The campus is so cute

608 Underground Lover

Han Zixuan and Chu Yueshan approached the car, but both of them remained vigilant.

But obviously their vigilance was superfluous, and the two hadn't waited to get close.The car door has been opened, and a middle-aged foreign man got out. He automatically raised his hands and opened them, obviously understanding the current situation.

This time, Bourdia was alone, without any helpers.To be honest, he didn't even want to participate in this mission because he was not in the mood.

Portia saw Elena standing in front of her, with a sincere smile on her face: "Eileen, it's good to see you."

"I told you, my name is Chu Yueshan, and Elena is dead." Chu Yueshan took out a pistol and aimed it at him.

Baodia was not panicked at all, and smiled when he saw Han Zixuan: "You must be Han Zixuan, I have known your name for a long time, it is a great honor to meet you today."

Han Zixuan saw that he was really generous, and his speech and behavior were calm, unrestrained and calm. If it wasn't because of the serious conflict, he would have admired him very much.

Baodia looked at Chu Yueshan with a wry smile: "Chu Yueshan, it seems that you really betrayed this time and completely defected to him."

Chu Yueshan snorted coldly: "You guys forced me, but I'm very happy. Let me really understand who is good to me, who is around me, and who is my enemy. Baodia, Thank you, thank Moses and the others, but today, I’m afraid you won’t be able to go back.”

Bourdia said calmly: "Since I dare to come, to be honest, I don't want to go back alive. Because my heart is dead, from the moment you were abandoned by them, my heart is dead."

Of course Chu Yueshan and Han Zixuan didn't believe what he said, Han Zixuan smiled: "Bodia, talk to Shanshan, just say what you want, as for the nonsense of apologizing, I don't think it has any value. "

Bourdia nodded frankly: "Although an apology won't do anything, it can't change the ending. But I still have to say, I really didn't know they were going to do this. When I knew, there was really nothing I could do to change it. Elena , I just want to know how you survived."

Chu Yueshan looked at the man beside her affectionately, and then held his hand tightly: "He saved me with his life, and my life was bought by my man with his sincerity."

Your man, Baudia did not expect the relationship between them to progress so rapidly, completely beyond his imagination.But these are not important anymore, he looked at Chu Yueshan and said with concern: "How is your physical condition, Carol is not a simple woman, I am worried that the toxins in your body have not been completely cleaned up."

Han Zixuan interrupted: "You don't need to worry about this. Although your Carol is very good, I also have talents here. I have already developed an antibody against her toxin."

Portia was surprised, but at the same time felt a thrill of excitement.Carol, let you be conceited, I didn't expect you to have today.

"Then I really want to congratulate you, but I still want to remind you, I'm afraid you and the people around you are infected, Carol is an insidious woman, her purpose is to turn your place into a cancer, and I The purpose of coming this time is to bring you back directly, and she wants to study you." Portia said the real purpose of this trip, not for other things, just for Elena, to let her know that he is still on her side. Around.

When Han Zixuan heard this, he was full of interest in this evil woman, and responded: "Bodia, if you can go back today, tell her for me. I am also very interested in her, and I look forward to confronting her one day. "

"Okay, I've finished speaking, Elena, you can shoot now." Portia stood still, motionless, but with a happy smile on his face.

Chu Yueshan held the gun with both hands, and at the moment she was in a state of confusion, looking at Han Zixuan wondering if she should shoot.

Although Han Zixuan was dealing with Baodia for the first time, the sincerity of this man was beyond imagination.But he was too confident, did he really think that Chu Yueshan would not shoot?

Suddenly there was a bang, and gunshots rang out.Bourdia was shot in the calf, and the blood flowed out immediately.Chu Yueshan's gun was still smoking, she breathed slightly and said, "I gave it back to you. When I came to China, you shot me in the arm."

Portia forced a smile: "You have clear grievances and grievances."

Chu Yueshan put away the gun, then turned around, and said, "You go, I will show no mercy if we meet again in the future."

Han Zixuan came to Baodia and asked hypocritically: "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Bourdia gritted her teeth and shook her head: "No, this wound is nothing. Han Zixuan, you have to treat her well. She is a good girl. I am relieved to hand her over to you."

"Fuck, who are you, and you're not her parents, are you talking about this?" Han Zixuan turned around and waved his hands: "Uncle, get out of here quickly, or I will change my mind."

Baodia got into the car in pain, took out the medicine kit from the back of the car, and quickly treated the wound briefly.What is it for him to come to China this time, he cast himself, he smiled wryly, then started the car and left.However, his eyes were still looking at a person, that teenage girl, who was still very young at that time.

When Zheng Rong returned to the capital, he used his relationship to secretly investigate the events of the year, and began to look for the situation of Wang Zhaohui's family members.Of course, Liu Peng must not let Liu Peng know about these actions, otherwise his whole family will be ruined.

Moreover, Han Zixuan only gave him five days, but he treated it as three days and couldn't relax at all.Finally, he found some clues. Wang Zhaohui's wife and children left the capital and returned to his hometown, Baoding, Hebei.

Zheng Rong immediately went to Baoding alone, and when he arrived in Baoding to inquire about the situation, Wang Zhaohui's wife and children did come back, but after a few years, the two disappeared, and they didn't know where they went.

Zheng Rong did not give up, continued to investigate, and finally got something.Wang Zhaohui has a younger brother named Wang Jinhui, who has no talent and has been working as an ordinary laborer here in Baoding.The news of his elder brother's death came suddenly, and then his sister-in-law returned with the child.

The relationship between their brothers is average, because the social status of the two is different, one is a working people, the other is an official in the capital, and Wang Chaohui is very arrogant and has some conflicts with his family.

When Wang Jinhui heard that Wang Zhaohui had died, he was somewhat excited, because of karma.The sister-in-law came back with the child, and he basically didn't care about their mother's life and death, and the sister-in-law's family was rich, so she didn't need to help her.

After the two of them returned here, they kept a low profile and basically never went out of the house.What happened to their family, no one knows.

As for Wang Jinhui, although he hated Wang Zhaohui, he was a brother after all, and he was curious about how the eldest brother died.I went to see their mother and daughter, and asked some questions around corners, but there was no breakthrough.

But it made him even more curious, so he paid attention to every move of his sister-in-law's house.He found that people often came to their house, and at first glance they were strangers from other places. Judging by their clothes, they were also high-ranking officials in the capital just like his elder brother.

One day, Wang Jinhui found a luxury car driving into their town. Of course it attracted attention, and the car drove directly to his sister-in-law's house.

Then a man came out of the car. Wang Jinhui could see clearly that it was Liu Peng, a senior official in the capital. He had seen this man on TV.

The man went directly to his sister-in-law's house and did not come out at night.The next day, his sister-in-law and children got into the car and disappeared.

When Zheng Rong heard this, he couldn't believe his ears. Could it be that Zhao Hui's wife was still alive and secretly became Liu Peng's underground lover.

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