Han Zixuan returned home, pushed away Guo Linghua's room, and saw his sister-in-law Guo Lingsu was also there.He immediately came out with his head shrunk, and said, "Sorry for the interruption."

Guo Linghua immediately came out and stared at him wonderingly: "What's the matter, don't come in."

"You sisters are chatting, so I won't bother you. I went back to my room to rest and had some wine at noon." Han Zixuan didn't want to get along with Susu, so as not to show his flaws.

Guo Linghua didn't think much about it, let him go back to the room to have a good rest, and whispered in his ear: "Hubby, you are indeed tired, take a good sleep in the afternoon, and I will come to see you again in the evening."

Han Zixuan nodded with a bitter face: "Okay."

Guo Lingsu said in a strange way: "Brother-in-law is really polite, when did you become so polite?"

"Hey, you don't know him. He is actually a very nice person. He is sincere and kind. He knows that our sisters have a lot of private things to say, so he doesn't bother us." Guo Linghua's face was full of tenderness, but in Susu's eyes Apparently, it's disgusting.

At this time, Guo Linghua received a call from Wang Yunzhu, asking her to accompany her to the streets of Suzhou and Hangzhou, planning to buy something, which Zixuan would bring back to Nanhai.Of course Guo Linghua would not refuse, so she packed up her clothes and asked Susu if she would go with her. After all, you know Suhang better than I do, so I'm afraid I won't treat my mother-in-law well.

After hearing this, Susu immediately refused: "I won't go. I'm not her daughter-in-law. It's so embarrassing to go. Sister, I believe in you. You can do such a small thing very well." She said so , there is a faint joy in my heart, my chance has come again.

Guo Linghua didn't force her, but before she left, she asked Susu to keep an eye on him, don't let the eldest brother and the second brother disturb Zixuan, let him rest well.

But Susu sounds like there is a hidden mystery in this sentence, she means to let her not disturb her brother-in-law, could it be that the elder sister knows what happened last night, thinking of this, she feels cold sweat.

Guo Linghua left home to go out, but Susu stayed in her room as if on pins and needles, lying on the bed tossing and turning, no, she had to ask herself to understand.

Guo Lingsu came to the guest room where Han Zixuan was staying temporarily, and knocked on the door.

Of course Han Zixuan wouldn't sleep, he was thinking about the two or two guns he encountered during the day, wondering whether he should go at night, and whether he should be prepared for it.When the door opened, I thought it was Linghua, but I didn't expect it to be my sister-in-law.

He hurriedly asked, "Where's your sister?"

"I was called by your mother. It seems that my sister went shopping with me. Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are really in harmony. Did you handle it well as a son?" Su Su said, one foot had already stepped Come in.

Han Zixuan immediately blocked the door: "That's not very convenient."

"If it's inconvenient, I'll just come in and take a look." Without further ado, Guo Lingsu pushed Han Zixuan away, and then locked the door.

Han Zixuan stared at Susu and said, "Susu, don't act foolishly, or I'll call someone."

"You, I hate you to death." Guo Lingsu pounced on Han Zixuan like a tiger, pinned Han Zixuan on the bed, and beat his chest with crazy little fists.

Han Zixuan let her beat him, but it didn't hurt anyway, because he was right after all.

After Guo Lingsu had finished venting, she finally leaned against the man's warm chest. It's so warm here, but he doesn't belong to her.Obviously, he doesn't like me.

Han Zixuan moved his body and said, "Susu, let me tell you what to do if someone comes, it will not affect you well."

Guo Lingsu raised her clear eyes and asked, "Brother Zixuan, is it true that I can't get into your eyes?"

"No, you saw it yesterday, and I knew your sister would definitely come to check the house, so I didn't make a mistake with you. Don't get me wrong, it's not that my brother doesn't like you." Han Zixuan began to run the train with his mouth full.

After Guo Lingsu heard this, she immediately looked at him with delighted eyes, "Really, you didn't lie to me."

"Of course, how could I lie to you." Han Zixuan stretched out his hand to lift a strand of hair on her forehead, his movements were gentle and lingering, Susu's face was flushed with embarrassment, and her eyes were dodgy.

"But my brother did lie yesterday, and my abilities are pretty good."

"I know, don't forget that I am very real. The key is that my noble sister, I didn't expect to look like a different person in bed. Brother-in-law, you must have fucked me." Susu Xiao Guida said .

Han Zixuan shamelessly said: "Of course, brother-in-law, I don't have any other skills. I'm still very good at seducing women. Do you want brother-in-law to seduce you too?" Passive will be determined by Su Su.

Sure enough, his trick had an effect, Su Su immediately got up from him, and replied shyly: "I won't do it, she is a pure girl, so I don't want to be a bad woman like my sister."

Han Zixuan hehe said: "Speaking of which, I am the best at dealing with innocent women, Susu, let me save you, and make you a charming baby in the eyes of men."

So, he acted like a hungry wolf rushing at a sheep. In fact, he originally planned to scare her, but he didn't expect that this girl's shy body seemed to be petrified, and she was trapped by him without moving.

It's over, when Han Zixuan's hand touched Susu's body, he was a little stiff, if he didn't make a move, he would have slapped his own mouth, he really wanted to scold himself for being damned, he got angry.

Susu was shy and unbearable, like a soft little sheep, she was waiting for Han Zixuan's further action with tender thoughts in her eyes.In fact, she also thought about it, she is only good with her brother-in-law in this life, he can do whatever he wants, and besides, she has already given it to him, and it doesn't matter whether she is like the old sister or not.

"Susu, why don't you run away?" Han Zixuan asked puzzled.

"Is it useful to run? I can't run out of your palm." Su Su lowered her head and said vaguely.

Han Zixuan began to grope around her clothes with both hands: "If you don't run, I will really do it and eat you up."

Eat, eat, people are waiting for you, Susu said in her heart.

Well, Han Zixuan will do it ruthlessly. He crazily pulled Susu into his embrace, and then kissed her red lips domineeringly. He originally thought that such an evil self would scare away the woman in his embrace, but unexpectedly, Susu didn't dodge at all, but her body trembled slightly, obviously she was also a little scared.

"Are you scared?" Han Zixuan said in a low voice, at the same time he stretched out his hand to untie her clothes, then violently tore them apart, and a pair of soft jade rabbits popped out.His big rough hands kneaded wantonly, with a little pleasure of punishment.

Susu's body trembled slightly, and the man's tongue in her mouth was aggressively asking for it. The man's bad hand was asking for it on her body. Although it hurt a little, and it was not what she imagined, but as long as the man opposite was her brother-in-law, she would feel happy.

"Brother-in-law, it hurts a little, can you take it easy." Susu begged.

"It hurts, you asked for it." Han Zixuan breathed heavily, and then began to take off the long skirt on her lower body, and took off her panties in the same violent way.

"Go, kneel on the bed." Han Zixuan ordered.

Susu's eyes were blurred, and she pouted: "Brother-in-law, you are such a beast, but I like it very much."

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