The campus is so cute

256 Sisters Captured

On the phone, a stubborn girl yelled and cursed: "Who the hell are you, let me go, or I will tell my sister, she will never let you go."

After Guo Linghua heard this, Liu Mei glared at Han Zixuan: "Han Zixuan, you really kidnapped my sister. If she suffers a little bit, I will definitely not let you go."

"Miss Guo, don't worry, as long as you agree to cooperate with me."

On the other end of the phone, Guo Lingsu's ear-piercing voice came out: "Han Zixuan, it's you, you let me go quickly, this lady is going to kill you."

Han Zixuan hung up the phone resolutely, and looked at Guo Linghua seriously: "The condition is very simple, it depends on whether you agree."

"Tell me, what's the matter. But I won't tell you about my identity."

"Okay, you don't need to answer. For me, you just need to nod or shake your head." Han Zixuan stared at her playfully.

"The Duan family in Yangcheng is not just a family of killers, they have a bigger background behind them, right?"

Guo Linghua nodded helplessly.

Han Zixuan continued: "This person controls the Duan family, and most likely controls many forces in the south. The master you mentioned just now is this person, he has very strong ambitions."

Guo Linghua didn't answer, but if he didn't answer, it meant acquiescing.

Han Zixuan then introduced the topic, some time ago a major event happened in Beijin, the brothers and sisters of the Duan family went there to do a very big case, kidnapping a general from the United States.Presumably your master must gain value from this general.

Guo Linghua knew nothing about this matter, she shook her head blankly: "I don't know."

Han Zixuan said: "The mission your master arranged for you is very likely related to this general. My purpose is very simple. I want to take this American away."

Guo Linghua was extremely angry. Although Master didn't mention the mission just now, Master said that this mission is very important.Could it be that what he really told Han Zixuan had something to do with the Americans.

"Everything is speculation, I don't know anything now."

"You will know when you go to Yangcheng. How about this, you go to Yangcheng first, and then we will discuss the conditions in detail."

"Then what about my sister?" Guo Linghua asked nervously.

Don't worry, this person is more reliable and won't do anything to her.It's just that I'm going to take her away, you tell your father, she's with you.Don't make him anxious, you two sisters are the treasures of the Guo family.

"I want to see her now." Guo Linghua said.

Han Zixuan hesitated and thought for a while: "That's fine, but don't be stupid. Think you can snatch someone away from me, and for safety's sake, I'll tie you up for the time being."

Han Zixuan brought Guo Linghua and Chen Yuluo to meet at a secret place. When the two sisters met, they couldn't help but look at each other. They were too bad to be kidnapped at the same time.

Guo Lingsu was secretly attacked when she was going to the bathroom, and then fell into a coma. When she woke up, she found that someone had kidnapped her.Standing in front of her was a beautiful and ruthless woman, comparable to her sister, but seemed to have a softer gaze than her sister.

Han Zixuan pushed the two sisters into the car and drove to Yangcheng.

Guo Lingsu roared angrily: "Han Zixuan, what are you going to do? What are you going to do to our sisters?"

Han Zixuan turned his head and glanced at her. After not seeing her for a long time, this girl has grown a lot.Especially the meat bun on the chest, it has a more voluptuous feel than when we met last time.

"What are you looking at, hurry up and answer." Guo Lingsu happened to have a ditch in her chest because her whole body was tied up. She was a little ashamed and angry, so she could only stare at him and warn him.

Guo Linghua did not expect to meet Chen Yuluo. The last time they met in Yangcheng, in order to resolve the grievances and conflicts between the Duan family and the Chen family, she did not expect to meet today, and she became Han Zixuan's woman.

Is it because Chen Yuluo is an emotional idiot, or is it because Han Zixuan has unique methods.Guo Linghua couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to figure it out either: "Lingsu, be careful, he won't do anything to us."

"Sister, we are so aggrieved that we were tied up in such a daze. I want to tell our father to kill this man and this woman." Guo Lingsu was still very noisy.

Han Zixuan turned around and glared at Guo Lingsu: "Erya, don't talk nonsense, otherwise I will really do something to you."

Erya, Guo Lingsu is about to cry, such a silly name makes me mad.

Guo Linghua warned her not to be impulsive. After a while, I called my father and said that I took you away and went outside to relax.Don't worry, Susu, you'll be fine with your sister here.

Han Zixuan intends to take out the mobile phone from Guo Linghua's body, but Guo Linghua refuses.There is no way, Chen Yuluo took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, and then called Guo Xiangtao. Everything was normal, and the Guo family didn't notice it, because the second girl of the Guo family was a crazy girl, and no one would dare to go anywhere. Blocking, let alone being with Linghua, there must be no problem with safety.

Soon after arriving in Yangcheng, Guo Linghua was untied. She looked at her sister and said, "Susu, it's fine. My sister is going out to do something, and she will be back soon."

She seriously warned Han Zixuan not to act excessively towards her sister.Chen Yuluo said, "Guo Linghua, you can rest assured that Zixuan is not interested in underage girls."

Han Zixuan said that we will wait for you at the hotel, and wait for the good news from you as soon as possible.

At this moment, Guo Lingsu understood why Han Zixuan forced his sister to do something for the purpose of kidnapping her.When she arrived at the hotel, she was still noisy, but she had been untied, so as not to be seen by others and cause misunderstanding.

But Guo Lingsu cursed and asked Han Zixuan, what did my sister do, you villain, how did my sister and I offend you.

Seeing that she was too annoyed, Chen Yuluo pushed her hard onto the bed when she got to the room, then took out the rope and tied her up again.

"Guo Lingsu, shut up. Otherwise, I'll find something to plug your mouth." Chen Yuluo inspected up and down, and suddenly laughed: "Zixuan, take off your socks."

Guo Lingsu immediately shut up, and immediately became honest.Cursing the adulterer in my heart, a pair of bad guys, no one good.

Guo Linghua went to Longmei's headquarters, met with Master Wen Lan, and asked about the specific task.

Wen Lan invited Xiao En out and explained to her that this man is an American general, which is very important.You accompanied him to Beijin, successfully made a deal with the North Koreans, got nuclear test fuel and started the engine.Temporary identity, as Xiao En's translator in China.

Although Xiao En is fluent in Huaxia, Guo Linghua is a genius in languages, and it will be more convenient if he can speak multiple languages.Naturally, Sean couldn't refuse. He didn't expect the person sent to be so young, and she was also a beautiful woman.

Inside Tianxing, it was Chu Yuhang who tempted him, and he was so unlucky.So he was a little timid, even a little afraid of Huaxia beautiful women.Because Wen Lan is also very beautiful. Although she is in her mid-mature, she is full of charm. It can be imagined that she must be a super beauty when she was young.

Guo Linghua was stunned for a moment.

Wen Lan thought she was a little nervous to accept this kind of task for the first time, and comforted: "Don't worry, we are doing this to protect our country. I said our original intention, to protect the country and the people, trust me."

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