Han Qingyun came out of the laboratory with a smile on his face.I hurried to find Mike to report the good news.

But Mike was in a bad mood because Su Kelei was dead.They make it a rule to keep in touch every day. If there is no contact for a day, then there must be an accident.

He secretly arranged for Su Kelei to carry out the task this time, and did not discuss it with Han Qingyun.Because at present, Han Qingjun still has a lot of affection for Han Zixuan.

Han Qingyun found that Mike was in a bad mood, so he asked him what was going on.

Of course Mike would not say much, just a few perfunctory words.

Han Qingyun suddenly asked: "When will Su Kelei and the others come back? They have been out for a long time."

Mike paused and said, "It should be soon, I'll contact them right away."

Han Qingyun didn't think much about it, and continued to immerse herself in her joy. After leaving, she decided to go to the South China Sea in person to meet Bi Yunxi.

Bi Yunxi recently stayed at He Lizi's place. The reason why she left the villa was because she noticed Han Zixuan's indifference to her. She wanted to investigate secretly to find out what the problem was.However, she still has no clue, and so far she has made no progress.Instead, she discovered He Lizi's secretive behavior, so she sneaked out to meet Han Zixuan once in a while.This behavior made Bi Yunxi feel even more sad.

Both of them can be reconciled, why is there a problem between us.What happened, many times, she really wanted to ask Han Zixuan, but she didn't have the guts.After all, these are her girls' keen guesses, and there is no definite evidence.

Bi Yunxi went to class as usual today, and received a text message from Han Qingyun, who wanted to meet her alone.Bi Yunxi was very happy. After returning here from Sichuan, she felt lonely and finally met her relatives.

The two met at a secret place, and naturally they were very affectionate after meeting.Han Qingyun is a master of acting, no matter for Han Zixuan or Bi Yunxi.

Han Qingyun is concerned about the current situation of the two of them.Bi Yunxi has always been depressed, unable to vent.Finally met someone to chat with, so she talked about the feeling in her heart, Han Zixuan's wariness and indifference towards her.

Han Qingyun was surprised in his heart, did Han Zixuan notice something.The main purpose of her putting Bi Yunxi back this time is to keep a confidant so that she can understand Han Zixuan's every move.But if the two are no longer together, it has no effect.

"Yunxi, this is your fault. You have been separated for a long time, and it is inevitable that you will be estranged. But you choose to leave, and it will make the relationship between the two of you even more distant. My aunt told you that all men in the world are the same. As long as you take the initiative and you are so beautiful, he will definitely be reluctant to let you go."

Bi Yunxi pouted: "Auntie, you are wrong. The current Zixuan is no longer the hazy youth who just came down the mountain. There are many beautiful, mature and elegant women around him. With them, he will not care about it." And me."

"Silly girl, how could it be, you are the most important woman around Han Zixuan, he will not abandon you. Listen to me, find a way to get back to him after you go back, unless you don't like him anymore." Han Qingyun bewitched .

"Auntie, no. I have liked him since the first time I saw him. But you have to teach me how to do it." After all, Bi Yunxi is a pure girl, and she doesn't know much about the relationship between men and women.

Han Qingyun pondered and said: "Yunxi, you have to give full play to your strengths. You are a straightforward and intelligent girl. If you like him, go forward bravely. Don't worry too much. He still has you in his heart, but what do you think?" gone."

"I think so too. Maybe I'm too sensitive. And now there are indeed many outstanding women around him, especially those fairy-like sisters. I dare not stand with them." Bi Yunxi felt a little ashamed Dao, in fact, she is also very good, it's just the effect of the heart.

Han Qingyun's eyes rolled. If it was really because of these women, she didn't think it was a problem.Yunxi has a simple personality, and it's normal to have some thoughts.But Han Zixuan must have done or said something, otherwise Yunxi would not have thought about it.

When Han Qingyun met Han Zixuan two days ago, he felt something different.What went wrong, and what exactly did Han Zixuan discover.Unless he discovers his identity and secrets, but she has been cautious all these years, and it is impossible to expose them.Moreover, Bi Yunxi's experience of going to Yangcheng has been completely erased, and there is no danger.

Although Mike had the idea of ​​eliminating Han Zixuan, he never took action.She suddenly thought of Su Kelei and the others. Now that there is no news, she thought of the gloomy face on Mike's face, and she seemed to understand.

No matter what you say, you should start taking action as soon as possible.Suddenly, Han Qingyun grabbed Bi Yunxi's wrist and led her away quickly.

Bi Yunxi didn't know why, but just followed blindly.Han Qingyun took her to a hotel, and when he arrived at the hotel, Han Qingyun got a rag from somewhere and covered Bi Yunxi's mouth and nose, and soon Bi Yunxi passed out.

At this time, Han Qingyun took out a suitcase from under the bed, which contained a lot of medical equipment and bottles and jars, which were her personal magic weapons.She found a green liquid and injected it into Bi Yunxi's arm with a syringe.

Afterwards, Han Qingyun began to use his thoughts to manipulate Bi Yunxi's brain, force her to enter a secret order, approach Han Zixuan, and get the black box.

Wait for everything to finish, about 5 minutes or so.Then Han Qingjun sorted out his things and woke up Bi Yunxi.Bi Yunxi felt dazed and didn't know why.

Han Qingjun said that she fainted just now and probably felt unwell, so she took her to the hotel to rest for a while.The two talked a little more, and Han Qingyun left.

Bi Yunxi watched her leave, then returned to the bed and continued to rest.

Han Qingyun was carrying a yellow leather suitcase in his hand, and a pair of big sunglasses were sandwiched between his face. He was stylishly dressed and had a slim figure, so he couldn't tell his age at all.

She left the hotel, took out her phone, and arranged for a private jet to pick her up and return to Sichuan.Then, she stopped a car and rushed to the airport.

This scene fell into He Lizi's eyes.Because she has a special mission, Han Zixuan asked her to pay close attention to Bi Yunxi's every move.

Originally, she thought Han Zixuan was joking, but Bi Yunxi had a little problem. Who is this woman who appeared out of nowhere? She just took a few photos secretly.

And where is Bi Yunxi and why didn't he come out.What happened in the hotel just now.Worried about Bi Yunxi's safety, He Lizi hurried to the hotel.

It took a long time before the waiter allowed her to go upstairs to check, and when she opened the door, He Lizi found that Bi Yunxi was drowsy on the bed.When the waiter left, He Lizi rushed to check and woke up Bi Yunxi.

Bi Yunxi woke up in a daze, and seeing He Lizi asked in a daze, "Why are you here?"

"Yunxi, are you okay, how do you sleep in broad daylight, and you come to the hotel to sleep."

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