The campus is so cute

268 World peace

They called Li Tai's name, but there was still no response.One of them said that Li Tai took a bottle of water and went out just now, but he didn't seem to come back.

The steward's face was gloomy, and he immediately ordered people to go out to look for it. At the same time, he was vigilant and told the guards around him not to eat, and to be more energetic.Now that Huaxia man hasn't caught him yet, so be careful.

Afterwards, he arranged for two people to go back to the house and watch the two women closely.

Han Zixuan decided to use this opportunity to rush in. He roughly counted just now, and the number of opponents was around thirty. Damn, it was a bit too much.

It seems that today is going to be a massacre, but he is hesitant. After all, this is not his territory. Once the matter gets bigger, it will be more troublesome.But it's not too late, if Li Zhongmin comes back, it will be too late.

Just do what you say, since you are here, you have to play a big game, let the North Koreans know the fate of offending the Huaxia people, and dare to hit my wife.

At this time, the people in the yard began to disperse and guard closely.Han Zixuan took advantage of the opportunity to climb over the wall and enter.It was already dark at this moment, and with his black clothes, he could hide in the night and become the best camouflage.

There were two people standing at the door, walking back and forth, patrolling and watching.Han Zixuan suddenly approached, and then grabbed the opponent's neck with each hand, killing him in an instant.The two died so quickly that there was no time to think about it.After finishing the two, Han Zixuan was about to enter the house.

The two people who went outside to search for Li Tai's whereabouts ran back in a panic, shouting that it's bad, Li Tai is dead.

Seeing the two men running back, the people outside the gate knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately went back to report the situation to the manager.

Han Zixuan raised his eyes and saw seven or eight people rushing in, no matter what, kill them and say.He flew out in the air, jumped directly in front of this group of people, and directly dealt with them without any explanation.

Because time is tight and there are many opponents.Han Zixuan used a murderous move, a fatal move, not giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

After he dealt with these people, soon the people in the room heard the noise and ran out one after another.Seeing their people lying on the ground, they knew they had encountered an assassin.Shouting someone, there are assassins.

Han Zixuan took out his pistol and fired at them one by one, headshot directly.Although the other party spotted him, he moved too fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye. When they saw him again, he was already behind them, followed by a cold neck and limp legs.

The person in charge stood in the yard, looking at everything that happened in front of him stupidly. It was so sudden that he didn't move for a moment.His face was flustered, and beads of sweat dripped to the ground.

The rise of Han Zixuan's murder, in the end, there was only one person in charge left.He came in front of this man and stared at him with stern eyes.

"Don't kill me, spare my life." The manager immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Lead the way ahead, I will only take two women with me." Han Zixuan's voice was indifferent.

The steward immediately nodded, and personally led the way to the second floor. He took out the key and opened the door. The room was lit, and the situation inside could be clearly seen.

Both women were tied up, but fortunately their clothes were intact.

Chen Yuluo and Guo Lingsu had known for a long time that something was going on outside, and they guessed that it must be Han Zixuan.Seeing him coming, his face was full of excitement.

YouQi Guo Lingsu yelled in dissatisfaction: "Han Zixuan, why did you come? If you don't come again, Sister Yuluo and I will become someone else's wife."

"That's great, you are married to a high official, so you don't have to worry about food and clothing in the future." Han Zixuan joked, first untied Chen Yuluo, and then asked her if she was okay.

Of course Chen Yuluo knew what he was worried about, and shook his head: "No, don't worry, just as Li Zhongmin arrested us, he left in a panic. If you don't come, we plan to escape here at night."

Seeing that he didn't care about her, Guo Lingsu was extremely annoyed.

And Han Zixuan called the manager and asked him when Li Zhongmin would come back.The steward shook his head to express that he didn't know.Ask him again what he was doing out there, the manager still shook his head pitifully: "Hero, please spare me."

Han Zixuan glanced at him: "Where is your Minister Li's study, take me there."

The person in charge didn't understand, but he obediently led the way.Chen Yuluo and Guo Lingsu followed behind, not understanding what he was going to do.

Han Zixuan guessed that since the Li family colluded with the Americans, there must be some evidence left behind.After all, he had killed so many people. If he had no clue about Li Zhongmin, it would be very difficult for him to escape from here. Even if Kim Jong-un was magnanimous, he would probably not allow it. After all, he killed all his people.

Han Zixuan searched around in the study, the manager didn't understand and asked, "Hero, what are you going to do?"

Han Zixuan said with a grimace: "Minister Li colluded with the Americans to frame your Chairman Kim, don't you know?"

Let me tell you, Chairman Kim is investigating the Li family, and if he is found to have acted treasonously, you will all die.

The steward's face was pale, obviously he knew something, and he hesitated at the moment.

Han Zixuan saw it and asked: "Tell me, as long as you tell the truth, I will definitely not kill you, and I will plead for you in front of Chairman Jin."

The manager said: "I only know that the minister has a mysterious box. Minister Li once told me to protect it, and I must not be careless and lose this thing."

Han Zixuan ordered him to quickly take out the box, but the manager was hesitant.Guo Lingsu scolded from the side: "Hurry up, or my aunt will kill you first."

This girl is crazy, now that Han Zixuan is here, she is not afraid of anything.

Finally, the steward took the box out of the safe.Han Zixuan glanced at it. It was very tight, and it was a combination lock. It was difficult to unlock it in a short time. He had to hand it over to Kim Jong-un himself.

Han Zixuan asked him if he had any other important things, take them out quickly, the more you take, the more you can save your life.

Later, the manager took another suitcase and said that there were some money and bills in it, and he didn't know if it would be useful.

Grass, this person in charge is really unusual, and he knows quite a lot of secrets in the Li family.Finally, Han Zixuan felt that it was almost done, and they left quickly.

On the way, Han Zixuan asked what happened and how you were arrested.

Chen Yuluo said that around eight o'clock in the morning, we have finished freshening up and waiting for your news.I heard a lot of people coming outside, all armed with live ammunition.And the person who came showed his identity, saying that we are suspected of Chinese spies and must be taken away immediately.

I knew at the time that the situation was urgent and that you, too, might be in danger.But I still firmly believe that nothing will happen to you, so I deliberately left a mark to wait for you.

Originally, I discussed it with Susu, but it really didn't work. If I fought them, I would die at worst.But Li Zhongmin's house obviously had a major incident, he didn't care about us, and went out in a panic.

Han Zixuan said that his younger brother was arrested by Kim Jong-un, and he is dealing with the matter.It must be a stalemate now, but I hope there is very important evidence in this box.Go find Kim Jong Un now.

Han Zixuan asked again if they had seen Su Jin, both women shook their heads, Guo Lingsu said suspiciously: "Brother Zixuan, there must be something wrong with this Su Jin, I suspect she is an informer, and she colluded with the North Koreans."

Erya, you are so smart, your analysis is very reasonable, Han Zixuan did not hesitate to praise him.It's strange that she called him brother Zixuan so gently.

Because Han Zixuan saved her regardless of the danger of his life, that's why Guo Lingsu was more polite to him.Guo Lingsu took a sip: "Come on, if I'm smart, I'm sure I won't be stupid, come to this damn place."

Han Zixuan decided to go to Jin Zhenglan first, so the four of them went directly to Jin's house.

The steward was puzzled and asked: "Hero, dare I ask what your name is, do you know Chairman Jin and the others?"

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Han Zixuan said threateningly, "But, when I meet Chairman Jin in a while, you must tell the truth."

When he arrived at Jin's house, Han Zixuan asked to meet Chairman Jin.The guards obviously knew about him, the most wanted criminal in the country.But Miss Jin Zhenglan reminded that if Han Zixuan came, let him come in directly.

The guard immediately went to report, and soon Jin Zhenglan came out, her face full of melancholy. After all, a major event happened in the country now, and her brother was actively negotiating with Li Zhongmin's family. The Li family demanded that Li Zhongguo must be released.

Although Jin Zhengyun has a little evidence, it is not enough to trip the other party, and he is actively trying to solve the matter.If this matter is not handled properly, I am afraid that there will be turmoil in the country.

Jin Zhenglan saw that Han Zixuan came back alive, and brought two women with him.It seems that Li Zhongmin did kidnap them.

But at this time, when the manager saw Miss Jin Zhenglan, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed, begging to spare his life, and then explained the situation in detail.

It is said that the whereabouts of the Li family have been secretive recently, and Li Zhongmin is often heard answering the phone with a mysterious person. Although the content of the call is not general, the main purpose is to target the Jin family, intending to let Kim Jong-un go to the field and the Li family to take the stage.

When Jin Zhenglan saw the two leather suitcases, a surprised expression appeared on his face.Although he had a lot of dissatisfaction with Han Zixuan, what he brought at this moment did exceed all kinds of unhappiness before.

She was going to see her brother with the box at once.Han Zixuan stopped her: "Miss Jin, I hope you can help me with something."

Jin Zhenglan did not hesitate: "Say it, as long as I can do it."

"When I went to Li's house just now, I killed many people. If your brother finds out, can you spare me?" Han Zixuan said pitifully.

Jin Zhenglan said with a straight face: "That depends on whether the box you brought is useful. If you can use this thing to completely suppress the Li family, then you have made meritorious service and can forgive all your sins."

Han Zixuan still felt that something was wrong, this girl might speak correctly.

"Well, let's reach an agreement. You ordered me to do the bloodbath of the Li family, and all my actions were arranged by you. At that time, you will be the biggest hero. I don't ask for anything in return, only a small Wish, hope for world peace."

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