The campus is so cute

284 I'm Not Right

Han Zixuan was very puzzled, He Hongchao asked his age why, could it be to see if it was suitable for his daughter, and counted the yin and yang characters.

"I should be 22 years old this year." Han Zixuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Uncle, what's the problem?" He tried his best to address them as kindly as possible to ease the conflict between the two.

He Hongchao frowned, walked back and forth in the study for a few steps: "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"There's nothing to lie about. Could it be that I'm very old?" Han Zixuan said in his heart that it was impossible, because he had been exercising since he was a child, and his master had given him some special tonics in order to improve his abilities.Looks very young in appearance.

Besides, all young men in their twenties are basically like him. His classmates have also seen them. Some of them are very mature and look like uncles who are going to be in their thirties.

"It's not right, his son must be at least 25 years old." He Hongchao started talking to himself.

His son, Han Zixuan instinctively recognized that it was his father, and he had no impression of his parents.And He Hongchao seems to be very familiar with him, which child doesn't want to know what his parents are like, even though they have passed away.

"Uncle, do you know my father?" Han Zixuan couldn't help getting a little excited.

When Han Shaofeng was mentioned, the corners of He Hongchao's eyes suddenly cracked, his fists were clenched tightly, and he stared at Han Zixuan with hatred in his eyes.Frightened by his sudden change, Han Zixuan instinctively took a few steps back.He has been out for many years, so it can be said that he has a lot of experience, but facing He Hongchao, he is a little afraid in his heart.

Because this person is ruthless and domineering enough.In order to achieve the goal, it can be said that any means will be used.

He Hongchao immediately felt relieved. After so many years, he was a bit too stubborn.What's more, why should a child be involved in the entanglement between him and Han Shaofeng? Thinking about his decision back then, it was too ruthless.

"Zixuan, you have lived with your master since childhood. Has he ever mentioned your life experience?"

Han Zixuan shook his head in relief: "Actually, I only found out when I came down from the mountain. Before that, I thought I was an orphan without parents and was adopted by Master. When I came down the mountain, Master, my aunt Han Qingyun told me about my life experience, so I knew of."

"Your aunt Han Qingyun, Han Xiaotian doesn't have a daughter." He Hongchao was puzzled.

"Oh, she was a servant girl by my grandfather's side. When Molong was destroyed, she hugged me to escape the suffering. She said that I was in my infancy at that time. Speaking of which, I am grateful to my aunt. Without her, I would have escaped Impossible today."

He Hongchao reluctantly accepted Han Qingyun's identity, but when Mo Long was destroyed, he had left long ago.He remembered that Han Shaofeng's son was at least two or three years old. He couldn't match the Han Zixuan in front of him. Could it be Han Shaofeng's other child.

Since the conflict with Han Shaofeng, He Hongchao stayed away from Molong and didn't want to have any contact with the Han family.Then, it seems that only Ye Qingsong really understands Han Zixuan's identity, and that Han Qingyun.He began to doubt Han Zixuan's real identity.

Anyway, the Han family has perished, and in order to spread the incense, Han Xiaotian might let other people's children replace him and continue Molong's hegemony.Ye Qingsong and Han Xiaotian have the best relationship, maybe it's a conspiracy between the two of them.

He Hongchao was shocked by his own thoughts, but he would not say anything more to Han Zixuan.If you think about it again, it would be great if Han Zixuan was not Han Shaofeng's child.After all, he didn't want his daughter to marry the enemy's son.

The two then chatted for a while, and He Hongchao asked him what he thought.Han Zixuan said calmly that he would not run around for Mo Long now.If possible, he would like to live a normal life.

He Hongchao smiled, the first time he smiled when he faced Han Zixuan.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Who made you have a seal in your body? When the seal is released, you will be free." He Hongchao looked at the time quite late: "Zixuan, you must want to see Li Zi when you come. Well, like this Well, I won't interfere with the matter between my daughter and you. But now I don't think it's suitable for you to be together, and you saw it with your own eyes just now, and she doesn't seem to want to see you. "

Han Zixuan sighed again and again, he was already prepared before coming, and he would definitely be hindered.He originally thought that Hong Chao and his wife, but now it seems that Li Zi still has resentment towards him.

"All right, as long as she lives happily, I'm satisfied. Uncle, I'm leaving. "

Han Zixuan left He's house lonely, and went out.His heart was suddenly cold, not because He Lizi didn't see him, but because of He Hongchao's words, his age didn't match.What do you mean, could it be that he is not a descendant of Han Xiaotian.

After having such an idea, Han Zixuan suddenly felt very happy.After all, Han Xiaotian is a rebel of the country, and the children of rebels are not easy to be.Otherwise, Yang He wouldn't be looking at him all day, afraid that he would take a detour.

But is it possible? I have verified my master, and he is indeed a descendant of Han Xiaotian.Otherwise, he wouldn't have sealed such a precious Molong Token in his body.

He also thought of the murderous look in He Hongchao's eyes when he mentioned his father.He guessed that when he was young, He Hongchao must have had conflicts with his so-called father. Could it be that this was the real reason why he murdered me.

Very annoying, Han Zixuan dragged his exhausted body home.The three women in the family got along very well, and they were sitting around fighting the landlord together, having a great time.

Seeing him come back, immediately greet him to come and play together.But the three of them saw that his face was not good-looking, and they immediately understood.He must have hit a wall with He Lizi, and Shen Hanyu immediately came over to comfort him and asked, "How is it? It seems that Lizi hasn't given you a chance yet."

Han Zixuan nodded: "That girl, when she sees me, she feels like a plague god, she hides me far away."

"Don't worry, she is still a child and needs time to digest slowly. There is nothing wrong between you and He Hongchao." Shen Hanyu was more worried about this.

Although He Hongchao once planted a bomb in the car that almost killed her, but she will not hold grudges too deeply.In comparison, his uncle Shen Zhiqiang's crimes were more serious, and his family was ruined.And He Hongchao's starting point was to target Han Zixuan, and he was just passing along.

"Actually, Uncle He is quite a nice person, and we get along pretty well." Han Zixuan was not lying, because he seemed to understand He Hongchao.

"I'm a little tired, I want to take a shower first." Han Zixuan gently pushed her away.

Shen Hanyu saw that he was in a low mood, so she tried to comfort her, her face was flushed, her eyes were ecstatic and she said: "Let me wash with you."

Although this sentence was very light, the other two girls also heard it. Xie Wenxuan immediately recommended me to go too, Zixuan, you can't be partial.

Han Zixuan wasn't in that mood, he waved his hands and said, "Go ahead and play, I can do it myself." Afterwards, he went into the bathroom rather lonely.

Seeing that Han Zixuan was gone, Xie Wenxuan was very upset and said: "Sister Yu, He Lizi is too shameful, let's see how we have tortured our husband, this girl's film is endless, why, I will go find it now Let her go and ask her what she means."

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