The campus is so cute

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In the other room, although Han Zixuan chatted with Mike every sentence, he always felt that the atmosphere was a bit off. This guy looked at him with gloomy eyes.

To be honest, Han Zixuan didn't like him from the very first moment they met.First, he was an American, and second, he had a special complex at the time. My aunt Han Qingyun was so elegant and beautiful, so I felt sorry for getting mixed up with this foreign man.To use a common saying of the moment, good things make dogs grass, and I do have this emotion.

Either Han Zixuan has a strong sense of national responsibility, or he has special feelings for Han Qingyun.But now, after knowing Han Qingyun's other side, he even suspected that the Mike in front of him was sent by the US government, and he was just unhappy.

As for Mike, he was actually not happy, because he was wondering why this person hadn't disappeared yet, and the actions on the South China Sea were too slow.

At this time, Han Qingyun received another news that Ma Yunfeng, the current leader of Emei, announced that he would retire, and the time was set for the day after tomorrow.

Han Qingyun was shocked when he heard the news, and immediately realized something.He returned to the room and saw that the atmosphere in the room was a bit deserted, so he hurried to smooth things over.Afterwards, she arranged for someone to take charge of Han Zixuan's departure.

Han Zixuan felt a little surprised why her attitude suddenly changed.He didn't ask too much, wishing he could leave this place now.It's just that he doesn't know where Wen Lan is hiding at all, and it's not easy to rescue Wen Lan unless he becomes the head of the family here.

Han Zixuan and the two left this place, quickly drove away and disappeared.

Mike looked at Han Qingjun and asked, "What's the situation, why did you let him go. Qingyun, I don't think we need to keep hiding it."

Han Qingyun's real name is Liu Qingyun, she is Liu Peng's daughter and a spy planted in those days.

Han Qingyun sighed: "Now is not the time. Besides, I watched Zixuan grow up. Some things are not easy to say. Wait until the time is right."

Mike sneered: "Anyway, I think this person is very dangerous, and he will definitely be my enemy in the future. I advise you, get rid of him quickly, it will be good for us and your father."

"No, he has what we need inside him."

"It doesn't matter. In America, I know a wizard. He can break any seal. It doesn't need to be so complicated." Mike said.

Han Qingyun gave him a hard look: "I understand what you mean, but Zixuan will definitely die like that."

"Hmph, Qingyun. You're showing too much love for him. I'm a little jealous." Mike said annoyed.

Han Qingyun gave him an angry look: "Okay, put Zixuan's matter aside for now, I will discipline him well, and he will definitely stand by my side in the end. Now we have to solve another big problem."

Han Zixuan returned to South China Sea with Chen Yuluo, and it happened to be night.The family immediately became lively, after all, everyone missed Chen Yuluo very much.

Xie Wenxuan joked: "Husband, you are really enthusiastic enough to go out of your way to welcome Yuluo back. We are so envious."

Chen Yuluo and Shen Hanyu had met each other a long time ago, and they were also familiar with Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying, so they blended in quickly.Not long after, the house was filled with Yingying and Yanyan, and Han Zixuan was a little dazzled when he saw all kinds of beauties shuttling in the room.

The atmosphere has been very lively, suddenly Shen Hanyu clapped his hands, motioning everyone to be quiet first.The ceremony to welcome Chen Yuluo was completed, and it was time to criticize someone.

When criticizing someone, Han Zixuan knew that he must be targeting me. He thought what was wrong with him, he wouldn't be so sad, he would be stabbed when he returned home.

Duan Hongying glanced at Han Zixuan with a look of guilt.

Xie Wenxuan asked Han Zixuan to stand up and be serious.Don't be joking, the following question is very serious, please answer the question truthfully and directly.

"Hong Ying, play that thing."

Duan Hongying grunted, took out the phone in his hand, and turned up the volume to the maximum.Han Zixuan was immediately dumbfounded after hearing this. This was the conversation he had with the two girls when he went to the third bedroom to rest after being confused with Yang Xueyi that night.

Han Zixuan pointed at the girls and said, "You are too despicable to keep doing such indecent methods."

Shen Hanyu glared at him: "We are nasty, if you don't do those nasty things, how would we know."

Xie Wenxuan hugged her shoulders and asked: "Let me explain, what's the situation, I don't go home in the middle of the night, so there are people outside, and they still have the rhythm of the big and small kings flying together."

Guo Linghua just pursed her lips and smiled, as if watching the excitement.

Chen Yuluo was also dumbfounded, it turned out that the days after Zixuan's return were so tormented, it really hurt him.

Han Zixuan listened carefully to the recording just now. Although he drank too much that night, he knew that he definitely did not do that kind of thing.But I was afraid that I would talk nonsense without knowing the door. After listening to it, I didn't say anything. It was basically a conversation between Yang Xueyi and the two of them.

"You heard it too. I don't know anything. The two of them are talking nonsense. We have no adultery at all, and if we really do that kind of thing, there will be that kind of voice. You all understand."

"Hmph." Shen Hanyu said dissatisfied: "Zixuan, I'll give you another chance to explain seriously. Do you have any problems?"

"I just drank too much that day, and I didn't want to go home and disturb you. I went there. I didn't expect Yang Xueyi to go there too. It was just a coincidence. There were three rooms there, and we slept in separate rooms. Nothing happened."

"Did that happen before?" Xie Wenxuan asked.

Before, Han Zixuan was a little guilty, when he and Yang Xueyi went to the clubhouse for consumption, in the bathroom, he helped him masturbate and fuck him.But only two people know about this kind of thing, and they definitely don't know.

"No, I just drank some wine with Yang Xueyi before. This girl is just a little depressed. We are very innocent and did nothing else." Han Zixuan said forcefully.

Guo Linghua couldn't stand it anymore and ordered Duan Hongying to play the next paragraph.

What, there is the next paragraph.

This paragraph is when Han Zixuan didn't go, Yang Xueyi rushed there first, and there was a previous conversation with Luo Yutong in it.I didn't expect that this girl, who didn't know the door, would tell all the shit that happened between the two of them. She also hoped that Luo Yutong could help her analyze what was going on between the two of them.

Han Zixuan broke down, hating Yang Xueyi to death, why did he drink so much, otherwise he wouldn't be as flamboyant as he is today.

Xie Wenxuan made a speech at this time, pointing the finger at Yang Xueyi, this little bastard, who had an argument with me that day, then went out with my man at night, and even shamelessly did nasty things, it pissed me off.Tomorrow I will talk to her and give her this recording. This is a college student in the new era, without any moral integrity.

Shen Hanyu told Xie Wenxuan to be quiet first, she looked at Han Zixuan and asked: "Zixuan, we are all calm. How far have you and Yang Xueyi got, it seems that you are the other, what is your attitude, and what is her attitude."

"We didn't have that. In the end, the two of us sobered up and immediately braked. And we regretted it afterwards, recognized our mistake, and stated that we will do well in the future and will not do such embarrassing things again." Han Zixuan flattered .

After hearing this, the girls burst out laughing.

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