In a daze, Han Zixuan felt that he was being carried on his back. The person under his body was very powerful and his steps were fast.

He just felt very dizzy, logically this shouldn't happen.And there seemed to be a fire in his heart, hot, wanting to seek revenge and vent.

With a trace of clarity, Han Zixuan secretly thought that something was wrong. When he was fighting with that half-old man just now, the other party must have secretly used a trick, but he didn't realize it at the time.

Chen Yuluo returned to her home with Han Zixuan on her back, both Chen Yuqi and Chen Jingzhi were very surprised.He hurriedly asked what was going on, didn't he go back, how did he become like this.

"Help quickly, and see what's wrong with him." Chen Yuluo put Han Zixuan off his body, only then did he realize that he had changed a lot, his lips turned white, and his whole body was hot, as if he had caught a bad cold.

Chen Jingzhi realized the urgency of the situation and immediately asked what was going on.Chen Yuluo explained the situation, and sent Han Zixuan away by herself. Not far away, she heard the sound of fighting and rushed over, and found that Han Zixuan was fighting with an old man.And she looked carefully, it was obvious that Han Zixuan had the upper hand, and he was on the sidelines, not taking the old man's life.

"Do you know that old man?" Chen Jingzhi asked.

Chen Yuluo shook his head: "I haven't seen it before, and I'm also puzzled. I can't say I know everyone in Beijin, but basically everyone who knows kung fu knows it. But I haven't seen this old man, and he seems to be very skilled in martial arts. And Han Zixuan's current situation must have something to do with him, Dad, don't ask, hurry up and see what's going on."

The Chen family has their own personal doctor, because they walk on the tip of the knife all year round and may be injured at any time, so they must have a family doctor.

Chen Yuqi invited Mr. Tang to see a doctor for Han Zixuan. Mr. Tang had gray hair, and he followed the head of the previous generation of the Chen family in his early years.Now following Chen Jingzhi's side, he can be regarded as a very loyal servant.Chen Jingzhi trusted him very much, and ordered him to take a closer look, and he must be cured no matter what.

Mr. Tang nodded, expressing that he did his best.At the same time, Chen Jingzhi asked Chen Yuqi to tell the Shen family that Han Zixuan was staying at their house for the time being at night, and he might return later, so don't worry them.

Chen Yuluo stayed by his side the whole time, looking at Han Zixuan nervously.But at this moment, Han Zixuan's whole body became hotter, and he began to take off his clothes.

"Uncle Tang, what happened to him?"

After reading it a few times, Mr. Tang suddenly realized.But because Chen Yuluo was on the sidelines, he didn't have the nerve to speak, and he hesitated to speak.

Chen Yuluo said anxiously: "Uncle Tang, just tell me. Is it serious?"

Chen Jingzhi also said: "Old Tang, don't hesitate, just say it."

Mr. Tang said that there was nothing serious about Young Master Han, but that he had been hit by a shot, and it was very strong.Now that he is like this, if he does not excrete in time, his life may be in danger.

Chen Yuluo was dumbfounded, and Chen Jingzhi didn't know what to say for a moment. It happened that Chen Yuqi came back and heard what Mr. Tang said, and burst out laughing: "My god, this kid is so unlucky that he got a big move."

Chen Jingzhi hurriedly asked, "Is there a solution?"

"At present, this medicine is specially prepared by someone. Unless the other party has an antidote, there is no other way." Mr. Tang glanced at Chen Jingzhi and said: "Of course there is the most primitive way, men and women Coitus."

Chen Yuqi said anxiously: "My grandma, hurry up and send him back to the Shen family. Let's see which girl from the Shen family can detoxify him."

Right now, this is the only way to do it, because I don't know who the other party is, and there is no way to get an antidote.

Mr. Tang said: "Don't touch him now, if you touch him, it will intensify the spread of the drug. Let's invite the Shen family to come."

Chen Yuqi immediately contacted Shen Mingrui, angrily explaining the matter.Shen Mingrui panicked immediately. This kind of plot only happened in movies and TV dramas, and he never expected it to happen in reality.He anxiously said: "But none of his wives came with him, so he can't call Nan Hai, and he probably won't be able to catch the plane."

Chen Yuqi said: "Anyway, I've brought you a message, it's really not good, go find a girl in the red light district, time waits for no one."

Shen Mingrui immediately told Shen Zhirong, and Shen Zhirong also panicked.And Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong who followed also knew about this matter, the two women looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise and bewilderment.

Shen Zhirong said cheekily: "You two girls, I know you came with Zixuan, the relationship between you must be unusual, can you help."

When the two women heard this, they were immediately shy.Luo Shumin said: "Dad, it's not allowed. Han Zixuan's physical condition is special, and the two of them just want to sacrifice themselves, but they can't do it."

"Bah, who wants to dedicate himself to him." Yang Xueyi muttered and cursed, but she couldn't be happy now, once Han Zixuan died due to such a sudden situation, she would be sad.

Luo Yutong was puzzled why she couldn't sacrifice herself.It's not that she wants to sacrifice herself, it's just that there are many mysteries hidden in Luo Shumin's words.But now she can't ask, and she can't express her opinion.Otherwise, how will I meet people in the future.

Shen Mingrui suggested: "Just find him a random girl. According to the Chen family, time is very tight."

Shen Zhirong said: "Mingrui, go to the massage parlor, look around in the karaoke hall, and find a lady." His face was flushed, and his old face was thrown in front of his daughter-in-law and several girls.

Afterwards, he immediately asked to visit the Chen family.The family affairs were handed over to Luo Shumin. Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong both wanted to follow, but Luo Shumin stopped her. Once something happened, it might have a huge impact on Han Zixuan's future.

She didn't dare to take risks, Luo Yutong patted Yang Xueyi on the shoulder: "Don't worry, he won't die. Those young ladies must be eager to sacrifice themselves after seeing Han Zixuan, so you don't have to worry."

"But I heard that Miss is not clean. What if I get other diseases?"

Luo Yutong said that it would be good if he could save his life first, and as for what disease he got in the future, he would treat it later.What you said is really shameful.

Yang Xueyi's cheeks were flushed, what's the matter, it's an anecdote in the world.

When Shen Zhirong arrived at Chen's house, Chen Jingzhi immediately picked him up and led him to watch.But now, Han Zixuan was close to madness, his clothes were torn all over his body, his eyes were red, as if he was about to kill someone, no one dared to approach him.

Mr. Tang said that it is very powerful and highly poisonous. This is the first time he has encountered this medicine in his life. It is too overbearing.Mr. Shen, hurry up and find a solution, as time goes by, problems will arise.

At this time, Shen Mingrui also rushed over, leading three or four girls behind him.He hired them at a high price. The girls were dumbfounded. The introducer said that he was serving people. With so many people in front of him, which one is the customer?

Chen Yuqi suppressed a smile: "Girls, it's him." Then he pointed at the men in the room.

The girls were dumbfounded, this man must be mentally ill, their faces were pale from fright, and they dared not approach him.

Shen Zhirong said with a thick old face: "Girls, whoever enters first among you, I will reward 10 yuan."

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