Han Zixuan had no choice but to call Guo Linghua and the other two, just saying to meet an old comrade in arms of his.It happened that the two girls didn't have lunch either, so they happily agreed.

Li Shunjie also knew that the person behind the scenes was in front of him. He was young and a student.

Huang Boqing took a look at Li Shunjie and said, "Brother, that's fine, this matter ends here. It's not shameful for you to be defeated by his woman. Fortunately, you didn't take revenge, otherwise you wouldn't even know it."

Han Zixuan smiled shyly, watching Li Shunjie and the three of them sincerely apologizing, the two women in his family were indeed lacking in discipline, and they would definitely discipline them well after returning home. If you have any requests, just ask them later.

Soon, Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying rushed over and saw many people sitting in the private room. After a closer look, there were three of Li Shunjie, a little surprised, a little surprised, Li Shunjie was so powerful that he found the real owner directly.

Huang Boqing saw that the two women were dazzling, very dazzling, one of them was met in Yangcheng last time, he did not expect to have achieved a real fruit now, and the other was delicate and beautiful, with cold eyes.I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, all the beautiful women let him go, this world is too irrational.This kid is very talkative, he doesn't need to think about praises and praises, he is as beautiful as a fairy, and like a fish and a wild goose, he jumps out of his mouth like a pea.

Guo Linghua and Huang Boqing exchanged some polite words, and looked at Li Shunjie and the other three in a daze.Han Zixuan immediately explained the relationship. He asked me to help find the culprit, but he was exposed instead.

Guo Linghua couldn't help bursting out laughing, and Duan Hongying also pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

"Master Li, I'm very sorry for what happened last time. After the incident, my husband scolded me severely when I went home. I have been looking for an opportunity to come to apologize in person, but I couldn't find a suitable opportunity. I don't know where you live. Since we met today, I sincerely apologize, and I will pour a glass of wine for each of the three to express my gratitude." Guo Linghua is a scene figure, and she also understands Han Zixuan's purpose for calling her here, so of course she will not embarrass her man.

The three of Li Shunjie were flattered. Originally, their skills were not as good as others, and his own arrogant speech led to the situation at that time.To be honest, if you meet today, it doesn't matter if the other party ignores you, after all, you are just a little ant in the eyes of others.And they were able to apologize sincerely not because of Huang Boqing's face.

Huang Boqing felt that Han Zixuan was really interesting, and he gave himself face.Everyone had a drink together, and all the grievances and grievances were instantly resolved.

Han Zixuan asked Li Shunjie and the three to make a request, after all, you lost your jobs.Guo Linghua joked and asked the three of them to continue to be teachers.The three of them would not go if they were beaten to death, not afraid of embarrassment, even if they went, they would be paid for nothing. After all, their skills are not as good as others.

Huang Boqing stared at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, you have to solve this matter. My senior brothers, although their kung fu is so-so, they are better than ordinary people. You can arrange a job and give them a little salary." .”

The three of Li Shunjie also hurriedly agreed, asking Han Zixuan to help arrange a job.

Han Zixuan nodded: "All right, but I'm afraid I'll wrong you three."

The three of us can do whatever we want, as long as we find a job with you, Young Master Han, we are very satisfied.The three of them are not confused, although they haven't seen any admirable abilities displayed by Han Zixuan yet.But what they can see now has shocked the three of them.

First of all, their little junior brother, in their original place, was a proud and coquettish character, and no one looked down on him.But for Han Zixuan, he worships and admires him, not flattering him, but he is indeed a respected figure.

In addition, Guo Linghua's two mysterious women made Han Zixuan even more mysterious. Li Shunjie was full of curiosity about him and wanted to see more exciting things about him.

What job to arrange, to be Xie Wenhao's thugs, the three of them may not be capable, and the three of them are upright and responsible characters, and they must be repelled by the road of bastards.It's better to arrange for them to go to He Hongchao's company first. It's not a problem to be the head of security.

He immediately contacted He Hongchao, and He Hongchao immediately agreed, and asked the three of them to report tomorrow.

The three of them were stunned. When they first came to Nanhai, they also worked as security guards, but they were all second-rate companies, unknown small businesses.And tomorrow, they will go to work in the largest company in South China Sea, and even in the top five companies in China. Leaving aside the salary, this honor is enough to make the three of them sigh with emotion for a few days.

Huang Boqing looked at Li Shunjie and smiled triumphantly: "How is it, brother."

Li Shunjie nodded with a silly smile: "That's great, Young Master Han, don't worry, I will work hard and will not disappoint your kindness."

Han Zixuan asked the three where they currently live and whether their working conditions are satisfactory.What, live in an old house in the western suburbs.No, it's too far to go to work, I'll contact you immediately to find a house, a three-bedroom apartment near the unit.

Don't worry, the price of the house is deducted from your salary, it's not me who takes care of you.Come on, continue to drink, Han Zixuan turned to look at the two girls: "Drink less, there is still gym class in the afternoon."

The three of Li Shunjie no longer have any worries and are in a good mood.Hearing the physical education class, I immediately remembered what happened last night, and I had a strong premonition in my heart, Lei Yun couldn't be fucked by them.

Wang Song boldly asked: "Mr. Guo, Mr. Duan, did Lei Yun not attend class? I heard that someone used a gun to collapse him."

Wang Tao also mentioned that Lao Lei sent a deputy director to their place last night and insisted that his son was raped by the three of us.

Seeing Han Zixuan's sinister smile, Huang Boqing immediately understood: "Fuck, it was you who did it again. Fortunately I was here yesterday, otherwise my seniors would have been entertained in the bureau."

"What's going on, I heard that the gun was fired." Huang Boqing asked.

Han Zixuan looked innocent: "Ask them, I don't know."

Guo Linghua wrote lightly: "It's nothing, Lei Yun wanted to treat me badly, so I moved him, Master Li, I caused you trouble, we will solve this matter as soon as possible."

Li Shunjie applauded: "Teacher Guo, you did a good job. Lei Yun is a beast. I wanted to beat him up when I was in school, but I didn't have the guts. I'm so happy that you helped me vent my anger."

When Han Zixuan and the others were eating and beating here, Yang Xueyi who ran out just now went to find Zhang Yunfei.

Because Zhang Yunfei was not beaten, he could still go to class.After class, he was still accompanied by two small followers.As soon as he came to the corridor, he was stopped by Yang Xueyi.

"Yang Xueyi, what's the matter?" Zhang Yunfei didn't dare to be arrogant when he met her. After returning home, his father Zhang Jian clearly told him not to mess with Yang Xueyi, and to be more polite and even courteous when meeting her in the future.

Zhang Yunfei didn't care, it was his right to please the beauties.

"The money is gone." Yang Xueyi looked black.

Of course Zhang Yunfei understands, but the matter is not resolved, my father personally visited your grandfather, why are you asking for money again.

"It's not enough." Zhang Yunfei said, licking his face.

"How much, give it to me first." Yang Xueyi continued to speak coldly.

Zhang Yunfei had no choice but to take out 1000 yuan from his wallet: "Yang Xueyi, you don't have much money today, so you spend it first, and come back if you don't have enough money."

Yang Xueyi was not polite, took the money and asked: "How about today's business?"

"You're welcome, it's all I should do." Zhang Yunfei flattered him.

"Let me tell you, I didn't come to ask you for money, it was Han Zixuan who asked me to come, do you remember?"

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