The campus is so cute

62 The best formation in history

He Lizi came to them, her face was full of anger, and she cursed these damned stinky men in her heart, you treat me as your plaything, why should you take me as a bet.

Liu Likun felt guilty when he saw He Lizi, avoided her sharp gaze, kept smiling, and defended himself: "Lizi, he said it all, I didn't say it."

He Lizi glared at Liu Likun fiercely. She was always angry in her heart, but she felt a little better after hearing that he had been in the hospital for more than a month to recuperate.But the anger still lingered.

She came up to Han Zixuan: "Do you know how to play football? Can you win? If not, don't be brave."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "Who knows, anything can happen on the football field, maybe you can win, maybe you can lose."

Let me tell you, you must win. If you win, you can continue to live in my house. If you lose, you pack up and get out. Get as far as you can. This is my bet for you. Listen carefully.

Many students didn't like the two of them living together. Today, hearing He Lizi say this, the scene fell into a heat wave for a while. It turned out that the two of them made rapid progress and lived together. After that, the beauty of the school fell completely.

Liu Likun seemed to be emptied by something, and looked at Han Zixuan with fiery eyes: "Han Zixuan, stop talking nonsense, let's start." Today he will completely reverse the situation and send him to hell.

He Lizi actually took the initiative to ask Han Zixuan to get his clothes. Han Zixuan didn't hesitate and handed her the coat and trousers.She was puzzled, how did she know about the match, but thinking about it, it wasn't a top-secret matter. Aren't there many teachers and students watching the match now?

On the other hand, the Department of Economics and Management, their sportswear is neat and uniform, and they bought the most coquettish Barcelona jersey in today's football. Liu Likun is actually wearing the No. his name.

Grass, I really think of myself as the king of the ball.The people on Han Zixuan's side are like a team of beggars, with basketball uniforms, football uniforms, T-shirts, vests, a mess, like a pot of stew.These people had no confidence in the first place, and all of them showed bitter melon smiles.

Li Xiaoxu's physique can become the main force. He came to Han Zixuan and said that he couldn't kick. He was a hard-working kid since he was a child.He was afraid that if he lost the game because of himself, it would affect Han Zixuan's bright future.

Han Zixuan called the crowd, and they formed a circle. He urged: "Everyone listen carefully, this match is actually just for entertainment, so there's no need to take it to heart. Even if you lose, it doesn't matter."

Shangguan smiled and said: "We hope to lose more, and you will go back to the dormitory when the time comes, so we don't have to envy you."

Come on, develop a strategy.Han Zixuan remembered that he had seen a funny movie before, Chinese football broke out of Asia and entered the World Cup.He performed heroically in the World Cup and finally won the Hercules Cup. He adopted the standard 10, 0, 0 formation, and today he will follow suit.

After finishing speaking, everyone in the museum department was dumbfounded, and then laughed wildly.Everyone gave a thumbs up, probably Liu Likun would never have thought of it.

For the fairness of the competition, the physical education teacher in the school was specially invited as the referee.The teacher's hard work is not in vain. After the competition is over, they will naturally eat a big meal for free.

He Lizi hurriedly took out Han Zixuan's mobile phone and found the video. She didn't watch it, but sent it to her mobile phone via bluetooth. After finishing all this, she looked at the football field expectantly and prayed secretly in her heart. You must win, even for me.

In the game, the management department first controls the ball.After all, the Department of Economics and Management is a large department, and it is more than enough to pick out a dozen good football players.The people in the economics and management department are basically Liu Likun's buddies, and they must avenge their brothers.

They have very good ball control skills and quickly bring the ball into the opponent's penalty area.Liu Likun was very happy, but when he saw ten people from the museum department standing side by side at the door, he was blindfolded, naked, and wearing such clothes.

As for Han Zixuan, he simply sat on the lawn, half-lying there, looking at the blue sky, 90 minutes is enough for him to have a leisurely sleep.

Ten people in the museum stood with each other without a gap at all, with each hand covering their crotch, watching the ball control performance of the Department of Economics and Management stupidly.Liu Likun and his teammates were completely speechless, damn it, cheating, fouling.

They got a physical education teacher to judge.

This was the first time for the physical education teacher to encounter such a situation. The surrounding students immediately understood that Han Zixuan and the others had adopted the shrinking tactics, and they laughed wildly.

The physical education teacher stopped the game and immediately called for Han Zixuan to explain the situation.Han Zixuan said, teacher, you are outdated. We adopted the latest tactical formation and did not foul.The onlookers also booed, saying that the museum department is a copy of Huaxia football, adopting the standard perfect formation, which is allowed by international football.

The physical education teacher was helpless, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say to Liu Likun, "You guys think of a way, and see if you can lure them out."

However, Liu Likun and the others have been busy for a long time, and there is no improvement at all.The people in the economics and management department felt discouraged, kicked their hair out, and simply handed over the ball to the opponent.

The opponent, Shangguan Fei, hastily swung his kick, and the ball returned to the foot of Jingguan Department.The two sides come and go, and they play like nothing else.The onlookers were about to fall asleep watching, and none of them were in the mood to continue watching, and the audience lost a lot.

Although He Lizi doesn't understand football, she has seen a little bit of the game. This is the first time she has seen such a scene, and she is completely speechless.

The physical education teacher felt that there was no need to continue to be a referee. He invited the captains of both sides to discuss and said to the two students that the game was not interesting and there was no need to waste time.15 minutes each for the first and second half.

Han Zixuan nodded in agreement, and what could Liu Likun do if he disagreed? After agreeing, he stared at Han Zixuan and said provocatively: "You bastard, if you have the ability, let's fight with real swords and guns, why bother to shrink back. Even if the match is flat Well, you actually lost too."

"Not necessarily, until the last moment, the outcome is unpredictable."

Unknowingly, 10 minutes into the 29-minute match, with 1 minute left, the Department of Economics and Management had long since lost interest in fighting, sitting in groups of three or four, chatting together, scolding Han Zixuan for being nothing, this person is too despicable .

Suddenly, Han Zixuan asked Shangguan Fei to pass the ball to him. After that, Han Zixuan couldn't say anything, and he kicked the ball straight from the backcourt. The ball drew a perfect arc and went straight to the goal.Seeing the ball coming, the opponent's goalkeeper hurriedly got up from the ground, stumbled and ran towards the goal, but he was still a step late and the ball was scored.

Wow, it's not easy, and finally there is a goal.The museum students were celebrating wildly.Liu Likun was dumbfounded, and immediately ordered a counterattack, but most people in the economics and management department even took off their shoes and socks. In a hurry, they were about to go on the field when they whistled. The game was over, and the museum department won the game. The last kick showed a world-class level.

A smile appeared on the corner of He Lizi's mouth, this person is really bad.

Han Zixuan and the others celebrated wildly, no matter what, winning is the last word.

Liu Likun and the others were very annoyed, and they didn't shake hands with the opposing players in a friendly manner after the game.The physical education teacher looked at Han Zixuan: "Student, I've been busy for a long time, please treat me to dinner tonight."

"Eat, teacher, you are too shameless. What are you busy with? You blew the whistle twice during the whole game, which is also called busy."

The physical education teacher was speechless and left in despair.

Han Zixuan took the clothes that He Lizi handed over, and said meanly: "I'm doing pretty well, you won't drive me away."

"It's not bad, barely passed." He Lizi handed him the clothes, turned around and left, leaving everyone with a charming figure.

In the evening, He Lizi returned to her room, hurriedly turned on her mobile phone, clicked on the video, and suddenly the situation in the bar that day unfolded before her eyes.Liu Likun led a group of people in and deliberately arranged for them to act as villains.Then he appeared, and at the same time she heard what Yu Xiaolin said.

But these are not important, what is important is the back.Han Zixuan's wonderful performance, seeing this, she had a smile on her face, and she was very happy in her heart.Suddenly she heard that sentence, she is my woman.

When she saw this, He Lizi's inexplicable face turned rosy, and she hurriedly turned the video back and watched it carefully again.I am his woman, so I can lie. Then she continued to look back and saw Han Zixuan touching her butt on purpose. Her body suddenly tensed up. Suddenly she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror carefully. Tall, with a delicate and charming face, plump buttocks, the only regret is that the breasts are not plump enough, but it is not as bad as Han Zixuan said, Wangzai Xiaomantou.

After watching this video, He Lizi felt mixed feelings of joy and sorrow. The joy was Han Zixuan's words, I am his woman, and she was even more worried about her breasts.Then she went to Ye Tianyu's room.

Ye Tianyu was playing a game, when he saw He Lizi coming in, he hurriedly closed the game: "Sister Lizi, I'll just play for a while, just started."

After school, He Lizi warned her to play less games in the future, and if she found out, she would be punished. Unexpectedly, He Lizi didn't punish her today, and they took her hand and came to the bed.

Ye Tianyu looked at her nervously, not knowing why.Suddenly her chest was attacked, and He Lizi felt amazing elasticity when she touched it. She said enviously, "Tianyu, why are you developing so well? Don't you tell me if you have a breast enlargement secret."

It turned out that Ye Tianyu was quite proud when discussing breast enhancement with me: "Hehe, they are called natural beauty. Sister, don't you use those products to help?"

"It doesn't work, is there anything you can do?" He Lizi held her hand and begged, "My dear sister, tell me quickly."

Ye Tianyu thought of Han Zixuan, and immediately said yes, look for brother Zixuan.He Lizi was immediately discouraged when she heard this, and she already understood the truth that letting a man touch her would make her bigger, but she was not so shameless when she licked her face and let him touch her.

"Brother Zixuan knows acupuncture. Acupuncture can enhance breasts. It's written on Baidu. Why don't you go to him and ask him to give you a few needles to make sure it will work." Ye Tianyu recalled that time when he was beaten by He Lizi, thanks to brother Zixuan .

That's right, she became excited, patted her face and said mysteriously: "I tell you, only you and I know about this matter, and it cannot be spread."

I understand, I know how to measure.He Lizi warned her that if this matter is known to a third person, it must be you who leaked the secret, and I will not let you look good.

He Lizi returned to her room, picked up the earphones habitually to eavesdrop, and listened for several days, but did not hear the happy voice of men and women.She was a little puzzled, could it be that Han Zixuan was really a fake mother if he didn't raise it.

Suddenly I heard Bi Yunxi's voice: "Zixuan, the photo studio is calling, the wedding photos are all taken, let's get them tomorrow."

"Okay, there is no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go together."

What, they secretly photographed the wedding dress, He Lizi put down her earphones, and collapsed slumped.

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