The campus is so cute

420 Crack the 3 Elements

Han Zixuan was even more depressed, this wizard goddess was too evil.He asked: "Excuse me, do you have a husband? Will he be happy if he knows that you are so evil?"

Su Liya gave him a hard look: "We wizards don't fall in love or get married. That's fine. How much nonsense do you have? Let's talk about it later. If there is no doubt, we will conduct a solemn signing ceremony."

What, and the ceremony.Han Zixuan hurriedly stopped: "Could it be some kind of seal again, you are very evil, I'm worried that you will be tricked by accident."

"I don't have the slightest interest in you, it's just a small ceremony. It means that if you go back on your word, or betray your original intention halfway, then you will be cursed by me. As for what, if you want to try, I will I won't refuse." Su Liya came to the window lightly, and then drew the curtains.

Han Zixuan asked why, Su Liya said that sunlight should not come in, otherwise the witchcraft would lose its effect, and she asked Han Zixuan to sit on a chair, close his eyes, and don't have to think about anything, it only takes a few minutes.

Can Han Zixuan not think about it? Signing the agreement means signing a prostitution contract.But it won’t work if you don’t sign it. You can’t live less than three years and die.What a pity to leave those white and tender daughters-in-law behind.

Su Liya glared fiercely: "Don't think about it, keep calm."

Han Zixuan collapsed: "Didn't you say you wouldn't spy on my thoughts? How could you backtrack?"

"I didn't snoop, I just saw," Surya said. "Okay, it'll be fine soon, just be quiet."

About 3 minutes later, Su Liya allowed Han Zixuan to open his eyes.Han Zixuan didn't notice any discomfort, and felt relieved a lot.

Since he wanted to break the seal, Han Zixuan naturally wanted to know the method, so he hurriedly asked.

Surya said: "Could it be that you don't know."

Han Zixuan said that he didn't know much about it, and it seemed that the blood of a girl descended from Molong was needed, and it had to be the blood of a virgin.

Su Liya nodded: "Well, it's basically like this. Have you found all these girls? If you find them, you can get their blood samples, and I can break the seal."

Han Zixuan shook his head, he was almost concerned, he was concerned about a topic, am I going to date these girls and make them my own woman.

Surya smiled: "Who told you that."

Han Zixuan said distressedly: "Anyway, they are the ones who told me, my master, them, and Molong's elders."

"Nothing, as long as the blood is gathered together. Of course, there are several requirements. The blood should be as pure as possible, which means that the blood of the virgin must be better, and the chance of breaking the seal will be increased. If the blood is not pure, the seal It can also be unlocked, but it may hurt you. For example, if you can unlock the seal now, it is mandatory, then you have only one possibility, and you will definitely die." Su Liya explained.

Han Zixuan listened carefully, these are the key points, absolutely must not be missed.

Su Liya added: "The second requirement is that your blood can fuse with the girl's blood, otherwise it's all nonsense."

After merging, Han Zixuan nervously asked: "How does it get related to what?"

"There are many relationships. It mainly depends on the degree of matching between the girl's blood and your blood. How to measure the degree of matching? The word Huaxia is very appropriate for you. For example, blood between relatives can be fused. Ancient medical skills are not developed. Using this This is the reason why there is a way to recognize relatives by dripping blood." Su Liya said.

Han Zixuan said confusedly: "We are definitely not relatives, the matching degree should not be very high, how to solve this problem."

"You don't have to worry about this. When I sealed you, I already considered this situation. According to the information Wen Lan gave me at that time, I had already obtained the blood of the five women of the Molong family. It has been fused with your blood, and the seal has been executed."

Han Zixuan was stunned: "Whose blood was the blood of the women of the five families at that time. After all, these girls are very young now, and they were not born at that time."

"I don't know much about your Molong situation. It was all provided by Wen Lan. It may be the blood in the bodies of these girls' mothers or aunts. I don't know the details. But it has been passed down from generation to generation. It's very similar to the blood at that time. That's why, the blood of a girl descended from Molong is needed to break the seal, that's why."

Han Zixuan suddenly realized that this was the reason.Then if we find the mothers or aunts of these girls, wouldn't it be easier to break the seal with their blood.

Surya nodded, that would be even better, but can you find it.After all, no one knew whose blood it was.Some may not even exist anymore.

Han Zixuan was so distressed that he couldn't help hating Wen Lan even more, it was all her fault.

But Su Liya said optimistically: "Han Zixuan, as long as you work hard, you will definitely find the right one. Don't worry too much about this, as long as the probability of similarity is close to half, plus my witchcraft, there is no big problem. "

Han Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But Su Liya poured cold water on it again: "I just said a key word called heart-to-heart, let me explain it to you. For example, you have found the right person in front of you. She is also a girl of Molong descendant, but your The blood cannot always be fused, and the degree of acquaintance is close to 100%, this will happen."

Han Zixuan was dumbfounded, and hurriedly asked why.

"Because the two bloods have a repelling effect. Through the blood, you can see the person's psychology, happiness and anger. Of course, only I can see it. If this girl hates you, loathes you, and even wants to kill you when she sees you, Then there’s no way, you can’t merge. Maybe that’s why you asked me if I took these girls home as wives. If they are your wives, then you don’t need to worry, they will definitely merge together. "

Han Zixuan finally understood.

"Sister Wizard, for example, even if I find the original blood at that time, it may not be able to integrate with me, because she may also reject me."

Su Liya nodded appreciatively: "That's right. After all, the fusion at that time was forced by me. Now that the seal is released, the fusion between you needs a natural fusion. Therefore, your master and the others will give you The path pointed is still correct, hurry up and find these girls, as long as you put your heart into it, you will definitely succeed."

Han Zixuan was very happy, after all, he learned a lot of things that he most wanted to know.If you want to break the seal, there are three elements, the blood must be as pure as possible, and the descendants of Molong cannot exclude me.Isn't this his own life path, to pick up girls who are descendants of Molong, and let them be his wives.

It seems that Wen Lan should have explained the situation to Master and the others at that time, but she just simplified the complicated relationship during the period.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan thought of Luo Yutong. After all, the Luo family was a mysterious family, and now he knew Luo Yutong.The relationship between him and Luo Yutong should be quite tense, and Han Zixuan thought that she might reject me, so why not ask Sister Wizard to check it out.After all, he held a small bottle in his hand. Luo Shumin gave it to him before he died. It was the blood in Luo Yutong's body.

Han Zixuan expressed his thoughts, Su Liya nodded and said, then you can bring the blood here now, I can check it for you.If you want to integrate all of them, a single fusion is the basis. If any one fails, the final outcome will be the same.

Han Zixuan went home immediately, got the bottle, and returned to the hotel.

Qian Zhao didn't leave either, he also wanted to increase his knowledge and watch the excitement.

Su Liya took a look at the bottle and said, "Well, it's very pure, this girl is a virgin."

Han Zixuan giggled.

Su Liya sarcastically said: "What is beautiful about you, you will know after a while."

She asked Han Zixuan to squeeze out a few drops of blood, and Han Zixuan immediately followed suit. He found a needle and pricked his index finger, and then dripped the blood into a small dish.

Surya then took a little of the blood out of the bottle and dripped it on the plate.

Han Zixuan was extremely nervous, and said in his heart that he must merge, Yutong, I know you don't like me, but you don't hate me enough.

Qian Zhao glanced at it and said with a smile: "There is no fusion."

Han Zixuan asked Su Liya in disbelief: "Is it true or not? There is no fusion."

Surya sighed: "No, and a little strangely, there is something wrong with your blood."

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