The campus is so cute

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Jin Zhenglan's face was very ugly, and at the same time she gave Han Zixuan a rather complaining look and said, "I hope this matter is true. If the information you give me is all false, I will definitely not let you go."

"Okay, have you contacted your brother yet?" Han Zixuan was really not interested in hugging his thighs, and he would not live in this poor place in the future.Even if you hug your thighs, you still need to find a European and American queen with a hot enough figure.

Jin Zhenglan said that he had been contacted, and he was on his way back. If the situation went well, he would be back around noon.

He still had to wait for nearly a whole morning, and Han Zixuan couldn't help being anxious, remembering that Minister Li had slapped him hard just now, he couldn't help worrying: "Queen, that Minister Li will definitely continue to pick things up, by the way, what is wrong with him? Knowing about this matter. And it seems that he is determined to destroy me to the death."

Jin Zhenglan frowned, and became suspicious at the same time. Could it be that his family really spread the news, but the news spread too fast, or Li Zhongmin already knew about Han Zixuan as soon as he stepped into the North Korean territory.

Han Zixuan continued: "And I think that Minister Li doesn't seem to respect you very much, he seems to have resentment. There is something wrong with this person."

Kim Jong-ran is not happy that there is any problem with him. All he does is for the safety of our country. Although what you said is sound, I still don't believe you very much.

"I understand you. After all, we are people from different countries. It is normal for you to doubt me, but don't forget that I am not sick or crazy. Why do you have to come to this poor place like yours to cause trouble? You think I don't want to hug you every day. Do you have fun with the beauty?" Han Zixuan's words were obviously humiliating.

But Jin Zhenglan could only sulk secretly, and she couldn't kill him. She just arranged for someone to get in touch with Zhao Huayang. There was indeed Han Zixuan, and he was indeed in charge of this secret mission.

Jin Zhenglan immediately changed the subject and asked: "I wonder if you have a plan of action, that is, my brother is back, how do you plan to persuade him?"

Han Zixuan thought for a while: "First of all, I think that Minister Li is very suspicious. We have no grievances, so we don't have to kill me. Also, North Korea is a small place, and you don't dare to take such actions against us Chinese people. It is an extreme method, and if I am regarded as a spy, I should be caught, tortured by words and deeds, and it seems unreasonable to kill me directly. Therefore, I suspect that he knows the intention of my trip."

Although Jin Zhenglan had a strong sense of national responsibility and did not fully believe Han Zixuan's words, but after thinking about it carefully, there were indeed many doubts.And the most important thing is that the relationship between the Jin family and the Li family is not harmonious, and they have been fighting openly and secretly for many years for power.Could it be that there is really a mystery in it.

"Han Zixuan, please explain more carefully."

Han Zixuan said that I was just analyzing the possible situation, because I don't know the situation of your authorities, I only know that your Jin family has just come to power, it is normal that the foundation is unstable, and there must be enemies.

If I hadn't come, you wouldn't know about it.Once your brother arrives in China with lethal weapons, guess what the consequences will be.

Although Kim Jong-ran is not a politician, he has been influenced by it for many years.Naturally understand the mystery inside.To put it mildly, the relationship between the two sides has become tense, which has affected the domestic situation.If it gets bigger, it is very likely to trigger a war between the two sides, and her brother's position will definitely be more difficult.

Could it be that this is a premeditated conspiracy in China, the purpose is to get my brother to step down and let our Jin family die from now on.

The biggest competitor with the Jin family is the Li family. Li Zhongmin is the Minister of Security, and the country's second-in-command is also a member of the Li family. It seems that Jin Zhenglan has caught something, but there is no evidence.

Her face became serious, and she looked at the time. It was already past nine o'clock. She immediately ordered someone to contact her brother, but she still couldn't get in touch.

At this time, Minister Li was waiting outside and asked to meet Kim Jong-ran.Jin Zhenglan's face was solemn, and she glanced at Han Zixuan: "Han Zixuan, how about this, for the sake of safety, you should hide first."

Han Zixuan said blankly: "Where to hide, they will definitely bring people to search soon."

Jin Zhenglan went to her bedroom resolutely, no one would dare to search there.There was no other way, Han Zixuan could only hide in Jin Zhenglan's bedroom.At this time, Li Zhongmin came again. He went to the hospital to treat the wound briefly, but he was still thinking about what happened just now, and he must kill that Huaxia man.

After Li Zhongmin came in, he strode back and forth for a few glances, then looked at Jin Zhenglan and asked, "Where is that Huaxia man?"

Jin Zhenglan was very angry: "Minister Li, this is my private residence, please respect me and be polite to me."

Li Zhongmin glanced at her and softened his tone: "Miss, may I ask where the Huaxia man went just now?"

"Already gone." Jin Zhenglan said coldly.

Let's go, I asked the guards just now, but they didn't find that person leaving.Li Zhongmin then asked seriously: "Miss, do you know each other? What is the relationship between you two? You must explain it clearly. I suspect that you have an affair with outsiders."

Jin Zhenglan was also angry: "He is from Huaxia, and he came to our country to perform a secret mission. I came to see my brother. I don't know anything else."

"Miss, according to my investigation, he is an agent arranged by Huaxia to assassinate our head of state, we must get rid of this person." Li Zhongmin said forcefully: "Now I suspect that he is still in this room, I must find this person out. "

"Presumptuous, this is my home, none of you dare to act without authorization."

Li Zhongmin sneered and said, "Miss, I am the dignified minister of national security. I have the right to protect the safety of the country and be responsible for the safety of the people." He waved his hands and ordered his subordinates to search immediately to find this person.

Jin Zhengran wanted to explode, but could only endure it secretly.Because she doesn't have any rights, she just bears the glory of the family's halo.

Li Zhongmin gave her a cold look, and then participated in the search together. They searched very carefully, and finally found Jin Zhengran's bedroom.

Those people stopped in their tracks, and looked back at Li Zhongmin to see what he meant. Li Zhongmin said mercilessly, "Go in and search for me carefully."

Jin Zhenglan immediately panicked and hurried over to stop him.

"What are you doing, Miss Jin is harboring foreign spies, what despicable deeds are you doing?" Li Zhongmin stood beside Jin Zhenglan, his eyes sharp and cunning: "Miss Jin, once we find out that person is in your bedroom, then we have the right to investigate You, suspect that you are involved in the case of treason and collusion."

Afterwards, Li Zhongmin also entered Jin Zhenglan's bedroom. These people were not afraid at all, and secretly searched, under the bed, in and out of the closet, and any place that could hide people, but still nothing.

Damn it, Li Zhongmin cursed, maybe this person could fly.But no matter what, grab this guy.

He left Jin Zhenglan's bedroom and warned sternly: "Miss Jin, if you meet this person again, contact me immediately, trust me, he is an assassin."

Li Zhongmin led his people away, Jin Zhenglan breathed a sigh of relief, but was puzzled, she clearly saw Han Zixuan enter the room, but there was no one there.

She was pacing and thinking in the room, when she suddenly heard a noise from above, and then her eyes widened, and a person slowly crawled down from the ventilation duct on the roof was Han Zixuan.

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