The campus is so cute

282 Who beats who

In the end, Chen Yuluo was not spared either. In the bathroom, under the gaze of the two women, he became soft like noodles. He could only control his emotions as much as possible so as not to groan.

Xie Wenxuan quit, saying that she was too conservative and should be more unrestrained, just like Sister Yu and I did just now, women are the most beautiful when they are in love with their husbands.

In fact, Xie Wenxuan was originally a cold and elegant woman, she didn't have much contact with men, and she didn't even dress feminine.But there are boundless energy hidden in some women's bodies, once it is developed, it will be out of control.Today's Wenxuan is outward-looking but inward-looking, Han Zixuan likes her more now, only a woman with a sassy heart can love her.

Han Zixuan was full of passion, and it had been a long time since he had eaten meat, and this time it was out of control.The three looks are soft and beautiful, or charming, or pretty, or glamorous, and they all prostrate themselves under his body, and there is only the discordant sound of water rippling in the bathroom, matching the continuous spring love of men and women.

The four of them sat around to eat together, Chen Yuluo was still shy, even though she was very hot outside, she could even be described as killing people without blinking an eye.But now that she was in the South China Sea, she was never mentally prepared to face such an embarrassing situation for the first time.

She thinks that Shen Hanyu is a lady of everyone, and has received a good education, and is a virtuous and virtuous woman.It was true when we met for the first time, but after returning home, we showed another charming style.As for Xie Wenxuan, the whole thing is a vixen.

Xie Wenxuan saw Chen Yuluo's restraint, picked up her chopsticks, took a bite of vegetables for her and said with a smile, "Sister Yuluo, you don't need to be cautious when eating. Although your performance just now was not particularly good, it doesn't matter. In the future As you get older, you get used to it.”

Chen Yuluo could only smile wryly, Shen Hanyu glared at Xie Wenxuan and scolded: "Wenxuan, you were not like this before, you were very dignified, why did you become like this now?"

Xie Wenxuan gave Han Zixuan a flirtatious look: "It's not all his fault for making me into what I am now."

Han Zixuan shouted: "Officer Xie, when we first met, you were an idiot, you couldn't even kiss. I remember that time when I entered the police station, you confessed your love to me and rushed straight to the police station. Throw me down without saying anything emotional."

"Who threw you down, it was you who threw me, okay?" Xie Wenxuan suddenly became shy, how could she say such words in front of other sisters, as if she had become a pervert.

Shen Hanyu pursed her lips and smiled, and suddenly raised her head to look at Chen Yuluo: "Yuluo, tell me the story between you and Zixuan, we are all sisters, we will be a family in the future, don't worry about it."

Xie Wenxuan immediately turned her gun and aimed at Chen Yuluo: "Sister Yuluo, I know more or less about your background. Don't blame me for talking too much, your family is actually a gangster, but now that you have been cleansed, I will not pursue it. But you His personality should be very cold, even cruel. Women like you will not fall into love, because you don't believe in love."

Xie Wenxuan's words were indeed right. Chen Yuluo didn't believe in love before, because she didn't understand love at all.Even the contacts with Han Zixuan were all with various purposes and their own scheming.But during that trip to Yangcheng, Han Zixuan followed her without hesitation and protected her.It filled her heart with many different emotions, making her feel that life can be interpreted in another more perfect way.

Last time, if Han Zixuan hadn't been hit by that strange shot, I'm afraid the distance between the two wouldn't be so close, they would just continue to be in a haze, and the window paper wouldn't be pierced.

Han Zixuan put down his chopsticks, and looked at Chen Yuluo affectionately with his dark eyes.Chen Yuluo felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, but she also stared at him, his figure was all in the intoxicating jewel-like color.

"If it hadn't been for Yuluo, I might not have lived until now, and the two of you might become widows."

Xie Wenxuan immediately asked curiously: "What's going on, tell me quickly. Sister Yuluo, could it be that you saved our husband's life."

Han Zixuan then talked about that charming and intoxicating embarrassment where he was unknowingly drugged.Fortunately, Yuluo sacrificed his life, otherwise he would be the most embarrassing victim in history.

Although the two sisters felt that this story was a bit unbelievable, Han Zixuan would definitely not tell lies.And Chen Yuluo's pink face showed a smug look, which showed that everything was true. She is still proud of her actions that time.She thought that after that night, her life changed.

Shen Hanyu immediately stood up, came to Chen Yuluo, and held her hand tightly, and then Xie Wenxuan was no exception. The three sisters hugged each other. Although no one spoke, everything was said in silence. , A deep friendship between the sisters was established.

Shen Hanyu said, Zixuan saved my father and my whole family, she is my God.Xie Wenxuan said, Zixuan saved my life, and my heart was already addicted at that moment.Chen Yuluo pursed her lips and said, Zixuan said that I was a great woman. At that moment, I knew that my life would take another charming and colorful route.

Stayed at home for a few days, it happened to be the weekend, several people mingled together every day, and the life was chaotic and carefree.It was rare for Han Zixuan to rest, so he naturally enjoyed it.

Shen Hanyu asked him if he had seen Li Zi, although they were in the same school.However, the knot between the two sisters still seems to be unsolved. When they meet by chance, they will deliberately avoid each other.

"Actually, I have a lot of things I want to say to her, but it's hard for me to say it. I always feel that my elder sister is too inhumane, and I stole her sweetheart." Shen Hanyu still has demons, and that's it.

"Don't think too much, I'll go see her today." Han Zixuan also wanted to meet Li Zi, and the problems between them must be resolved.

"Yes, go and see her quickly. She must know that you are back. If you don't go to see her, the conflict between our sisters will deepen." Shen Hanyu didn't want He Lizi to gossip behind her back and tie him up to prevent him from coming out. No chance at all.

Han Zixuan went to He Lizi's house. Although he had never been there, he knew it by asking.It happened to be evening at this time, and their whole family should be there.He wanted to see He Hongchao even more. Although the conflict between the two seemed to be resolved, there was still a bit of estrangement between them.

Knocking on the door, the nanny opened the door. The nanny is the former Li Ma, who did not expect to meet here.

Mama Li didn't expect it to be Han Zixuan, she was very surprised and a little guilty at the same time.After all, she was the one who took part in planting the bomb in the car last time, and she was also worried afterwards. Fortunately, Han Zixuan was lucky and did not die.She felt a lot more at ease, otherwise she would have nightmares every night.

He Hongchao immediately asked who the nanny was, and Li Ma, the nanny, said in a trembling voice, "Sir, it's Han Zixuan."

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