The campus is so cute

5 A Woman's Vengeance

Han Zixuan started living together with beauties. Maybe others would be envious of him living under the same roof with three beauties, but he didn't feel any joy because these three women are really fucked up, even the one who had a good impression of him at first Ye Tianyu also started to keep a distance from him. Seeing him staring wildly, he even waved his fist in a gesture of hitting someone.

Although life is a bit tough, I can see beautiful things every day, so I feel good. The first few days I came here, I was bored, and I went to the city during the day. The South China Sea is a relatively beautiful place, and the cultural scenery is good. .After a few days, I visited all the fun places in this city.

But he was still a little upset in his heart, he had nothing to do with the three beauties in the room, and he was particularly humiliated and signed an unequal treaty. Once his master knew about this, he would definitely be scolded severely.There is no way, who made him feel sorry for the fragrance and cherish the jade.

These days, Shen Hanyu is working normally. Although the school has not started yet, she has held a dance training class. She goes to teach and teach every day, leaves early and returns late, and she is rarely seen.

Lizi He didn't see anyone almost every day, and she probably enjoyed the last madness of summer vacation with her classmates.

Ye Tianyu is a house girl. Han Zixuan knows that she has just finished the college entrance examination and is about to enter Nanhai University, but she is a game fan, obsessed with games all day long, and ignores Han Zixuan at all.Only when I was shopping for lunch at noon did I think of his existence.

When Han Zixuan was bored by himself, he meditated quietly. Since he couldn't cultivate his body, he should cultivate his mind. No one disturbed him, but it provided a good environment.

He Lizi thought that after signing the terms, Han Zixuan would definitely be caught, but the opposite happened. This guy really calmed down. After a few days, he performed very well. She couldn't find any reason to kick out this annoying guy.

In the evening, she had dinner with her good friend Yu Xiaolin. She thought they would go to a place in Sichuan that they usually patronized, but He Lizi went to the bar instead, saying that she wanted to vent her anger.

Yu Xiaolin naturally stayed with her to the end. When she arrived at the bar, Yu Xiaolin asked: "Lizi, I found that something is wrong with you these days. It seems that you are not in a good mood. I went shopping and bought so many things yesterday. Tell me, who messed with you. "

He Lizi waved her hand: "Don't mention it, drink first, and I'll tell you later."

The two women must have often drank together, and their alcohol capacity was not bad. After drinking for a while, He Lizi's face flushed, and the bitterness in her heart needed to be poured out. She grabbed Yu Xiaolin's hand and told what happened recently.

Yu Xiaolin exclaimed: "What, that big Kaizi actually lived in your house."

"What kind of kid? He's a little bastard from the countryside. He's a child of a friend of my grandfather's. He came to the city to see the world, so he stayed with me. It annoyed me to death. Our three sisters tried their best to drive him away. But I haven't caught the other party's handle." She didn't dare to say that Han Zixuan had another layer of identity, if Yu Xiaolin knew that she was engaged to a baby kiss, wouldn't she be ridiculed by her, just her big mouth, she would definitely publicize it at school, At that time, wouldn't I be ashamed of myself.

Yu Xiaolin never forgot about Han Zixuan, thinking of his compliments on her beauty while waiting for the bus, she felt happy, thinking that her boyfriend had never said such thoughtful words.If Han Zixuan lives under the same roof as me, I will definitely be the first to take him down.

"Lizi, what are you going to do? Being depressed every day is not the solution to the problem. Are you really going to drive him away?" Yu Xiaolin's eighth wife asked.

"Of course, I will try to find a way. I don't believe it. He will be able to keep his own place. I can see through this man. He behaved obediently in the first few days, but after a long time, he will vent his feelings." Although He Lizi has never talked about it She is in love, but there are too many boys chasing her, she understands the despicable intentions of men.

Yu Xiaolin said shyly, "Well, Lizi, if you drive Han Zixuan away, where will he live?"

"I don't care where he lives, it's better to sleep on the street." He Lizi said angrily.

"Don't, if he leaves your place, call me immediately and I'll take him in. To be honest, he's quite handsome, much better than my boyfriend." Yu Xiaolin clasped her hands tightly, a little embarrassed.

He Lizi took a sip: "You like men so much, you can't live without men, we are women, please don't be so mean."

This sentence was said by He Lizi after drinking, and she felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said.A woman should know how to love herself, but she felt that Yu Xiaolin didn't think so. When she came to university, she began to change boyfriends. As long as she had a little money, she would stick to her.Because of this, the two often bickered.

But everyone has the right to choose their own life. Although Yu Xiaolin's emotional life is not very regular, she is not bad in life. She and He Lizi have been together since high school, so He Lizi said she didn't care because she didn't want to lose This rich and powerful friend will definitely be useful after he graduates in the future.

But today, He Lizi's humble words hurt Yu Xiaolin deep in her heart.She didn't refute He Lizi, but took a sip from the wine glass on the table.

He Lizi seems to have noticed that she just said something wrong, but she is a proud girl, how can she easily apologize to the other party, besides, she thinks what she said is not wrong, there is indeed something wrong with Yu Xiaolin's attitude towards life.

While Yu Xiaolin was drinking, her heart was full of ups and downs.She doesn't have He Lizi's elegant appearance, let alone her bright mind, and most importantly, she doesn't have a rich father.Therefore, she lives in the shadow of He Lizi every day.But she still likes to be with He Lizi, next to the big tree to enjoy the shade, she has to think about her future life.

Am I mean, maybe, in your eyes, He Lizi, I am such a girl, there is no way, who made us doomed to be unequal from the day we were born, you are a princess, I am not even worthy of a court lady.

At this moment, Yu Xiaolin's cell phone rang, and when she picked it up, she saw that it was a call from her boyfriend Guo Bing. She shook the cell phone at He Lizi and left the wine table.

When they got to the bathroom, Yu Xiaolin answered Guo Bing's phone call, and they asked each other what they were doing.

When Guo Bing heard that she was drinking with He Lizi, he suddenly regained his energy, and suddenly had an idea: "Xiaolin, which bar are you at?"

"What are you doing, let us women drink, don't worry about it." Yu Xiaolin was in a bad mood, so she didn't have a good attitude towards Guo Bing.

Speaking of Guo Bing, the two are from the same college, and they just started at the end of last semester. For what, to put it bluntly, it is money. Guo Bing has a lot of bad money in his family. In front of him, he asked her to be his girlfriend.

At that time, Yu Xiaolin was a little dumbfounded. She admitted that she was not a beautiful woman, but her appearance was not bad, and she could barely attract the attention of some silky men.But she never dared to think about a slightly rich son like Guo Bing.

So, she mercilessly abandoned her once loving ex-boyfriend, fell into Guo Bing's arms, and sacrificed her precious virgin body.Yu Xiaolin once fantasized about giving her beautiful first night to her beloved husband on their wedding night, but that day she understood that the so-called beauty was just a fantasy.

She understood that since someone spent [-] yuan to ask her to be his girlfriend, it would be unreasonable for her to continue to guard herself like a jade.

Guo Bing is obviously a veteran in the field of love. This person is not ugly. Although he is a little short, he can't stand being rich.In addition, he is not bad in bed, coaxing Yu Xiaolin into submission.

After a long time, Yu Xiaolin finally understood Guo Bing's motives.It turned out that he was Liu Likun's buddy, in fact he was just a follower.Liu Likun, a well-known playboy in the School of Economics and Management, has always been infatuated with He Lizi, but has no way to get her.Knowing that He Lizi has a close friend Yu Xiaolin, she arranged for Guo Bing to subdue her and find a breakthrough from her.

Whenever the two were fighting fiercely on the bed, Guo Bing would listen to some of He Lizi's movements and behaviors from Yu Xiaolin's mouth. , but the friendship between women is fragile. At this time, Guo Bing will always make some distant wishes for Yu Xiaolin, Hermes bags, or top French perfumes, so Yu Xiaolin sinks.

Today, Guo Bing heard that He Lizi was drinking, and felt that the opportunity to perform meritorious service had come.At that time, He Lizi drank too much, and Brother Kun would be able to catch him.

Yu Xiaolin naturally understood Guo Bing's intentions, and instinctively responded that she refused: "Guo Bing, please tell your brother Kun that you should be more strategic in chasing girls and picking up girls, and don't always play these dirty tricks."

Guo Bing felt that Xiaolin's attitude today was very bad, she was usually soft-spoken and gentle, and he could do whatever he wanted in bed, maybe she took the wrong medicine today.

"Xiaolin, you sound angry, what's wrong with you, who made you angry, Brother Bing will help you vent your anger." Guo Bing continued to play tricks to coax.

Yu Xiaolin was a little happier, but she still refused: "Okay, I still have to drink with Lizi, hang up."

"Wait, Xiaolin, could it be that you are angry with He Lizi, she has offended you. I know you feel inferior in front of her, but don't worry, brother will take you to the gold store tomorrow and buy you a diamond necklace. You dress up stunningly and refinedly, and then go to the mall, whatever you want to buy, I will give you whatever you want, Xiaolin, in my heart you are much more beautiful than He Lizi.” Guo Bing’s tongue is like a lotus flower, he rarely compliments others, because he thinks Money can change everything, but today he played with his lips a little, otherwise it will rust after a long time.

Guo Bing's words irritated Yu Xiaolin, thinking of He Lizi's attitude when she spoke just now, and that vulgar sentence, the thought of revenge suddenly surged in her heart.

"Bingge, we're at the Big Universe Bar on Hailan Road."

"Honey, you're so good, I'm sure I'll work harder tonight, serving you so well."

"Fuck you." Yu Xiaolin said angrily.

After leaving the bathroom, Yu Xiaolin had already returned to the wine table. Seeing that He Lizi was still drinking, she immediately sat beside her with a smiling face and picked up the glass: "Lizi, let's have a good drink tonight, and we won't go home until we're drunk."

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