The campus is so cute

447 It's not like marrying my son-in-law

When Han Zixuan arrived at He's house, their whole family was there.Seeing him coming, He Lizi showed joy on her face, and then deliberately showed a fierce look: "What are you doing here?"

Seeing this, He Hongchao couldn't help laughing and said, "Lizi, stop pretending. The two of you have reconciled, and you're still lying to us."

Shen Yuelan also showed an attitude of watching the show.He Lizi yelled, her face flushed slightly, she ran back to her room shyly, and cast a vicious glance at Han Zixuan when closing the door.

He Hongchao said gratefully: "Zixuan, I don't know what method you used to finally subdue this stubborn girl. In fact, we have already seen it. Recently, she is smiling every day. We know that the two of you are in harmony with each other. alright."

"Actually, there's no way to do it. It's a bit ugly to say." Han Zixuan said that he threatened the other party with death to scare the other party.

Shen Yuelan complained to Han Zixuan after hearing this, her actions were too extreme, thanks to your thinking.Han Zixuan said that it was not just casual talk, during that time life was really worse than death.

He Hongchao frowned, knowing that Han Zixuan must have something to do, he asked Shen Yuelan to avoid it first.Shen Yuelan went to her daughter's room.

"Uncle He, I heard that you are not feeling well, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just a little cold. After all, I'm getting older, and my resistance is not as good as before." He Hongchao showed a tired look on his face.

Han Zixuan suddenly discovered that He Hongchao was indeed much older than before, and his temples were suddenly a little gray, completely inconsistent with the strong and stern character he met back then.

He Hongchao hurriedly returned to the topic just now, why would life be worse than death.

The two of them had nothing to guard against, about their own seal, because of the existence of this seal, they couldn't have children at all.

He Hongchao sighed: "It's a crime. But since the problem has arisen, we have to solve it quickly. What progress is there now?"

Han Zixuan briefly said something, such as the arrival of Su Liya.The more difficult question is in the back, Yang Xueyi is not good, and Luo Yutong is not a suitable candidate.

He Hongchao squinted his eyes: "I know about the Yang family's problems. Yang Qihua also has a son named Yang Hong. He has a pair of sons and daughters. The son's name is Yang Tianjun, and the daughter's name is Yang Xueqing."

Yang Tianjun, Han Zixuan suddenly remembered that he had contacted him on the first day of school, and knew that his surname was Yang, and he seemed to be protecting Yang Xueyi at that time, and the momentum at that time was still very large.

It's just that there is no news of Yang Tianjun when he came back this time, so he probably graduated.As for Yang Xueqing, Han Zixuan didn't understand.

"Since Yang Xueyi is not suitable, I'm afraid the only option is to find Yang Xueqing. But there are many problems involved, so it will be more difficult."

Yang He's brother, Yang Hong, is his elder brother and is currently the top leader in the North China Military Region.These are not important, the key point is that Yang Hong has conflicts with Yang Qihua and Yang He, and the source of the conflicts is Mo Long.Yang Hong is a decent person and hates the existence of an organization like Mo Long, so he hates Yang Qihua and Yang He getting close to Mo Long. In the end, Yang Qihua and Yang Hong have many conflicts, and they have not been in contact since then.

Han Zixuan didn't expect the Yang family to have so many problems, but he will definitely deal with Yang Hong in the future, and it is necessary to get to know this Yang Xueqing.

He Hongchao doesn't know much about their family's current situation. You can only ask Yang Qihua, the old chief, and he will definitely help you solve the problem.

Then let's talk about the Luo family. There are currently clues about this person, which has always existed in Tianxing, and it is very likely that he is currently living in the United States.

He Hongchao didn't understand this question, and he could only hope that Han Zixuan could find this person as soon as possible, but he told Han Zixuan that although Chu Xiaotian was dead, Chu Xiangdong was still alive, and he would definitely know about this matter.

Han Zixuan's eyes lit up immediately, and he remembered it in his heart.

Afterwards, He Hongchao asked him if he must have something to do, and if he was looking for Li Zi, then your aunt and I will definitely go out to make room for the two of you.

Han Zixuan smiled, that is not in a hurry, the main purpose of his visit is to buy a private jet, which will definitely be needed in the future, I hope he can help.

He Hongchao smiled: "Zixuan, I didn't misread you. You will definitely be someone who will do great things in the future. I also know a lot about the situation in the South China Sea. Xie Wenhao currently controls the west, and it seems that it is expected to expand further. "

Regarding the underworld in South China Sea, Han Zixuan actually had no intention of fighting, but He Hongchao just mentioned it, so he decided to test the waters.With his current abilities and ideas, he wants to build a more elite force, similar to various organizations, of course he will never commit acts of treason.

After getting in touch with Han Qingyun in Yangcheng and Sichuan, the underworld is so weak now that he won't take it seriously.It's just for Xie Wenhao's fun, after all, he is quite suitable for this path.

In addition, Han Zixuan also wants to get in touch more, open up his limited resources in many aspects, and form his own all-round integrated strategic idea, which is a bit far-fetched, but he is working hard step by step.

Of course, his main job is still to break the seal. Here alone, he will encounter constant troubles and unknown confusion.

He Hongchao said that I will contact you for you. If it is not enough to buy a plane, you will not blackmail your father-in-law, let me do it alone.You kid is not short of money, don't be too stingy.

This old father-in-law brought the relationship between the two closer, and all the previous conflicts and grievances disappeared.

You just need to help me get in touch and do some operations in this area. As for the money, I will pay, so I won't let you pay for it yourself.

He Hongchao laughed loudly: "Zixuan, in order to show the sincerity of our He family, I personally send you two private jets. What do you think of this great gift?"

Coincidentally, when Shen Yuelan and He Lizi came out and heard this part, the two women opened their mouths in surprise. Old He was too generous, to be so generous just to curry favor with his son-in-law.

He Lizi was not happy: "Dad, our family is marrying a daughter, not a son-in-law. There is no reason for the woman to pay for it, and she also sent two planes. He took too much advantage."

He Hongchao said solemnly: "To marry a daughter, whoever wants to get married, you have to marry someone. Who should you marry."

Accidentally revealing her thoughts, He Lizi's face flushed red again, she hesitated for a long time and went back to her room angrily.

Although Shen Yuelan also recognized Han Zixuan, she felt that it was inappropriate to send him the plane.Han Zixuan is not short of money. This kid bribed us with cigarettes and alcohol worth a hundred and ten yuan. It was too easy for our family, so he sent us away.

"Zixuan, since you're here to propose marriage, I want to say, you can't be too stingy, we don't need a house, a car ticket, but you should buy something for us Lizi."

Han Zixuan smiled awkwardly, and the other party thought that he had come to propose marriage today.

He Hongchao glared at his wife: "We're talking about serious things. Zixuan didn't come to propose marriage today, so don't interfere. Hurry up and get some food, and stay with Zixuan for dinner later."

Han Zixuan checked the time, it was still enough, so he didn't refuse.

Shen Yuelan muttered that sending the plane was still a serious matter, what are you talking about, these two big and small bastards are bullying our mothers and daughters.

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