The first floor was empty, and there was nothing particularly conspicuous about it.Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo looked around the surroundings, it was very quiet, there was a lounge downstairs, the door was still ajar, it must be the resting room of the bodyguards.

Han Zixuan looked up, walked up the stairs, and gestured to Chen Yuluo. The two of them quickly climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

As soon as I came to the second floor, I saw a few bodyguards guarding the house. I counted them carefully. There were four people in total. Kim Jong-un must have lived here.Han Zixuan made up his mind and decided to act first, successfully threatening the opponent.

It's a bit unbelievable to think about it, to blackmail the head of a country.But after thinking about it, it's nothing. There have been many episodes on TV, some secret agents blackmailed the president of one party to reach an agreement, etc. Today, he will show it again.

Chen Yuluo understood Han Zixuan's motives, and the two exchanged glances, then their bodies bounced up and rushed towards the four bodyguards.The four bodyguards sensed something unusual, and immediately pulled out their guns vigilantly, but their movements were still slow.

Before the guns were drawn out, Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo had subdued them.At this time, a woman's voice came from the upstairs room: "What's the matter, report it immediately."

Han Zixuan unloaded the gun from the bodyguard, then pushed open the door and went in without any explanation.Seeing a man standing in front of him, before he could think about it, he rushed forward, restrained him, and put his gun against his head.

Afterwards, Chen Yuluo also came in, and then turned on the light, and the room lit up immediately.It was only after seeing the situation in front of him that Han Zixuan stood in front of a woman in pajamas, and she looked noble. After all, she lived in the room of the head of state, so she must have a very high status.

It's a woman. Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo looked at each other. Could it be that the news is wrong, and now the North Korean government's women are in charge of the overall situation, isn't it? The news said that the president of South Korea is a woman, but it hasn't changed here.

But he couldn't bear to think about it, Han Zixuan didn't let go of the gun in his hand.

He observed that the woman was a little flustered at first, but after the lights in the room were turned on, she gradually calmed down, and instead looked at them with puzzled, puzzled, different, and even surprised eyes.

"Who are you?" The woman asked in Korean.

Han Zixuan has a little understanding of languages, but he is better at English and other languages ​​of European countries, but there is no problem in simple communication.

He didn't hide his identity: "We are Chinese people, and we came to your country to perform missions."

The woman was stunned. She looked very young, about 25 or [-] years old, with a handsome appearance, especially without powder on her face, so she could clearly see her face. Her facial features were classically elegant, and her identity was suspicious.

"Who are you?" Han Zixuan asked back.And the tone was not tense, and even vicious.

The woman looked at the two of them coldly: "Bold and reckless, Huaxia people are too arrogant, even ran to my territory to act wildly, come here."

At this time, the bodyguards on the first floor rushed in when they heard the movement upstairs.But when he first came in, he was terrified. What happened in front of him, the important leader of the country was actually held hostage.

Han Zixuan glanced at the people outside the door, and ordered to the woman: "Get them out of here immediately, or I'll finish you off with one shot." With a click, the bullet hit the hall, and the gun bolt was released.

The woman was only a little flustered at this moment, but her body was still upright, without violent shaking.She asked the bodyguards to step back first, and told them not to act rashly.But Han Zixuan was worried, and asked Chen Yuluo to go out to deal with them. If there were any abnormalities, he would be merciless and solve them all.

At this time, the woman gradually calmed down, knowing that they were not outlaws. If they really assassinated her, they would definitely solve it immediately and would not talk nonsense with her.

"Sir, what's your name, and why did you come to the Palace of the Head of State?" The woman can speak Chinese fluently. Although it's a bit awkward, it doesn't affect communication.

Han Zixuan was not slack at all: "I only remember that the chairman of North Korea is Kim Jong Un, who are you. You must have a special status if you live here."

The woman stopped and said proudly, "I am Kim Jong-un's younger sister, Kim Jong-ran."

Oh, Han Zixuan figured out her identity and continued to ask, "Where is your brother?"

It's too presumptuous, this man is too courageous.Your Huaxia is powerful, and our North Korea is poor and backward, but we don't bully people like this.

Han Zixuan also felt that the tone of his speech was indeed a bit too much, so he immediately eased up and said: "I'm sorry, because I came to your country with an important task, I was in a hurry, so I spoke very recklessly, I hope you can understand. I will see you now Brother, because this matter is very important, it may threaten the peace and friendship between our two countries."

Although Jin Zhenglan was still feeling uncomfortable, but seeing that there was indeed an urgent matter, she was relieved.But being held by a gun was very uncomfortable.

Han Zixuan let go of her, then retracted the gun, and respectfully expressed his apology.

Jin Zhenglan glanced at him, the man was dressed in black, young and unrestrained.Huaxia has a large number of talents, and there is no way in our country to find a man who dares to point a gun at her.Hey, from the side, there is indeed a big gap between the two countries.

"You first report your name, who arranged for you to perform the task, and what task."

Han Zixuan thought for a while, and reported his name. He was ordered by Director Yang He of the Huaxia Security Bureau. As for the task, he needs to discuss it with your brother in detail.

Jin Zhenglan frowned: "My brother is busy with business, so I don't have time to talk to you. Tell me first, and I will analyze whether the situation is serious, and then report it to my brother."

Han Zixuan hesitated for a moment, as this was the only way to go at the moment, so he briefly explained the situation. When your brother visited our country, the leftists in your country would go with lethal weapons. There would definitely be a lot of trouble, and both of us would face serious problems. challenge.

After hearing this, Jin Zhenglan took a deep breath.If true, it is indeed very serious.She immediately began to think about it, and after thinking for a while, she asked, "Can you find out who that person is?"

"I don't know, that's why I came to investigate this matter. I hope that your country can help, but it is actually helping you. If such a person appears in your country, it is definitely not what you want to see." Han Zixuan emphasized: "Time is running out. I also hope that your government can investigate this matter immediately."

"But how can I trust you? Your identity is still under investigation. It's hard to convince me just by your words." Jin Zhenglan stared at him and asked, "Can you show me your ID?"

Han Zixuan didn't have any certificates, and he came here by smuggling.

"No, because I am an agent secretly employed by the Huaxia Kingdom. Due to special reasons, I don't have a certificate."

"Could it be that you are a spy who has been lurking in our country." Jin Zhenglan looked at him sharply.

No, I came secretly with a tour group.

Jin Zhenglan pondered, a person who has nothing, can his words be trusted.

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