The campus is so cute

414 Skilled trades

Han Zixuan looked at the watch on his wrist, it was indeed very late, he urged Yang Xueyi to change clothes quickly, we are going to retreat, since we are not ordering service, why bother here.

Yang Xueyi said it’s okay, even if you don’t order the service, you can enjoy it, this is a place to rest, anyway, we paid, I used to come here often to exercise, and then I slept here for a night, and I can still eat here in the morning Very nice breakfast.

Han Zixuan said that he didn't want to eat breakfast here, if you like it, you can live here, he was going to go back, so he went to the bathroom to change the crappy clothes on his body.

He came to the bathroom, took off his clothes, revealing his muscular body, just as he was about to put on his clothes, suddenly a strong arm hugged him, it was Yang Xueyi.

Yang Xueyi showed a surprised expression: "You are lying, your chest muscles are obviously very developed, you fooled me just now, why are you hiding such a good figure, show me what you can do!"

Han Zixuan smiled helplessly, intending to let go of her hand, but she exerted great force and hugged her even tighter. Just as he was about to get angry, Yang Xueyi's voice was soft and poignant: "Let me hold her for a while, I'm afraid that in the future There is no chance!"

Han Zixuan was silent. In the mirror in front of them, there was a man wearing only a pair of briefs, and beside him was a girl with a ruddy face who was hugging him vigorously. What's maddening was that the girl's hands were dishonest. Feeling carelessly on his strong pectoral muscles.

"What are you doing?" Han Zixuan was a little annoyed.

"I just touch, I have never touched a man." Yang Xueyi raised her playful and ruddy face, with an obsessed look on her face.

Han Zixuan said distressedly: "Xueyi, it's almost done, stop making trouble!"

Yang Xueyi pouted: "Why are you so narrow-minded, you won't lose a piece of meat if you touch it, if you think I took advantage of it, you can touch mine too!"

Saying that, Yang Xueyi took off the outer white robe, revealing the pink close-fitting cutie and inner inner.

Han Zixuan swallowed his saliva. If he could control it, it would be impossible. After all, Yang Xueyi is also a girl with a good face and body. If she seduces him so boldly, any man will probably collapse.

In the back, Yang Xueyi even took the initiative to take Han Zixuan's hand to her upturned breasts. At this moment, there must be the effect of alcohol and the impulse of a young girl.

"Although it's a bit small, it's not that unbearable. I think that if a woman wants to enlarge her breasts, her lover's hand is the best massager. If you touch it more, it will definitely grow bigger in the future." Yang Xueyi signaled Han Zixuan can be stroked.

Suddenly she felt that she was restrained by a veil, and the other party must be uncomfortable touching it, so she simply reached behind her bra and unbuttoned her bra, and a pair of snow-white jade rabbits jumped out, vividly showing in front of the man.

Han Zixuan tried his best to control himself, but when his hand touched them, he would instinctively do what a man should do, stroking and teasing.

Yang Xueyi is a rookie, when Han Zixuan's hand rubbed and caressed her, she felt a strange but pleasant tingling sensation, which made her hum involuntarily. Immediately, her face turned red. Enlightenment film, it turns out that this thing will really make women mesmerized.

While playing with it, Han Zixuan buried his head in it, sucking greedily.

This blow immediately broke Yang Xueyi, when the man's sensitive and moist tongue teased there, the vibrating electric current made her cum.

"Xueyi, you were the one who seduced me first, or it's over now, or the two of us will go to hell together." Han Zixuan's voice was hoarse, and he understood what he was doing.

Yang Xueyi raised her charming face and offered a sweet kiss. In this narrow bathroom, a man and a woman embraced, kissed, and caressed each other.

Han Zixuan asked Yang Xueyi to lean on the bathroom table. Yang Xueyi was full of shyness. At this moment, her upper body had already collapsed, and a pair of briefs was hanging on one leg. She lifted her breasts high and put them on the man's shoulders.

"Zixuan, no, I can't hurt you, I want to give it to you too, but once you're broken, you can't break the seal." Yang Xueyi woke up at this moment, and realized that she had played too much. developed to this stage.

Han Zixuan was about to attack with a gun, but he stopped abruptly. At this time, he was much more sober, and he couldn't make mistakes.

Regardless of whether Yang Xueyi is a descendant of the Yang family, he can't do this, so he calmed down a little, took a few breaths of air and said, "Xueyi, I'm sorry, we both got a little impulsive!"

Yang Xueyi's face was flushed, and she opened her door wide at the moment, but she was not ashamed at all, instead she was very happy in her heart, and said lazily: "It's all your fault, using those torture methods, I almost couldn't help being hurt by you." Breakthrough!"

Han Zixuan was ashamed, you are the main responsibility for this matter, if you didn't take the initiative to seduce me, how could I be so passive, but after all, he was the one who took advantage, he didn't dare to say it brazenly.

Seeing that he was still staring at her private area, Yang Xueyi glared fiercely and said, "What are you looking at, turn around, you're so ashamed!"

Han Zixuan turned around in a hurry, Yang Xueyi stretched out her hand to put on her underwear, but she was so weak at the moment, she couldn't use her strength right next to her feet, she had no choice but to ask Han Zixuan for help.

Han Zixuan had no choice but to come to her, put on her underwear for her, and then put on a white robe, caring that she would not catch a cold.

Yang Xueyi found that his butt was still standing upright, and when she was dressing herself just now, she accidentally touched her body, causing her heart to thump wildly.

"Zixuan, come here." Yang Xueyi said with a blushing face.

Han Zixuan didn't understand, so when he got to her side, he realized that she was going to masturbate himself. Because of his nervousness and fear, he didn't realize that he was still in this posture at the moment.

"Xueyi, thank you." Han Zixuan said happily.

"I was the one to blame, so naturally I'm responsible, but my skills are not good, so don't worry too much about it." Yang Xueyi looked at him shyly.

Han Zixuan chuckled: "It's okay, this is a technical job, practice makes perfect!"

Yang Xueyi rolled his eyes at him: "You stinky men are technical workers, so it's not as complicated as you said!"

Han Zixuan was a little dazed, and when he saw Yang Xueyi approaching his face, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Xueyi, forget it, we are not a couple after all, it's not suitable!"

Yang Xueyi felt very sad, we all did this kind of thing, and we were just short of the last hurdle, and we were not considered a couple, but she soon felt relieved: "You think so beautifully, who wants to be a couple with you!"

Han Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief, hoping she was telling the truth.

"However, I'm going to get married in the future. I'm looking for a husband. I still have to do this kind of work. Why don't I use you as an experiment, and treat yourself as a customer to see if my service is up to par?" Yang Xueyi said, without waiting. Han Zixuan stopped him, leaned over, opened his ruddy mouth,

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