The campus is so cute

45 Father-in-law Liuxu

After Han Zixuan returned home, he was still addicted to the fun of racing just now, thinking to himself that Chen Yuluo would definitely collapse.

Seeing that he looked very good, Bi Yunxi couldn't help asking curiously: "What's the matter, maybe I met Chen Yuluo today."

Really guessed right, Han Zixuan praised a few words, and then briefly described what happened tonight, especially the part of the drag racing, this chick is quite cute when she is single-minded.

Bi Yunxi pouted: "Is she beautiful?"

Not to mention, it's just tasteful, in aunt's words, it's hot enough, strong enough, he's a difficult boss, he can already guess that Chen Yuluo will definitely pay attention to him in the next few days, and face-to-face contact will be indispensable in the future.

Bi Yunxi was suspicious, arguing that she would go to the casino with her tomorrow, insisting on seeing Miss Chen's face, she had a bad feeling in her heart, Han Zixuan seemed to like dealing with this Miss Chen very much, seeing how he looked when he came back. Her face was beaming, and she became angry when she saw it.

"By the way, I also know one very important thing. It turns out that Chen Yuluo and you are sister-in-law." Han Zixuan stared at Bi Yunxi in surprise, with her jealous little face, he couldn't help but love and pity her, He reached out and hugged her.

Bi Yunxi obediently got into his warm embrace: "What junior sister, what nonsense are you talking about?"

You all have a martial arts master, Emei Daoist Ma Yunfeng.

Bi Yunxi was stunned: "My master, how did you know, I never mentioned it to you."

You have found out my details, so can't I find out about you, after all, you will be my wife in the future, you have to understand clearly.

Who is your eldest wife? I didn't agree to marry you. Bi Yunxi gave him a charming look, then asked uncertainly, "Really, Chen Yuluo is also Ma Yunfeng's apprentice."

She is probably a named apprentice just like you, and you will definitely meet in the future. Seeing the relationship between the brothers and sisters of the same school, she should not make things difficult for us.

Maybe, according to what you said, Chen Yuluo is so vicious that she chops off people's fingers in public. She is still a woman, not cute or gentle at all.

Of course, you are the most gentle woman, Han Zixuan pounced on her, and then lifted her dress.

"Mr. Shen, your leg should be cured. I guess I will come here for about a week, and then I will start taking medicine for recuperation. It will definitely recover in three months at the latest." Han Zixuan gave Shen Zhirong the Molong Zhen Furious, said vowedly.

Shen Zhirong doubted his identity from the very beginning, but now seeing Han Zixuan's heart filled with deep gratitude, he asked Han Zixuan to sit beside him with a kind face: "Mr. Han, thank you."

"Mr. Shen, don't call me Mr. Han, it's too natural, call me Zixuan when there is no one else." Han Zixuan intentionally approached him.

Shen Zhirong nodded with a smile: "Zixuan, don't call Mr. Shen when there is no one else. Wouldn't it be better for you."

"Uncle, during the treatment period, you must keep it secret. The bodyguards and maids around you are probably unreliable. You can replace them when you have time. They are always time bombs by your side."

It doesn't matter, he won't kill me, he just wants to watch me live in pain, think about it, a man who could have controlled the lifeline of the whole family now has lost his wife, his children have left him, and he is sick in bed.Wouldn't this pain be worse than death.

Han Zixuan was not sure: "Is he really your second brother Shen Zhiqiang?"

Shen Zhirong gritted his teeth: "There is no one else but him."

What happened back then, Han Zixuan knew that this question was not good and would easily cause his sorrow, but he still wanted to find out.

Shen Zhirong nodded: "Zixuan, you are not an outsider, I will tell you slowly."

This sentence was undoubtedly a strong stimulant, Han Zixuan felt warm in his heart, and it was a difficult first step.

Back then, I was the chairman of Shen's Group. It can be said that the spring is full of wind, and the Shen family's business is also thriving and developing vigorously.But it's a pity that I only had a daughter at that time, but no son.

In a big family, if the business has a future, it needs a son to inherit it. At that time, I did have this selfish intention. No matter how good the son-in-law is, he is not my family.God favored me. My wife was pregnant with her second child. As her belly got bigger and bigger, I became more and more nervous. Later, I went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. The doctor said it was my son.

The whole family knew the good news, and my father was also very happy.Our whole family was immersed in joy, but we didn't expect that at this time, we would be killed.

That day, after dinner, I drove with my daughter-in-law for a walk and a drive.But tragedy happened. Suddenly, the truck rammed into my car sideways.Having said this, Shen Zhirong lost control of his emotions, picked up the teapot beside him and threw it out like a convulsion.

Han Zixuan understood that Shen Zhiqiang was vicious enough, and he did not hesitate to murder two people in order to gain power.

Shen Zhirong calmed down slowly: "Zixuan, I still can't forget that I was a little emotional just now, I hope you understand."

"Uncle, I understand you. In fact, I am the same as you. My parents also passed away, and I still don't know who the murderer is." Han Zixuan sometimes expressed doubts about what his aunt said, but in his heart Li is still convinced.

Shen Zhirong didn't expect that he, who looks proud and cynical on the outside, would have such a tragic past. The moment of fate-connection brings the two closer.

"I was young at the time and knew everything. My aunt told me later. Unlike you, who experienced the tragedy firsthand." Han Zixuan comforted: "Uncle, forget the past, we have to fight for everything that was lost at that time. return."

"Is it possible?" Shen Zhirong smiled miserably.

"Absolutely, I will help you." Han Zixuan held his hand, and Shen Zhirong felt a strong force.He suddenly felt that Han Zixuan was very good as his son-in-law, but he didn't know how the relationship between the two of them was progressing.

He then asked: "Zixuan, how long have you known Hanyu, are you dating?"

Han Zixuan smiled wryly: "Uncle, I am laughing at you. We have known each other for more than a month, but we haven't seen each other for many days. We have not spoken a few words in total."

"Hey, I know Hanyu, she is proud and arrogant, and she is sad now, you have to understand her. But I am optimistic about you, work hard."

After leaving Shen Zhirong's room, the bodyguard A Dong hurried up and asked calmly, "Boy, are you good at all? Do you know how to see a doctor?"

Han Zixuan sized him up: "It's none of your business."

A Dong didn't dare to have physical contact with Han Zixuan. Last time he couldn't even kill a little girl, he felt very guilty and sad.

"This is the Shen family's villa, not a place where you can come whenever you want. I warn you, don't fucking come here again." A Dong said coldly.

"What's the matter, Shen Zhirong didn't drive me away, and you acted wildly. Could it be that you don't even care about your master." Han Zixuan glanced at him.

A Dong knew that what he said just now was a bit reckless, so he immediately changed his face: "Mr. Han, don't take offense. Our Master Shen is sick, so it's really inconvenient for you to come all the time."

"That's right, let me ask you, how long has your master been paralyzed."

It's been several years, I have changed many doctors, and some famous foreign doctors have come to see me, but there is no improvement.Mr. Han, you can see what is the way.

"If it doesn't improve, it's a useless person." Han Zixuan said regretfully.

A Dongxin said that it is up to you to say, if you know how to see a doctor, sows will climb trees.Then don't come here in the future, not only will it not relieve Master Shen's pain, but it will also cause trouble.

"Brother Dong, do me a favor." Han Zixuan took out five hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to him.

Seeing Qian's eyes wide open, Ah Dong grinned, "What is it?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm not a doctor at all. I came here to get close to Mr. Shen and impress him. I hope he can say something nice about me to his daughter. Do you understand me?" Very cheap looking.

A Dong suddenly realized, no wonder your kid ran here every three days, so it turned out to be to sneak a beard from his future father-in-law.It's really good, other people pick up girls with beautiful beards, you go straight to the point.I also admire you.

"Understood, I understand. Then you will come here often in the future." A Dong shook the money in his hand, the meaning was very clear, and he wanted to stuff the money.

Han Zixuan gave him another five hundred: "Thank you, Brother Dong."

In the evening, Han Zixuan didn't go to the casino because he wanted to meet someone, Dong Changhua's elder brother Dong Changjie.During the day, Dong Changhua called him and invited him for a drink.

Arriving at the reserved bar, the waiter led Han Zixuan to the private room, opened the door, and there were two people sitting inside.

Dong Changhua's obese body hurried over and grabbed Han Zixuan's hand with great enthusiasm: "Young Master Han, I didn't expect you to be on time."

Come on, let me introduce you.Han Zixuan met Dong Changjie, he was not as fat as his younger brother, with a well-proportioned body and graceful lines.The face is not handsome, but the temperament is cold and even a little deep.

Han Zixuan just said hello lightly and sat down.

Dong Changjie also observed Han Zixuan, and his first impression was that he was too young, a little handsome, a typical dude.Complaining about how my younger brother made friends with such a person, he insisted on pulling himself in.

Dong Changhua smoothed things over, talking about what happened in the casino these days, boasting about Han Zixuan's gambling skills.

Song Changjie suddenly said: "You are a professional hooker."

"Not to mention, it's just entertainment." Han Zixuan smiled and asked, "Brother Dong heard that he is a policeman, so he is usually busy with work."

"Generally, it's just a job." Dong Changjie said lightly.

It's interesting, Han Zixuan had inquired about this person before he came, and knew that this person was not good at women and money, so it was a bit embarrassing, but he must have a weakness.

"Brother Dong, your words are so humorous." Han Zixuan raised his glass, "It's a pleasure to meet you two brothers. I would like to offer you a toast."

Dong Changhua hurriedly said: "Young Master Han, you can't say that, you are a young master, we dare not be your big brother."

Dong Changjie drank the wine in his glass: "Young Master Han, there is no one like you in Beijin."

"Actually, I'm not a young master. Your second brother called me that. To tell you the truth, I come from the countryside, and my family used to farm land."

"Fuck you, stop your fucking nonsense." Dong Changhua gave him a hard push: "Farmers also drive sports cars and flirt with stunning beauties. You are a deep-rooted kid. Let's open the skylight to speak plainly today, brother, what are you doing?" Who is he, what is he doing, what is the purpose of coming to Beijin."

Hey, it seems that this Dong Changhua is not such an idiot.

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