Ye Tianyu came to the downstairs of Han Zixuan's boys' dormitory, saw Han Zixuan followed his classmate back to the dormitory, and ran up immediately, maybe because she ran too fast, the big meat ball on her chest was trembling, attracting the eyes of many wolf cubs.

Shangguan looked envious: "Zixuan, what can I say about you, your love luck is too much, you are hugging left and right, and the buddies are still single."

"No way, who makes someone look handsome." Han Zixuan said with a cheeky laugh, and then came to Ye Tianyu and asked in surprise, "Why are you here? Have you eaten yet?"

"Hmph, Han Zixuan. I'm here to interrogate you today. You have to tell me what's going on with Yang Xueyi, otherwise I'll report it to you and make you go around." Ye Tianyu originally had a cute baby face, At this moment, she showed a fierce look, but she was not born to be a bad person, and she still had a youthful look when she was angry.

"Zixuan, hurry up and be lenient when you confess, and stricter when you resist, or little sister Tianyu will get angry." Someone around was teasing.

Han Zixuan waved his hand and told these bad guys to go back to the dormitory first.It wasn't a big deal at first, but if these people were talking nonsense, the little things would become big things.

"Tianyu, what the outside world is saying is all rumors, so just pretend you haven't heard it. Concentrate on training and losing weight. This is the main thing you need to do right now." Han Zixuan stared at her huge breasts and felt a little headache. You said you were young Light, why does it grow so big there, it doesn't match your face at all.

"What, Han Zixuan, how dare you call me fat. What do you know, I'm plump." Ye Tianyu became even more angry.

"Okay, if I don't know Mount Tai, Tianyu stop making trouble, and hurry back to your dormitory." Han Zixuan said with a straight face, pretending to be serious.

"It's fine to let me go back. You can tell me frankly, have you touched Yang Xueyi?" Ye Tianyu's eyes were burning, and his dark eyes were shining brightly.If it wasn't for being angry, the scenery this time would have a different charm.

"Is it important? Besides, I didn't touch you, and Yang Xueyi is not your relative. Why are you so angry?" Han Zixuan smiled playfully.

Okay, you did touch it, I was so mad, you pervert.She stomped her feet angrily, and said inexplicably to Sister Lizi, I didn't help you to watch him, what should I do, you can't blame me.

Han Zixuan shrugged: "Tianyu, I'm done explaining, you should go back quickly."

"Han Zixuan, just wait, I will report every word."

As soon as Han Zixuan returned to the boys' dormitory, his death call rang, and it turned out to be He Lizi's. Oh, it's so annoying.Shangguan Fei's eyes were good, and when he saw the number of the caller, he covered his mouth and snickered: "Zixuan, you are finished, and there are ups and downs, to be honest, sometimes I envy you, but sometimes I sympathize with you. "

"It's still your heart that understands, it really is a brother." Han Zixuan answered the phone reluctantly. As soon as he connected, he heard He Lizi's roar on the phone. He didn't want to listen, so he put the phone away from his ears, and didn't dare to hang up. Put it in your hand and keep grinning.

When there was no more movement on the phone, Han Zixuan put the phone to his ear, and heard He Lizi say: "Han Zixuan, listen to me. Write your self-criticism right now and send it to me as a text message. I want to check it. Young In eight hundred characters, you don't want to stop."

After hanging up the phone, Han Zixuan gathered everyone in the dormitory together and asked, "Brothers, which one of you is better at writing and is good at writing articles."

Li Xiaoxu was grateful to Han Zixuan for his help before, but because he had never had the opportunity to repay, he heard that Han Zixuan seemed to have something to help, so he was the first to stand up: "Zixuan, although my writing is not particularly good, but I got 58 points in the composition of the college entrance examination, which is not enough. Two points is a perfect score, so it should be pretty good." Although he said it modestly, the surrounding students suddenly showed amazed expressions on their faces.

"Oh, that's great, then you are the one." Han Zixuan put his arms around Li Xiaoxu: "Brother, help me write an inspection report, which requires deep thoughts, sincere feelings, and no less than [-] words."

Li Xiaoxu was a little confused: "Inspection report, Zixuan, did you make a mistake?"

Shangguanfei came over and laughed, "Xiaoxu, you don't understand. Zixuan touched Yang Xueyi's breasts to let my sister-in-law know. My sister-in-law got angry and asked him to write an inspection."

Li Xiaoxu immediately understood, and rubbed his head with a smirk: "Zixuan, I understand. I promise to complete the task and blame Yang Xueyi for this matter. She asked you to touch it."

That's great, this kid can be smart once in a while.Han Zixuan nodded approvingly: "Write more profoundly. Of course, I will also write later that I realize my mistakes and actively correct them in the future. You understand."

After assigning the tasks, Han Zixuan and the others started playing cards, and Li Xiaoxu took a pen and paper to conceive and write a review.With this little entertainment time every day, almost every dormitory plays cards, and it has almost become a gambling den.

Just after he touched a few cards, Han Zixuan's phone rang again, and it was Bi Yunxi who answered.He secretly said no, and came to interrogate me again.

Bi Yunxi's voice on the phone was a little anxious, and told him to go downstairs to see her immediately.Han Zixuan didn't dare to neglect and hurried downstairs.He was surprised to see Bi Yunxi's sad face, he didn't seem to come to interrogate me.

"Yunxi, what's the matter, let me tell you the truth, I didn't touch Yang Xueyi." Han Zixuan learned the lesson and confessed automatically.

Bi Yunxi took Han Zixuan's hand with a worried expression: "Zixuan, something happened at my house, my brother was arrested, I have to go home immediately."

"Wait, Yunxi, don't worry. Who caught your brother, and what happened." Han Zixuan knew that she had an older brother, Bi Yunfan, who had just returned from studying abroad and was currently idle and bored at home.

"Hey, my father called me just now. He said that my brother went to gamble and owed a lot of money. The creditor asked to pay back the money as soon as possible, otherwise it would be bad for my brother." Bi Yunxi said here, his eyes were red, and tears were looming.

"Yunxi, something has happened, we need to calm down. How about this, I'll go back with you and solve the problem together." Han Zixuan patted her on the shoulder lightly to express his comfort.

When Bi Yunxi heard that Han Zixuan was going back with him, a hint of surprise appeared on his gloomy face just now: "Really, Zixuan, thank you so much."

"We're still being so polite between the two of us." Han Zixuan gently wiped the tears on her face with one hand, encouraging and comforting: "It's okay, everything is up to me."

Bi Yunxi suddenly threw himself into Han Zixuan's arms, hugged him tightly with both hands, and murmured: "Zixuan, it's good to meet you."

The scene of the two embracing was seen by many students, many whistled, and some even screamed, "Kiss one."

Bi Yunxi immediately left Han Zixuan's embrace, blushing and asked: "Then how do we get out of here, I heard it's very difficult to ask for leave."

"It's okay, let's go directly to the leader here."

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi first found the instructor Xie Wenxi and explained their request to leave the team and go home.Xie Wenxi's impression of Han Zixuan has changed a lot now, and it is quite difficult to listen to his request: "Han Zixuan, it is not impossible to ask for leave, but it depends on whether your reasons for asking for leave are sufficient. It’s very difficult to ask for leave and leave.”

Han Zixuan pondered: "Is it a big deal to go back to my hometown to get married?"

Xie Wenxi was stunned, looked at Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi, and thought that the current students are too crazy, they talked about marriage within a few days of meeting each other.

Bi Yunxi immediately understood Han Zixuan's intentions, and didn't say anything, but a faint blush appeared on her pretty face.Bi Yunxi is the goal pursued by his younger brother Xie Wenhao, but now the girls are getting married.

Hey, who made my brother an idiot.Xie Wenxi nodded: "Okay, I'll take you to our leader. After all, asking for leave is a big deal, so we need to say hello to the leader."

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi appeared in front of Yang Xuerui. Xie Wenxi explained their situation and hoped that the leader could accommodate them.

Yang Xuerui found it unbelievable, but the facts were in front of him, and people had to believe it.However, he still asked puzzledly, "Why are you in such a hurry, isn't it too late to go back after the training is over?"

Han Zixuan said a little shyly: "Leader, we can't wait any longer, Yunxi's stomach is going to bulge, wait until the children come out."

Bi Yunxi was so ashamed that she was so ashamed, she leaned behind Han Zixuan, stretched out her hand and pinched his waist and eyes forcefully, making you talk nonsense.

Han Zixuan continued: "Leader, I haven't met my father-in-law yet, so I made his girl's belly big. This kind of matter should be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it will take a long time and cause too much trouble."

Yang Xuerui and Xie Wenxi stared at each other. It has not been a year or two since they have been training freshmen, and this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.Xie Wenxi hurriedly said: "Chief, please approve it quickly, this matter cannot be delayed, and besides, Bi Yunxi is pregnant now, so it is not suitable to continue military training."

Yang Xuerui hastily took out a pen and paper, and gave them a certificate of approval to leave.But there was regret and anger in his heart.It's a pity that I couldn't communicate further with Han Zixuan, and I hope he can stay in the army.What is sad and indignant is Han Zixuan, you have a wife and a child, why are you molesting my sister.

But now he can't say too much, the bitterness can only be swallowed in his stomach.But he left Han Zixuan alone, so he must say something.

Han Zixuan was surprised and puzzled: "Sir, what instructions do you have?"

Yang Xuerui is embarrassed to reveal her identity, but she must warn her: "Han Zixuan, I heard that you played hooligans on your female classmates during the military training, but there is such a thing."

The leader's speech was devious, he hurriedly said: "Leader, it's all rumors. Although I, Han Zixuan, dare not say that I am a gentleman, I will resolutely refrain from doing despicable things. Yang Xueyi and I were just exchanging kung fu alone, and I didn't make any moves. .”

"Really." Yang Xuerui suddenly stood up from the chair, with a joyful expression on his serious face.

Han Zixuan thought that the leader would gossip like this, he nodded vigorously: "Really, she asked me to touch it, but I didn't."

Yang Xuerui almost spit out a mouthful of blood, she covered her chest and waved her hand: "Okay, you can go, go home and get married, and come to our army again when you have a chance."

Han Zixuan felt strange when he left the chief's office.

When leaving the army, he must always say hello to his brothers and friends.In the evening, after the training lap, Xie Wenxi told everyone not to leave, there was something to announce.

"Everyone, I have a sad thing to announce to you today. Two students from our company are leaving here. Let's say goodbye to them."

The students showed shock on their faces, who was leaving and what was going on.

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi came to the front of the crowd, and he said rather sadly: "Everyone, Yunxi and I have something to do and we have to leave here, so we can't continue training. I hope you can persevere and exercise your body well. Work hard." .”

Everyone was amazed, Shangguanfei hurriedly asked: "Zixuan, why are you two going, are you going to elope?"

Han Zixuan nodded: "Almost."

At this time, Xie Wenxi spoke from the side: "It's like this. The two of you will have a wedding in your hometown, so you can't keep training. Here, I wish you two will grow old together and have a baby early." In front of people, cup your hands to express your sincere blessings.

Xie Wenhao is stupid, what's the situation, the wedding is too soon.

Seeing that things have reached this point, Han Zixuan might as well continue to make mistakes.He put one arm around Bi Yunxi's small waist, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your sincere blessings. After our wedding, we will return to school. At that time, we will meet again."

Shangguan Fei rushed up to grab Han Zixuan: "Brother, it's too soon, what's wrong, Mrs. Fei is happy."

"Yes, yes. Otherwise, can we be in such a hurry." Han Zixuan pretended to be stupid, with a bright smile on his face, as if he really wanted to be a father.But he was wronged in his heart, he hadn't even touched a woman yet.

Shangguanfei gave thumbs up with both hands: "You are awesome." He clapped his hands and greeted everyone: "Come on, let us send the most sincere blessings to the two newcomers."

Because it was night and there was no car, so I had to wait until tomorrow morning to leave.When Han Zixuan returned to the dormitory, he was immediately besieged by everyone. Everyone was chattering and talking, and even shamelessly asked what it was like to have a woman, and whether it was more enjoyable than masturbation.

Han Zixuan was very depressed, he couldn't understand this question, maybe it would be more enjoyable, who knows.

In the morning, he and Bi Yunxi left the army, first went to Nanhai City, and then went to Beijin.But Beijin is quite far from Nanhai, and it takes half a day to take the train. Now that time is precious, I need to borrow a car.

Han Zixuan came to He Lizi's house and knocked on the door of the villa. When He Lizi saw Han Zixuan standing in front of her, she felt like she had a wonderful dream.

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