The campus is so cute

299 Fallen Women Can Have Love

A woman is a strange animal, and there are different dualities in the past and the future, but now, Chen Yuluo has also fallen.Of course, the culprit was provoked by the laughing man lying on the bed in the room.

Guo Linghua was stunned for a while, and then blushed immediately.What can she say about this kind of thing, she can't say sorry for disturbing your husband and wife love, now turn around and leave.What have I become, an executioner who sincerely destroys the harmony of other people's families.

In today's society, the divorce rate of couples is very high. Part of the reason is that men and women are not harmonious in bed. My unintentional actions should not destroy their relationship.Just kidding, let your man bear it for a while, I will tell him something, turn around and leave immediately.

"I have something to do with Han Zixuan, can you let him come out?" After all, Guo Linghua was at fault, even though Chen Yuluo's small universe broke out, she could only show a hint of apology.

"Report your name first." Chen Yuluo had already guessed who she was, because she had a younger sister whom she knew very well, and the two had an astonishing similarity in appearance.

"Guo Linghua." Guo Linghua showed a faint smile.

"Are you married?" Chen Yuluo asked forcefully.

Guo Linghua not only frowned slightly on her forehead.In my impression, Miss Chen Yuluo was a ruthless and cold killer, always straightforward.How to have a man, everything changed.

"Not married." Guo Linghua endured for the time being.

But Han Zixuan held his stomach and smiled in pain, he hadn't noticed it before.It turned out that Chen Yuluo was not a good boy either. Whoever taught him probably had something to do with Xie Wenxuan.Because when she came out, Xie Wenxuan told Chen Yuluo to pay close attention to any women around Han Zixuan, no matter how she looked, she was determined not to let her get close.You also know that our men are very shy and can't resist the temptation of the tiger and wolf's daughter to pounce.

"You are lying. As far as I know, you have a husband named Shangguanting." Chen Yuluo looked at Guo Linghua playfully.It is said that this woman is very powerful, she is outstanding in every aspect, and she has to experience it today.

Guo Linghua was speechless, and nodded silently: "Well, I was wrong just now."

"Okay, you can come in now, remember your identity." Chen Yuluo rushed back immediately, and then ordered Han Zixuan to put on his clothes quickly, resolutely not to give the other party any thought of wanting to rush, everything will be killed in the bud.

Han Zixuan had finished dressing long ago, and when he saw Guo Linghua coming in with a gloomy face, he suppressed a smile: "Miss Guo, Sangen doesn't sleep with your husband in the middle of the night, why do you want me?"

Guo Linghua continued to be patient, okay, you two work together, you two are cheap, I don't have the same knowledge as you.

"Just now I took advantage of Shangguan Ting's time to take a shower, and secretly took his mobile phone. There are some phone numbers in it. See if you can figure out who the person next to him is." Pass the copied phone number to Han Zixuan to see.

Chen Yuluo was startled and said: "Zixuan, what are you doing, sneaking around." Then he looked at Guo Linghua: "And you, why did you do this behind your husband's back? I've lost my mistress, and you're investigating secretly."

Han Zixuan clutched his forehead, this bitch is out of control, she has a little convulsion today.Guo Linghua ignored her, maybe she was on her menstrual period, but menstruating women shouldn't be too excited.

Han Zixuan looked at the phone number, shook his head and smiled wryly: "What's the use of showing me these, I'm not around Shangguanting, so I can't interfere."

"This number is very unfamiliar, and they have a close relationship with Shangguanting. They have communicated many times in the call records." Afterwards, Guo Linghua showed him the unfamiliar phone number.

"It's even more useless, an unfamiliar phone number. If we call, the other party will definitely be suspicious." Han Zixuan shook his head, and he couldn't doubt Guo Linghua's ability to handle affairs. It is true that some people can be found through the phone, but the effect is minimal.

Guo Linghua immediately took out a card from his pocket, which was Shangguanting's phone card. He is now in a coma and will not wake up until tomorrow morning.

Chen Yuluo was surprised again: "You murdered your husband."

Guo Linghua finally couldn't bear it anymore, and turned to look at Chen Yuluo: "Chen Yuluo, you're never finished. I have nothing to do with Shangguanting, he's not my husband."

Han Zixuan hurriedly made a rescue: "Yuluo, what's wrong with you, something is wrong with your behavior today."

Chen Yuluo whispered a few words into Han Zixuan's ear, Han Zixuan was stunned, and nodded immediately: "Don't worry, I'll let you slaughter her after I send her away." ***, when a woman is dissatisfied with her desires, don't provoke her.

Guo Linghua frowned fiercely, and secretly scolded Chen Yuluo that you have fallen. In vain, I thought you were a role model among us women.He once secretly told himself that one day he would be satisfied if he could surpass her.

With Shangguanting's phone card, Han Zixuan knew something.I can borrow the identity of Shangguanting to obtain the source of this person's information.

Well, the first point is to imitate Shangguanting's voice. Although he doesn't have much contact with Shangguanting, his voice is very characteristic, deep and insolent, and accompanied by a natural sense of superiority.When Han Zixuan was practicing martial arts with his master, he specially practiced ventriloquism in this area. In order to make him an all-round genius, the master took great pains and taught him many skills.

Han Zixuan tried to imitate Shangguanting's accent, and the two women beside him were stunned.Chen Yuluo didn't realize that he still has this kind of ability. This person must have something that I don't know about.

Guo Linghua showed praise without hesitation: "Well, don't say it, it's like this. And he drank too much today, so it's okay to have a little blemish."

Han Zixuan dialed the unfamiliar number and waited for a few seconds.The other party connected, but the other party did not speak, obviously waiting.

"Hey, talk." Han Zixuan pretended to belch, and his voice came out brightly.

After hearing his voice, the other party said calmly: "Shangguanting, you must be drunk."

The other party was a young man's voice, Han Zixuan searched through the memory gate, but no one matched it.Obviously this person is not his acquaintance.

"I'm happy today. I'm finally on my way. From now on, I will be the master of the Shangguan family." Han Zixuan said in a dignified manner, waiting for the other party's answer.

The other party did not answer immediately, but was listening to him.Seeing that he stopped talking, he said: "Congratulations, you have fulfilled your wish." Suddenly the other party immediately reminded: "By the way, I have something very important to tell you. I had a problem with your good friend Guo Linghua before. As far as I know, she is from Yangcheng, she has a purpose to approach you, you have to be careful, don't ruin our future because of a woman."

"Stop talking nonsense, what the hell is Yangcheng?"

The other party was a little annoyed, and immediately said: "Okay, you drank too much, let's talk about it tomorrow. Is Wen Bin there, let him answer the phone."

Han Zixuan was shocked, Wen Bin.He is too familiar with this name, could it be Luo Wenbin.He suddenly remembered that Luo Wenbin was here when he first came to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

After a few perfunctory words, Han Zixuan hung up the phone.Could it be Luo Wenbin? Since Beijin Tianxing dispersed, this person has disappeared.It is certain that he did not follow Chu Yuhang.

And that person just now is definitely not Chu Yuhang, so who is he?

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