The campus is so cute

303 Mrs. Wang's Special Status

Shangguan's house is now in chaos. Shangguanting died. It is obvious that this was murder. Someone must have done it deliberately. The police have already stepped in and started an investigation.

Of course, Shangguan Fei's mother was the saddest. Her husband had just died, and now her eldest son was murdered. She knew that a big tree attracts wind, and someone has long coveted their family's foundation.She even began to suspect that her husband did not die of illness, but by the same gang.

Soon, the police found the murder weapon in Shangguanxiang's room, so the police took him away immediately.Shangguan Xiang knew that he had been framed, but who could frame him.

Shangguan Yun? It's unlikely. Could it be Shangguan Fei? It's even more impossible.It's really evil, and I lay down the gun for no reason.

The officials sent by the state to attend Shangguan Longfei's funeral immediately reported the matter to their superiors and asked them for further instructions.Southern Petroleum is an important energy source for the country, and there cannot be any mistakes.

Soon, the notice came down from above.First of all, we must investigate the murderer, find out the whole story of the incident, and give an explanation to the Shangguan family and the people of Suzhou and Hangzhou.Secondly, the president of Southern Petroleum was temporarily replaced by the general manager Wang Han. After the matters of the Shangguan family were settled, a suitable candidate was selected from the Shangguan family.

At the beginning, the Shangguan family had an agreement with the country. No matter what, the position of the president of Southern Petroleum must be controlled by the Shangguan family. This is an unchangeable principle.The Shangguan family has deep roots in Suzhou and Hangzhou. If they are easily replaced, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.The state doesn't want to make trouble, after all, the Shangguan family is very obedient to the state's orders, and will not commit treasonous acts.

This matter has already reached the domestic high-level, and Yang He is discussing this matter with Liu Peng.

"Who do you think did it? Yangcheng or Chu Xiaotian." Liu Peng looked at Yang He with a calm expression.

Yang He immediately said: "No matter who did it, we must take action and eliminate them as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Liu Peng nodded: "I understand, but it would be a pity to eliminate them. After all, this group of people has very strong abilities. If they can be used by the country, it will be very beneficial to us."

"Yes, I understand what you mean. I hope to cultivate a departmental organization, a bit like the Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty. They have a strong ability to do things for the country. The only condition is to be obedient and loyal. No matter how you look at it, he It is the most suitable."

Liu Peng glanced at Yang He and smiled: "I know you appreciate him and even want to recruit him as your son-in-law. But don't forget his identity, he is the descendant of Han Xiaotian. We can give him a chance, but we must be firm. You can't give him the right. This person is still young, so take your time. I heard that he is in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so you order him to investigate the cause and effect of the matter."

After Han Zixuan answered Guo Linghua's call, he began to think about his next move.I have to talk to Shangguan Fei, just thinking about it.Shangguan Fei then called and asked the two to meet and talk.

Soon, Shangguan Fei came to the hotel.His complexion looked very bad, even a little tired.Both his father and elder brother were close relatives of him, how could he be happy now that they are all dead.

"Zixuan, tell me the truth, did you kill my brother?" Shangguan Fei never doubted Han Zixuan's ability, and he knew that there was a conflict between his brother and Han Zixuan.Even he knew that Tian Xing and Mo Long were life and death enemies.

"Why do you think so?" Han Zixuan was very confused.

Shangguan Fei smiled: "Zixuan, we are good friends. As I said, our family had acquainted with you Mo Long in the early years, and my father benefited from it. Therefore, I also know a little about you. Your organization Destruction is related to the rise of Tianxing, and my brother joined Tianxing, how can you not hate him."

Han Zixuan didn't expect Shangguan Fei to know so much, but he treats him differently, how do you know this.My mother told me.

What, Han Zixuan was even more astonished, Mrs. Wang.In Han Zixuan's impression, she is a great woman, why she is great, because she can cultivate Shangguan Fei.To be able to survive in the compound of a wealthy family is not an ordinary character.Think about it, Shangguan Longfei's eldest wife is definitely not an ordinary person, and it is impossible for an ordinary woman to marry in, and she can face many complicated situations and insist on cultivating Shangguan Fei.

"Zixuan, did you kill my brother?" Shangguan Fei asked again.

Han Zixuan shook his head: "No, but it has something to do with me. Your brother did murder your father."

With determination in his eyes, Shangguan Fei nodded slightly: "Okay, my mother wants to see you."

Han Zixuan did not hesitate, and he was very eager to meet her and know the true identity of this woman.

When he came to Shangguan's house, Han Zixuan saw Mrs. Wang.Mrs. Wang was dressed in plain clothes. Although her complexion was not good, she was not broken down, and her mental state was not bad.She can't fall down now, if she falls down, the Shangguan family will really fall apart.

Han Zixuan greeted Mrs. Wang politely, originally wanted to express his condolences, but couldn't get the words out of his mouth.

Mrs. Wang took a look at Han Zixuan, and told him not to be polite, she just wanted to chat with him.

"Zixuan, I heard that you are from Molong's family background." Mrs. Wang asked.

Han Zixuan nodded, and immediately asked back: "Mrs. Wang, you seem to know Mo Long very well."

"I just know a little bit. Mo Long saved my life at that time. Our Shangguan family was very difficult at the beginning, and we had many enemies. I was kidnapped by the enemies. Fortunately, Mo Long came to save me, so I am very grateful to Mo Long. The impression of Long is very good." Mrs. Wang recalled the past, her eyes softened, and she stared at Han Zixuan's face carefully.

Han Zixuan knew that the original Molong was indeed a righteous organization, saving the country.It was only later that his grandfather, Han Xiaotian, became more ambitious, which brought about Molong's destruction.

"Mrs. Wang, you seem to know a little bit about Tianxing." Han Zixuan was even more curious about this. After all, whether Molong or Tianxing, they are all mysterious organizations, and ordinary people don't know about them at all.

Mrs. Wang nodded: "I just know that the destruction of Molong is related to the rise of Tianxing. After all, I am not a member of the two organizations, and I don't know anything about the internal situation."

"This is already very surprising. Ordinary people definitely don't know about it." Han Zixuan was surprised.

"Do you think I'm an ordinary person?" Mrs. Wang said with a little pride.

Uh, Han Zixuan smiled wryly and shook his head: "Definitely not, Xiaofei told me about your great deeds, you are the greatest mother I have ever seen."

Mrs. Wang took a look at Shangguan Fei with soft eyes: "Actually, I am an ordinary woman, but I have a sister who has a special identity."

Shangguan Fei obviously didn't know about these situations, because she had never seen what her mother's natal family looked like, and because of his status, he couldn't meet each other either.

Han Zixuan listened quietly, thinking how special it could be, and immediately asked: "Auntie, please tell me, let me open my eyes."

Mrs. Wang glanced at Han Zixuan, with a look of sullenness in her eyes, but she immediately relieved and said softly: "My sister is the wife of the No. [-] chief."

Shangguan Fei and Han Zixuan looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.Of course the two of them knew who the No. [-] chief was, and it was Zhao Zekai.

Han Zixuan didn't know what to say, Madam Wang continued: "I learned about Molong and Tianxing from her. I know that Tianxing was inserted by the Americans in China, so I still have my own My husband hates Tianxing very much. Last time something happened to the Xu family, but this time it was my son Shangguanting. This unfilial son really deserves to die."

Han Zixuan admired this woman even more. What is low-key, this is the real low-key.No wonder Shangguan Longfei married her as his real wife, she really has a special status.

But obviously, no one knows about her special identity.You can tell from Shangguan Fei's expression.

Mrs. Wang said: "Zixuan, I want to understand the whole story of this matter clearly, please tell me."

Han Zixuan came out to draw Guo Linghua out, but he emphasized that her actions did not represent the Guo family, she was being manipulated.

Mrs. Wang's gaze was steady, as if everything was in her expectation: "I knew Guo Linghua was a very special girl, and it turned out that she was also an unfortunate person. Can you help me get in touch with her, I want to meet her."

Han Zixuan was immediately embarrassed.

Mrs. Wang immediately understood: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to her. On the contrary, I want to thank her for getting rid of the evil for our Shangguan family."

Han Zixuan said he would try his best, but he might not be able to succeed.

Madam Wang said thank you and left.Only Han Zixuan was left in the room.

"Shangguan Fei, no wonder you are so low-key, it was inherited from above."

Shangguan Fei shrugged: "I didn't expect this to happen. Starting today, I will get to know my mother again."

"Your mother is a very capable person. I believe that as long as she is here, the Shangguan family will definitely not collapse. I was too surprised just now, and forgot to tell your mother something serious. Do you think it's time to show your real body? Because So far, only you are the most suitable person."

How could Shangguan Fei not understand, and shook his head: "I haven't thought about it that much, too many things have happened, and I'm a little tired. There's no such thing as an easy seat to sit in. Why don't you come and sit?"

"Don't play with me, I want to live a few more years."

When Han Zixuan came out of Shangguan's house, he immediately contacted Guo Linghua. Guo Linghua was very happy, saying that she would contact him after finishing her personal affairs.

Private matters must be the affairs of Yangcheng.Now that things are messed up, she must be in trouble.

Han Zixuan thought about it, and went to Guo's house to have a look. Their house should be very lively, and they must be ready to move.Just after turning a street, a person suddenly jumped out beside him, directly blocking his way.

"It really is you." Han Zixuan looked at the person in front of him, a little surprised.

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