The campus is so cute

224 Could it be her

Han Zixuan was extremely humiliated in his heart, he immediately left the room, and immediately met the person walking across, Chen Yuqi looked at him with a gloomy expression.

"You're awake." His tone was a little cold.

Han Zixuan didn't particularly care, anyway, the relationship between the two has never been particularly close.He looked around and realized that he was in the Chen family.Hey, I remember leaving here last night, why did I come back again.

"Chen Yuqi, why am I at your house?"

Chen Yuqi tentatively asked: "You don't remember, you don't know anything."

Han Zixuan nodded, but he immediately shook his head again, he had sex in the middle of the night last night, so he shouldn't have anything to do with him, my god, it's too evil.

"How did I come to your house?"

Chen Yuqi said that you fell into a coma yesterday, so we brought you here, and you slept in our house.Why did I change my underwear, this is not mine, it is very tight.

Chen Yuluo brought Han Zixuan into the new underwear she brought from her brother yesterday.And Chen Yuqi just discovered that he just bought this a few days ago, and he hasn't had time to wear it yet.

"Because you had an accident, you changed your clothes."

An accident happened, Han Zixuan immediately understood that he was being crossed by others, he immediately grabbed Chen Yuqi's hand and asked, "Brother Chen, do you know who did it?"

Chen Yuqi naturally wouldn't say it was his sister, but he couldn't make him live comfortably, so he made up a trick: "Yesterday you met an old man, didn't you, you two even fought each other."

Han Zixuan was very impressed by this incident, and he still remembered the old man's appearance.Immediately nodded, and asked Chen Yuqi to continue.

Although you won the old man on the surface, you were secretly tripped by the old man.He cleverly used a medicine for you, so he whispered into Han Zixuan's ear.

No way, Han Zixuan was so surprised that his body bounced up.

At that time, you were in a very painful situation, and you tore all your clothes, and your father-in-law and Mingrui both came. Seeing the situation, there was only one way to solve it.

Han Zixuan came to understand, it turned out that he was so perverted.who's that person.

Chen Yuqi smiled treacherously: "Anyway, Mingrui found six or seven girls from the massage parlor, how would I know which one they are?"

Miss from the massage parlor, Shen Mingrui, I can't stop talking to you.How can you treat me like this, even if it's an adulterer, can you find someone purer?Such as college students, beer girls, etc. After all, they are quite clean.The lady in the massage parlor, let me rub it.

"It's good that you survived. By the way, remember to go to the hospital for an examination. Be careful not to be recruited." Chen Yuqi finally said sarcastically.

Han Zixuan lost his mind, paralyzed, damn old guy.The young master was merciless and forgave you, but you spoiled me, he fucked me.

And at this time, Shen Zhirong and Shen Mingrui came to pick up Han Zixuan.Seeing that Han Zixuan has recovered, the two are very grateful.But I can't say too much, after all, Chen Yuluo has already ordered the two of them.

Shen Mingrui came to Han Zixuan and said, "Go home."

"Shen Mingrui, you're so mean to fuck, I was recruited, and you even arranged for me to be a lady from a massage parlor. If I get sick all over, I'll take you to be buried with me."

Shen Mingrui immediately understood that Chen Yuqi must have told him so.He wondered: "No way, the situation was special at the time, and your wife wasn't there, what should I do. We also asked Ms. Yang and Ms. Luo for their opinions, and they turned a blind eye to you, so that's all I can do."

What, the two of them already know, Shen Mingrui, no one knows about me being drugged, and why I ended up sleeping in Chen's house, this kind of thing is still publicized.

You fainted at Chen's house, we only found out afterwards.I found a few girls for you at Chen's house, and you slept in his house.In the morning, Dad and I will pick you up.

Han Zixuan didn't go home directly, and got off the car halfway.He whispered to Shen Mingrui to go to the hospital for a physical examination, Shen Mingrui did not stop him, but asked to go with him.

Han Zixuan thought about it, and he was right.After all, this is the first time for this kind of thing, so I am a little nervous.Damn, it's harder than cheating.

I got registered and had a full body checkup.The doctor said nothing serious, everything is fine.It's just that the doctor took an x-ray and was puzzled: "Mr. Han, there is a shadow on your chest. We still can't detect it. What is it? Is it a tumor? It doesn't look like it. Is it a blood clot? It's not like that." , very puzzled."

Han Zixuan knew that it was the Molong Token, sealed in his body.He grinned and said, "It's nothing, the key is that I'm not infected with syphilis, AIDS or something."

The doctor frowned, knowing in his heart that he must have done something bad secretly, so he came here for an examination.Immediately there was a look of contempt, and he didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, so he turned and left after saying it was nothing serious.

Everything is fine, Han Zixuan feels relieved.After returning home, he was in a slightly better mood, but Yang Xueyi immediately asked him what happened last night. He was drugged and didn't know.

Han Zixuan immediately said angrily: "It has nothing to do with you, don't worry about it."

"Tch, you thought I wanted to ask more questions. We came together, and we were worried that you would die here. It would be a pity to die first if the little daughter-in-law was not rescued." Yang Xueyi sneered.

"You know I'm going to die, why don't you sacrifice your life to save me."

Yang Xueyi's cheeks were flushed: "Save me, I won't save you."

But at this time Luo Shumin came, and Yang Xueyi came over immediately.Luo Shumin said that the situation was critical at that time, and I didn't let the two of them save you. After all, you have a special status, and I was afraid that your important event would be delayed.

Han Zixuan gratefully forgot to glance at her: "Thank you very much."

"Thank me for nothing. The key is to thank the woman who really saved you. She deserves your thanks even more."

Han Zixuan muttered: "Those ladies, I get a headache just thinking about it. It's all done by your husband, which ruined my reputation."

"Miss, Han Zixuan, you are too simple-minded. You were crazy at the time, and you are so skillful. No ordinary girl would dare to approach you. Working with you is probably more uncomfortable than being raped." Luo Shumin is married, and She has a bubbly and simple personality, and speaks frankly and clearly.

Han Zixuan's face was flushed with embarrassment, this sister-in-law's words were too harsh.What is more uncomfortable than **.But Luo Shumin's words ordered him. He couldn't control himself at that time, let alone others.

Although those ladies love money, they won't waste their lives for it.If Luo Shumin really said it, I should thank the person who really saved me.He looked at Luo Shumin carefully, and then became astonished.

Luo Shumin gave him a hard look: "What are you thinking, I only have one man."

"Could it be Luo Yutong?" Han Zixuan asked tentatively.

Luo Shumin smiled coldly: "Then you can ask her."

"Impossible, you are her sister, you will definitely protect her. Do you know who it is?"

Luo Shumin: "You are not a fool, think about it for yourself."

Han Zixuan remembered that he was sleeping in Chen's house, but when he left their house, he didn't see Chen Yuluo, could it be her.

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