The campus is so cute

241 manipulation

Seeing that the matter had already been revealed, Chen Yuluo didn't need to continue to hide it. She blamed her lack of acting ability and was discovered by the other party.

It's just a pity that there is no more favor to help a loved one.Now that the other party has already said everything, now they can only tear their face apart.

Chen Yuluo sneered and said, "Yes, I have never liked you, and I have always been hypocritical to you."

Chu Yuhang refused to accept: "Why, I am no worse than him."

"You can't compare with him at all. No matter what, he is better than you. You are not worthy to lift his shoes." Chen Yuluo remained the same even though he was cold.

These words were hurtful enough, Chu Yuhang's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but Naihe was not sure that he would be fatal with one blow.

Chen Yuluo continued: "At the beginning, your family won our family, but when our family was in crisis, your father abandoned my father. Your whole family is despicable and sinister. Let me marry such a family. I wouldn't be so stupid."

Chu Yuhang didn't want to hear this, he just wanted to know the difference between himself and Han Zixuan.They retorted: "Do you think Han Zixuan and the others are good things? Molong and Tianxing are the same breed."

Chen Yuluo smiled: "It's useless for you to tell me these things. Since we have already torn faces, I'm sorry. We will be enemies from now on. Next time I meet you, I will definitely kill you with my own hands."

Why don't you do it today.

I think you helped me when you followed me to Yangcheng, I know it was arranged by your father, it was just a show.Even so, I am still grateful.But after today, we are enemies.

Chu Yuhang roared madly and clenched his fists tightly, because he really worked hard and worked hard for this relationship, but in the end he was empty-handed, and instead suffered such a huge humiliation.

Chen Yuluo left calmly, and Chu Yuhang's vicious eyes behind him were as sharp as a scorpion: "Chen Yuluo, you will regret it. Sooner or later, I will make you kneel down and beg me."

Chu Yuhang was very annoyed, he was too useless, he refused to accept it, and he wanted to take action.

In a private room of a quiet coffee shop, there were two people sitting, a man and a woman. The man was Chu Yuhang who had just been humiliated, and the woman was beautiful and dignified.She was burying her head in arranging her clothes, with a slight spring tide on her face.

Chu Yuhang roared angrily: "I'm paralyzed, I've been hunting birds all day long, but I didn't expect to be pecked by a bird in the end, and I was so mad."

"I told you a long time ago that Chen Yuluo is not something you can catch." There was a sarcastic smile on the woman's face.

Chu Yuhang gave the woman a hard look: "By the way, you have been in the Shen family for so long, and you must have learned a lot of secrets."

The woman was Luo Shumin, and she was Chu Yuhang's woman. She married Shen Mingrui back then, and she did have a despicable and sinister plan.

"There's nothing to gain, Shen Mingrui doesn't understand anything, and Han Zixuan only comes back occasionally, and we haven't chatted much. I'm afraid that if I ask too many questions, she will become suspicious." Luo Shumin knew that Chu Yuhang was such a person, and she definitely wouldn't give in.

"You said Han Zixuan has a seal, what exactly is it?" Chu Yuhang asked.

I guessed it myself, it must be a very important thing, otherwise it wouldn't be sealed in his body.If I guessed correctly, it should be Mo Longling.

With Mo Longling, Chu Yuhang's eyes suddenly brightened.He remembered that their father and son had used various methods to obtain the Molong Token for many years, but they found nothing.

It is very possible that Han Xiaotian had no choice but to seal such an important thing in Han Zixuan's body.

How to untie the seal in his body.

Luo Shumin said: "As far as I know, it needs the virgin blood of the girls descended from the main characters of Molong at that time to unlock it. This is what my grandfather told me in secret. It's a pity that I have been kept a virgin. "

Halfway through her speech, there was coldness in her eyes.

Chu Yuhang smiled sinisterly: "If you don't give me your body, you will give it to Shen Mingrui, so it's possible that you like Han Zixuan too." Then his eyes were stern: "Now Han Zi has robbed my woman, damn it, I It won't make him feel better."

"What do you want to do?" Luo Shumin asked in surprise.

"I heard that you have a younger sister named Luo Yutong. Don't you forget that you were the one who told us the address of their home back then, and you begged me not to kill Luo Yutong." Chu Yuhang laughed wildly.

But Luo Shumin felt like a knife was piercing her heart. This was a lifetime of pain in her heart, but she was helpless, her fate was in the hands of the other party, what could she do.

At that time, Luo Shumin went to visit Luo Yutong, and was accidentally discovered by Chu Yuhang, so she learned that the Luo family had descendants, but Luo Shenke hid it.Chu Yuhang immediately reported to his father, and Chu Xiangdong knew that something was wrong.

Then, he explained the matter to Chu Xiaotian.Chu Xiaotian's eyes flashed, and he immediately understood that he ordered Dao to kill them all.

But Luo Shumin begged Chu Yuhang to keep her sister, otherwise you will regret it, and I am afraid you will never get the Molong Order.

When Chu Yuhang carried out this mission, he stayed behind. Instead of demanding Luo Yutong's life, he left a note to frame Mo Long's people.

Luo Shumin suddenly panicked: "What are you going to do, you have already controlled me, why are you going to attack my sister?"

"Damn it, I have been humiliated, I must get it back." Chu Yuhang said coldly, "As far as I know, the two of you look very similar."

Luo Shumin didn't understand what he was going to do, but she knew in her heart that her sister would definitely suffer.

Chu Yuhang laughed loudly: "How about this, you get your sister to me, and just leave this person to me."

"No, you can't do anything to her, or you will really regret it." Luo Shumin panicked, and she couldn't let Yutong make the same mistakes as hers. If that happened, Han Zixuan would definitely be doomed.

"Grass, don't worry, I'm still sane right now, I won't touch her. It's just that we're going to put on a show. You get Luo Yutong here, and then you pretend to be her and stay by Han Zixuan's side. "

"Then what about me?" Luo Shumin asked in surprise.

"You, you have become my woman, you gave Shen Mingrui a green hat, and you returned to my arms." Chu Yuhang laughed loudly, this move was indeed sinister enough, it not only gave Shen Mingrui a painful blow, but also could Control Han Zixuan.

Luo Shumin was dumbfounded, she didn't expect this man to be so insidious.But what can she do, if she doesn't obey, her father and brother will definitely die.Because Tianxing is not a fool, they have already discovered that there is something wrong with the Luo family.

"Go, I don't want to repeat my order a second time. You have to hand over Luo Yutong to me tonight as soon as possible, otherwise you can decide what to do."

When Luo Shumin left, the corner of Chu Yuhang's mouth showed a twitch, Han Zixuan, since we can't be friends, we can only be enemies, but you messed with a man who shouldn't be messed with.

After Chen Yuluo went back, she immediately contacted Han Zixuan.Explain the change of the situation to him. It turns out that Chu Yuhang knew about our relationship a long time ago, and he just forbears it on purpose.

Han Zixuan immediately felt the seriousness of the situation.He has been thinking about this man, but he can't figure it out.It seems that we must prepare for the worst, and we may have to fight them to the death.

When Luo Shumin returned home, Luo Yutong was waiting for her: "Sister, where have you been? It's been so long."

"It's nothing, just go out to buy vegetables. By the way, Han Zixuan has come back, how do you plan to face him."

"Anyway, I won't give him a good face. It's only a one-month period. If he doesn't find the murderer, I will kill him myself."

In the evening, Han Zixuan wanted to go to Luo Yutong to see how she was doing.But she was rejected by Luo Shumin, saying that her sister is emotionally unstable now, and I will enlighten her, so you don't want to meet for now.You also have a lot to attend to, don't let this distract you.

Han Zixuan was very grateful: "Sister-in-law, please help me take care of her. I brought her out this time. She must not be in danger."

"I understand."

Han Zixuan went back, but he didn't want to sleep, thinking about it, he still went to Chen Yuluo to discuss the next action strategy.Chu Yuhang will definitely take further action, but I don't know what he will do.

In Luo Shumin's boudoir, the two sisters were still chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Luo Shumin said that I'm going to get the fruit, and our sisters are going to talk by candlelight tonight.Luo Yutong was very happy and nodded happily.

Afterwards, Luo Shumin went to the kitchen, and when she came back, she was holding a towel in her hand, which looked nothing special.And Luo Yutong turned his back to her, staring at the TV screen. Suddenly, Luo Shumin quickly walked behind her and pressed the towel on her mouth and nose.In a few seconds, Luo Yutong passed out on the sofa.

Luo Shumin muttered something: "Yu Tong, don't blame me, I can't help it."

However, she then took out a syringe and gently pricked Luo Yutong's arm, then began to draw her blood, and finally put it in a small bottle.She kept the tube of blood properly, then walked out quietly with Luo Yutong, and then disappeared into the darkness of the night.

The night was too dark, there was no moonlight, not even stars.Luo Shumin took Luo Yutong to Chu Yuhang's residence quickly.

When Chu Yuhang saw Luo Yutong in front of him, he was immediately displeased: "Damn, is this your sister? She looks so ugly."

"She has changed her appearance. As you know, our Luo family's disguise is very good."

"Really, after removing her makeup, I want to see her real face. Speaking of which, Han Zixuan probably hasn't seen it with his own eyes."

Luo Shumin had no choice but to take out the potion and start to remove her makeup, and slowly a delicate and pretty face was revealed, which was strikingly similar to Luo Shumin.

Chu Yuhang laughed loudly, and then grabbed Luo Shumin's willow waist: "Shumin, you did a great job, how can I thank you."

"I just beg you not to touch her, or you will really regret it."

"I understand, that's fine, stop talking nonsense, quickly change your appearance into Luo Yutong and go back to Han Zixuan's side, by the way, if you want to mess with him, I won't stop you."

But at this moment, Luo Yutong slightly opened his eyes, only to see a familiar figure slowly disappearing.

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