The campus is so cute

43 Miss Returns

Han Zixuan was secretly happy. A reaction meant that Shen Zhirong's leg might still be healed. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Shen, this is a good sign. Believe me, you will definitely be able to stand up again in a short time."

Shen Zhirong's face also showed excitement, and this was an excitement he hadn't seen for a long time.Since all the misfortunes happened at home, he has been suppressing his emotions, and today he can finally smile.

Han Zixuan told him not to get excited, the treatment needs to be done slowly, but let him maintain a happy attitude, a good mood can resist any illness.

After half an hour passed, Han Zixuan felt that it was almost done. What he had to do every day was to infuse his true energy, wait for a while, and then do some rehabilitation.

Shen Zhirong asked puzzledly: "Mr. Han, I never thought that you would have such superb medical skills at such a young age. You are young and promising."

Han Zixuan smiled modestly, and suddenly thought of A Dong, he asked cautiously: "Mr. Shen, forgive me. The bodyguards around you are not very reliable, they may not treat you sincerely."

Shen Zhirong nodded: "I understand. These people originally followed me, but now that they see me like this, they inevitably have other thoughts in their hearts. Coupled with that person's threats and temptations, there must be some rebels."

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhirong understood everything. It seems that there must be something wrong with this A-Dong, and everything is waiting for Yunxi to send him news.He is worried about his safety, especially at this critical stage.

Shen Zhirong heard Han Zixuan's worry, and frowned: "Mr. Han, you are right, but I really don't have anyone available around me."

Han Zixuan felt that this problem was very serious, he couldn't be here every day, and he didn't have a single soldier under his command, suddenly he felt a little helpless.

"Well, this is the only way at present. I will still come to the doctor every day, but your performance should be normal. It will be the same as the treatment in the past. It will have no effect at all. It can paralyze the opponent and protect yourself. When the time is right, we will To deal a fatal blow to the enemy."

After leaving Shen Zhirong's place, Han Zixuan went home and waited for Bi Yunxi's news. Soon Yunxi came back. As expected, there was something wrong with this Ah Dong. He left the suburban villa, took a taxi to the urban area, and then entered a company, Shen's Group.

Han Zixuan felt sorry for Shen Hanyu in her heart. The family struggle was indeed tragic, how could she bear it in her heart.

In the evening, Han Zixuan went to the casino as usual, accompanied by Han Qingjun.The casino is still very lively, smoky and noisy.Han Zixuan remembered Bi Yunxi's worries, so he talked to his aunt in the car.

Unexpectedly, Han Qingyun was happy when he heard this: "Zixuan, Yunxi is so cute, it means that I still have good looks and am capable of seducing a handsome guy like you."

Han Zixuan smiled wryly in his heart, he didn't dare to say that this was his mother-in-law's worry, for fear of causing trouble to the relationship between the two families, but he remembered that his mother-in-law said that Han Qingyun was not his own aunt.

"Auntie, you are really my mother's sister." Han Zixuan asked cautiously.

Han Qingyun gave him a meaningful look: "Actually, I should have told you earlier. I am not your aunt, but I am older than you. You feel wronged if you call me aunt. Could it be that I have treated you badly?"

"Of course not, closer than my aunt." Han Zixuan had the answer in his heart, and then joked: "Auntie, how old are you, you should be married."

"A woman's age is a secret, guess what." Han Qingyun rarely had such a cute side.

"I can't guess, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake." Han Zixuan said with a smile.

"Say it, I won't eat you again."

"." Han Zixuan narrowed his eyes and said.

"Spoof." Han Qingyun suddenly fell into deep thought, and quickly said, "I don't think about my own affairs now. I'll think about it when Molong recovers."

God, I have to speed up my progress, otherwise I will delay the happy life of the older young women in the future.

Dong Changhua still waited for Han Zixuan, the two became more familiar than before, chatting and laughing as they came to the casino to draw and draw cards.

Dong Changhua followed Han Zixuan holding down the money, and suddenly said: "Young Master Han, it seems that you are not the one who is short of money, why do you come here to make trouble? Regarding your matter, he thinks that you must have a plan for doing this."

"For money, how easy it is to win money here."

"That being said, there is a chick in the Chen family who is very domineering. She may appear here tonight. That girl is too tough. Be careful and accept it when she is good." It must have something to do with the Chen family.

Chen Jingzhi and Chen Yuqi were sitting face to face, while Chen Ming was standing on the side making a report, Xiao Sha's anger was written all over his face: "Master, Young Master, don't hesitate, kill this Han, he is not from Beijin , nobody knows."

Chen Jingzhi waved his hand: "This matter cannot be done like this. What is the origin of this Han Zixuan, and how is your investigation going?"

Chen Ming continued: "He is a student of Nanhai University. This time he went back to Beijin with his girlfriend Bi Yunxi to rescue Bi Yunfan. He did this for revenge and to find face for Bi Yunfan."

Chen Yuqi cursed his mother inwardly, then stared at his father: "Dad, don't hesitate, just kill him without anyone noticing."

Chen Jingzhi stared at Chen Ming: "Who are his parents and what are they doing in South China Sea?"

"Blank, no results."

Chen Yuqi was annoyed: "Trash, could it be that he grew out of the air? Could it be the reincarnation of Sun Monkey? He must have parents and sisters, why can't they find out."

Chen Jingzhi suddenly said: "Maybe he is not from the South China Sea. Our investigation direction was wrong from the beginning. What is this Han Zixuan going to do? Could it be that he is deliberately enmity with us?"

Chen Yuqi asked Chen Ming to leave, and said to Chen Jingzhi, "Could it have something to do with the blueprint?"

Chen Jingzhi's face was stern: "Yuqi, you are right. Now we don't know his identity, so we don't understand his motives."

Chen Yuqi rolled his eyes: "My sister is back, why don't I let her handle this matter. I won't show up, after all, he knows me."

Chen Yuluo returned secretly soon, and when she saw her father and brother, she said with a cold and gloomy face, "Dad, I just came back, what do you want from me?"

"Why did you go these few days?" Chen Jingzhi looked concerned.

"I went to Mount Emei to find my master and practice martial arts." Chen Yuluo's attitude was still a little cold.

Chen Yuqi sneered after hearing this: "Sister, your kung fu is already very good, don't tell me you still want to be the leader of the martial arts. Besides, what's the age now, there are guns and cannons, martial arts are useless."

Chen Jingzhi gave him a hard look: "What do you know, martial arts is the foundation, if you don't practice it, it will be useless."

Chen Yuqi shrugged: "I don't practice, but I'm not neglected, even ten or eight can't get close to me."

Chen Yuluo sneered and said, "Are you the young master? Who would dare to get close to you?"

Unexpectedly, the two brothers and sisters of the Chen family would be at odds. Chen Jingzhi shook his head distressedly: "Forget it, you two don't quarrel when you meet. Now we have to be consistent with the outside world, and new troubles have come."

After Chen Yuluo finished listening, he immediately understood his father's intention: "Do you want to kill him?"

Chen Yuqi hastily said, "Kill, why not kill?"

Chen Jingzhi stared fiercely: "Presumptuous, it's none of your business here, you go out."

Chen Yuqi happened to be at leisure: "Then I'm going back to the city, I don't want to hang out with these gamblers here every day."

"Dad, what do you think?" Chen Yuluo asked.

I don't know his identity now, first of all we need to figure out his identity and his motives.Don't kill him yet, so as not to cause trouble.At most, he will be taught a lesson. Looking at his thin body, he might faint if you slap him. When Chen Jingzhi said this, he burst out laughing.

Chen Yuluo also smiled: "Such a waste, I still need to do it. Just go to Chen Ming and the others."

"It's better for you to come, I can rest assured that you can do things."

It was past seven o'clock, and Han Zixuan was still winning. Han Qingyun reminded him in front of him, "Zixuan, Chen Yuluo has appeared."

As she walked down the stairs slowly, the eyes of the gamblers naturally fell on her face.Chen Yuluo is tall and tall, comparable to a model. She wears a pair of shiny black leather pants on a pair of slender thighs, and a pair of black high boots under her feet make her legs full of magic, attracting the attention of men.

Of course, Chen Yuluo's deadly weapon was her face, which was as gorgeous as a country and a city.But the men dare not go forward, because they know that there is a vicious and vicious heart hidden under this beautiful appearance.Many people have suffered a lot. Although they saved their lives, they inevitably suffered severe physical injuries.

The surprise passed quickly, and the gamblers didn't dare to stay too long, for fear of offending Miss Chen's family.

As expected, Chen Yuqi was already so beautiful that men were jealous, and it was obvious that Chen Yuluo was a beauty.But Han Zixuan, who is used to seeing beautiful women, has improved his immunity a lot, and instead pays attention to her emotional fluctuations.

Dong Changhua was quite apprehensive: "Young Master Han, let's end it, or trouble will come."

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you just a woman, and you're being ridden under by a man." Han Zixuan said rudely, and then stared at Chen Yuluo with a hungry wolf-like light in his eyes.

Chen Yuluo was naturally looking for Han Zixuan, but she didn't expect this damn guy to be staring at her. Suddenly she saw Han Qingyun in front of him, and cursed inwardly: "Damn pervert, you won't be able to be a man tonight."

Chen Yuluo pretended to look around the surroundings, instead of looking at Han Zixuan, just like everyone in the venue, looking east and west.When those spectators saw Miss Chen coming, they all said excitedly, "Miss, you are finally back."

"Well, how about it, it's normal these days."

A few people cried, and pointed at Han Zixuan: "It's just him, he's out of money, and we can't catch him again. He won a lot of money."

Chen Yuluo nodded: "Is there anything else?"

"It's gone, now we have to catch how he got out of trouble, then catch him, and give him a hard lesson."

Chen Yuluo nodded: "Okay, everyone, take a closer look."

Chen Yuluo also wants to take a look first. Although she is not good at gambling, she is very familiar with Qianshu. When an ordinary Qianshu master comes to her, he can only consider himself unlucky.

I checked several times, but found nothing.Even so, her eyes were sharp, and she seemed to see a little way.Because she discovered that Han Zixuan's hand was secretly moving strength, this discovery made her extremely excited.

So she continued to watch, she stared at the cards tightly, and she actually found that the poker cards had lifted a little bit, she understood.No wonder they couldn't catch it, even if they caught it, there was no evidence at all.

Suddenly, Chen Yuluo was puzzled, this Han Zixuan was a master, not as vulnerable as his father said.

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