay, I don't worry about what you said. I will arrange a time immediately to take action against this person. Listen to the good news."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." He Hongchao said with a smile, but secretly sneered in his heart.

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